• Published 1st Jun 2018
  • 399 Views, 5 Comments

Just A Normal Picnic - mattchilly

Spike and some of his were on their way to have a picnic by the Ponyville lake to relax. To bad the day had other plans for them.

  • ...

On a Tuseday

Mist clung to the ground as Spike, Pinkie, Guilmon, Geralt, Vinyl, Octavia, Ivy, Nami, Lunamon, and Lyra walked though Ponyville on their way to the park for a picnic. "Is anyone else getting a 'Zecora incident' flashback?" Spike asked.

“It is a little similar." Pinkie agreed just before the group heard something that made them all stop dead in their tracks.*boom* *boom* That was the sound of something very big and very heavy moving towards them.

"What the hell is that?" Lyra asked.

Nami put Lunamon on Lyra’s back and grabbed her D-Scanner as Geralt passed his Keytar to Vinyl. "I don't know but I don't like it." Geralt said slipping into his fighting stance.

*BOOM* *BOOM* Guilmon's eyes shifted and Pinkie pulled her goggles over her eyes. *BOOM* *BOOM* From behind a house came a very intimidating figure. At first glance it looked like part of his body was covered in pitch black metal but they soon realized it was a very dark blue. They have two talon like toes on each foot, skull's on their knees, a silver skull on the center of their chest, heck even their head looked like a skull with two long antennae. However the most intimidating this about them was their left hand had three large claw like fingers with a cannon on their wrist and their right arm didn't even have a hand, it had a scythe.

Twilight gulped the sound drawing the person's attention. "Who...who are you?"

In a dark and echoing voice the figure said. "I am Reapermon."

Ivy hugged Octavia’s legs absolutely terrified while Lunamon shook in fear so much she nearly fell off Lyra. "Re...Reapermon? As in the ‘Grim Reaper’?" Ivy asked while Spike did the first thing that came to mind and was writing down everything that was happening to let Celestia and Salamon know.

Reapermon continued to look at them and now they saw that there was nothing in the eye sockets. Only two points of blood red light. "That is correct."

“Where did you come from?” Nami asked a ring of blue data appearing around her left hand.

“The Gates of Tartarus. I am one of its Guardians.”

“Why are you here?” Geralt asked.

“Why would any warden be away from their duty? I am looking for someone.” Reapermon replied.

“Who?” Lyra squeaked as she looked at Reapermon’s scythe.

“Three convicts from Tartarus. An inmate by the name of Tirek freed the Bugbear in hopes of distracting us so he could escape. It didn’t work but the Witch Hydia and her daughters Reeka and Draggle somehow got past us.”

“What about Tirek?” Octavia asked getting the feeling she won’t like the answer but all she got was a low chuckle.

“What do Hydia and her daughters look like?” Lyra asked.

“Hydia is a Babamon who wears a blood red sweeter instead of the normal green one and tied to her back is a pitch black Digi-egg. Reeka is a Wendigomon with light blue fur instead of the normal red and Daggle is a MudFrigimon who wears a pie tin on her head for some reason." Reapermon said. "Have you seen anyone matching that description?"

“I'm afraid not." Pinkie said. "But we'll find a way to let you know if we do."

Reapermon just gave them a quick nod before barks and howls could be heard in the distance.

“What's that?" Nami asked tilting her head.

“That would be my partner and her pack." Reapermon said. "And I don't mean the 'I have a Digivice' kind of partner. She is the alpha of a pack of Cerberumon that are also Guardians of Tartarus. I asked them to search the forest and the apple farm while I searched in the town." Reapermon looked west and grunted as his antennae twitched. “I’ve just sent word to my partner and her pack that I’m moving on. Most of her pack will head to Manehatten but she and a few others will stay here for a few days just in case.” Before anyone could say anything Reapermon walked away with more booming steps.

Once Reapermon had left Spike sent the letter off and turned to the rest of the group. “Well…. that just happened.”

Behind him a low growling voice said. “You’d be surprised how rare it is for Reapermon to talk to someone, so consider your selves lucky.”

Turning the group saw eight glowing yellow eyes in the shadows between two houses. The first being to emerge was a large black dog with three clawed toes on each foot and three large blade like claws extending from the top of each foot, on both of their shoulders was the upper half of a canine’s head that looked very similar to their own face and their tail looked like it was made of several segments.

The second was very similar to the first only more of a dark blue instead of black and their blade like claws had small ripples going over it from where it started at the foot to the tips of the blades with each step as if they were made of liquid, and the heads on the shoulders also included jaws.

“Are you part of the pack Reapermon mentioned?” Geralt asked.

The normal Cerberumon nodded. “Normally we don’t use names but to be polite call me Beta and Cerberumon-X here is Reapermon’s partner. Call her Alpha.” Alpha let out a few barks and growls looking at Beta who replied in kind before looking back at the group. “Alpha says now that introductions are out of the way we’ll be returning to our hunt.” And with that the two turned and disappeared in the shadows once more.

