• Published 29th Mar 2018
  • 1,662 Views, 10 Comments

The Return of the King - Bronyxy

A terrified Flurry Heart arrives at the Castle of Friendship seeking help from her favorite foalsitter. Twilight has to lead an army to investigate with the help of Rainbow Dash. Could Sombra have returned and if so how could she stop him?

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2 Twilight Enlists Help

“So you see, ‘Shy” said Rainbow in conclusion “We need somepony we can really trust to look after Flurry Heart. Are you up for the job, or what?”
“Oh, my” replied the timid pegasus smiling nervously “Don’t you remember how powerful she was when we went to her Crystalling? I really don’t think I’m the right pony for the job …”
“That’s the spirit” interrupted Rainbow, oblivious to her friend’s protestations “When the fate of Equestria hangs in the balance, we know we can always count on you.”

Fluttershy fully recognised that there was no way her friend was going to accept anything other than her complete compliance, and given that she could either acquiesce now or try and protest, which would still end in the same result, decided not to prolong the inevitable conclusion and whimpered a faint “Eeeep!”

“Thanks ‘Shy. I’ve got to go get ready for an epic adventure in the Crystal Empire …” said Rainbow, who glimpsing her friend’s reticence looked at her innocently and said “… Unless of course you would rather take on the monsters that are probably waiting there right now ready to rip us limb from limb, and I could look after the cute little foal instead?”

Fluttershy lay on the floor quivering and covered her eyes with her forehooves at the prospect.
“Come on ‘Shy” she continued in her hectoring tones “Twilight’s waiting. You do want to help, don’t you?”

Harry looked at the brash pegasus disapprovingly and let out a low growl that anypony else would have taken as warning to reconsider their most recent actions very carefully, but Rainbow remained oblivious and dragged her hapless friend towards the door.

Oh dear” she whimpered “If I must.

Nyx landed under the shade of the tree that stood next to the station and gave her wings a little flutter as she furled them to her sides, then looked up towards the deserted looking building. She took a stroll onto the empty platform and then looked all around, but there was nopony to be seen. A quick look at the timetable suggested that the next train from the Crystal Empire wasn’t due for at least another hour, so she had no leads.

Next, she trotted the few steps over to the big two-storey building adjacent. It had a winching beam extending out over the track, so she guessed it must have something to do with the railway’s infrastructure and reasoned that her enquiries would not be complete if she didn’t at least ask there too. She knocked on the door, hearing the echoes reverberate and fade within; sounds that did not fill her with any confidence that she would receive any more of a positive response.

She waited and knocked again, but upon getting no reply, she sprang into the air and climbed in wide circles looking each way down the tracks to see if she had missed anything, but nothing was out of the ordinary. Disappointed, she set course for the castle and returned to give her unspectacular report, wishing she had something more interesting to tell.

Upon returning to the nursery, she noted that she was the first back and drew up close to her Mom, relaying to her the undramatic account and looking at the troubled foal nestling in Twilight’s forelegs.

Shortly, more hooves could be heard approaching from down the corridor, the unmistakable loud tones of Rainbow Dash leaving absolutely no mystery as who would be coming to join them next. The hooves stopped outside the door and then everypony heard a very quiet voice saying “We must be quiet now. We don’t want to scare the little one.”

A cyan pony strode in confidently followed by the tentative appearance of a primrose muzzle around the door. Two big cerulean blue eyes sought out the smallest Princess and once she found her cuddled up tightly in Twilight’s embrace, Fluttershy let out a heart melting “Aaaaw” sound and tiptoed over.

“Would you like me to take her from you?” she asked.
“Oh please, if you would Fluttershy” replied Twilight gratefully “I think Rainbow and I have a journey ahead of us.”
“Could I take her back to my cottage?” asked Fluttershy “It would be easier for me to look after my little animal friends too.”

“I would rather not, if that’s OK” said Twilight “You know how Flurry Heart can get a bit, you know, out of control sometimes? Well, she knows the nursery very well and it’s like a second home to her, so she’s much more likely to settle down here than at your cottage. Also, I don’t want her accidentally demolishing your home and possibly hurting any of your animals.”
“Oh, I see” said Fluttershy, nodding her head “That’s very thoughtful; thank you Twilight.”

The lilac pony handed over the precious bundle to the most caring pony in Equestria and motioned with her head to Rainbow to join her outside in the corridor.
“Girls and Spike” she whispered “Thank you for everything you've done today. I think Fluttershy may be grateful of some more help if she’s going to stay here; like going to feed her critters …”
Fluttershy nodded gratefully.
“… and also keeping her fed and getting anything she needs. Can you manage that for us please?”
The six youngsters all nodded enthusiastically, eager to help out.

“And before it gets too late” she continued “Make sure your parents and guardians know where you are and that you’re on Official Princess Business; you’re all deputised, OK?”

Twilight left the nursery filled with the happy smiling faces of proud, newly appointed deputies followed closely by Rainbow who was clearly eager for adventure.
“So, shall we fly up north and smack some heads?” she asked enthusiastically.
“No Rainbow, first things first. We haven’t heard back from Princess Celestia, so first stop will have to be Canterlot.”
The thrill-seeking display flier seemed a little put out, but could still sense adventure racing up to meet her and knew that the best way of realising it would be to stick closely by Twilight’s side and take things at her pace.

