• Published 8th Apr 2018
  • 4,468 Views, 132 Comments

Alternative Reality - Crystal Night

Infinite finds himself in Equestria, where his presence may help the Princesses, if not whole of Equestria.

  • ...

Stage Seven: Hidden

Author's Note:

And done! This chapter was way too long but I had fun writing it.
It took this long to write cuz well Division 2. What? That game is amazing. Tell me your thoughts on this chapter and the game if you want. I'll see you on the next chapter!
PS. You might want to have an edgy song to read this one.

To say Infinite was bored of hearing the same thing over and over again, was an understatement. So he decided to step out the throne room and glanced outside through a window, unaware he was being followed.
"I assume you don't like meetings, or you are not very social."

"A bit of both actually."
Tempest laughed.
"I can't argue with that."

"What's your story?" - he finally asked.

"Do you want the short or the long version of it?"

"The short version. Luna already told you used to serve the Storm King."

"Hmm, it was true. I was the tip of the spear for his army. I agreed to help him because he told me about a way to get my horn back, but in the end..."

"It was a lie." She looked at him.

"You seem to know something about that. Anyway, he order us to invade Equestria and seize the princesses powers. I did what he said, we captured them and he took their power. That's when he betrayed me. He was simply using me, like a tool for his own scheme." He noticed the anger in her eyes. "But even then Twilight wasn't afraid to face him, she wasn't alone, her friends helped. That was true friendship I saw that day. Heck, I was turned into stone trying to protect Twilight and her friends."

"And yet, here you are, free."

"I know right? I guess forgiveness also comes with friendship. Not to mention I'm still a captain. How about you? Something tells me there's a lot behind that mask."

"It's a long story."

"That I'm sure we have enough time to hear." - she quickly replied back with a grin.

"I guess you could say I was also the tip of the sword for Dr.Eggman's army.
He hired my team months ago when we tried to raid his base. The job was simple, get in and get out. Our target was to steal a ruby."

"Is he really a doctor?"
The jackal shrugged.
"Honestly I have no idea. Moving on, we knew he didn't have a good defense, so breaking in would be easy."

"All of that for a ruby?"

"At the time I didn't know what kind of ruby was it. We thought it would pay well when we tried to sell it later. At least that was the idea."

"Let me guess, something went wrong?"
They walked to some nearby chairs and sat down.
"All of the sudden, an army of robots engaged us, I told my team to hold them while I took care of the doctor." - he looked down at the crystal floor, seeing his reflection. "That's when everything changed. When I jumped at the doctor, my sword hit the ruby he was holding, it somehow triggered it. I was quickly surrounded by a broken world, ready for someone to rebuild it. At that moment, my perception, my view upon that world changed. I guess that doctor also saw that, then he hired us."

"I see, what did your team say?"

"At first they didn't agree, but he gave us a better place to stay."

"He doesn't seem that bad."

"Well, he's actually a villain."


"Shouldn't you be inside? After all, you're a captain, or you're just keeping an eye on me?"

"I'm certain Twilight will tell me everything I need to know, besides large meetings can be...boring."
The large throne room doors opened, the little drake left the room and looked around until his eyes found what he was looking for.
"There you two are, come inside."

Tempest and Infinite got up and followed him. He was still amazed how there was a tree in the ceiling, he had seen some wacky stuff, like some weird looking monsters when the planet was torn apart or that amusement park in space. Either way, he also never expected himself talking to multicoloured ponies from a different world.
"I suppose we could go around town and make a head count, too see if someone is really missing. It shouldn't be too difficult since Pinkie has records on everyone that lives here."

"This will be easy, like baking a strawberry pie!"

Meanwhile, he glanced at Luna, she seemed to be enjoying their company.
The princess glanced back at him, but ignored his gaze turning her attention to the meeting. Is she still upset about what I said?

Part of him didn't really care, he just wanted to gain their trust and hopefully find a way to get out of there. However the look she gave him earlier, it actually bothered him. At the time he didn't think straight. This shouldn't concern that much...

"It would be faster if we split into teams of two." - suggested the rainbow mare.

"Good idea. Now let's go."
After picking who goes with who, they quickly left the castle, going their separate ways.
Infinite of course got stuck the lunar monarch, not that he would complain.
"How well do you know this town and its residents?"

"Not much unfortunately. Good thing Pinkie gave us a list of everyone, that also comes with a picture, a bit odd."

"She is odd, strange even."

"That's Pinkie Pie, and you don't even know the half of it."

