• Published 25th Mar 2018
  • 965 Views, 24 Comments

School of Horrors - Bookpony579

A Nightmare Night celebration takes a drastic turn.

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A few quick bluffs (with a little help from Luna's persuasion spell) later and everyone was complimenting the girls on the 'special affects' and declared it was the scariest night they ever had! In a good way!

The girls were relieved, as they had saved everyone, saved their school, and avoided any potential lawsuits!

All in all, a successful Nightmare Night.

Soon the visitors and students left and Sunset went to take her young charges home while the elements and Principals finished things up.

"Hmph!" Trixie hmphed. "In spite of some impressive effects, it failed to get a fright out of the Great and Powerful-"

"Boo!" Pinkie popped up behind Trixie, which resulted in the latter shrieking and rolling up in a ball. Upon hearing the chicken's laughter, Trixie just blushed and walked away in embarrassment.

"This was the best Nightmare Night ever!" Pip exclaimed as they were leaving the school. This was followed by several agreements from the other kids.

Twilight just sighed as she collapsed the front stairs. "I'm just glad this night is over."

"You said it." AJ said as she joined her.

"I think I'm good on frights for another year or so." Rarity agreed.

"Well girls," Principal Celestia said,"in spite of some.....unforeseen circumstances..." Everyone looked at Rainbow, who decided that the stars were a very interesting sight. "...you all managed to salvage tonight. You thought quickly, made sure everyone was safe and went up against some VERY terrifying obstacles. Overall, I am VERY proud of you all." The girls beamed at their mentor's praise.

"Now onto the other matter." Luna chimed in. "Rainbow--"

"Yeah, I know. I messed up." She admitted sincerely.

"That you did." Luna nodded. "But you also made sure the visitors were kept safe and were willing to admit to your mistakes and take full responsibility."

"So...I'm not in trouble?" She grinned hopefully.

"Oh you're still in a heap of trouble."

"Oh..." She slumped her shoulders.

"First of all, you will come in tomorrow and clean up tonight's mess....WITHOUT magic."

"Aw man..."

"Second you are forbidden from being alone in the lair or from taking anything out of it until the time comes when I can trust that you can be responsible. Do you understand?"

"Good. Now it's been a long night and I'm sure you all are exhausted after tonight's shenanigans. Go home and get a good nights sleep, you all have certainly earned it."

"My truck's in the parking lot. Anybody need a ride home?" AJ offered.

"Thanks but my mom-"


Everyone looked over to where the voice had come from and found Velvet standing next to her, still in costume.

That last point caused several of them to blush, drop their jaws, or both.

Twilight just groaned and buried her face in her hands in embarrassment.

"Oh hello everyone; how was your Nightmare Night?" Velvet asked casually.

For a minute she only received wide-eyed stares.

"Oh! It certainly has been....interesting Velvet!" Celestia said, managing to get her act together.

Luna upon seeing Velvet looking at her, looked away quickly while blushing even harder.

"Great! I can't wait for Twily to tell me all about it tomorrow. But for now it's time to hit the hay! C'mon sweetie!"

Reluctantly, Twilight moved her hands from her face and followed her mother to the car.

"By everyone!" Velvet waved cheerfully as she drove away followed by a very familiar groan from her daughter.

After the car left sight, everyone just sat in silence for a moment or two, processing what they had just seen.

"....Told ya her mom had nice legs." AJ said in monotone.

Rainbow could only nod, blushing all the while.

At Celestia's and Luna's house

The two sisters collapsed on the couch, exhausted after such an ordeal. Sunset was already in her room, fast asleep.

"What a night." Celestia said.

"No kidding." Luna agreed. "Even as a horror fan, I'm good on that stuff for a while."

"I'm just glad tomorrows more cheerful than scary."

Luna nodded and the two sat in silence for a minute before Celestia spoke up again.

"So,did they talk about...her?" Celestia asked hesitantly.

The question caused Luna's back to straiten as she came to full attention. "'Her?'"

"Yes...her." Celestia answered reluctantly.

Luna went quiet for a few seconds. "Yes, yes they did. Who doesn't around this time of year?"


"We've certainly become something of a legend haven't we?" Luna gave a tired chuckle. "Twenty years and people are still scared of us. I've become the iconic spooky story people like to tell this time of year. Parents are telling their kids to be good or I'll come and eat them. What a way to be remembered..."

"They aren't talking about you specifically!"

"They might as well be." Luna shrugged. "Especially after what I tried to do."

"You were in a bad place! Especially after-" Celestia caught herself just in time, but the message was clear.

Luna closed her eyes and her voice took on a sad tone. "Yes, but that's beside the point. I did what I did and I'm still paying the price. Whether people know I'm paying or not."

There was moment of silence yet again.

"Did....did you tell them?" Celestia asked.

Luna opened her eyes and looked at her. "Of course not. I'd always figured you'd be the one to tell people."

"Never! Luna, you're my sister and I love you. And if that means I carry it with me to the grave I will."

Despite her sisters' comforting words, Luna knew otherwise. "The world's gonna know eventually. Lies like these can only last so long. You said Aurella figured it out right after it happened?"

"Aurella was different, you know that."

"And her granddaughter takes after her."

"Which means she'll be willing to accept and forgive you."

"We'll see..." Luna sighed. "I just want to be there when the truth comes out. So I can face it."

Celestia reluctantly nodded. "If that what you want. But that's enough for tonight. We had a long day and we need to rest up for Dia de los Muertos tomorrow."

"No kidding." Luna gave a small smile. "I'm gonna have a heck of a time explaining to Twilight what's going to happen."

"She'll get used to it. You did."

"Only after several psychiatric sessions before realizing I wasn't crazy. Goodnight sister."


With that, the two sisters headed to bed and all was quiet until morning.

"...and thus our tale ends. The spell was revered and the day was saved thanks to-"

"Spike?" Twilight asked, opening the door and turning on the light."What are doing?"

Spike blushed nervously."N-nothing Twilight!"

But Twilight just frowned and put her hands in her hips. "I knew it! You ARE playing 'scary storyteller' again! You know how mom hates it when you use her office for it!"


Spike and Twilight turned to see Owlowiscious on a perch directly across from Spike.

"I can't help it! This room has the perfect atmosphere for it! Besides Owlowiscious loves my stories! Right buddy?" He looked to his fellow animal companion for support, only for the bird to fly out of the room.

"Traiter..."Spike mumbled.

Twilight just giggled. "Alright, let's get everything cleaned up in here and get some sleep. How does that sound?"

Spike smiled and together they got everything back to way it was before before heading to bed.

And so another adventure ends....for now. Everybody needed all they rest they could get before another holiday and adventure came along.

Comments ( 2 )

Excellent work on the epilogue to this story. The exchanges, characterizations and wrap-up were all well done in all the right places. I particularly liked the discussion of Rainbow's punishment (actually pretty fair all things considered), as well as Celestia and Luna's chat on both the past and the probable future and the reveal of Spike's in-universe audience .

I'll most certainly be looking forward to seeing what you come up with next.

Twilight's mom has got it going on...:facehoof:

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