• Published 25th Jul 2012
  • 4,294 Views, 56 Comments

Elements of the heart - Saro0fdemonz

Heartless threaten Equestria and the Elements alone can't defeat them. Enter Sora, stage left.

  • ...

Friends and Enemies

Twilight and Luna quietly followed after Spike and Rarity. There seemed to be a light shining in Rarity's eyes, as if she knew something nopony else did. Before Twilight could ask they had arrived. A massive line stretched from Sugarcube corner into town. Pinkie jumped in front of them with a smile.

"Oh there you are! Your about to miss everything!" Pinkie quickly pushed them through the crowd to their tables, bouncing away to get everypony else tended to.

"How does she..." Luna started, looking around as she heard the others laugh.

"She's Pinkie Pie. It only hurts trying to understand her." Twilight smiled, seeing Sora walking into the party, having a seat at a table close to the stage not too far from them. At another table sat Applebloom and Pip. To Twilights surprise Pip gave Applebloom a small peck on the cheek.

"It would appear their plan is working." Luna said quietly, the lights dimming. Pinkie appeared on stage with a huge grin

"HEY EVERYPONY! ARE.YOU.READY.TO PARTAY!" The crowd roared and screamed, forcing Twilight to cover her ears with her hooves. A light flickered on onstage revealing Vinyl AKA DJ-PON3 with her turntables set up. Another light and Octavia could be seen with her usual Ensemble with her. Another light flashed on at center stage, revealing Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.

Scootaloo turned her head, smiling out to the crowd. She wore a long elegant red dress, cut to reveal her hind leg as well as to allow her free movement as she walked to the front of the stage. Sweetie Belle wore a matching dress of sparkling white, upon closer examination everypony realized the sparkling was from hundreds of tiny sapphires sewn into the dresses. Only one pony put so much work into her dresses.

"How's everypony doin tonight?!" Scootaloo called out to the crowd, roars and cheers lighting up the crowd. She smiled turning to Sweetie Belle.

"We have a special treat for you all tonight fillies and gentlecolts. We want to dedicate some songs to some very special someponies in the audience tonight. I want to start with my favorite special someponies. My Older Sister Rarity and Spike!" a spotlight appeared at Rarity's table.

Everypony gasped, finding the Unicorn sitting alone at her table. Murmurs built up in the crowd and Rarity lowered her head. Another spotlight came to life, revealing the dragon onstage, wearing a long black tux and a grin. He held a microphone in one of his claws.

"Start me off girls." he said into the microphone with a smile. Music started to play and Spike smiled out into the crowd, his eyes connecting with Rarity's. He took a slow breath and began to sing, everypony hanging onto the words that slipped so smoothly between his lips.

Rarity felt tears in her eyes as Spike poured his heart and soul into each and every word, never pulling his eyes from her. Slowly he made his way off stage, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo picking up the song where he left it. He made his way toward her, the spotlight following him. Slowly Spike lowered himself to one knee, pulling a box from his tux. Rarity's eyes went wide as he opened the box.

"Rarity...would you make me the happiest Dragon in Equestria...by doing me the honor of marrying me?" Tears of joy streamed down her cheeks as she flung herself at the Dragon, throwing her hooves around his neck.

"YES! YES! YES! YES! A THOUSAND TIMES YES!" he wrapped his arms around her, the song coming to a slow close. The spotlight remaining on Spike and Rarity as they kissed. Slowly they pulled away from one another, Rarity lifting her hoof for Spike. He pulled a golden band from the box, three amethysts matching Rarity's cutie mark sat in the center. Rarity could only stare at the band as Spike slipped it onto her hoof.

"Spike...this must have cost you a fortune..." She said through her tears.

"It was worth every last bit." Again the two embraced, ponies clamoring and asking to see the band, Rarity more than happy to show it off. Twilight smiled at the display. The spotlight faded from Spike and went back to the stage where Sweetie Belle stood alone.

"This one goes out to everypony with a special pony out there tonight. But in my eyes, it goes out to one pony in particular. That special pony who is my everything, my heart and soul. Scootaloo, this is for you." The music began slowly behind her

Everypony in the audience watched in awe as the pony onstage threw herself into the song, clinging to their special somepony. Rarity sighed happily in Spikes arms; Applejack and Rainbow rested their heads against one another; Even Fluttershy forgot herself and leaned against Big Macintosh. Twilight jumped in surprise as Luna's wing wrapped around her. She blushed and rested her head against the Alicorn with a sigh.

"Look Twilight." Luna whispered, pointing a hoof toward a table. Twilight blinked, watching as Applebloom placed a kiss on Pip's cheek, the spotted colt returning the motion with a smile. The two embraced, Pip running his hoof through Applebloom's mane.

Sweetie Belle finished her song and gasped as Scootaloo pulled her into a kiss onstage, the crowd whooping and cheering. The lights flashed off, leaving everypony in darkness. When the lights came back on a nervous Braeburn stood onstage. Pinkie gasped

"Braesy is gonna sing?! GO BRAESY!" Pinkie called out, the stallion gulped, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle starting the song behind him. Braeburn tipped his hat and began to sing, his fear ebbing away as he fell into the song, a spotlight shining on Pinkie pie

"And allll Ah'll ever neeeeed! iiiiiiiiis you!" he sang out, panting and smiling. Pinkie giggled and blushed, rushing up onstage and tackling the work pony to the ground. Laughter filled the crowd as the two untangled themselves from one another, blushing and stammering.

