• Published 31st Mar 2018
  • 9,971 Views, 563 Comments

Those Left Behind - the7Saviors

In the blink of an eye, all life was wiped from the face of Equus by an abomination born of the stars. That is, all except for four immortal Princesses. Now they fight for the only thing they have left other than their grief... revenge.

  • ...

A Princess' Hate

By the time Cadence had reached Twilight, the lavender alicorn had already hit the ground. Cadence's eyes widened in horror at the sight before her. The anguished mare's immediate thought was that Twilight had died, despite what her alicorn physiology might've suggested otherwise.

Indeed, Twilight looked for all intents and purposes like a dead mare. Blood pooled below her and several things were bent at odd angles, including the poor alicorn's neck.

Upon reaching her location and seeing the state Twilight was in, Cadence forgot everything else and gave an agonized wail before rushing to her side. She leaned down and pulled Twilight's head into her heaving chest as continued to sob uncontrollably -- heedless of the blood covering her coat.

She had no words to say.

The only thing she could do as she looked into those cold lifeless eyes was scream her grief to the heavens. So distraught was the pink alicorn that she didn't notice the steadily strengthening heartbeat of the mare in her legs, nor did she notice the slight twitch of a lavender coated leg or the slowly returning color in Twilight's eyes.

The only thing Cadence was aware of at the moment was the all encompassing despair of losing yet another member of her only remaining family in the world.

And that was to say nothing of the building rage.

It welled up within her like boiling lava ready to erupt from the deadliest volcano at any moment. Her agonized wails soon turned to screams of fury as she leaned over Twilight's body.

She was sick of the death.

She was sick of the despair.

She didn't want to feel this constant pain and sadness anymore. Maybe Celestia had the right idea after all, maybe blissful ignorance of the world around her really was better than facing the harsh reality of their situation.

Maybe it was better to turn away from it all.

But Cadence wouldn't do that.

Instead of turning her back on what used to be the beautiful land she once knew, and the deaths of everypony she had ever known and Loved, she would fight against it -- fight against the thing that had caused her so much pain and suffering.

Celestia may have been willing to lie down and surrender, but Cadence had too much anger for that. Up until now, Cadence had never had a Hateful bone in her body.

Not even when Chrysalis invaded Canterlot and crashed her wedding did she raise a hoof in anger. On the contrary, it had been she who tried to convince Shining and the other Princess' that the changeling had only done what she did out of a desperate need to feed her many children.

She had been the one to convince Shining to let the matter go and move on.

No matter the circumstances, no matter how badly she was wronged, no matter how heinous the deed a pony committed, Cadence never once felt anger or Hate towards another -- only Love for her fellow ponies.

It was Love that made her strong, Love that carried her through hard times, Love that saved Canterlot from the Changeling Queen, Love that saved her Empire from the evil clutches of Sombra.

But then that thing came and took that Love away. It destroyed her entire life completely and utterly in a matter of mere moments. It tore her beloved Shining Armor away from her.

And now it was going to take her little sister away.

She had no connection to her Love Magic anymore, and without that, what was she? She was lost and powerless without Love to keep her strong. She couldn't protect her subjects, she couldn't be there for Shiny as he was turned to ash along with all the others, she couldn't save Twilight.

She was useless.

Without love from the ponies, without love from her Shiny, in a dead world where Love no longer existed, what was she to do?


Like a siren's song the emotion called out to her, wrapping her in a comforting embrace. She knew, somewhere in the back of her mind, that it was wrong -- that this wasn't her, but she didn't care... not anymore.

Not when the Hate felt so good.


There may not have been any Love left in this ruined world, but it still had the monster who had caused it all. There was still a target for Cadence's newfound wrath.

HATE... ME...

Cadence took no notice of the changes coming over her, physical or otherwise. She had moved away from the lavender alicorn at some point, but that was irrelevant to the all consuming thought of wiping the monster from existence for what it had done.

KILL... ME... KILL... THEM...

Images flashed in Cadence's mind as she continued to howl in furious anger. Broken fractured memories of a shocked midnight blue alicorn staring at her in horror.

Images of that same mare fleeing for her life as she gave chase -- relentlessly pursuing the mare in her desire to rip and tear, to maim and crush, to destroy so utterly that nothing remained.


Yet more images -- more memories -- rose to the surface. Another alicorn, this one lavender, wandering lost and alone in a dark and desolate city. Then another chase -- the scent of the lavender mare's absolute, mind shattering fear thick and heady in Cadence's nostrils as she lumbered after her.

And then she was gone in a flash.

Cadence remembered nothing after that, but it didn't matter now. What mattered was the Hate, the rage, the overpowering need to end everything.

The pain.

The misery.

The suffering.

She would only be doing what was right. She would only be doing what was best for her and for those other alicorns who were still alive in a world overrun with death and destruction.

She would kill them to end their suffering, she would kill the monster for the atrocity it had committed against her and the rest of the world. Love was what had made her strong once.

Hate would make her so much stronger.

Never would she have to feel sorrow again if she held on to this Hate -- the Hate would block it out. Never again would despair take hold of her in its icy grip -- the rage would push it back. Never--


Her furious gaze snapped to the lavender mare unsteadily rising to her hooves a little ways away. Cadence cocked her head as she looked at the mare -- her blind rage momentarily dulled by confusion.

"C-Cadence, please... listen to me," the mare said with a weak cough, "this... this isn't you... y-you're not--" the mare fell to her knees once more as a violent fit of bloody coughs wracked her body, "you're not... alone... I'm alive," more violent coughs, "I'm here for you... all of us are. Celestia, Luna... and me."

Cadence narrowed her eyes at the weak, coughing mare. She listened to the mare's words, but didn't comprehend them. What she did comprehend, was the fear and waning hope in the mare's eyes as she spoke.

The mare was clearly suffering, both physically and emotionally.

Cadence could help her.

It felt itself take a step forward.

The mare saw this and took a step back.

"Cadence... you don't need to do this... please," the mare pleaded, taking another step back as Cadence stepped forward, "look at yourself! You're not even equine anymore! That... thing turned you into something else! Something like itself! Can't you see that?"

Cadence merely continued its advance.

It didn't matter what the mare said, she was miserable and Cadence would not abide misery or suffering anymore. It would use Its hatred to snuff it out by any means necessary. The mare stopped backing away and the scent of her despair suddenly grew stronger.

The waning hope in the mare's eyes died out completely as she stared at Cadence.

"You... you can't even hear me anymore, can you?" the lavender alicorn nearly whispered, tears slipping from her eyes and streaming down her cheeks, "you really are gone... aren't you?"

Cadence howled and quickened Its pace, eager to end the mare's sorrow. Rather than back away any further, the mare simply fell to her haunches and clenched her eyes shut, letting out heaving sobs.

Cadence closed in, focusing only on the mare in front of it. It was because of that single-minded focus that it didn't see the white alicorn clumsily gallop out of a nearby alleyway and towards the lavender alicorn.


The smaller alicorn looked over just in time to see the larger white alicorn practically bowl her over in her haste. The midnight blue alicorn atop the white mare's back nearly slipped off, but before she could, the white mare grabbed ahold of the smaller lavender mare and they all vanished in a flash of golden light.

Cadence suddenly found itself alone.

There was nopony left to hear the scream of unbridled rage as it echoed throughout the empty city.