• Published 31st Mar 2018
  • 735 Views, 11 Comments

Darkness Rising - Bronyprophet

In the cold icy lands of the Crystal Empire, Roams a black unicorn, weakened from an epic battle, a blizzard rolls in and he finds refuge in the caverns of the Empire, and there he waits for his time to come, a time of revenge.

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Chapter 11 Era of The Dark Crystal

Thorax had finally finished his castle; he sat upon his throne in delight, as he marveled at his accomplishment. However there was a little voice in the back of his mind telling him that this was morally wrong, though, it was gradually fading. His inner evil desires started to become more dominant with each passing day, he began to feel more like how he imagined Sombra felt.

While he sat upon his throne a thought crossed his mind, and this brain child would eventually control his every action. This thought was about what he'd do now, and when it came into fruition, he decided that he didn't want to be second best, he wanted to succeed Sombra, destroy Chrysalis and instate himself as the new overlord; Shadowrax thought it was ingenious.

Thoraxs' corruption had only grown; a black aura started surrounding him, and wherever he walked was soon covered in despair. if he touched Anything living it soon died from his touch, even the waters he drank from, soon became blackened and corrupted, and if a creature drank from the same waters it would soon succumb to his growing dark magic; turning them into his personal minions in this elaborate, and dark game of chess. He had become a true blight upon Equestria, leaving death, and corruption in his wake.

However, as Shadowraxis' power grew, paranoia began to set its' gnarled roots in Chrysalises' mind, she began to wonder if this was the right course to follow, as she started to fear her agreement with Sombras proposal. It terrified her that he may betray her, However, she was decisive in her strategy, she had already been planning ahead; to betray Sombra first, by researching weaknesses in Sombras magic.

She wasn't naive however, she expected something to happen eventually, but she was playing coy for the time being; although, she was shrewd enough to see her eventual betrayal, though, she had only seen a glimpse of Sombras' true power, and she was misled in her thinking, her strategy depended on Thoraxs' protective bind.

Though she wasn't the only one scheming, Thorax had also been researching in the library in the crystal empire, and he had stumbled on something that would work perfectly with his brilliant plan and aspirations. He knew that he would inevitably become a threat and either Sombra, chrysalis or both would betray him; except his strategy was a little more thought out and subtle. He had been researching places of power, and he had found out about one place.

The same place where Sombra gained his power from when he declared war on the Sun, for his dissuaded love for Luna, where the alicorn amulet was forged with dark magic, which granted him the power of an alicorn.

The place was Known as the abyss of darkness. Thorax wanted to go to this place and forge his very own magical item of extreme power, to become even more powerful, then even Sombra and all of the ruler classes in Equestria; The one Item to rule them all.

The strategy to defeat the elements of Harmony, and help Chrysalis attain her vengeance, was at the back of his mind, though he would play their game, he would have another motive. He would bide his time and wait for the right moment to make his move.

Shadowrax decided this when Chrysalis humiliated him in front of his subjects', the rage he felt only festered and drove him into madness, and fueled an overpowering lust for power. He would crush the worlds greatest villains one at a time and become the one true dark lord.

With the paranoia growing in the Crystal Empire it was only a matter of time before a power struggle broke out, and would decide who would be the leader of the dark conquest to follow, and with all of the distrust, the crystal heart had begun to crack, and if it eventually shattered it would once more bring the Empire to a new era of darkness.

Starlight had made it to Ponyville station with her heart set on rescuing her love, but as she reached the train station, it was destroyed and the only thing that lingered, were dead ponies unfortunate enough to be there when the attack occurred, along with the dead was smoldering rubble, all that remained of Ponyville Station.

Starlight looked towards the Empire, and she could visibly see an eerie green light in the sky lingering over the Empire. Starlight also noticed standing amongst the ruins of the train station, were two incredibly menacing creatures.

They resembled living flames, shadow like smoke clung to them, the sight was only further illustrated by the sound of crackling, as if they were set aflame, the smell of sulfur and ash had been so potent, that it choked the life out of anything living, upon their backs were black wings made of smoke, upon their heads were a pair of menacing gnarled black ivory horns adding to the terrifying sight. There was an ominous feeling about these strange creatures, something that should not have been uncovered from whatever hell they spawned from.

Shining peered around a corner as he took cover, leaning against a piece of rubble.

"What are they?" Shining Armor bewilderedly whispered.

"They look like demons." Cadence narrowed her eyes at them and gritted her teeth charging her horn.

"That isn't good." Starlight whispered. "How do we get past them, they look too strong for us to fight alone." Starlight looked towards Cadence and Shining.

"Anyone have any ideas?" Shining said as he pressed his back against the wall.

"Not really," Cadence replied, "Demons are really powerful. We may need help." She responded spreading her wings trying to get the attention of the demons. "I'll distract them, go tell Twilight."

