• Published 3rd Apr 2018
  • 1,310 Views, 9 Comments

A Displaced Gunner - Shadow Hero

[Displacement] I have heard about so many People go missing at cons, and now it my turn as the man with the machine gun himself Laguna

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A flirty mare

Laguna Ch 5

Laguna had woken up a bit earlier than Rainbow, the tiny mare snuggling up to him. With a chuckle, he slowly lifted one of her hooves off of him and went out to the bar.

Once he entered the bar, many of its patrons turned around a gave him dirty looks. Shaking it, off he walked over the bar keep. “Can I get a hard cider?” He asked putting some bits on the counter.

“First one is on the house, think of it as a thank you.” The bar keep said pouring him a mug.

“So, you're a soldier right?” A bat pony mare asked as she took a seat next to him.

“I'm only doing what I need to, I was kinda thrown into this.” Laguna said taking a sip.

“War is hard on all of us.” The mare said as she took a sip of a martini.

Laguna looked around and saw a pool table. “Do you want to play?” He asked the mare pointing to the pool table.

“Sure.” she said downing her drink. “Name's Patty by the way.” She said getting up.

“Laguna.” He said as they walked over to the table.

The game went well, Laguna won most of the games until a drunk stallion walked up. “Mind if I join you ladies.” he said.

This caused Laguna’s left eyebrow to twitch abit. “I'm a guy, a stallion.” He said biting his tongue, this was not the first time someone called him a girl.

“But you look like a mare to me.” He said with a drunk hiccup.

“I guess you can.” Patty said getting in between the two, she felt that if she didn't, Laguna may do something rash.

The game was awkward, he kept flirting with Patty and Laguna. Patty took the bulk of it however. Once the game was over, Laguna walked away from the table, getting called back by the stallion.

The human took a seat ordering a beer and let out a sigh as Patty walked up. “Some stallions can't take a hint. You ok?” She asked.

“If you weren't there I would of shot the guy.” He said taking a sip of the beer.

“Noted. Want to get out of here?” She asked.

Laguna downed his drink. “Aaa, what do you have in mind?” He asked getting up.

“Why not go back to my place.” Patty said with a notable blush.

This caught Laguna off guard by this, back in Canterlot no one thought of him like that. “Ah I uh.” All of sudden a bolt of electricity shot up his right leg causing it to cramp up. “Ow ow. Leg cramp.” He said kneeling down holding his cramped knee.

“Are you ok?” She asked with a concerned voice.

“I'm ok.” He said stretching his leg out.

“We don't have to go back to my place.” she said with here ears folded back.

“It's not that, its just… Why don’t I show you how to use a gun?” The gunner asked as he stood up.

This seemed to light in up her mood because she shook her head violently.

The two left the bar and went as far away from the town so as to not disturb anyone.

Laguna pulled out a handgun with a crystal imbedded into it. “I'm not so sure how you can use this, but here.” He said handing her the gun.

She held it in her hoof and studied it as she hovered. “Now what?”

“Take aim at the tree.” He said getting behind her. “And-”

“There you are.” Rainbow said as she landed next to the two.

“Sorry for leaving, now flick the crystal.” Laguna said, Patty did as she was told and a magical bullet was shot out hitting a tree.

“Why are you showing her how to use a gun?” Rainbow asked with a raised eyebrow.

“It’s just… Never mind, what's up?”

“You just disappeared without saying a word, that made me worry about you.” The blue coated mare said.

Patty look between the two. “I see now, don't worry he did not do anything.” She said with an assuring smile.

“What are you talking about?” Laguna said confused.

Rainbow was taken back by that. “No it’s not like that.” She said with a small blush.

“Not like what?”

“Nothing, anyway I have to get back to work. Hope to see you again handsome.” Patty said as she brushed her tail against Laguna’s leg before walking away.

“Did I miss something?”

“Nope, the others are waiting for us at the train station.” Rainbow said.

Upon arriving to the station, Laguna had noticed Pinkie pacing back and forth. “There you are. We're did you run off to?” the pink mare asked.

“I was with a mare and-”

“No need to say more.” Pinkie said zipping her mouth shut.

“Anyway the train is about to leave.” Maud said shaking her head at her sister's action.

Luggage in tow, they headed onto the train and were given a car to themselves.

“Is the room spinning?” Pinkie asked as everyone stood up.

“I.. Ahh.”Laguna said before passing out, as the others did the same.

A pink Pegasus mare flew down the halls of Canterlot castle. “Aunty, something is wrong at the empire, my mom is not right.” She said bursting into the throne room.

This outburst caused Celestia to drop some paperwork. “What do you mean, Cadance?”

“She and chancellor Sombra ordered the Crystal ponies to mine all the crystals and hide the crystal heart.” Cadence said out of breath.

“So that what that feeling was..”

“Princess, the Crystal Empire has captured Shade Forest and declared war.” An armoured pony said trotting in.

“This is not good, go alert my sister of this at once.” Celestia commanded. With a nod the armored pony rushed out.

“Aunty, what's going to happen?” Cadence asked.

“First and foremost, we must protect the ponies... I’m sorry Cadence, but I think your mother is corrupted by dark magic.” Celestia said walking passed the Pegasus, who was in shock.

The group began to stir, thoughts running rampant. “What a weird dream...” Rainbow said groggily.

“Yeah, what's up with Celestia? She does not have a sister.” Pinkie said

“Wait, did we just share the same dream?” Laguna asked.

Everyone was shocked, they did have a shared dream. What caused this to happen?

The intercom going on broke their train of thought. “We should be at Ponyville in 5 minutes.” It said on repeat.

“We must of been out longer than we thought.” Pinkie said.

“Anyway, once we’re there I have some business before meeting with Twilight, so you should all go see her. I'll be there soon.” Laguna said picking up his bag.

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