• Published 28th Mar 2018
  • 8,678 Views, 140 Comments

All Opposed - FanOfMostEverything

When Celestia asks for a moment of your time, you say yes.

  • ...

Princess-Teacher Conference

One pleasant aspect of transit portals was that they gave Chancellor Neighsay some time to think as he approached his destination. Or, in today's case, time to calm down. By the time he reached his personal office, filled with his diplomas, awards, and personal collection of old editions of the EEA guidelines, he had regained some degree of composure.

"A word, if you please, Neighsay?"

Composure he almost immediately lost by jumping back from Celestia, knocking into his desk, and knocking his meticulously arranged paperwork askew. "What is it, Princess?" he said, focusing more on undoing the damage than the literal alicorn in the room.

"You can call me Celestia if you'd like," said that alicorn, not seeming to even register the snub, much less react to it. "I'd much rather speak with my old student than the chancellor of the EEA."

"Proper royal protocol is clear on the matter." Satisfied that his desk at least approached reasonable order, Neighsay sat and gave the princess a proper glare. "Assuming I will remain chancellor come tomorrow. Assuming the EEA even exists tomorrow."

Celestia quirked an eyebrow, a hint of a smile playing across her lips. "Don't you think you're being a little extreme?"

"Am I? That farce of a school is operating unaccredited, its headmare acting without oversight and literally making up the rules as she goes!" Neighsay slammed his hoof down on the portion of his desk left clear for such a purpose. "Princess or not, she has no right to dismiss my entire organization out of hoof because of some technicality that only exists in her own mind." He snorted. "However, she remains a princess, and if the other schools see her trampling on proper procedure, chaos is sure to follow in her wake."

"I saw the Montesparkle Method regulations," said Celestia. "I'd hardly call them chaotic. They looked at least four times as long as the EEA rulebook."

Neighsay rolled his eyes. "Please. Anypony can perform some ludicrous, Rockhoovian feat of bookbinding. If even ten percent of those pages actually have anything written on them, I'll eat my goatee."

The smile returned, edging into a smirk. "I don't think you'll find any hay fries in there this time."

Neighsay shot Celestia a glare that reduced lesser ponies to quivering lumps. "We agreed to never speak of that incident again."

"In any case, rest assured, neither you nor the EEA are going anywhere any time soon. The Association's centuries of work speak for themselves, and I have nothing but respect for your work in ensuring that Equestria's schools are the finest they can be."

"Yes, clearly," Neighsay said with a sneer. "I can tell by how you supported your personal pupil as she mocked my profession and made her school the first step on Equestria's road to ruin."

Celestia frowned, not a scowl but small, confused moue. "I must admit, you have me at a loss, Chancellor. What exactly do you think will happen when the other creatures of our world gain a better understanding of friendship?"

"Isn't it obvious? Look at all the horrors we've faced from nonequine forces in the past few years: Discord sowing madness on a whim, Tirek rampaging across the country." Neighsay shot to his hind legs, supporting his body against the desk and lunging his head forward. "The yeti invasion Twilight Sparkle and company barely fended off last month!"

Celestia betrayed no reaction to the outburst. "I'm aware, Chancellor," she said, infuriatingly calm, her tone like a mother soothing a colicky foal. "I was there."

He sat back down, straightening his sash of office. "Then you will recall how that incident occurred during a so-called 'Festival of Friendship' where Princess Sparkle ordered the entire guard stand down for the day. The mare has no appreciation for risks to our country."

"And I hope you will recall that it was a pony who led that invading army, and who petrified me."

"A pony who had been misled by a powermongering maniac of a simian who exploited the desire any such unfortunate would have to be whole again."

"And who misled King Sombra? Starlight Glimmer? Even..." Celestia shut her eyes and, after a deep breath, said, "even Nightmare Moon? You will find that ponies are as likely to turn to darkness as any other creature, of their own volition."