The two friends took off from the nearest balcony side by side and Twilight directed them towards the station as they climbed and settled into a comfortable cruising speed that they could both maintain for the rest of the day if it was needed.
“The train from the Crystal Empire would have to come through Canterlot” reasoned Twilight “So if we follow the railway line north, then we could board it en route and ask the conductor, engineer and passengers if they have noticed anything unusual.”
“Yeah” replied Rainbow, her voice laden heavily with scepticism “If it’s coming. Don’t be surprised if we don’t see it is all.”

A long silence fell between them, each alone with their thoughts as they followed the snaking trail beneath them. Rainbow had been correct in her assessment; they had seen no trains and that meant that it had to be late – something that very rarely ever happened in Equestria.

When they reached the start of the long tunnel that led through the mountainside into Canterlot Station, they banked away and swooped in low over the pedestrian walkway that led into the heart of the city. The airspace immediately above this walkway was in fact a well-policed aerial highway with all pegasi sticking to the appropriate side to avoid collisions. There were still a few backwaters in Equestria where pegasi flew on the wrong side, but when in the nation’s capital, they had to learn to fit in fast.

Twilight and Rainbow flew in towards the spectacular white archway upon which stood a golden statue of Princess Celestia and a corresponding deep blue one of Princess Luna meeting in the middle over a symbol of joined sun and moon. Rainbow was itching to fly under this landmark monument for the thrill of it, a feat she could easily manage given her highly refined precision flying skills. Twilight on the other hoof, anticipated her impetuousness and just shot a disapproving glance that was received by an exaggerated roll of her friend’s eyes; she was a Princess after all, and could not be seen to be condoning reckless behaviour, especially in such a public place.

They touched down onto the courtyard of the Royal Castle in perfect synchronisation at a respectful distance from the guards stood at the entrance, who saluted smartly at the arrival of their high-profile guests. Twilight thanked them for their diligence as they moved aside to allow her and Rainbow through into the castle on their mission to find Princess Celestia and establish why she hadn’t responded to her earlier scroll. It was all so unlike her that Twilight couldn’t help feeling the knot in her stomach tighten with a growing sense of dread that she hoped was nothing more than needless over-reaction.

On their way along the corridor that led to the Throne Room, Celestia’s Personal Assistant, a very smartly presented stallion, came close to skittling them both over as he came fast down an adjoining corridor, clearly preoccupied.
“Princess Twilight!” he exclaimed in his slightly falsetto voice “Oh, how I need to talk to you!In here quickly, please!”
“Sure” replied Twilight uneasily “What’s the problem?”
“Not out here! In the room first, please!”

He opened a door next to them and they entered, noticing it to be elaborately furnished, but aside from the three of them, empty of occupants.
“What I have to tell you if highly sensitive” he continued.
“Hey look, you can trust Rainbow Dash if that’s what you mean” said Twilight leaping to her friend’s defence.
“Oh, you have no idea how pleased I am that it was you I almost knocked over…” he stammered “… I mean, not that I wanted to knock you over, but …”
“I get it” said Twilight, feeling impatience begin to rise inside her “What’s the problem?”
“Princess Celestia is missing!” he exclaimed “Haven’t seen her since this morning. She hasn’t turned up for any of her meetings and I have run out of excuses.Thank goodness you showed up; perhaps you could stand in for her?”
“Hey now, wait a minute” said Twilight taking a step back “I don’t think my standing in for a few meetings is what’s needed right now; I think the bigger issue is finding her. Have you informed Princess Luna?”
“No, not yet.”
“Then it’s time we did.”


“So you see Luna” said Twilight having woken her fellow Princess, “Celestia has gone missing without leaving a note or word with anypony, Flurry Heart appears to have flown all the way from the Crystal Empire and the train from the Crystal Empire hasn’t arrived. I can’t help thinking that all these things are linked, and the answer lies to the north.”
“Sombra?” asked Luna.
“Perhaps. He is the biggest disturbance that’s ever happened to the Crystal Empire in recorded history” said Twilight “Unless you know different?”

“No. It all points to his having returned again” agreed Luna, her jaw striking a business-like profile that showed she was ready for action “If it is true, we must also assume that Cadence and Shining Armor have been overpowered or they would have surely interceded. We must go to the Crystal Empire and face him again.”

“Actually, I don’t think that’s the best idea. We must have a Princess stay behind and oil the wheels of politics, or ponies will get suspicious and that would result in a full-scale panic. As I haven’t had any exposure to politics, I don’t see how that could be me. Also, I’ve already proven myself a number of times; such as against Tirek, Discord, Chrysalis and, no offence Princess, but also Nightmare Moon, so I’m pretty adept in a tight corner – I really think I should be the one to go.”

Twilight’s words hit home, and they hurt, but there was no avoiding the truth that lay behind them. Luna made a mental note to ensure that they got Twilight more involved in politics in future so that this kind of thing did not happen again.

“Very well, Twilight Sparkle” announced Luna imperiously “But be sure thou dost not fail.”
“Thanks, Luna” smiled Twilight, giving her close friend a smile before turning on her hoof to let the Princess of the Night prepare for both day time and night time duties.

“So” said Rainbow eagerly as soon as her friend re-appeared “What did she say? You were in there long enough.”
“Are you ready for a challenge?” she answered.
“Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Oh yeah!” chanted the best flier in Equestria.
“You do realise we could be going up against Sombra once more, or something even worse?”
“Hey Twi, with my flying and your magic, we got it licked!”
“I admire your optimism Rainbow, but I didn’t think we should face it alone” tempered Twilight “Next stop, the barracks.”

Rainbow paused for a second with her head tilted slightly to one side as Twilight moved off, thinking about challenging her last statement, but thought better of it and turned to fall in behind her, catching up within a few eager steps. It would be cool to show off her awesomeness to the guards after all.