"KISS HER!" a stallion called from the crowd. He blushed bright red and Pinkie giggled, kissing his lips softly.

"Next is a song requested by the most awesome pegasus in Ponyville. Its dedicated to her special somepony in the audience tonight. Come on up Rainbow Dash!" Rainbow grinned as the spotlight landed on her, walking onstage and accepting a microphone.

"Hey everypony, you all probably know me already. But tonight isn't about me. It's about that special somepony we all care about. Applejack...this is for you." Applejack blushed as she listened to Rainbow sing, the pegasus smiling at her. She sang with all her heart, smiling as she sang a rather mature portion of the song.

Rainbow winked at Applejack, making the mare blush harder. Rainbow laughed and nodded to the band, the song ending.

"I think I've made my point." Rainbow said with a small giggle, making her way back to her seat. Rainbow blushed as Applejack pulled her into a powerful kiss.

"That's all we've got for you everypony, tonight's music will be left to the musical talents of Octavia von clef and her associates." Sweetie belle announced.

"And the awesome DJ-PON3 after that. Its gonna be an awesome party, it is a Pinkie party after all. Enjoy everypony!" the two left the stage with smiles.

"See? the dress wasn't so bad. It really brings out your eyes." Scootaloo blushed and grumbled, slow music playing from Octavia as Vinyl checked to make sure she was ready for her timeslot.


Trixie grinned as she neared Ponyville, a lot faster than she had thought she would. Quietly she landed at the edge of town, making her way to the nearest home of her enemies. Fluttershy. She slammed her forehooves into the door and leapt inside.

"COWER IN FEAR AT THE MIGHTY TRIXIE!" She yelled, blinking as she found the cottage empty. Trixie tore apart the cottage in search of the shy yellow pegasus but she was nowhere to be seen. The angry mare made her way out of the destroyed cottage and noticed bright lights coming from Sugarcube corner in the distance.

She grinned and took flight, watching as everypony in Ponyville enjoyed themselves behind the Sweet shop. Her horn glowed dimly and storm clouds began to gather, lightning slamming into the ground around the party. Trixie let her magic build in her throat, her voice echoing throughout all of Ponyville


Twilight spun to face the voice, her eyes wide when she spotted the mentioned unicorn flying above them. Her eyes had turned a bright blood red and on her back rested two massive black wings.

"T...TRIXIE?! But how?!" Twilight couldn't figure it out. Even if there were a spell for such a thing as what she was seeing, Trixie would never be able to pull off such a spell. Twilight began to panic as Trixie turned her attention to her, her eyes beginning to glow white and fire swirling around her.

"TWILIGHT SPARKLE! YOU SHALL BE THE FIRST TO TASTE MY FURY!" The flames gathered into one massive ball, flying directly towards the shocked unicorn.

"NOW DIE!" Twilight closed her eyes, certain she was going to die. She could feel the heat of the fireball in front of her, yet she wasn't burning. She opened her eyes and gasped, seeing Nyx and Luna in front of her, holding back the fireball with their magic.


"WE CAN HANDLE THIS MOM! NOW GO!" Nyx roared and sliced through the fireball with a blade of pure magic.

"YOU LITTLE FOALS! YOU DARE STAND IN THE WAY OF TRIXIES REVENGE! THEN YOU SHALL DIE AS WELL!" She spread her wings wide, heartless rising from the ground and diving down from the clouds.

"Oh no you don't!" Sora yelled out, throwing his Keyblade into the clouds. Donald's eyes began to glow, the clouds swirling around the Keyblade and vanishing. The Unicorn stumbled and the glow faded from his eyes, Goofy helping him stay upright.

"Come on Donald, we gotta help em!" Twilight glanced around trying to think.

"What are you waiting for!?" Nyx called out, Twilight bit her lip and nodded.

"Be careful!" Twilight yelled as she turned and ran, her friends catching up with her.

"We need to get the Elements. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, we're gonna need your strength and speed to keep them off of us. Pinkie Pie, distractions, lots of them. Rarity..." Twilight spun.

"Where's Rarity?!" she looked around, seeing that another pony was missing.

"Where's Fluttershy?!"


Spike roared, standing on all fours as smoke drifted from his nostrils. These creatures had come close to taking Rarity away from him once, they had even wounded his closest friend. He wouldn't let them cause anymore harm to anypony else.

"Rarity, get on my back and hold on tight." The Unicorn did so without hesitation, clinging to the dragon as he charged through the wall of heartless before him. Rarity buried her face in his scales, fighting the urge to scream at the top of her lungs. Rarity opened her eyes and gasped as she saw Fluttershy fall to the ground.

"SPIKE! We have to help Fluttershy!" he spun, looking around until he saw the pegasus, quickly rushing to her side and ducking as Big Macintosh swung a hoof at him.

"Oh Spike, sorry 'bout that."

"It's alright Mac, just try to remember I'm on your team." The stallion nodded and bucked away a heartless that was reaching for Fluttershy.