"Be that as it may, at least we have a proper understanding of harmony. Those savages beyond Equestria's borders would comprehend strength in numbers, yes, but not the deeper and more subtle underpinnings of unity that truly make this nation great. All they would see is a way to overwhelm us and try to take that greatness for their own." Neighsay threw up his hooves as he went on. "Picture legions of yaks marching towards Canterlot, the skies choked with more armored wings than even you can imagine." Another slam of his hoof in the proper spot. "Mark my words, that is what will come of Princess Twilight's school!"

"You will find that my imagination is a bit better than you may think, Chancellor." Celestia brought a hoof to her lips. "Though I do have to find the image you painted an interesting one."

Neighsay crossed his forelegs. "I would hope that the impending destruction of the civilization you spent centuries perfecting would qualify as interesting."

"You misunderstand me. I find it interesting on two counts. Firstly, it is almost identical to what your ancestors feared during the Three Tribes Era. Simply replace the yaks with earth ponies and the air forces with pegasi."

"Yes, you raised that point at the school. Quite publicly." Neighsay tried to glare at Celestia but found he couldn't do so any harder. "But last I checked, pegasi neither breathe fire nor grow to the size of buildings based solely on their state of mind."

"The second reason," Celestia said as though she'd never been interrupted, "is because it was only Princess Twilight's quick thinking that averted that exact scenario today."

Silence reigned for a few moments as Neighsay considered that. "I beg your pardon?"

Celestia nodded. "Were I the more vengeful sort, you would be wise to do so. Indeed, when Princess Luna finds out about this..." She trailed off and shook her head, her expression the portrait of sympathy. "Well, I apologize in advance for the sleepless nights."

Neighsay gritted his teeth. "Princess, this isn't Applied Hieromancy 401! I have no patience for you talking around what you're trying to say."

"I would have thought a stallion so concerned with our schools meeting the highest standards would appreciate being taught a lesson." Celestia shrugged her wings. "But if you wish, I will be blunt." She fixed a glare at Neighsay that made all of his earlier efforts seem like one of Councilstallion Waddle's half-blind squints. "The world nearly went to war today, and it is your fault."

He drew back as best he could with his chair against the wall. "Excuse me?"

Despite her expression, Celestia's voice remained as calm as ever. "Think back to the accreditation process of the School of Friendship. Consider what you said, and around whom. To whom."

Neighsay settled himself in his chair and shut his eyes to focus on the intellectual debate. That it shut out the continuing, soul-piercing stare was merely a side benefit. "All I did was state the truth. The other species have proven themselves time and time again to be a clear and obvious danger to our way of life. Ponies should never walk through their own capital in chains again. Princess Twilight was supposed to provide a school to ensure that."

"I have a copy of her proposal, you know. Nowhere does she mention self-defense in the curriculum." Celestia's voice hardened, losing any trace of the sympathy and kindness that Neighsay had always associated with it. "And you're avoiding my point. What did you say? Who heard you?"

"I described the obvious facts before me, and if beings we should never allow within our borders happened to hear me, I fail to see how that is my problem!" Neighsay's eyes snapped open in his passion, and he stared directly at the sun princess.

For a brief time, it seemed like a contest of wills. Then Neighsay's eyes began to burn, and he realized neither of them had blinked for a very long time. With a hiss, he looked away.

"It is your problem because those are our allies," said Celestia, her voice quickly entering the familiar cadence of a lecture. "Our trading partners. Our protectorates. The signatories of defense pacts, research agreements, extradition treaties, and more. I defer to you in matters of education, Chancellor Neighsay, because I trust your commitment to and understanding of academic excellence. But in matters of diplomacy, of trade, of national defense? Your opinion is no more important than that of any random pony off the street. And when Princess Twilight invited students to attend from around the world, with my assistance, all of those considerations entered the equation.

