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Chapter 4: The chapter where nothing really happens.

The ashes of the mocking piece of paper that Remilia left to Flan descended slowly to the grass below. Flan wanted to slap herself for thinking something good about her sister just a few moments ago.

Of course this help wasn’t unconditional.

Of course she had an ulterior motive for doing this.

Flan sighed.

Rainbow went to Flan and put a reassuring wing on her back to try and calm her down, “I don’t know what was written in that note Flan, but it wouldn’t be cool to see you mad for something so unimportant, don’t you think?”

Flan inhaled deeply and let out a stressful sigh; she considered Rainbow’s words and she knew she was right, the note wasn’t worth getting upset over. She got her sister to help Trixie and that was a big step in the right direction. Change occurs periodically, so maybe one day her sister would leave those weird thoughts of hers behind (even though very, very deep in her mind, she doubted that ever happening).

She still gave Rainbow a thankful nod.

Seeing that Flan was calm again, and nothing would explode in the near future, Twilight approached.

“Well, I suppose the decision is made then, but if you’re not living in Trixie’s wagon, then where are you going to go, Flan?” she asked with curiosity.

“Trixie would like to know that as well,” Trixie added, grabbing everyone's attention.

“Wait a second, don’t you know?” Rainbow stared at her.

Trixie shook her head, “Everything was very vague in there. Miss Remilia’s servant asked Trixie some questions and that was it.”

“That’s… weird. Then why would she tell me to ask you if I wanted to know?” Twilight was confused by this new information or lack of.

Flan looked at Twilight in a funny way before extending her right arm with her hand wide open in front of her lavender friend.

Twilight cocked her head to the side in confusion, “Flan? What are you-"

Flan shushed her, and slowly she started closing her finger.

Five. Four. Three. Two.

The ponies looked at the tiny vampire's hand with puzzled stares. Only Starlight didn’t pay any mind to her antics.


Finally Flan closed her hand into a fist. Twilight and company didn’t know what to expect, but nothing really happened. Suddenly Flan held up her index and middle finger together with a smile on her face.

“What is she-" Trixie started, then blinked mid-sentence when she saw an envelope in between Flan’s fingers.

“What!?” the four of them said at once. Even Starlight hadn't noticed when the envelope just suddenly manifested itself.

With a smile, Flan handed the envelope to Trixie.

“For me?” she asked, still somewhat confused for whatever happened right now.

Flan nodded, so Trixie took it with her magic and open it. Trixie read the note inside and her eyes widened in disbelief. She read it a couple more times just to be sure of what was written in it wasn’t her own imagination playing tricks on her. Once she finally accepted what was written, Trixie just stood there, grinning like an idiot. Flan floated up and waved a hand in front of Trixie’s face to see if there was some reaction. Seeing none, she looked at Twilight and the others and shrugged.

Twilight took the note in her magic and read it herself; her eyebrows nearly shot up off her head as she read it again.

“Well, what's it say Twi?” Rainbow asked, impatiently.

“Miss Remilia… s-she just gave Trixie… tw-twenty thousand bits…” Twilight said after regaining control of her voice.

Rainbow's jaw hit the floor as Starlight snatched the note from Twilight's magical field and read it herself, “What… but… how?”

Rainbow shook her head, recovering from the shock, “Remilia probably invested or something.”

“...I...guess that makes sense. But still, why would Miss Remilia give Trixie so many bits?” Twilight asked.

“Well, duh. It’s obviously for taking care of Flan’s needs," Rainbow pointed at the chibi vampire with a pinion, "I don’t think she would leave Flan here with somepony who couldn’t take care of her properly.”

“Why go through so much hassle?" Starlight asked, lowering the note, "just give it a bowl of water, some food, and call it a day.”

“Stop that,” Twilight admonished her.


“I know that you're mad at Flan for some reason, but you’re taking it too far, Starlight. Please stop.”

“I never received an apology for that bite, so stop defending it.”

“You know,” Rainbow started, “Twilight is not defending Flan here.” This got a confused look from Starlight. “Flan is capable enough of defending herself, but what Twilight is doing is protecting you from her.”

“You said something like that before, but I still don’t see why you are so cautious with this thing," Starlight grumbled, crumpling the note and tossing it aside, "besides being bit, I haven’t seen it doing anything else other than hitting -you- with a piece of paper.”

“Didn’t you see her vaporizing that note she had in her pocket?” Rainbow asked, incredulously.

“You think that thing did that?”

“Oh, I don’t know...” Rainbow made a dramatic pause while looking around, “maybe because we have known her for quite a while now, and are aware of what she can and can’t do! already?”

“Show me proof and I’ll believe you. Probably.”

“Starlight, what has gotten into you?" Twilight asked with worry, "you’re not normally like this.”

“It’s not me, Twilight. And excuse me for not being willing to accept something that attacked me for no reason,” Starlight was getting annoyed at saying the same thing over and over.

“That’s it!” Twilight lost her temper, “Flan, can you please come closer for a moment?”