"Mac, grab her and we'll get out of here. I'll cover you." Macintosh nodded and lifted the yellow pegasus onto his back, Spike keeping his word and knocking away the heartless that reached for the pair.

"Rarity, can you heal her?" Spike asked, burning a few heartless to piles of ash with his fire breath.

"I can try Dear" she said, focusing on Fluttershy.

Rainbow whistled to the others as she spotted Spike and Big Macintosh plowing through the crowd of heartless, Sora's Keyblade flying past them soon followed by the Alicorn himself.

"EVERYPONY HOLD ONTO SOMETHING!" She called out, flying around in a circle faster and faster. Her wings and body started to ache but still she pushed on, feeling a tunnel flowing around her as she continued to pick up speed. The air tugged at her body, threatening to crush her.

"just...a little...more...." she flapped her wings harder and harder, a massive tornado forming from her efforts and sucking in the heartless. Twilight quickly threw a barrier around herself and her friends as Macintosh and Spike reached them.

"Almost...." Rainbow struggled to hold on.

"COME ON SUGARCUBE! YOU CAN DO IT!" Applejack called through the carnage. Rainbow felt her pain vanish at the sound of the mares' voice. She grinned and flew faster and faster, the tornado growing and pulling in the heartless. Sora and his friends rushed to safety, the tornado tugging on them as well. Rainbow whooped as the wind tugged on her mane, pushing through the tunnel that was forming around her. In a massive flash of colors the tornado exploded in Rainbows Sonic Rainboom, the heartless hitting the ground and vanishing. Rainbow panted and laughed.

"HA! And don't bring your ugly faces around here again!"

"Rainbow!" Applejack called out to her. Rainbow nodded and flew after them, together they left Sugarcube Corner and headed for Canterlot, heartless chasing after them.


Nyx flung the magical blade at Trixie, only to have it slammed away by one of her massive wings.

"YOU CANNOT HOPE TO HURT THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE WITH SUCH CHEAP TRICKS!" Trixie's eyes began to glow and Nyx screamed as her wings caught fire. She focused her magic, putting out the flames. She didn't have time to check if her wings had survived the attack as flames began to rain down from the transformed unicorn above her. The Alicorn was forced to zip around the remains of the party to avoid the flames.

Nyx caught sight of Luna rushing into the air to charge at the Unicorn and called out to her magic, slamming a bolt of lightning into Trixie to distract her.

It was enough for Luna to slam into her side and into the ground. Luna raised her forehooves, prepared to deal the final blow and was flung back by one of Trixie's wings. Luna slammed into the stage and passed out, living Nyx alone to face down Trixie. Trixie began to giggle, which soon turned into maniacal laughter.

"With this power Trixie can even bring down the great Princess of the night." Nyx flapped her wings experimentally, finding that she could still use them. She flared them up and charged forward, Trixie grinning at her. She flapped her wings once, sending a gust of wind toward her that cut through everything it touched. The ground, the tables, everything was cut down by the wind rushing toward her. Nyx tried to stop herself and turn, only skidding closer to the deadly wind. She closed her eyes, knowing she couldn't protect herself and felt tears stain her cheeks.

"Goodbye mom..." she said quietly. The wind blew past her and she blinked, staring at a tall cloaked figure in front of her. It stood on its hind legs with its body hidden in the black coat it wore.

"Are you alright?" the figure asked her quietly. She nodded just staring at it. Had it deflected the wind? Nyx looked around, seeing that the wind cut around them and turned back to him.

"Who...who are you?" she asked.

"I'm a friend." he held out his arm and Nyx stared with wide eyes. He didn't have any hair on his body and instead of a hoof at the end of his arm he had something Nyx had never seen before. They were like claws but at the same time they weren't. They were stubby things, not at all sharp like a dragons claws. In his 'claw' he held a strange blade that made Nyx gasp

"That's a Keyblade!" He nodded, keeping his eyes on Trixie.

"Listen, you need to get out of here and get to Sora. I'll take care of this heartless."

"She's not a heartless."

"She is now. Look." he pointed one of his 'claws' at Trixie. The mare stood and screamed, the heartless crest forming over her chest and her eyes began to change. They faded from their natural color and shape, turning into the eyes of Nightmare Moon. The Unicorn panted heavily, smoke drifting off her coat and giggled, her voice echoing.

"So much power...the darkness, it's so wonderful. I don't want it to go away...I want it to stay with me...forever."

"She's turning into nightmare moon..."


Twilight panted as she ran. She had never run so hard in her life. She swore to herself if she made it through this that she was going to start focusing on her physical fitness just as much as her mental. Twilight screamed as a heartless leapt for her, a pegasi slamming into it and smashing it into a building. It was Scootaloo.

"Keep going! we got this!" She called out, Sweetie Belle throwing a barrier around Scootaloo as heartless leapt for her. The barrier dropped and Scootaloo spun, slamming her hind hooves into the heartless as it tried to recover from hitting the barrier. Twilight tried to argue and was snatched up by Applejack.

"No time t' argue sugarcube, we gotta move!"
More heartless ran after them, Sora running past them. he skid to a stop and his friends yelled at him to keep going.

"Go on Sora! they need you more than we do!" He nodded and kept going, leaving Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle to face the swarm.

