• Published 30th Mar 2018
  • 2,409 Views, 12 Comments

Rainbow's First Date - The Dark Wolf

Rarity gives Rainbow Dash a bath and a makeover after setting her up on a date.

  • ...

The Date

Rainbow Dash found Cherry Fizzy sitting at the table of the fancy restaurant. She walked as gracefully as she could and sat down next to him.

"Um... hi." She blushed a little.

Cherry looked up at her with surprise. "Rainbow Dash? Is that you?"

"The one and only. I took a long bath and got a big makeover from Rarity for the occasion."

"Oh wow... I hardly recognize you," he said nervously. "I know it's customary to dress formal, but I wasn't expecting you to go all out!"

"I figured you only liked girly girls like Rarity, so I became one just for you."

"Wow," he said, blushing from shyness. "I didn't think you liked me so much that you'd change who you are."

"Well, I needed some persuasion from Rarity, but I know I didn't have a chance with you the way I was. All tomboyish and unladylike, not to mention grungy and smelly."

"Really? You didn't have to do that. I honestly didn't think I had a chance with you," Cherry said with a smile and a laugh.

"What? YOU thought you didn't have a chance with ME?"

"Yeah! I really liked you, but... I was afraid to talk to you because I thought you only liked sporty guys."

"Just cause I'm an athlete doesn't mean I only like sporty guys. I always thought you were cute."

"Hahaha, how about that? And after I went through all that effort to wear our school team's jersey under my tuxedo." He unbuttoned his tuxedo shirt to show Rainbow the jersey.

"And I guess I went through that whole makeover for nothing. Are you saying you liked me the way I was?"

"Yeah. I always thought it was kind of cool. And I have more of a thing for tomboys." He sniffed. "How long did you have to wash to get the smell out?"

"I'd rather not talk about it." Rainbow Dash laughed nervously.

Then, the waiter arrived. "Good evening," he said as he handed them their menus, and explained the specials of the restaurant.

"I'll have a macaroni salad," said Rainbow Dash.

"Wonderful, madam. And for you, sir?"

Cherry looked at the menu for a while. "I'll have a philly cheesesteak sandwich."

"Wonderful. What would you like to drink?"

"I'll have a glass of cider," said Rainbow Dash.

"Me too," said Cherry. He and Rainbow shared a glance.

"Wonderful," the waiter said again, and he walked away.

Rainbow resumed her conversation with Cherry. "Did... the smell ever bother you?"

"I think it made me like you even more, to tell you the truth. I don't know how to explain it. I guess I have a thing for dirty girls as much as tomboys, and you fit both of those."

"So I don't have to be a girly girl to be with you."

"Not even a little bit."

"I'll still wash my hair better than before, so it's not too greasy for you. Rarity said something about dry shampoo. Maybe I could use it."

"Sure. It does look kind of nice."

"You don't mind if I... fart in front of you, do you?"

"Not at all. I see you fart all the time at your soccer games when you think no one's looking."

"Really?" Rainbow blushed a little. Though she was normally unashamed of farting, she hadn't realized the boy she liked had seen her fart so often already. But, now she knew she didn't have to be ashamed of it.

The waiter stopped by to set their glasses of cider on the table. As soon as he was out of sight, Rainbow lifted her leg.


Rainbow sighed in relief, and chuckled not only because she thought farts were funny, but because of how unusual it must look for a girl who looked as feminine as she did right now to do something so unladylike.

"Nice one, Dashie," said Cherry Fizzy, fanning the air with his hand, though he didn't really mind the smell. He could understand the irony as well.

"I've been holding this in since I came into the building," said Rainbow when she was done laughing. "Rarity said it's unladylike, but I don't have to be like that anymore!"

Cherry nodded and gave her a playful smirk.

By the time the waiter arrived with the food, the smell was gone. Cherry started eating his sandwich, and Rainbow started eating her macaroni rather messily, getting bits of sauce on her dress.

"Hey... I'm glad I'm here with you," said Cherry, blushing.

"Me too," said Rainbow.


After dinner, they went to the park and sat on the grass together. Rainbow's dress had slight stains on it from eating her dinner and dessert messily, and she was barefoot because she had removed her high heels. By now the sun had set.

"So, are you gonna tell me the story of how you got your bath?" said Cherry.

"No thanks." Rainbow Dash let out another loud fart, and chuckled.

"I promise I won't tell anyone."

"Well... All right. Rarity started giving me my makeover by trying to brush all the knots out of my hair..."

Rainbow told Cherry everything about her bath, blushing at the part where Rarity scrubbed her butt for farting in the tub, but Cherry seemed to like it, so she felt less embarrassed about it. At least around him.

"...and then she washed my feet. By the end of that she was as wet as I was cause I was splashing so hard from her tickling my feet."

"Oh, like... this?" Cherry started to tickle Rainbow's bare feet with his fingers.

"Hahahahahaha! Stop! I'm really ticklish! Hahahahahahaha!"

Cherry tickled harder. He paused to let Rainbow catch her breath, then started tickling again. Rainbow laughed harder, trying to flail her legs but he kept his fingers on them and tickled relentlessly.

"STOP!" Rainbow laughed. "I'M GONNA PEE! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Cherry continued to tickle, and Rainbow continued to laugh and tell him to stop. Rainbow laughed so hard she peed in her dress. But Cherry kept tickling her for nearly half a minute after.

"Did you like that?" said Cherry once he stopped.

Rainbow was panting, and took a moment to catch her breath as she sat back up. "I loved it!" She looked down and blushed profusely. "I told you..."

"I don't mind. But if you do, we can go back to your house so you can change."

"That won't be necessary. If you really don't mind, I'll stay like this for the rest of the night."

"Sounds good. Now, you were just telling me how Rarity tickled your feet."


She finished recounting her story of her bath and makeover. By the time she was finished, the stars were out.

"Rarity's gonna be SO disappointed when I tell her the makeover was all for nothing," said Rainbow Dash. "She'll also be disgusted when I stop washing as much, but we were friends before she washed me, so I'm sure she won't stay mad. But when I do wash, I'll use shampoo for my hair. It feels so much better that way."

They sat next to each other and looked at the stars. Cherry Fizzy put his arm around Rainbow Dash, and she leaned her head against him.

He sniffed her. "I can't wait till you have your old smell back," he said.

Rainbow Dash farted loudly. "This good enough for now?"

They laughed.

Author's Note:

In the original RP, Cherry didn't have a sense of smell. Also, I added the park scene for the story, just like the part about Rainbow peeing in the tub (I did Rarity's response to that too). My partner said he was fine with any changes I made for the story.

And yes, I know it's a bit stretchy for a guy to actually like a girl being that dirty, but that's just one of my fetishes.