"In that regard, Twilight is entirely correct. Her school is something different. It teaches a curriculum never before considered to students Equestria hasn't seen since the experimental foreign exchange program between Griffonstone and Cloudsdale."

Neighsay presented a counterpoint almost reflexively. "A program that rightfully collapsed."

"Because of the then-ongoing slow collapse of Griffonstone in general. My point, Chancellor, is that this had become bigger than you, but you refused to look past your fear to see that. And that fear so blinded you that you managed to incite no fewer than five international incidents with your poorly chosen words. I dare say Discord would be proud."

"Mildly." Neighsay leapt onto his desk, wincing as he felt paperwork shift beneath him. Still, it was preferable to sitting in the lap of the draconequus who had replaced his chair. Discord smirked at him, then stretched out almost, but not quite parallel to the floor. "I was more impressed by how he drove Twilight into a nest of tear-soaked pillows. Did you know it was Starlight Glimmer, one of the more existential-level equine threats Twilight's defused over the years, who advised her to buck tradition? Now there's a pony to be proud of. But this one?" Discord blew a raspberry. " Warmongers. Please. Wars are such messy affairs, and rarely in a fun way."

Something whistled as it approached, making Neighsay flatten his ears as the pitch dropped. Then his chair dropped with it, splattering Discord into crimson smears that thankfully smelled of strawberries.

"Discord actually brings me to my next point," said Celestia, not even missing a beat as she began applying cleaning spells to the jam. "Princess Twilight's ongoing diplomatic efforts have forged strong bonds with each of the nations you antagonized. The brute strength in numbers you so fear has become an asset to Equestria rather than a threat, much like Discord himself, Starlight Glimmer, Tempest Shadow, and even my own sister." She smiled. "Twilight and her friends have something of a talent for that."

"And we've seen how reliable Discord can be," said Neighsay, working his own magic at one sugary splotch that had nearly ruined a month's worth of documentation for determining optimal lunch tray size for magic academies.

"Yes, when ponies treated him like a caged, wild animal waiting to spring on the unwary." Celestia turned to Neighsay, not with a glare, but a look of disappointment that was somehow worse. "Much as you treat our allies. Mistrust brings mistrust in return, and I dare say we'll need to make several diplomatic concessions to soothe all the ruffled feathers from these past few days. Especially with the griffons."

"Cute." Neighsay dropped another glob of frozen fruit spread into his wastebasket. "Princess, if one's stallion's words are enough to push these creatures to the brink of war, do we really want them as our allies?"

"Would you prefer them as our enemies? We've reached out to them, Chancellor. Pretending they don't exist is no longer an option. Especially not when one considers what came of paying so little attention to the south."

Neighsay winced. "I suppose. Are we done here, or should I expect to see you write up a new charter for the School for Gifted Unicorns?"

"I'm hardly in a position to perform the same changes as Princess Twilight." A bit of lightness returned to Celestia's tone. "I doubt my students will appreciate a curriculum that focuses mainly on raising the sun. No, as I assured you, Equestria will still have need of the EEA, and of you at its head. I can hardly deny you a second chance when I've extended them to so many who have done so much worse."

Paperwork restored and office sparkling, Neighsay set himself back in his chair. "Truly, your graciousness knows no bounds, Your Highness."

"That being said, I will be watching you. Headmare Celestia of the School of Gifted Unicorns answers to you, Chancellor Neighsay. Her Royal Highness Princess Celestia Invicta of Equestria, Shepherd of the Sun, Mistress of the Day, and bearer of countless other titles besides does not." Celestia raised a hoof as he drew himself up for a response. "The Equestrian Education Association may operate independent of the crown, but I'm sure you will appreciate my taking national security more seriously should you threaten it again. I hope that we won't have to face such an unfortunate situation again." She lit her horn. Neighsay's own experience with travel spells let him feel space bending around her. "Good day to you, Chancellor. I hope I've given you something to think about."