"I don't think I want too."
The couple were near the creepy looking forest, which he still found it rather strange. On one side there's a happy town, and right next to it, this forest.
"What is that place?"
Luna followed his gaze.
"That is the Everfree Forest. Me and my sister used to live there."

"You lived in that mess?" - he pointed out.
"Back then the forest wasn't always like this. But it somehow changed, almost having a mind of its own. Even the weather there is wild. Celestia left it shortly after my defeat as Nightmare Moon."

"It seems dangerous in there."

"And you're right. Wild creatures roam the forest, the weather is unpredictable and who knows what else lurks in the shadows."
The jackal grinned, his explorer side getting very excited. "Don't you dare think you are going in there."

"Wait, why not?"

"Because I told you too."
He readjusted his mask, crossings his arms.
"You do know you're not my boss? I take orders from no one." - he said with a heavier tone.
Luna simply sighed.
"I don't wish to explain my sister why you are suddenly injured."

"Your sister doesn't need to know." They rounded a corner, leaving the forest behind their back. That's when something struck Infinite's mind. "Wait, earlier you mention something you and your sister living there right?" She nodded. "Like in a castle that Celestia left behind right?"

"Yes, what about it?"

"If something or someone kidnaped ponies that would be the ideal place to hide, don't you think?"
Luna gave some thought into it, he wasn't wrong. Only a few ponies dared to venture there. It was a long shot, perhaps after the search they would go there and give a look. The old castle could be a good hiding spot.
"Perhaps we can go there once the search is done."

Infinite nodded his head.
"By the way, are you still upset?"

"You will know when I'm really upset."
He felt a chill going down his sphine. Whatever that meant, clearly wasn't good for him.
The search party spent an hour searching for anypony that could possibly be missing. They got together in front of the castle.
"Well according to this, there's seven ponies that are missing." - informed Twilight.

"Is there any chance that they maybe left Ponyville?" - inquired Rarity.

"By what other ponies said, they just vanished." - Starlight quickly said.

"We have to find them, somehow." - the yellow pegasus stepped in.

"Infinite mention to me earlier about a possible hiding spot, the Castle of the Two Sisters." - Luna announced.

"That makes sense." - Twilight confirmed.

"There's only one way to find out." - said Rainbow Dash, quickly flying towards the forest.
"Adventure time!"
The group followed their blue friend, meanwhile Infinite let out a sigh.
"This is really getting on my nerves."

"Don't like happiness?"

"Happiness only lasts for so long."

"Not if you keep it close to you." Luna could sense his struggle, perhaps with some more time she would be able to break the wall he had around him.
He wasn't entirely evil, at least that's what she wanted to believe.

Upon reaching the outskirts of the Everfree, the jackal could tell that place was somewhat 'dangerous', but that didn't seem to affect the group.
If what Luna said was true, saving Equestria countless times meant they were brave. Or very naive. - he thought.

"This place seems cozy enough." - Infinite stated. They all glanced at him. "What? You should see my world."

The group get going forward, unaware they were being followed.
"Ooh, this place is still very creepy." - Fluttershy said, looking everywhere.

"At least, those wolves haven't showed up." - Rainbow quickly replied.
As soon she said that, the wooden wolves stepped away from the shadows and blocked their path, surrounding them.
"Thanks for the jinx, Dash." - Applejack simply rolled her eyes.

Is that...wood? Infinite approached the lunar alicorn. "What are those?"

The princess summoned her sword.
One of them jumped at Luna, his mouth wide open, ready to sink his teeth. Unfortunately for him, she side stepped to her left avoiding the wolf and her sword hit him, the wooden wolf was torn into several pieces.
"They seem quite fragile." - Infinite replied.

Suddenly the pieces began moving on its own, forming the wolf once more.
"The fragile part isn't the issue. Getting back up again it is."

"There so many of them." - said Fluttershy, hiding behind her rainbow haired friend.
Everyone was ready to fight them, everyone but Infinite.
"You're not going to help us?" - Luna asked.
"Is there a reason why I should?"

"I bet he's scared."
The jackal glared at Rainbow, making the mare avoiding him.

"Infinite," Luna called out. "Don't listen to her. We just need a little help, that's all."

"Hmph, fine." - he channelled his power. "Only because I don't want to explain why you got injured to your sister." - he smirked under the mask.

He created above them a platform of cubes.
"How is that going to help?" - Twilight inquired.
He paid no attention as he warped gravity round them, everyone landing on the platform.
"What?!" - Starlight said, gazing at the floor.

