• Published 8th Dec 2011
  • 1,095 Views, 16 Comments

Two Notes Alike - Doom_Pie

Octavia houses her sister, Viviola, out of kindness - but will she regret it?

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Chapter One: Arrival

As the warm sunlight burst through the window of her room, Octavia rolled around in her bed, the first signs of wakefulness creeping into her body. This is what she simply loved about days off – sleeping in, not having to worry about rehearsals, just being able to relax, with no distractions. As she blearily started to open her eyes, she truly appreciated that fact.
Though, appreciation was about as far as Octavia could go with the idea of ‘no distractions’ that day, a fact she realized the moment she heard a knock on her door.

The sudden loud noise startled a still-groggy Octavia into an upright position. After rubbing her eyes a few times with her hooves and regaining her bearings from the scare, she stretched and hopped onto the floor. The clock on the wall read exactly ten thirty in the morning; either the pony at her door was very punctual, very lucky, or very late.

“Just one second, please,” called out Octavia, in a voice that suggested both friendliness and irritation on her part. It was the voice she used when anyone interrupted her in anything for any reason. It was almost as trademark as the bowtie she fastened around her neck.

Other orchestra ponies wore their bowties during performances only, but to Octavia, the bowtie just felt natural, and without it she felt naked. She also thought that she looked silly without it. So, she made sure to put it on every morning, as part of her routine.

As she turned towards the direction of the door, Octavia made a quick survey of the few rooms she had, to make sure nothing was out that she didn’t want anypony to see, such as a new, secret composition for her cello, or the occasional private journal she wrote before or after a performance. She saw only what she wanted other ponies to see, however: her cello, leaning against the wall in its case; her multiple awards on one shelf dedicated to trophies and memorabilia; her sound setup, including microphones, multiple speakers, a tuner and record player; and of course, all of the furniture she felt necessary to own. In her relatively packed living space, that wasn’t much, but just enough to allow for the occasional guest, which was about all she could manage in an apartment as small as hers.

Octavia walked slowly towards the door and was almost to it when she heard her guest call out.

“Hey, ‘tavia, open up, will you?”

Octavia stopped. Pet names were not uncommon for the pony; it seemed that a name like hers lent itself to one. Some called her ‘Tavi,’ others ‘Octy.’ But only one pony in the whole of Equestria called her ‘tavia.

Octavia reluctantly opened up the door to reveal her slightly younger sister, Viviola.

“Heya there, ‘tavia. How are you doing on this fine day?” To illustrate the fact that the day was indeed a fine one, the pony gestured toward the skies above her with the hoof she wasn’t using to lean against Octavia’s doorframe.

The sun shone off of Viviola’s purple-streaked mane, giving it a somewhat luminescent quality, almost accentuating her creamy yellow coat. She chose not to wear her purple bowtie, as she generally didn’t wear it outside of performances and never wore it around her sister.

Octavia groaned as her yellow-coated sibling went back to a normal standing position. “Vivi, what is it that you want?” She put on her very best annoyed face. “I’m very busy.”

“Oh, my,” responded Viviola playfully, “you must have been so preoccupied sleeping at ten in the morning, sis!” Viviola’s eyes possessed a quality both mocking and somewhat condescending in that moment. That always managed to bring out the worst in Octavia.

“Now hold on, Viviola,” said Octavia through gritted teeth, “I’ll have you know that I get very few days off, and I work hard enough that I deserve to spend them however I want. I wouldn’t expect you to know much about working hard, though.”

Viviola gasped, mockingly acting offended. “Why, I never, big sis! To think you’d be so riled up at a simple playful gesture! I’m delighted to see that you haven’t changed a bit, not since leaving Canterlot for… this place.”

Octavia groaned again, wondering once more why her sister intended to make her life hard. Viviola was born about a year and a half after Octavia, and Octavia had heard that the younger sibling in relationships between two sisters tended to be more… expressive. Viviola was much like Octavia, but a few key aspects of her personality set the two apart: If you asked Viviola, she’d tell you that she was less stuffy than her posh older sister. She knew how to have fun and not worry about things all the time. In her eyes, her sister was just too stuck up.
Octavia, on the other hoof, felt that Viviola couldn’t take anything seriously. When they both chose their instruments at a young age, Octavia practiced her cello night and day, taking good care to keep it clean, tuned, and ready to go at a moment’s notice; Viviola, however, would casually toss her violin on to her bed and do whatever it was that occupied her at the time. Granted, Viviola was still a talented violinist; it’s just that she lacked the focus to become great, like Octavia considered herself to be.