Neighsay simply nodded and covered his eyes against the flash of sunlight. "Yes, Your Highness," he muttered as his vision cleared. "You certainly have."

Author's Note:

The "fry in beard" bit is a voice actor joke. Celestia and I were both trying to lighten the mood, but Neighsay would have nothing of it.

And this is Equestria we're talking about. Everyone gets a second chance there. But not everyone gets a third. Thanks to Carapace for giving me the perspective shift necessary to keep this from being yet another "Sunhorse Yells at Bureaucrat" fic. At least, I hope it is.

Comments ( 140 )

Our protectorates.

Hah, i always imagined the new Changeling Kingdom to be a protectorate of Equestria but more becase Celestia wants to leverage Equestria as a way to keep them safe rather then any benefit for Equestria. Thoraxes comment about consequences for his changelings if all go to war was pretty clear, i mean most probably still resent the changelings for their past deeds so wouldnt have a problem stomping on them.

But thats about it as far as i can see any of them being a protectorate of Equestria.

And honestly i like this, rather then just giving up on him give him a second chance, make him understand his mistakes, clear his ignorance and all.

When i watched the episode and we came to the part where the new 6 made all that damage around them, including destroying a frigging tower and quiet close to everyone down below, i though he might bring up some good point about the obvious lack of organization or safety measures taken.

Instead we get a Space marine yelling "Xeno scum!". :rainbowlaugh:

"Princess, if one's stallion's words are enough to push these creatures to the brink of war, do we really want them as our allies?"

I don't want mindless antagonism, but if these races truly are so temperamental as to risk war over one stallion's words, I would doubt how dedicated those allies truly are. Yes, I don't want war, and would rather have them as allies, but it's telling that Celestia didn't truely answer that. Because if they are that temperamental, they are poor allies, and worse friends.

Enjoyed the story by the way.

I'm okay with this. Celestia's words were measured and sensible, only showing a hint of steel where necessary to drive the point home. Discord was an unexpected, but welcome, addition. Now if only we could see this in the show.

Yeah, I think this is an exemplary example of the subgenre, and a lot more subtle than most, as befits you. Also, I was particularly impressed by Discord shelling himself with the chair.

I like this story, but the show and fics giving the griffons any sort of political power makes me laugh. When Gruff mentioned the griffons military, I was laughing my ass off. Who the fuck's he trying to fool?

The threats of war weren't over what Neighsay said, it was over the missing students

Then why didn't Celestia say so, it's a valid point that Neightsay brought up, but all Celestia said in response is how we'd rather have them as allies then enemies, which is a bit of a "dodge the question" answer.

Silence reigned for a few moments as Neighsay considered that. "I beg your pardon?"

Celestia nodded. "Were I the more vengeful sort, you would be wise to do so."


Nice to see someone addressing this topic with some concern for both sides, and without it just becoming a punishment story.

Neighsay gritted his teeth. "Princess, this isn't Applied Hieromancy 401! I have no patience for you talking around what you're trying to say."

Well, at least it isn't error 404 and you can find it at all. :ajsmug:

"That being said, I will be watching you. Headmare Celestia of the School of Gifted Unicorns answers to you, Chancellor Neighsay. Her Royal Highness Princess Celestia Invicta of Equestria, Shepherd of the Sun, Mistress of the Day, and bearer of countless other titles besides does not." Celestia raised a hoof as he drew himself up for a response. "The Equestrian Education Association may operate independent of the crown, but I'm sure you will appreciate my taking national security more seriously should you threaten it again. I hope that we won't have to face such an unfortunate situation again." She lit her horn. Neighsay's own experience with travel spells let him feel space bending around her. "Good day to you, Chancellor. I hope I've given you something to think about."

Take THAT ya speciesist, fascist warmonger! :yay:
(i can't find a raw version of this. ignore the captions, i guess.)

Either way, 10 :yay:s!
Oh, and Mr Neigh-say?