Flan stopped trying to wake up Trixie from her trance and walked towards Twilight with a look that said, ‘Alright, you got my attention.’

Composing herself, Twilight asked calmly, “Can you tell me why you bit Starlight?”

“It’s obvious that it did it just becau-"

“Let her explain, Starlight.”

Flan nodded thankfully and finished writing something on her chalkboard to show Twilight.

Rainbow flew over to see what Flan wrote and read it out loud, “I bit her because she made me lose a rare gem that I was going to give to Rarity.”

Twilight and Rainbow looked at each other with narrow eyes then took a glance of Starlight, the mare was slightly nervous. They looked at each other again and nodded before approaching a suddenly chagrinned Starlight.

“So, Flan bit you for no reason huh?” Rainbow said casually.

“Well, emm… you see-" Starlight tried to say something, but Twilight interjected.

“You were being unfair to her and saying all of those mean things because she ‘attacked you ’for' no reason', right?” Twilight was creepily calm.

Flan had a weird feeling in her gut, so before anything happened, she intervened, stepping in the middle of the three mares and holding a hand up in Twilight and Rainbow’s direction to stop them. Starlight was confused of what the little vampire wanted now.

“What is it Flan?” Twilight asked, her mood switching back to 'caring matriarch'.

Flan lifted her chalkboard after scribbling down a new message, "Don’t do anything to Starlight. I don’t really mind what she did anymore, so let her be.”

“Huh?” Rainbow was confused, “we weren’t going to do anything to Starlight, Flan.”

Flan stared at them suspiciously, not believing it at all.

Twilight didn't know what Flan was thinking, but the implication concerned her, “I was just going to have a talk with her, but nothing else. Really.”

Flan thought about it for a second before nodding in acceptance before turning to Starlight.

“Uuu,” she said to her, but of course, Starlight didn’t understand.

“What does it…” Starlight started, but as soon as she said 'it'," Twilight let out a not-so-subtle cough, “I mean she, what does she want?”

“I don’t know, I can’t understand her,” Twilight admitted, “Rainbow?”

“Flan wants you to come with her,” Rainbow said, earning her a look from Twilight.

Flan grabbed Stalight’s leg and gently pulled, looking her in the eye.

“That’s what you want?” she asked Flan and received a nod as response, “...alright.”

The two of them went where Trixie was still drifting in happy bliss, a good ways away from Twilight and Rainbow.

“Do you think it’s okay to leave Flan with those two Twi?” Rainbow had her worries about the situation.

“I’m definitely not going to just walk away while Trixie, of all ponies, is put in charge of Flan," Twilight pouted, frowning at Trixie, "I’m going to watch them from time to time. As for Starlight, I still plan to have a talk with her, but if Flan forgave her, I guess everything's okay...as long as nothing else happens.”

“Okay, you do that," Rainbow shrugged, holding up the envelope Remilia gave to her, "I’m going home to see what this is all about.”

“Why not open it here?” Twilight was curious, but Rainbow was already in the air and headed towards her home.

“Sorry Twi, but Remilia told me that it’s just for me," Rainbow smirked and made her way home, "see ya later!” Rainbow said from a very noticeable distance.

Meanwhile Flan looked with worry at Trixie.

“Uu…” she said with a sad tone.

Starlight deadpanned, got closer to Trixie and slapped her in the back of the head, getting the magician out of her trance.

“Done,” Starlight said with some weird satisfaction.

“Huh? What? What?!” Trixie blinked rapidly in confusion.

“Uu!” Flan said to her while throwing her arms upwards, which automatically earned her a hug from a now lucid Trixie.

“Oh Flan,” Trixie then saw Starlight close and instinctively held Flan against her body, “You’re not doing anything to Trixie’s Flan!”

“Relax, I’m not going to do anything to her,” Starlight reassured her, smiling awkwardly.

“What? Really?” Trixie asked.

“Yes, she kind of stood up for me back there, even after I was being kind of mean to her.”

Kind of mean?”

“Alright, I was being mean, okay?" Starlight frowned, bowing her head, "I’m sorry. I was upset because she bit me a while back."

Flan felt a little guilty for that: it was an accident, after all. So she decided to do something she wasn’t sure she could do at the moment.

“Uu,” Flan said, gaining the attention of the two mares, but she was focusing on Starlight.

“Yes?” she asked.

They saw how Flan was moving her mouth and little whimpers and other squeaky sounds got out.

“Flan, is everything ok?” Trixie asked, sounding very much like a worried mother.

But Flan was still doing those sounds: her cheeks were getting a soft red tint into them. She stopped for a moment and looked to the ground. After a few seconds she looked up to Starlight again with a deep blush and a determined stare.

“Flan is sowwy!” Flan said with closed eyes due to the embarrassment she was feeling right now.

Trixie.exe and Starlight.exe have stopped working and need to be restarted, please wait until the reboot completes, thank you for understanding.

Author's Note:

Do you wish to send a report to the developers while waiting? :twilightsmile: