• Published 22nd Mar 2018
  • 927 Views, 4 Comments

Forgotten Secrets - Silver Inkwell

A dark secret from the past uncovered, lies and deceptions involving royalty and Princess Celestia and Luna, a secret so old and dark that there might not be any forgiveness to be had and friendships that might fall apart forever...

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The Awakening

Chapter Two: The Awakening

Celestia awoke in her bedroom with a loud gasp, she just had a terrible dream and vision of the future and what could/would happen, she was extremely nervous and worried now, she would need all the help that she could get, but she couldn’t directly tell Twilight or the others this, could she? It would shock them to their very core and make them question their faith, trust and belief in all royalty and nobles, but perhaps that was an acceptable price to pay.

“Sister, are you okay? Are you alright? I sensed a disturbance with you,” Luna said bursting through the doors of Celestia’s room.

“Yes, I am fine, I am alright, but I fear for the worst in our future, she’s back Luna, I don’t know how or why, but she’s back, our sister, we need to stop her, we have to for the good of Equestria, we need a plan, and fast too.”

“I know Celestia, I know, but we can’t rush into this, she’s been trapped for years just waiting and plotting her revenge, there’s no telling what she’ll do,”

“Indeed, but we do have to do something, we have to warn Twilight about a great danger and threat coming her way, we need not go into the specifics within the letter itself, we can be general and vague to her, it won’t be the full truth, but at least it will be something, and something is always better than nothing, right?”

“I would think so for the most part, but sister, shouldn’t we do more than just that? We have to warn everypony about this, maybe not all of it at once, but perhaps gradually instead, we’ll just have to wait and see, we can't mess this up, we must get ready fast and we have to stop her once and for all,” Luna said.

“True, we will do what we can and what we must within due time, but for now the letters will suffice, come, we will have a lot to do, say, and explain,”

Luna nodded as they quickly went off to the library writing their letters and sending them off to their own respective ways hoping that the replies that they got back would also come as quickly as the letters that they had just sent off.

Meanwhile in Ponyville Twilight Sparkle was sleeping quite peacefully until Spike burped up the letter waking him up, “Ugh,” he said rubbing his eyes slowly, “Uh, Twilight, not to disturb you or anything, but you got a letter from princess Celestia and Luna,” he said going up to Twilight’s bed and shaking her awake.

Twilight quickly got up from her sleep yawning loudly as she too rubbed her eyes, “Ugh, what time is it anyways?” she asked.

“Uh, just after 3 in the morning and before 4 Twilight,” Spike said.

“Oh, alright, hand me the letter please and I’ll read it,” she said.

Spike did so and as Twilight read the letter she quickly became nervous and worried, Celestia and Luna were being very vague and general about the threat and danger that she could face, all that she understood was that there was some kind of old ancient villain that everypony forgot that now wanted revenge.

“Don’t tell me, it’s an old ancient great evil villain from a thousand plus years ago that’s coming back and wants revenge on us, right?” Spike asked.

“How did you know that Spike?” Twilight asked him.

“Isn’t is ALWAYS that old trope and cliché? Seriously this is just like another Tuesday for us, monsters, old ancient villains, it’s always the same.”

“Yeah, he’s right you know!” Pinkie Pie said popping out of a flower pot.

“Pinkie! How did you get here? Why aren’t you asleep in bed right now?” Twilight asked as Spike yawned and got back into his bed closing his eyes again.

“I have a super-secret tunnel system connecting every single house in Ponyville including your castle! Well, I guess the tunnel system isn’t so super-secret anymore! Don’t ask about it, it’s a very long story, anyhow I also have these cool radio things that pick up anything interesting sounding that sends out an alert to me if anything interesting happens, anyhow talk to you in the morning, forget that I was ever here please! Anyhow, goodnight and goodbye!” she said.

Pinkie Pie disappeared as suddenly as she had randomly appeared leaving Twilight quite confused as to what was going on here, shaking her head she decided that it was worthless and pointless to question any of Pinkie’s antics or logic. She decided to get what sleep that she could and talk to her friends in the morning, a few hours later she woke up to the warm gentle soft light of the sun yawning once more as she got up rubbing her eyes and stretching her body too.

“Alright Spike, time to get up again, let’s go meet all of our friends and tell them what’s going on here,” Twilight said using her magic to shake Spike awake.

Twilight quickly went around town getting all of her friends together, or at least making them agree to meet later on if and when they were free to talk to her.

Later on, in the afternoon, right after lunch, they all got together and sat down in the map room, “Alright everypony, we’re all here and I have some bad news,”

“Is all the sugar gone from donuts? Is all the cheese gone from the cheese fountain? Is a cake monster invading Ponyville and we have to get rid of all the pies in order to make it happy so it’ll stop rampaging through town?”

“No Pinkie, there is a great danger coming for all us, the only problem is that I don’t know what or rather who it is or could be, just that it’s old and ancient and wants revenge and that nopony remembers what or rather who it is or was,”

“Oh! Sounds interesting! I hope it’s some kind of dessert monster!”

“I highly doubt it Pinkie, but whatever it is I’ll need all of you to help me out and get ready to face it, if we don’t get ready who knows what will happen,”

“Alright darling, but how are we supposed to get ready for this strange old ancient mysterious evil being if we don’t even know what or who it is or was?”

“Good question Rarity, I’m glad that you asked, just be on the lookout for anything strange, weird, odd, and/or suspicious, new ponies and strangers especially included within that group too, if you do see anything report it to me at once, well, unless it’s trying to destroy something or hurt somepony else,”

“Good plan Twilight, we’ll be on the lookout for what you want us to do,”

“Yeah! And if evil does show up at all, we’ll just kick its butt like we always do, together I don’t think there’s a force in the world that can stop us!”

“Thanks for your votes of confidence Applejack and Rainbow Dash, I’m not so sure though, we have no idea what we’re facing so I have no idea how extreme we might have to go in order to defeat it, but I’m sure that no matter what the elements of harmony and our friendship can beat it,” Twilight said.

“Yeah, we totally got this, and once we beat the great ancient old evil we’ll celebrate with a big huge party with delicious sweets!” Pinkie said.

“Well I only wish that it could be that easy Pinkie Pie, but it won’t be, not at all, I’ll need all of you training to be your very best just in case anything happens,”

“Don’t worry Twilight, we’ll be on our guard,” Applejack said.

“Yeah, me an AJ can totally kick the great evil in its face!”

“Again, I wish that it could be that simple, but once again I have to emphasize that this won’t be easy at all, but I thank you girls for all the support.”

“Of course, Twilight, we’ll always be there for you no matter what happens,”

“Thanks Rainbow Dash, now then girls, if you don’t mind I have other business to take care of and I’ll need some time alone,” Twilight said.

“Take all the time that you need and want Twilight, we understand,” AJ said.

“Alright then, see you later then, until next time, good luck girls,”

After Twilight said this the girls all went out on their own separate ways, well, all except for Starlight Glimmer who now had a permanent home at the castle.

“Nice speech Twilight, but do you really need the time to yourself?”

“Yes and no, I want to go look for any clues about our enemy by myself although you’re more than welcome to tag along and come with me if you wish to,”

“Any ideas where the evil might be hiding?” Starlight asked.

“I have a few, but nothing solid yet, you coming with me?”

“Yes, of course I am, do you even really have to ask me that?” Starlight asked.

“No, but I just wanted to make sure,” Twilight said.

And with that said they both smiled and grab their bags tossing random various items in it as they went off around the town looking for any hints and clues of what they wanted to see and find, but they could find nothing at all, no signs of anything out of the ordinary, no missing or dead animals, pets, or ponies, no burned books in libraries, no missing or stolen books either, not even a passing rumor of anything bad happening in the Everfree or anywhere else either, it seemed that their search just lead them to dead end after dead end.

“Well, at least nopony can say that you didn’t try anything at all,” Starlight said panting a little bit after their extensive and exhaustive day of failed research.

“Right, yeah, I know, I just wish that we could have found something, anything at all, but I guess it might be too early to start looking, who knows,”

“Right, who knows, don’t worry though, something will pop up, sooner or later,”

“Yeah, sooner or later, thanks Starlight,” Twilight said turning off all the lights, locking the doors, brushing her teeth, and then closing her eyes as she fell asleep as her dreams and darkness quickly overtook her mind with wild imagination.

Comments ( 2 )

Proper source for cover image, if anyone is wondering: http://liliumena.deviantart.com/art/luna-celestia-fusion-614697286

Thanks for saying so, good way of finding it.

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