If Neighsay is supposed to be an Umbridge-expy, I can see that. However, unlike Umbitch, he had some good points about the school.

This is the best Neighsay story I've seen so far :pinkiehappy: Celestia's very calm and sensible, and that was wonderful to see.

Ri2 #14 · Mar 28th, 2018 · · 1 ·

Neighsayer's fears are totally unwarranted. The yaks don't have NEARLY enough numbers to be a credible threat. And the griffons? Ha! it is to laugh.

Twilight did sort of screw up by not mentioning that she intended to enrol international students of other species into her school, though. And for practical reasons, if not cultural or diplomatic ones. Surely somepony would've noticed something was off if the canteen was required to provide crystals and meat to cater to the dietary needs of other species? :twilightoops:

A whole lot of drama could've been avoided if there was just a little more effective communication earlier on. I feel like Twilight really should've been called out on this.

Granted, Twilight was really nervous at the time and may not have done so because the EEA has never considered the possibility of such an outlandish concept in all its history, but you'd think that such an unprecedented event would've at least warranted a heads-up.

I mean, there's a reason most countries have a whole separate tier of accreditation/licensing for institutions to take in international students. Systems need to be in place to deal with the fallout when things go wrong.

A few more cathartic stories like this one, and I might be able to continue to watch the series without spitting too many fumes. Thanks.

For some reason - probably because he reminds me too much of human governments - naysayer annoyed me more than Starlight post-5/pre-6 and I didn't think that was POSSIBLE.

(But probably laregly due the fact Celestia didn't call him out even a little on the aforementioned international incidents.)

I do like the idea of giving Neighsay a second chance. However, I had Celestia force him to resign because it was the only way I could see to shake him up enough to start thinking. She suggested he go look at the various races rather than arguing from ignorance and blind fear. The implication was that if he could rid himself of his bigotry, he could be rehabilitated.

This is easily one of the best stories I've seen to date with Neighsay. Well done!

Please don't take this the wrong way.

Neighsay only did so due to prejudice, and he doesn't really care about justice, but maybe he may have some points to an extent.
The yaks were quick to declare war because they didn't like the hay they were given, and that was after they destroyed ponies homes. Obviously what Celestia said in this fic about "would you rather have them as enemies" is a super good point (especially since Equestria's army is as weak as Celestia and Luna are, the yaks would slaughter them).

Maybe their eagerness to make friends clouds their sense of judgement and they start to hang with 'the wrong crowd' essentially.

Maybe it was mentioned in the proposal.

Yeah. Becuase a close real life senario i have seen even with being fired for ne nearly as stupid and hasn't goyten a job since he hasn't changed his view.

Wars have started for less. The problem is that Neighsay isn't just any pony but one with a high position of authority upon which reflects their relationship in Equestria. That being said, his words merely stirred the pot so that they were all at high tension and angry when the students went missing thus resulting in a near world war.

He was the catalyst. It's telling that only Thorax who actually lived among ponies and understands them was able to keep his cool upon Ocellus's disappearance.

If there's one thing you need to consider is that a threat to one of their own is very much an easy way to raise an army. We also don't know how organized Griffonstone is becoming. Noticeably neither Gruff OR Gallus asked for bits the entire two parter.

Umbridge actually DID have some good points. The teachers needed to be reviewed. While McGonagall, Flitwick, and Sprout are perfectly fine teachers, Hagrid needed some structure inserted into his teaching. It's too halfhazard. Snape shouldn't be around children. Ever. And, Binns needs to go.

Punishment for things like the Quidditch fight SHOULD go to a third party teacher that was not part of either House because obvious bias.

It's just that she didn't have their best interests in heart (mainly because you need a heart in the first place).

Actually, Twilight DID try to correct Neighsay at the meeting and he ignored her. Most likely Twilight didn't see that teaching foreign students in matters where she said it was basically about diplomacy would be an issue.

While he did have some points, the reason the yaks were such an issue is because Pinkie tried to replicate their culture in Equestria therein insulting it. When she showed them Equestrian customs, they were much more open about the whole thing. It's been a while as well, but it was after several insults that they declared war. Before that I could of sworn the threat was to cut ties instead.

Anyway, really good story OP. I like that Celestia was firm but not hardheaded about the entire thing. Conventional schools need a kind of control like the EEA; it just needs some restructuring to take into account different types of schooling. You can't expect, say, a theater school to function entirely like a regular public school for instance.

Good point, but we're not talking about neutral powers or those that tension already exists, we'll talking about Allies, as they are referred to, which is a terms that implies a certain amount of trust of each other. After all, you're trusting these people to back you up if you go to war or get attacked, you're comfortable sharing technology, etc. If you go dissolve an alliance and go straight to war over something like this, I question how much I could trust those people.

Remember these alliances are recent and they are mainly allied with Equestria, not each other. Equestria is caught in the middle because they are part of it, but dragons did not go an ally with yaks. So there's that.

Of course, there's also the fact that their willingness to go to war so quickly actually proves the necessity of Twilight's friendship school. A lot of the hostilities is born from ignorance of what friendship means - as seen with Ember in Gauntlet - and so educating them actually furthers diplomatic ties. The fact that Thorax - someone who lived and learned among ponies - is the most sensible makes it clear.

Twilight's school is a neccessity to create a strong alliance by educating their youths in friendship. Just being able to spend time together made a world of difference with the Student Six after all.

Of course, the main crux as I said before is that they are allied with Equestria not each other. Ember didn't threaten to burn Equestria to the ground, but every kingdom. It would not have been an Equestria vs other races war. It would have been a war among five races - dragons against changelings, griffons, yaks, ponies, and hypogriffs. That is much worse.

8825739 Eh, it wouldn't surprise me if Cloudsdale doesn't adhere to EEA guidelines or Gilda's enrolment wasn't reported to the EEA. But yes, it's a bit of a stretch.


Actually, Twilight DID try to correct Neighsay at the meeting and he ignored her. Most likely Twilight didn't see that teaching foreign students in matters where she said it was basically about diplomacy would be an issue.

I'm pretty sure he didn't ignore her. Their exchange in the initial meeting was as follows:

"... we need to teach the magic of friendship far and wide."
"A school for ponies to learn how to protect themselves?"
"Uh, more like respecting differences and communicating."
"The EEA concurs. Everypony should be prepared to defend our way of life."

Twilight's correction isn't specific enough to hint that other species may be enrolling in her school. The EEA naturally assumed she was talking about teaching foreign culture to ponies far and wide. Besides, Neighsay's choice of words should've clued her in that he'd misunderstood her purpose for the school.

8825737 Possibly. Though it raises the question as to why Neighsay made no objections earlier, then. If that's the case, then the EEA isn't very good at its job for not thoroughly reading through Twilight's proposal.

They got their hay wrong so the yaks decide to declare war. That's called being a sociopath.

If there's anyone who treated this matter with the respect it needed it's you. Then again all I have read from you has never failed to disappoint. I'm glad to see that you keep creating fanfics of quality without overly dramatising the characters and being faithful to their incarnations in the show.

And this is exactly why I give this fic a like and a fav and not the other two.

It isn't good at it's job on just jow the stidents react. They were into the lessons and having fun till the EEA guidelines were enforced. Once they were enthusiasm for the school dropped.

You forget the key part. Neighsay nearly started a world war. A slap on the wrist will not do for that.

What he says literally ignores her words and continues his thought process. Yes, Twilight should have realized that there was something up, but none of that really indicates his racism. Part of that problem hilariously enough is the shows usage of "pony" with "person" as a catch all term until now. It's hard to recognize at the drop of a hat.

Again, I recall them threatening to cut ties but not declaring war until the last insult. There's a difference.