While Cadence distracted the demons Shining and Starlight headed back to Twilights castle.

"Hey boys, who wants to share the love?" Cadence taunted the demons antagonizing them.

As Starlight and Shining armor made it back to Twilights Castle, they barged through the door nearly knocking over Spike in the process. The duo saw Twilight explaining what has happened to Luna, to her friends.

"Shiny?!" Twilight exclaimed at the unexpected entrance.

"Cadence is in danger, we need to rally the guard there are demons at Ponyville station." Shining Armor stated through labored breaths

Cadence had already engaged the demons, she evaded as a fireball flew passed her. She took flight and released a beam of cyan magic but the beam seemingly went through the demon. Cadence was confused, she had never encountered something like this before. She began to wonder if she could even hurt this demon, she normally didn't have a problem using her magic offensively. She had never been unable to hit a creature with her magic before.

She tried to go in for a melee attack but the demon simply swatted her away like a fly. As she hit the floor the demons started approaching her, as she lay there slightly dazed. Cadence recovered quick enough and summoned her sword to her, before she teleported, distancing herself from her enemies. She then watched and waited for an opportune moment to strike, she saw the demon channel his dark magic to create another fireball.

She took her chance and slashed at the creatures claw, but once again she found it impossible to hit with her blade. It was like trying to hit smoke, though she had held out long enough. The cavalry finally arrived with Twilight leading the charge, her horn ablaze with magenta light.

She released a bolt of pure blinding energy at the creature and the creature howled in pain, as it pierced its chest, Twilight then cast another spell, this time imbuing the Twilight Guards' swords with magic. Their swords began to glow white and they soon overwhelmed the next demon, until Flash Sentry jumped on the creature knocking it prone, plunging his sword into its throat, then in one swift motion slicing the demons head off. The demons soon turned to ash.

"Cadence, are you hurt?" Twilight asked as she looked over her sister-in-law.

"No, I'm fine, a bath would be nice though. How did you kill them? I couldn't harm them with magic or with physical weapons?" Cadence asked.

"These things are not regular demons they are Raug Gwathren, they are ancient demons that were imprisoned deep within Tartarus. The only way to kill them is with radiant magic, it's ancient magic that allows the caster to command the power of holy light. Since they have escaped Tartarus it might be a good idea to have a look at the Crystal Empire, I don't know how they got out, but we must stop them, I'll come with you to the Crystal Empire and help you return them to Tartarus." Twilight explained.

After the Demons were defeated, the piles of ash Coalesced into the vague form of a reformed changeling.

"Very good. I knew you would at least be strong enough to crush this miserable excuse of a powerful creature... I look forward to eventually meeting you face to face. Particularly you, Starlight." The shadowy outline said darkly.

"Who are you! Where is Thorax?" Starlight demanded stomping forwards. Cadence reached out to stop her but Starlight pushed passed her.

"Oh, you'll find out soon enough. Just know that he suffered." The Shadow laughed.

"N... no..." Starlight gasped and took a step back.

The shadows' outline parted slightly where the creatures mouth would be, simulating a smile.

"As for the rest of you! Just know that Sombra will not be calling the shots for long! My reign shall last for Millenia! I shall topple mountains, destroy monuments and turn this world into nothing but a shadow of its' former self! An echo of what it once was!" the strange silhouette shouted into the air before he threw his head back and laughed darkly.

Cadence had enough and stepped forwards firing a turquoise bolt of magic directly through the shadow's head, dispelling its' form.

"Don't worry, we will stop him... whoever he is." She hissed before she heard sobbing. She turned her head to see Starlight weeping, the words the shadow had said pierced her heart like daggers. Starlight began to believe it was her fault, had she only got to the Empire faster just maybe her love would be alive, but in the end it was meaningless. Starlight thought of what could have been, what his kiss would be like, she could only think of the last touch they shared on the park bench in the sunset. She felt like the light in her life had faded and she was stricken with a great and painful darkness.

"Why... why did it... Why did it have to be him... have... have I been cursed... It should have been me... not him... he... he was a king... I... I..." Starlight trailed off as she fell to the ground swallowed by her grief. Her tears fell to the ground, like falling stars, shattering on the ground from her sadness.

"Starlight..." Twilight trailed off as she embraced her friend, and became a shoulder to cry on, Twilight could feel her pupils outcry, and mourning. She was moved by the overwhelming sorrow, and began to cry alongside Starlight, Thorax was a good friend of hers as well, and now he was gone. Twilight couldn't help but think of her immortality, and how she would have to dance to the sad tune time and time again, she knew that this path would not become easier over time, it would only get more difficult. She now understood Celestias' deep sorrow and pain on a more personal level now.

Author's Note:

R-org Gwa-th-ren - Shadow Demon

bewildered - perplexed or puzzled confusion.

A special thanx to my Co author Disappointment-incarnate

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