Viviola casually trotted into Octavia’s apartment, leaving Octavia to close the door behind her. “So, sis, what’ve you been up to since the Gala?”

Octavia detected a hint of bitterness in Viviola’s voice. They had both auditioned to attend the Gala, and Viviola was still a little… disappointed that Octavia got a part and she didn’t. That’s what you get for not focusing, Octavia had said. Just another bit of malice between the two of them.

Octavia stood glaring at Viviola – half out of distrust, half out of genuine curiosity – when she responded, “Working. My career didn’t stop after the Gala, believe it or not. And what have you been up to? Same as always?”

It would not be untrue to say that Octavia asked this simply to throw her own success in her sister’s face again. Viviola had been expecting this, however, as it was how every conversation of theirs – no matter how few and far between they were – began, in some form or another. “Yes, sis, same as always. Not letting how successful others think I should be weigh me down and destroy my ability to enjoy life.”

The mare paused, and feigned thoughtfulness for effect. “Though, I wouldn’t suspect that you would know anything about that, eh, sis?”

“I can’t imagine how amazing it would be to be able to sleep in every day, I must admit. Free from important engagements and work, only occasionally being expected to show potential. That must be thrilling.”

Viviola showed her first signs of being truly upset, her face drooping into an honestly offended frown. “Now, sister, I didn’t come here to play verbal fencing with you. I do have a reason, and it would be fair to say that my particular jabbing at you has been a means of stalling this point.”

“And I fear that you stall further, dear sister,” responded Octavia calmly. “What is it that brought you here all the way from Canterlot?”

Viviola sighed quite audibly. “I need to ask of you a favor. First, let me explain.
“Believe it or not, I still love quite dearly to play music. I know that I can be a little bit… distractible, at times, but I still take whatever opportunities I can to play for ponies. Though this is true, I found that being rejected from the Gala has left me…” she looked around, as if expecting to find whatever words she was looking for on the ceiling. “…feeling a tad unlike myself in that respect.
“Naturally, my opportunities at playing are at an all-time low. People don’t want an earth pony violinist they had scarcely heard of playing in their respectable orchestras.
“But despite all that, my luck seems to have taken a small upswing. I was recently invited to play in an orchestra soon.”

“My congratulations,” said Octavia. She wasn’t even being sarcastic – now that they had gotten the obligatory verbal sparring out of the way, she had the capacity to be happy for her younger sister. “No matter what I may say to you, sister, I always wish you success. I am happy to see that you are back on the right track. What orchestra? Is this for a concert, or for an event?”

“An… event,” said the yellow pony tentatively. Octavia could tell that there was a part of the story that Viviola didn’t want to explain, most likely out of embarrassment. Octavia took it upon herself to coax it out of her.

“Ah. What event would that be?”

“It’s… a local celebration. Here, in Ponyville.”

A pause in the conversation occurred as Octavia considered to what event her sister was referring. There was only one she could think of that could be even remotely considered to require live music.

“The Nightmare Night celebration?”

Viviola nodded embarrassedly. She was never the type to be ashamed of who she was and what she did… except, of course, in front of her big sister.

Expecting disapproving eyes, Viviola looked up at Octavia slowly, and was instead greeted with a warm smile and a comforting look.

“I’m proud of you, Viviola. You haven’t done a public performance in a long time. This will be good for you. And Nightmare Night is just as an important tradition around here as Winter Wrap-Up. You never know – somepony may notice you. Where are you staying, though? I know you detest travel, so I wouldn’t expect you to come here and go back to Canterlot over and over.”

Viviola produced another sheepish look. “That’s actually why I came to you, ‘tavia. I need a place to stay for the remainder. But I am finding myself lacking in bits… if it wouldn’t be too much trouble…”

Octavia was genuinely surprised. For Viviola to talk so much about her career to her, and then to ask for a favor such as this? That was most unlike the younger sister she knew. But despite willfully residing in Ponyville, she considered herself to be an upper-class pony, and upper-class ponies knew the meaning of familial obligations.

“If you can handle sleeping on the couch,” she said back to her younger sister, “you may stay as long as you like.”

“Oh, thank you, sister!” Viviola expressed excitedly. Before Octavia could stop her, Viviola wrapped her forehooves around her older sister’s neck in a tight, warm hug.

Octavia loved her sister, but couldn’t help but feel the slightest bit anxious at the situation in which she had just agreed to be put.