"Looks like it's just us..."

"Ah wouldn't say that." Applebloom stepped between them with a grin, Pip at her side.

"I might not be a crusader like you three. But if it means helping Applebloom then I'm going to fight as well." The four stared down the heartless as they crashed down upon them.


Trixie rushed forward, her horn glowing as she used her power to summon heartless. The figure snapped his 'claws' and the heartless vanished. Trixie glared at him, still rushing toward him.

"You dare to banish MY heartless!?" again she called them and again he dismissed them. She screamed in frustration, daggers of magic appearing around her and slashing at the cloaked figure. He knocked one away and spun around another, grabbing hold of the unicorns' horn and in one swift moment snapped it off. Nyx stared in horror at the scene and everything seemed to move in slow motion.

Trixie fell onto her back clutching her head and screaming in pure agony. The figure lifted his blade and prepared for the final blow. Before he could do so, a pool of dark goop appeared underneath Trixie and pulled her into it. As soon as it appeared it was gone. The only evidence the unicorn had been there was the horn the figure held and the damage she had done.

"H...How could you do that?!" Nyx screamed at him, surprising herself.

"That horn was the source of her power. Or her way of using it anyway. Without it she couldn't harm a fly."

"But...just ripping it off like that..." He tossed it aside and turned to face her. She gulped, her horn glowing dimly.

"I'm not going to hurt you." he said softly, raising his strange claws in the air. His Keyblade vanished and he pulled down the hood of his cloak.

"I'm just a friend looking for a friend. His name is Sora and..."

"Sora? Wait, you're Sora's friend. You're Riku aren't you?!" he nodded, a bit surprised she knew who he was.

"So you know Sora then?" She nodded and sat relieved. This creature was the very same one she had gone looking for and he had just saved her life. Though the scene still made her stomach do flips.

"Sora's been looking for you too." Riku smiled

"That's great. I'm guessin he got kind of sidetracked with all this though." she looked around at the ruined party.

"This is just Pinkie Pies way of welcoming new ponies to Ponyville. Though this one was a bit over the top."

"Uh...Pinkie pie?"

"Oh, she's a friend. Pink earth pony, loves parties and is extremely random."

"Right. So everyone here is a bunch of magical horses. Well it's not as weird as some of the places I've seen."

"Weird? you're the weird one here, with those strange claws of yours." Riku held up his 'claws'

"You mean my hands? Sora has them too."

"Sora is an Alicorn...are you sure we're talking about the same Sora?" Riku thought for a second.

"He's probably in disguise. Wouldn't be the first time. From what I heard he was a lion once." Nyx just stared at Riku utterly and hopelessly confused.

"Listen uh..."


"Nyx. I need to get a message to Sora. But I can't see him just yet."

"Why not? he's your friend isn't he? He's been looking everywhere for you. He was afraid you had been taken by the Darkness again."

"heh...so he told you about that huh?"

"well...not me personally...I overheard it." it wasn't a total lie, she had only been watching out for Applebloom.

"He doesn't need to worry about me. We've got bigger problems then some heartless attack. If you see Sora then tell him 'The Organization is alive'" Riku said as he turned to leave.

"Wait! You're just going to walk away? you're just going to leave without even seeing him?"

"I can't let him see me like this Nyx. Not when I'm trapped like this. You wouldn't understand." he waved his hand and wall of darkness appeared in front of him. Nyx ran up to him, grabbing his coat in her teeth to stop him. He turned to face her and she stared up into his eyes.

"No. I do understand." he raised an eyebrow and the darkness vanished.

"What Trixie was turning into, that thing you just fought. Nightmare Moon, I was once her."


Scootaloo opened her eyes and found herself surrounded by Darkness. In the distance she could see Sweetie belle start to stir and tried to run over to her, a heartless blocking her way.

"MOVE IT!" She yelled out, slamming her hooves into it. the Heartless didn't budge. Instead it started to grow and stare down at her. The heartless was massive, even bigger than the giant who had tore through town the other day. She leapt backwards as it slammed its massive balled up claw into the ground.

Its hand seemed to melt as it clashed with the ground and from the puddle of darkness sprang up tons of tiny heartless. Scootaloo smacked them away with her wings and leapt into the air, flying around the massive heartless. She had lost sight of Sweetie belle and started to panic, gasping as the giant heartless grabbed her and began to squeeze.

The sound of screaming shook Sweetie belle from her daze. Looking up she saw a massive heartless crushing the life out of Scootaloo.

"SCOOTALOO!" She screamed in horror. The Pegasi struggled to break free only to have the giant squeeze harder, the sounds of bones crunching echoing in the darkness. Sweetie Belle ignored the tears that stung her eyes and charged the heartless, her horn glowing brightly. Bit by bit she teleported her way to the top of the heartless, slamming her hooves into its head repeatedly.

"LET HER GO! LET.HER.GO!" She screamed and slammed her hooves into the creatures' eye. It roared in pain, dropping Scootaloo as it reached up for the unicorn. Sweetie Belle quickly teleported out of its reach, catching Scootaloo and teleporting to the ground.

"Scoots...wake up scoots, I need you..." Scootaloo slowly opened her eyes.