Of course, there's the fact that Twilight's school of Friendship is all about teaching why this behavior is bad and correcting it for future generations. So if anything, that's evidence that these creatures need the school more than anyone else.

Now this is the Sunhorse we need in the series: one not afraid to let jerks know when they've gotten on her last nerve. Any more nonsense outta him and he'll be sitting in a cage with a mouse pretending to be Ringo Starr asking him what they're gonna do tonight.

Hey, Starlight caused multiple world wars and other catastrophes, and she got an apprenticeship!

Pony morality is weird sometimes. :derpytongue2:

Their willingness to go to war speaks of poor relations between countries, as diplomatic ties should be strong before you start calling countries allies, as relations aren't just two-sided, either enemy or ally, they can be neutral towards each other, as most of Equestria's allies are towards each other. If strong relations don't already exist, then they aren't ready to be allies, you should build trust first, then seek alliances...not build alliances, then build trust.

And to pick on Ember, as you mentioned her, she threatens world war...or at least Continental war, over this situation, it makes me question her value as an ally, as it speaks to a lack of trust that should already exist before you sign alliances, especially with powers you already have tense relations with.

I enjoy this discussion, but I'm saying that Good Diplomatic Ties should exist before you create alliances, not after, and that nations so quick to go to war with an ally, might not be good ally material, as Neighsay said. However, that doesn't mean you make then enemies, just that you decide to co-exist normally until such ties exist, probably created through Twilight's School....

To be fair, Starlight's apprenticeship was a form of rehabilitation while turning this powerful unicorn into a great ally instead of enemy.

As much as i hate that how many actially lnow that happened?

Who downvotes this? In real life this level of insult what do you think would happen?

Point there, this have issue with it but that is a point. Plus she is trying to change. Neighsay nope.

True, but trust is usually built through alliance. Let me put it this way, did you become someone's friend because you trusted them or do you trust them because they are your friend. The first is what people think they did but the truth is it's usually the latter. Well, it's usually more of an acquantence thing but in diplomatic terms that's essentially an end of hostility and a treaty of favor.

Powerful alliances are built after that where you gain further trust, but a bit of blind faith is part of the deal. Then they show how much you can trust them depending on if that blind faith was rewarded or not.

As it stands though, Equestria is a third party between relations of the other states.

As for Ember, remember, this was done on pony soil which is something she is forging peace with. It isn't happening on, say, yak soil. In other words, even if all of the other races didn't show, Smoulder would still be able to go. She did not have to befriend any of the other races.

There is an alliance between dragons and ponies, ponies and yaks, ponies and changelings, ponies and griffons, and ponies and hypogriffs. But there is no sign that dragons and griffons are allied. They can't have Gallus and Smoulder open hostilities on pony land, but that doesn't mean Smoulder and Gallus have to see each other as allies either.

Twilight's school is forming an alliance between the other states with each other and Equestria to create something of a NATO. Until then though, Ember won't be visiting Queen Novo to talk about trade between each other. Equestria would remain the third party between their goods.

In essence, there is some trust with Equestria (though Neighsay severely damaged that with his comments) that they entrusted a youth to Twilight's school. This is a tentative ally. There is no little to no trust with the other races between each other yet so at best they remain allies of convience through Equestria.

Twilight's school forging friendships between their youths will ultimately be the catalyst to a more proper alliance.

Thus why Neighsay is so problematic - he damaged a possible alliance with his bigotry that he directed at leaders and/or high officials of foreign nations that would reflect negatively upon Equestria. Creating higher tensions as he damaged the trust in Equestria.

Maybe but then again I don't like mouthpiece fanfics. You also have to consider you're applying human judgement on a fictional species. It's clear the ponies while awfully paranoid against the unknown seem equally forgiving when those fears are out. So while you and I may not approve I'm quite sure that they would think it's ok.

Different societies, different treatment to the same problem.

How do you know what happens to a character after you saw only several minutes of him in total?