Once they were gone Vinyl turned to the others. “Did Alpha seem different to anyone else? And I’m not just talking about the way she looked or talked.”

“I know, with Beta calling her Cerberumon-X being the biggest hint. Are the rest of you thinking what I'm thinking? ” Lunamon asked looking at her fellow Displaced getting a nod from Geralt, Nami, and Guilmon in return while Ivy shook her head. “Basically she’s a carrier of the X-Antibody which changes the way some Digimon look and is more powerful then Digimon of the same species without it.”

“Can all Digimon get the X-Antibody?” Ivy asked.

Geralt sighed. “To my knowledge no but if Alpha’s not a Displaced then her having it isn’t a good thing.”

“Why?” Pinkie asked as Guilmon put a claw around her.

“The X-Antibody was created to counter Program X. You see at least one Digital World does have something keeping it stable. A super computer called Yggdrasill named after the World Tree in Norse Mythology. When the Digital World reached its max capacity Yggdrasill decide to create Program X to kill all but one percent of the Digimon and move them to a new Digital World.” Nami explained putting her D-Scanner back in her pocket.

All of the Ponies and Ivy looked horrified at this news. “That’s horrible!” Octavia gasped as Ivy got off her back and hugged her.

Geralt nodded. “That’s not all, some Digimon altered their Digicores to protect them creating the X-Antibody but Yggdrasill sent its body guards the Royal Knights out to hunt and kill all Digimon with the X-Antibody. However there leader Alphamon naturally had it and was the exception to this purge. If she’s from a Digital World where Yggdrasill exists then we might have thirteen of the strongest Digimon coming to Equestria just to hunt her down,” Then Geralt smirked and looked a Guilmon. “Luckily we already have a ‘member’ on our side.”

Guilmon rolled his eyes. “Yeah as if one mega can stand up to thirteen all at once.”

“Guilgy? What’s Geralt implying?” Pinkie asked.

“One of my Mega forms Gallantmon is a member of the Royal Knights and before you ask. It is possible that there can be more than one Gallantmon at the same time, but can we stop talking about this? It’s making me uncomfortable.” Guilmon explained.

Everyone agreed and continued on to the park. After a few minutes of silence Spike stopped and looked at an empty lot. “Is it just me or is something missing?”

“What do you mean Spike? It’s just an empty lot.” Lyra said.

Pinkie looked at the lot then her eyes lit up. “Yeah an empty lot where Derpy’s house to use be!”

*boom* *boom* “Not again!” Nami exclaimed pulling out her D-Scanner again as the upper floor of a house and two large silver cannons came into view. Looking at her D-Scanner Nami said. “Might as well, just to be on the safe side.”

“That’s a first!” Lunamon snarked. “Considering how many brawls you sought out a few years ago just to be known as ‘The Toughest High Schooler in Town’.”

“Oh shut up Lunamon. Execute! Spirit Evolution!” A bright glow surrounded Nami and when it dispersed Lobomon appeared with her yellow cape hanging limp on her shoulders. “Oh and Geralt? We really need to spar soon. It’s been to long since I’ve met someone who could give me a good fight.”

"You'll have to fight Dustin first. He could do with fighting someone closer to his level." Geralt said.

Before Nami could reply two large silver cannons appeared over the houses as a giant red and gold centaur like Digimon rounded the corner. They didn't just have the two cannon's on top of their shoulders but they also had two more sticking out of their shoulders, two large mechanical arms with three fingers that reached the ground, four legs, and a long lizard like tail, their arms and legs also had gold plating in places, but the strangest thing was the house tied securely to their back. In a deep rumbling voice they said. "One lap around the area and the house is still there."

A Second Digimon dropped out of the sky this one was more humanoid with yellow armor, a tail maid of yellow wires, large gauntlets made of black metal, and on the one should pad was a plus sign while the other had a minus symbol. "Of course it's still there. After all we spent how long on strapping it to your back?"

"About half the morning." The large red Digimon said as a staircase that had been folded up next to the door unfolded with a soft *thump*.

When the door opened a small light purple Unicorn with orange eyes and a pale gold mane ran down the stairs, right behind her are a brown Earth Pony colt with a two tone red hair, brown eyes and yellow, orange, and red propeller beanie, and a azure blue Pegasus with an indigo braided mane and midnight green eyes. Standing in the door is an Earth Pony with tan fur, a brown mane and tail, blue eyes and her the Cutie Mark of a heart and baby bottle. Hovering next to the Earth Pony is a grey Pegasus with yellow main and tail, gold eyes that didn't line up and her Cutie Marks is seven bubbles. When Dinky was standing in front of the large Digimon she yelled. "THAT WAS AWESOME! Thanks big guy!"