"Yes, it's me Scoots. Can you walk?" Scootaloo nodded and stood shakily. They looked around seeing heartless closing in on them.

"Belle...this is it isn't it?" Sweetie Belle bit her lip, looking around. She didn't see any way for them to get out of here.

"No, it can't be. We'll find a way out Scoots."

"Belle, In case we don't make it...I love you." Scootaloo grabbed hold of the unicorn, kissing her as the heartless leapt at them.


Applebloom gasped as Pip pulled her away from the wave which crashed down on top of her friends

"SCOOTALOO! SWEETIE BELLE!" Applebloom cried out, rushing to save her friends. A large black wall blocked her way. She slammed her hooves into it again and again, tears stinging her eyes.

"I'm so sorry Applebloom...I couldn't grab all of you..." she sank to the ground in tears, ignoring the calming hoof that ran through her mane. Heartless sprang up around them but Applebloom didn't care anymore. Her two closest friends in the entire world were gone. Pip however was determined to keep them alive.

As the heartless charged he stood on his hind legs, smashing a hoof into one that got close. Applebloom looked up at him to see him bouncing around on his hind hooves, knocking away the heartless without a single hint of fear in his eyes. She smiled and stood slowly, gasping as the ground started to shake. The heartless shrank away from them until finally they had disappeared altogether. Applebloom and Pip turned to look at the wall behind them, watching as it began to crack and fall apart.


She felt herself melting in the pegasi's grasp, wrapping her hooves around her as she returned the kiss. Sweetie Belle's horn began to glow bright pink as they held one another.

"I love you too Scootaloo..." A flare of magic flew from her horn and exploded above them. High above them the flare turned into a massive heart of flames. It grew brighter as they stared into it, their own hearts warming as they held one another.

The heartless backed away from them slowly and the darkness began to fade. Sweetie belle watched as something drifted down from the heart. Slowly it came into view, landing in front of them. Sweetie Belle stared for a moment and blinked as it split into two. She carefully lifted one with her magic, Scootaloo picking up the other. They smiled at one another and turned to face down the heartless with their Keyblades.

"No darkness can take our hearts as long as we have each other!"


The wall exploded and came crashing down, Pip quickly shielding Applebloom from the force of the explosion. She peered over his shoulder and gasped at what she saw. Standing in the center of the explosion were Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. They were scratched up pretty badly, each carrying a Keyblade and a smile. Applebloom quickly ran to them, tackling them to the ground.

"Ah thought ah'd lost you two!" they pulled the crying mare into a hug.

"Just from somethin like that, come on Bloom you know we're tougher than that." Applebloom nodded, wiping away her tears.

"That was quite impressive you two but we still need to go help the others." Pip said, looking around to be sure the heartless were gone. They nodded and leapt to their hooves.

"Let's go!"


A massive explosion shook the ground around them, forcing them to stop in order to keep from falling over. They turned to see a massive flaming heart floating above Ponyville. It only sat there for a moment, quickly fading away. As the heart faded so did the heartless around them.

"What in the hay was that jus' now?" Applejack asked

"I don't know, but at least the heartless are gone."

"What about Trixie? Nyx and Luna are probably still fighting her."

"No, if the heartless are gone then whoever is controlling them is gone too." Twilight sighed in relief, her fears welling up inside of her after a moment. She turned and started running back toward Ponyville.

"Twilight what are ya doin?!" Applejack called after her.

"I have to find Nyx and Luna!"


Nyx lifted Luna onto her back, turning to face Riku. He sat on the edge of the stage with his head down.

"You've faced the darkness too." She nodded

"You can't make yourself go through it alone Riku. If you want to leave the Darkness you have to trust in your friends and let them help you. If you left now how would Sora feel? He needs you Riku." Riku smiled for a moment and stared at his hands.

"I don't exactly blend in Nyx...and Sora's a big kid. He can take care of himself."

"He's not worried about himself. He's worried about you Riku. Do you want to escape the darkness or not?" He stood, thinking for a moment as he lifted his hood over his head.

"I do."

"Nyx!" Twilight gasped seeing Nyx carrying Luna, a tall cloaked figure in front of her. Twilight's anger exploded, setting her mane aflame. Her lavender coat turned white and her eyes turned bright red.

"GET AWAY FROM THEM!" She screamed at Riku. Riku said nothing, only taking a step away from Nyx.

"Mom wait! He's a friend!"

"Mom?" Riku said, looking between Nyx and Twilight. Sora and the others rushed up behind Twilight, completely out of breath. Riku and Sora stared at one another for a moment before Riku vanished.

"RIKU!" Nyx and Sora called out together. Sora sighed and hung his head.

Twilight took a deep breath and managed to calm herself down, checking Luna's wounds. She sighed in relief finding that she just had a small bump on her head.

"Thank goodness you're both ok."

"OH MAH GOODNESS!" Applejack screamed, kicking something away from her.

"AJ what the hay was th...WHAT THE HAY IS THAT?!" She screamed pointing a hoof at something on the ground. Twilight thought she was going to be sick as she caught sight of it.

"Its...Trixie's Horn..." All eyes turned to Nyx.

"It would've been Riku who did it. He always does what he thinks has to be done." Sora said quietly, his friends trying to cheer him up.