Maybe he can still realize his mistake since we actually dont know... anything really... about him. Besides that he at least come off as an asshole.

This story needed more Discord. Neighsay in this story gives a very distinct "I suck the fun and life out of everything I touch" vibe. Discord added some much needed levity.

I actually truly enjoy this one. Given the climate of fix fics, bash fics, and overall antagonism fics of Neighsayer to come the subtlety is very nice to see.

"A pony who had been misled by a powermongering maniac of a simian who exploited the desire any such unfortunate would have to be whole again."

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Am I seeing this right? A snobby Canterlot official actually defending Fizzlepop Berrytwist??

Huh. Maybe Neighsay ain't as bad as we all thought. :)

Not saying he should be jailed but with lack of common sense he should not keep his position.

Simple. How we last saw him. He hadn't changed at all in his views.

Ask the author. This isn't canon you know.

LOVED IT! Though I'm still going with my headcanon that Neighsay is really a robotic pony suit piloted by two lab mice, and this was all part of an elaborate plot to TRY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!

8825422 Because he, as an official representative of the Equestrian government, made very clear his thoughts that Equestria didn't need a single one of them and would be better off without them ever daring to set claw, hoof, paw, etc... in their lands, simply out of blatant racism. That's the type of insult that severely messes up diplomatic ties. He was 100% responsible for everything that happened through his overbearing bigotry and idiocy.

As to the question itself. Because even a shaky alliance is better then open hostility. And all of the alliances were still very, very new and tenuous in the first place, simply needing time to settle and for all sides to become used to each other. This wasn't them threatening to break an alliance that has worked well for them for centuries over this. Most of them were still on their own trying to make sure a closer alliance with Equestria would be worth it, only to then deal with something like that. Could make one wonder if the Ponies might not just be saying what they think would get them on their side, all while playing them for saps and just trying to use them when convenient.

8826017 Yes, but there is a difference between being xenophobic, and just being a fucking idiot. When you spew out that level of racist bullshit, directly to and about three separate heads of state, possibly the brother or at least very high up and close confidant of another head of state, and... okay just some old guy but far as we've seen he's the closest Griffonstone might have to an 'elder' type role. Any one of which is perfectly capable of either squashing you like a bug, or ripping you to shreds personally. You're just an idiot. It says a lot that Thorax was the most chill of all the leaders the whole time, and even he looked ready to put his hoof up Neighsay's rump.

8825759 On the Umbridge thing. Even those 'points' are tenuous at best. The only teachers in the school that really had any problems were Hagrid and the Seer one (can't recall the name). Hagrid really was an expert on the subject and extremely eager to teach about it. He was a good teacher when it came down to actually doing the teaching. Is issue was having no idea about what creatures would make good subjects for the students to learn about, or find 'interesting'. All he needed was someone else to give him a course syllabus of what creatures to teach about and he'd be really damn good.

Trelawney (HA Rembers it) yeah she was an utter fraud who was only kept around to keep her safe. BUT, keep in mind what subject she taught, one that Dumbledore admitted to having no real faith in being a subject that even needed to be taught there in the first place, and one we've pretty much been shown through the story he was right about. There is no way to teach Divination, you either have the 'Sight' or you don't. All the stuff she taught was just as fake for them as it is for us. So it was a class that didn't matter if it was taught by a total fraud, as it was pointless anyway, and also an elective.

Snape though, he's not actually QUITE as horrible as made out to be by most. He's strict, overbearing, and unpleasant. But he knows his shit and was good at making sure the students learned their shit. He's a bastard I'd hate to have as a teacher, but not to the extent he shouldn't be there. With two exceptions. Harry and Neville. All the shit he does that DOES cross the line into unprofessional at best was focused on those two, both of whom he had a personal grudge with. Yes, he needed to be brought up and told to knock that shit off, but beyond that, he was doing the job.

8825921 Fair enough.

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