Lifting one arm the giant Digimon gently bumped it against Dinky's hoof. "No problem. Glad your idea worked. It would have sucked if Derpy's and Gentle Care's home was damaged because we wanted to make it mobile."

Walking over to stand behind the fillies Guilmon looked up at the giant red Digimon. ”Hey Dinky. Who’s your friend?”

Dinky gave a large grin as she too looked up at the giant of a Digimon. “My partner Thaddeus. He’s a Suijinmon.”

Button Mash started to scan the skies. “What are you looking for Button?” Lyra asked curious.

“My partner Aera should be back in a moment, she wanted to get the lay of the land.” Button replied annoyed.

Thaddeus chuckled. “Well she is a Fujinmon now. It’s not surprising she’s enjoying her first flight.”

When Nami looked at the Pegesus filly she shy'd away and hid behind the yellow Digimon who kneeled down and gently put a hand on her back. Looking at the first group he said. "You'll have to forgive my partner Levy. She grew up in a rough household so it takes time for her to get used to a someone new. My name is Haruto. I'm a Raijinmon."

All the Digimon gaped at Haruto and Thaddeus while the Ponies looked at their friends confused. "So you'll telling me that those three foals have Mega level Digimon for partners?!"

While they didn't have a mouth everyone got the impression that Haruto and Thaddeus were smirking. "Yes. Yes we are."

Vinyl looked at the three foals and sighed. "I don't know if I should congratulate you or go sulk in a conner at how lucky you are."

"I'm going to go with 'yes'." Thaddeus chuckled as with a soft *thump* a tall lithe figure in green and gold armor with thin lines of blue metal on the torso and legs. The figure also has two large rectangular silver arms ending in silver four finger gauntlets and hands and different colored eyes with the left one being silver and the right being pink.

"Hey Aera. How was your flight?" Button asked.

"I've haven't had that much fun in years." Aera happily said. "That was definitely better then the exploding cruise liner that sent us here."

"Yeah." Haruto agreed. "Don't wan't to get on another boat for a while after that."

"Wait...WHAT!" Spike and his group yelled in shock.

"Trust me. It's one thing to hear about it, it's another to go through something like that." Thaddeus growled as Dinky hugged his leg comfortingly.

"Well now isn't this precious." Turning Geralt and Nami growled when they saw Myotismon sanding there with a smug smile. "Looks like I've got six new...GAH!"

Before Myotismon could finish Aera knocked him away with a spin kick to the back flinging him towards the waiting Haruto. "Judging from their reactions and what you were saying it's safe to say you're not someone we want as an ally, not to mention how you scared Dinky and Button a few weeks ago so I'm only going to tell you this once. Stay away from our partners."

Myotismon chuckled. "Or what?"

Haruto glanced at Levy who gave a quick nod before covering her ears. Aera also covered Button's ears while Derpy flew down and covered Dinky's. Electricity arced over Haruto's arm.

"Guy's I don't like where this is going." Ivy said once more hiding in Octavia's hair.

"Blitz Arm." Haruto said making the electricity intensify and dance over Myotismon who yelled in pain.

When the attack finished Myotismon huffed trying to catch his breath his fingers twitching a little. "Is...that...all you've got? I've had worse static shocks from freshly washed pants."

Haruto looked at his fellow Mega's and their partners and all six nodded in unison. Flying up to Thaddeus's shoulder cannon Haruto stuffed Myotismon into it. "Cannon's loaded and ready when you are Thaddeus."

Aera flew up and stood on the cannon Myotismon was stuffed into. "Let's see how far this guy can fly over that forest!"

As Thaddeus turned to aim over the forest Dinky, Levy, and Button all chanted. "Punishment! Punishment! Punishment!"

"Launching in 3.... 2.... 1... Infinity Cannon!" Thaddeus roared just as Aera yelled.

"Malt Cyclone" A gale of wind tore over the town as Myotismon shoot out of the cannon. Much to Spikes and the other's surprise the wind formed a visible fist which grabbed Myotismon and carried him off into the distance until he was no longer visible.

"And that's the end of that." Thaddeus grunted.

Spike seeing Myotismon get blasted off turned to Lyra and asked. “Why did we decide to have a picnic on a Tuesday again?”

Author's Note:

So Dream made Pony versions of himself, Dragon and I so I thought "Why not make Digimon versions of us?" and boom here we are. here's a better look at Levy's, Button's and Dinky's partners.


and Aera

My idea for having Thaddeus carry around Derpy's house came from this.

Comments ( 5 )

dis wuz good

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it. :pinkiesmile:

Please continue:fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad:

I might have a idea or two for a second chapter..... but that one's not going to have anywhere near the amount of characters this one did. I hate feeling like I'm ignoring a character just because there are to many there.

I understand

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