"Are we upside down?" Twilight looked at Infinite, however he wasn't upside down, instead he was floating.

"This is fun!" - laughed Pinkie.
As for the timberwolves, they were currently way above them.

"What goes up, must come crashing down." Infinite ceased using his power, gravity going back to normal.
Everyone landed on their hooves. Unfortunately for the wolves that wasn't the same case. They hit the ground hard enough that broke them into more pieces.
"That won't stop them." - warned Luna.
"I know what I'm doing." Once more the pieces came back to life, the wooden wolves growling full of anger, glaring at Infinite. "If you're still going to fight back, I don't a have a problem of burning you all into ashes." As soon he said that, a red aura engulfed him, making the timberwolves slowly step away from him. "What's it going to be?'

Luna watched him cautiously. She wasn't sure if Infinite was simply threatening or being very serious about burning them. As much as she hated them, they didn't deserve something like that. Luna was ready to stop him if needed.
The timberwolves decided to be smart as they finally left the group alone, turning back into the forest.

For a moment they just stared at each other, trying to figure out what just happened.
"That...was...awesome!" Rainbow was the first one to break the silence. "I totally take back what I said earlier."

"What kind of spell was that?" - Twilight asked herself.
The lunar monarch let out a deep breath. At least this crisis was avoided.

Luna trotted next to Infinite. While the rest of the group talked, he remained quiet, just following then.
"Infinite, may I ask you something?"


"Back there, with the timberwolves, were you really going to burn them if they attacked you?"

She was slightly taken back by his reply.
"Why though?"

"Why not?" - he simply replied. "I do what I must in order to survive."
Luna wanted to knock some sense into him, but would have to wait for later.
They finally reached the bridge that led to the old castle. However they noticed something was off. The old almost broken down brigde was replaced with a better one. The wood planks seemed rather new and strong which could mean someone did this. Who? Why? Was someone using this brigde? Those were some of the questions they asked each other as they began crossing the brigde.

"Well, here we are." - Twilight finally said.
The castle looks really old, maybe a bit more than a thousand years, if what Luna told me was right.
Upon approaching the main door, the group tried getting acess to it, but the doors wouldn't move, not even an inch.
"That is quite odd indeed." - Luna observed.

"Stand back." The dark jackal stepped forward, Luna and Twilight shared a knowing glance, waiting for what was about to happen.
He created a cannon and fired at the door, which didn't prove to be tough as it broke down. "Who needs keys when you got a cannon, right?" - he chuckled.

"Really Infinite?" - Luna deadpanned.

"Do you want me to be always dark and brooding?" - he inquired.

"On second thought..."

As they made their way towards the throne, they noticed the old castle wasn't so old anymore. All the dust and cobwebs were cleaned off. The piles of rubble also gone, even the holes in the ceiling and walls were boarded it up.
"I can't be the only one finding this really, but I mean really strange, right?" - the rainbow mare asked everyone.

"Well, at least this place is finally cleaned." - Rarity responded, which Dash simply sighed.

"I don't think thats really important here, sugarcube." - Applejack added.

Infinite for his part was on high alert for any potencial threats. He had sense a faint energy when they entered the castle, and if those ponies were saying was true, then there's a small chance they weren't alone. He was ready, however he wanted to see what these 'heroes' could really do. At first glance they didn't seem much. But illusions can deceit.

"Hey! Careful with those boxes!" - they heard someone shouting, and it was coming from the throne room.
The door was slightly open, giving them enough space to look around.
"Aren't those the seven missing ponies?" - Fluttershy asked first.

"I would say they aren't missing anymore." - Infinite said with a roll of his eyes.

"That might be true, but what are they doing here?" Luna was starting to find this a bit suspicious.

"There's only one way to find out." - Twilight stepped forward, the rest of the group following her. "Hmm, hello?"

The seven missing ponies turned heads to glance at the newcomers, some of them getting very nervous all of the sudden.
A white mare with a yellow mane got behind a brown stallion. By their shared glances, he seem to be the one in charge.
"Ah, Princess Twilight, what a pleasant surprise, and I see you brought some friends," - he then noticed Luna and Infinite. "and Princess Luna it's nice to see you to, and whatever he might be."

"How dare-" Luna stretched out her wing and shook her head. Oh, the things that he wanted do to him.

"Perhaps you can tells us what's happening here? Or why you are here?" - Luna asked.

"Oh, it's nothing special really. We are just camping."