"Hey Sora don't be all glum. At least we know Riku is ok" Goofy said with a smile.

"He said he was looking for you Sora." Sora looked up at Nyx.

"He told me to tell you 'The Organization is Alive.' Do you know what he meant?" Sora nodded.

"It means two things. First, that we're not gonna see Riku unless he thinks we need him and Second, it means we're in a lot of trouble."


Magical sparks flew left and right as the Unicorn tossed and turned in pain, her magic forming on its own without her horn. She failed to hold back the endless stream of tears that fought its way down her cheeks.

"You have failed to do as I asked Trixie." the cloaked figure said as it stood over her.

"G...Give me..a...another chance...t..that thing..." she stammered through her tears

"Yes, the other Keyblade wielder. He is stronger than the one I sent you after. You did prove yourself against the Lunar Princess. For that reason and that reason alone I will spare you and give you a second chance." he snapped his fingers and Trixie's pain vanished. She put a hoof against her horn and gasped when she found it perfectly intact, tears of joy pouring down her face.

"Thank you! Thank you so much! I won't fail again"

"I hope so, for your sake."


Light flooded into the room and found its way to the sleeping Alicorn. Luna sprang up from the bed looking around frantically. She was in her bedroom...

"Was it all a dream?" she began to panic. She had been so happy that she had finally been able to confess to Twilight Sparkle. Was it really just a dream that became a nightmare at the arrival of Trixie? Had she dreamed the coming of the heartless?

"Oh, you're awake! Please don't move around too much." she heard from a corner of the room. She turned and winced as her head throbbed with pain. A lavender Unicorn made her way to the bed. Luna felt tears well up in her eyes.

"Luna...are you ok?" Twilight gently wiped away the tears with her hoof.

"I'm fine Twilight, I thought it all had been a dream...that you and I...weren't..." Twilight pulled the Alicorn into a gentle hug.

"It wasn't a dream Luna. Trixie knocked you out during the fight." Luna nodded, panicking again as a thought made its way into her head.

"Where is Nyx?! She was helping me fight. if I was knocked out then...Oh Twilight please tell me she is ok..." Twilight smiled, kissing the worried Alicorns forehead gently.

"She is fine Luna."

"S...She defeated Trixie?" Twilight shook her head.

"No...She suffered some burns and she'll have to stay on the ground while a few of her feathers grow back. Some of them were melted and are stuck together...The castles' best ponies are working on her. Other than that she wasn't hurt. She was saved by a friend of Sora's. A boy named Riku." Luna sighed in relief. Knowing they had powerful allies eased her stressed mind. She looked up at Twilight, noticing the unicorn was fidgeting uncomfortably.

"There's more isn't there?" She nodded and sat on the bed with her.

"According to Sora, we aren't just dealing with the heartless. There is this organization of creatures called Nobodies. They are like the heartless."

"But they have no hearts and are twice as powerful." Luna said before Twilight could.

"You already know?" Luna sat up and shook her head, instantly regretting the resulting head ache.

"Not exactly Twilight. My sister and I know little of the Nobodies. But we do know of them."

"And they are not your problem right now." a voice said from the doorway. Luna smiled at the sight of her big sister and got a smile in return.

"I am happy to see you are awake little sister. But you still need your rest."

"But, the seal..."

"Will be taken care of sister. The couple Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle have acquired Keyblades. Though I don't understand how it is possible. From what I understood there was only one Keyblade. I plan to question Sora on the matter."

"Pinkie Pie has one as well Princess." Twilight added from beside Luna.

"Honestly that's not too surprising. I'm sure that pony can do anything. Though it still makes me wonder." Celestia was silent for a moment.

"Twilight, can I count on you to make sure my sister gets the rest she needs?" Twilight nodded without hesitation.

"Yes Princess."


Celestia made her way out of the room and gently closed the door. She smiled to herself as she walked down the hall, her guards following after her. She had tried telling them she didn't need them to follow her around and even tried ordering them to leave her be. But they felt honor bound to always make sure she was safe. Especially since her short banishment to the sun. The thought reminded her of the young Alicorn Nyx. She had suffered terrible burns to her wings, but furthermore she had survived thanks to a strange boy. She wanted to know more about this boy and his connection to all of this.

She found herself standing outside the Medical Wing of the castle and made her way inside, everypony inside bowing. Celestia took a seat near Nyx's bed. On the other side sat Sora who bowed his head respectfully to Celestia.

"Nyx. I know you are in pain and in recovery. But I need to know what happened. And Sora, I need to ask you a few questions as well. I suppose I'll start with those and let Nyx rest a bit."

"Of course Princess."

"The two young crusaders Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. I'm sure you know them?" Sora nodded.

"I know them, yea."

"In the battle with the heartless they somehow obtained Keyblades. From my understanding there was only one Keyblade. Would you mind explaining to me how this is possible?" Sora scratched the back of his head with a hoof.

"To be honest your highness there isn't just one Keyblade. In fact at one point there were hundreds." Celestia blinked and stared at him.

"Hundreds?" He nodded.

"I learned a bit about their history while learning from King Mickey's teacher Yen Sid. There was a great and terrible war of the Keyblades. One side for Darkness, the other for Light. Each side held their own Keyblades and used their power to battle the other side. It was a terrible war that ended in the death of almost all the holders of the Keyblade. There were three great masters. Ventus, Aqua, and Terra. I couldn't find out a lot about them. Master Yen Sid said I would in time though. But that's when Riku disappeared."

"Riku? The boy who saved Nyx?" Sora nodded

"He's my friend. He also has a Keyblade. We are both from the same world. Riku gave his heart to darkness and I was given the Keyblade. After that I ran into Leon, Donald, and Goofy. With their help I learned more about the Keyblade and began traveling the worlds to find my friends. When I finally found Riku...he wasn't my friend...he had found Kairi but she was just an empty shell of herself. Her heart was missing and Riku blamed me for it."

"I'm sorry..." he shook his head.

"In a way, it was my fault. Kairi had hidden her heart inside of me. Riku and a group that controlled the heartless were seeking the six princess' of heart. But only Riku or rather Ansem, who had taken over Riku's heart an body, knew about the seventh. The seven princess' hearts are the purest of all the worlds. With their power he planned to open Kingdom hearts, thinking that it was ever lasting darkness. In truth it was the light hidden in the darkness." Sora continued his tale, explaining how he had lost his Keyblade, about Riku's blade that unlocked hearts and of his sacrifice to give Kairi her heart back.

"You've been through so much Sora. I can see that this Riku is very dear to you as is Kairi." Sora nodded, wiping away a tear with his hoof.

"They are...we've been friends for as long as I can remember. and now Riku has gone back to that darkness because he thinks it's what has to be done." Nyx sat up slowly.

"He's lost in it Sora. He needs you to help him again. His eyes..." Nyx lowered her head.

"It's getting to him Sora...that painful darkness. Its tearing him up inside. I could see it in his eyes. I've felt that pain before. When I was nightmare moon, I felt it every day, every single waking moment and even when I tried to sleep. It was only when my friends came to my side that I realized it. When I almost lost my mother because of it. It was because of them that I escaped that darkness Sora. Your friend needs you." Sora nodded slowly.

"You seem close to this Riku, Nyx. Is there something more to this?" Celestia asked gently. Nyx blushed slightly for just a moment.

"We're so much alike Princess. When I told him about my time as Nightmare Moon...he listened to everything I had to say. He was about to just run off and leave Sora with just that message. But when I told him I understood his pain he stayed. I don't know how to explain the feeling." Celestia hid a smile and stood.

"I'll let you get your rest Nyx. I want to thank both of you for everything you've told me. Sora, may i speak with you in private for a moment?" Sora looked up at her and nodded, following her outside.

"I don't mean to pressure you Sora, but with the rising threat to Equestria we will have to break the seal sooner than I had hoped. I have heard from my sister that you and your friends have been training in order to protect the Elements while they gather their strength. Do you think you are powerful enough to begin?" After a moment Sora shook his head.

"We aren't strong enough yet. We can buy some time but not enough."

"Well you'd better hurry my friend, we are slowly running out of time." said the Doctor from nearby. he sat against the wall not looking at them.

"Doc, what do you mean?"

"I wish I could explain further, but you already know about the time stream and all that. You'll have to trust me on this one Sora. Princess, I hope you've taken my advice into account."

"I've thought it over carefully Time Lord. It seems there isn't much choice in the matter. Sora, we will have to break the seal in a few days at the most. Do you think you can be ready by then?"

"I can try Princess."

"That will have to do. For now I have preparations to make."


"OW! geez Belle, could ya push a little harder, I think that bone is still intact." the pegasus joked sourly. Sweetie Belle sighed sadly and lowered her head.

"Aw...Belle I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that. I'm just kinda sore about it is all. I don't like bein beat up so easily.

"That thing was huge Scoots. I only got it to let go by kicking it in the eye."

"Yea and that awesome teleporting kept it from snatching you up." Sweetie Belle smiled, patting down the bandages she had wrapped around her friend.

"I didn't really know I could do it until I tried. I just knew I had to get up there somehow." Scootaloo nuzzled her neck, making the unicorn sigh and nuzzle back.

"Ya know...the doc said I needed lots of bed rest if I wanted to heal up. I could use some company." Scootaloo grinned as Sweetie Belle's face turned bright red.


"Sora, are ya sure we can make it in time?" Goofy asked.

"I dunno Goofy. But we've got to try."

"What about Riku? If we find him we can definitely protect the Elements!" Donald said from beside him.

"Yea, but it would take too long to find him."

"Do ya think we can get a message t' him somehow?" Goofy asked

"How would we do that?"

"Well, he uses that hall o' darkness doesn't he? Maybe we can find a way to use it to send him a message."

"The only way to open one is to open your heart completely to darkness. I asked him about it." Sora stared at his hoof.

"You have to throw away the light in your heart and let the darkness swallow it, then beat it back so it knows you're in charge. But doing so leaves your heart shrouded in darkness. It's lonely and painful. I don't know if I'd be able to do it."

"Maybe that's why Riku left..." Donald said quietly.

"Donald! how could ya say somethin like that?!" Goofy glared at him.