"Camping in the middle of the Everfree Forest? In a abandoned castle? I can think of better places for that."

"Not to mention you have been missing for a few days now, all of you." - the lavender unicorn quickly added.

"Well, we uhm.." - he looked at his partners.

Something isn't right here. Infinite could feel that energy much closer now. Around there was several boxes scattered all over the room. However what really caught his attention was inside. A bunch of glowing crystals or gems, whatever that was. They had different sizes and colours.
"What are those?" - he pointed out.

"We found in a cave, yea. They looked nice, so we took them."

"Or is it because of their unique energy?" Luna slowly glanced at him, now that we mention that, she could sense it. He was on to something here.
"Perhaps we should take this back to the castle and discuss it there." - the blue alicorn suggested.

Before anything could be said or done, a magical bolt almost hit Luna right in her face, but was blocked by a red cube. All eyes in the room turned to see who fired that. A light grey mare was holding what appeared to be a spear, however on the tip where the blade should be, was one of the crystals.
"What in Tartarus name are you doing?!" - the brown pony yelled.

"T-Thank you Infinite."
He just glanced at her, not needing to use any words.
"That wasn't very...nice." His full attention reverted back to the gray mare.

"What do we do now?" - one of them asked.

"If we act fast we can take them."

They gathered whatever weapons were nearby, pointing at them.
"They can't be serious right?" - Twilight glanced at the other princess. When Luna didn't reply, that's when she knew her answer.
"What about that freak?"

Infinite clenched his fists, full of anger for being called such things.
"Infinite..." - Luna started, but this time he cut her off.

"Don't. They will soon regret crossing paths with me." All of the sudden he dashed forward, avoiding a couple of bolts. As he got closer to one of them, Infinite was hit which cause him to burst into smaller red cubes. "That was it?" The girls looked at each other confused, while Luna just waited for his next move. As the stallion was about to celebrate, the cubes reformed behind him, as Infinite quickly punched him away.

He moved onto his next target, which tried to cut him down with a sword, unfortunately for him, his attack was blocked by Infinite's sword. He then spun around, kicking him in the back of the head. "Not much of a challenge."

The other two mares shot their crossbows. Infinite side stepped left and right, getting closer. "S-Stay back!!"
Without saying a single word, he jumped over them and use his sphere attack, knocking the mares out of action. For whatever reason, he decided to use less power in this attack, something he pushed back into his mind.

He glanced at the final opponents. They were equiped with shields and spears. One versus three. Time to make things equal. Infinite charged forward as he created two copies of himself.

"What kind of magic is he using?" - the younger princess inquired.

"I'll tell you later." - Luna replied back as she saw one of the copies breaking right through the shield, once more punching the stallion, sending him across the throne room.

"That's gotta hurt." Even Dash was starting to finding Infinite quite the force to deal with it.

The second fake Infinite nearly avoided the spear by crouching down, he then proceeded to do a spin-kick sending his attacker onto the floor.
Luna was getting more impressed due to his combat skills. It was definitive better after their previous fight.

The last pony still standing trembled after seeing his two friends fell so easily. He kept backing down until he reached the wall.
"It's just you and me now," A red glow surrounded the menacing jackal. "and there's nobody to save you."

"Infinite that's enough." - Luna commanded. However that had no effect as he got closer to him. Upon seeing this, the princess decided to step in, or in this case, teleport herself between them.
"Step aside Luna."

"And if I don't?" - she inquired, glaring at him. For a moment time slowed down, the girls looking at Infinite and Luna.
Finally he turned his back and walked away. The princess let out a deep breath she didn't know she was holding.
"Oh thank you."

"Don't thank me just yet, you and your friends have a lot to explain now." - she quickly replied back with a heavy tone.

While the party left the old castle, a pair of green eyes watched the entire scene unfold. "This isn't good."

One letter later and a group of royal guards were on the small town to apprehend the missing ponies for later questions. As for the boxes containing the crystals, it was going to take some time to retrieve all of them.

"Thank you for your help."
Luna had spend the last few minutes explaining more about Infinite. Of course Twilight had so many questions about the Phantom Ruby, but those would have to wait.

This time the ride back to Canterlot was made by chariot. The lunar monarch was debating about the way Infinite handled the situation. He saved her, which he clearly didn't needed to.
"Zero." He moved his head to look at her. "Why did you helped me?"

"Like I said, I don't want to explain why you got hurt to your sister."

"But something tells me that's not the only reason."

"I guess you have to wait in order to find out." Those were his last words before he gazed into the sunset.