"That not what I meant ya big dummy! Riku knew Sora couldn't destroy the light in his heart, so he did it himself." Sora blinked. It made perfect sense. In Riku's mind it would make perfect sense. He had already experienced the darkness, he was well versed with its power and knew he could use it with ease. He knew Sora would protest against him using his dark powers to help and instead of speaking to him about it had just gone on and done it. He was avoiding him so that Sora wouldn't convince him to come back.

"Riku...you idiot..."


The unicorn sighed quietly, staring at her mane in the mirror.

"I know it was to protect me darling but did you have to use such brute force? My mane is a complete mess!" The dragon chuckled a little, handing her a small brush.

"You're beautiful Rarity, no matter what you might think of your mane." She blushed, taking the brush and slowly cleaning her mess of a mane.

"How did you become such a sweetheart darling?"

"I met you." he said with a smile, sitting down beside her. She set the brush aside and placed her head against him, sighing as he wrapped an arm around her. Their gentle moment was broken by a knock at the door.

"Come in!" Rarity called out. Their room was a massive piece of art. One of the finest rooms in the palace. The ceiling rested a good 20 feet above them; Long violet curtains hung from the tall windows on the left side of the room. In the center sat a massive bed, soft red satin sheets sat upon it as well as a mountain of pillows.

On either side of the bed rested an end table and across from the bed sat a large dresser. On the dresser was the mirror the Unicorn had been staring into. Rarity would've liked to change a few colors, something that was more her taste. but she was a guest here after all, she couldn't just go around changing things.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything." The Alicorn joked as she stepped into the room.

"Oh not at all Princess!" Rarity said with a smile. Princess Celestia took a seat in front of them. She seemed troubled, though that wasn't too surprising after what had just happened.

"Spike, I'd first like to commend you on your bravery. Protecting that which is dear to you without worrying about your own well being. But you need to be more careful. Your scales don't make you invincible." The dragon laughed a little.

"I know Princess. It only took this scar to show me that." Rarity winced at the mention of the scar. It had become hard to ignore it and she still felt responsible for the dragon getting hurt. If she had been stronger...

"And Rarity, your actions may have saved the life of your friend Fluttershy, as well as the young foal she is carrying." Rarity blinked.

"Fluttershy is..." Celestia nodded.

"They found out while checking her injuries, which I am happy to say were very few thanks to you."

"Rarity doesn't realize it but her magic is pretty powerful." Spike said with a grin

"I've noticed, and I would like to teach you a few useful spells. I don't wish to worry any of you but we have to break the seal in a few days at the most and we all must be as prepared as possible."

"I understand Princess."

"I also have some spells I wish to show you Spike." the dragon blinked and stared at her.

"I'm a dragon. I don't have magic."

"That's not true. Dragons have plenty of magic. In fact when you send me letters you're using a portion of your magic. As well as when you use your fire breath. I think these spells will be more efficient then swinging your tail around at everything." his grin turned into a smile and he nodded.

"Alright then."


Applejack and Rainbow Dash watched as Sora and his friends continued their training

"They really are pushin themselves hard ain't they?" Applejack tried to focus on them, but thoughts of her grandmother kept creeping up on her. Celestia had the old Mare moved to the castle and her best were keeping an eye on her health. But they all knew it was a useless effort. Granny Smith couldn't live forever after all. Tears started to stain Applejacks cheeks. She pulled her hat down to hide them, surprised when Rainbow kissed her cheek.

"Do you want to talk about it AJ?" she asked softly. The mare shook her head, leaning against her friend as silent sobs racked her body back and forth. Dash ran a comforting hoof through her mane, watching as Celestia lowered the sun, the moon making its way into the air. It was a beautiful night, but for them it was just another day gone by. A day closer to the end for one so dear to them.

"Ah just dunno what t' do Dashie...Ah'm gonna lose her..." Rainbow held her close, fighting back her own tears.

"Everypony has to go sometime AJ...She's lived a happy and full life. She has you and Big Macintosh and Applebloom here. You three mean a lot to her. You probably don't know it AJ but if it weren't for you three, Granny Smith woulda killed herself when your mother died." Applejack looked into Rainbows eyes.

"w...what? Dashie yer not makin sense..."

"I had a nice long talk with Granny Smith...I had a few things I wanted to talk to her about while I had the chance. She could see how worried we all are and she said we don't need to worry about her. Because we've got each other. When your mom died...it tore her apart. It was only because of you and Macintosh and little filly Applebloom that Granny Smith was able to keep herself together.

She had a responsibility to make sure you three grew up happy and took care of the orchard that her family had put so much work into. She said 'Well ah couldn't be prouder of what those three have become. Ah'm glad ah was able to see it with mah own eyes. Ah'm gettin tired Miz Dash. Ah still got a few things ah wanna finish on this a'here side o' things. Then ah can take mahself a well deserved rest.'" Rainbow wiped away a tear that found its way on her cheek.

"She asked...that I take care of you once she's gone. And I asked if i could have her blessing."

"Her blessin? Dashie what are ya..." Dash reached into her saddlebag and sat a small blue box on the ground in front of her.

"Go on, open it." Rainbow smiled, watching as Applejack slowly opened the box, tears streaming down her face.

"Oh my...Dashie...ah don't know what t' say..."

"You could say Yes." Rainbow kissed her cheek.

"AJ...will you marry me?"