• Published 25th Jul 2012
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Phineas and Ferb- Across the Equestrian Dimension - BronyGirl

The Mane 6 and the Cutie Mark Crusaders are taken to the Phineas and Ferb universe.

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Rainbow Dash

Rainbow spread her wings a little wider as she soared above the little town of Ponyville. She tapped on her earpiece to turn on her radio. For some reason it wasn’t working well. Maybe she was too high? She zoomed down a little lower and she heard the words…Holes……dimension……dangerous. Then it cut off.

That didn’t sound good. Rainbow paused for a second to adjust the frequency that she was hearing and didn’t flap her wings. For a moment she was falling fast, and then her steady wings caught her just before the ground. Frowning she landed, noticing a swirly hole nearby.
“What in the world is going on? Rainbow wondered. She tapped on her earpiece again and now that she was on the ground, it worked. “I knew I should have gotten a Cloudsdale-issue radio,” she grumbled. But then she heard the radio.

“Suspicious holes have been appearing all over Equestria that seem to lead to another dimension. Strange creatures have been spotted there and are quite dangerous.”
Then it started replaying over again.
“Oh so that must be what that is” rainbow thought.

She went up to the hole and cautiously poked a hoof through. She could FEEL something on the other side. CREEPY. She yanked her hoof back through, but she got over balanced and tumbled over through the hole. For the second time today she was tumbling through space only this time she was too shocked to fly.
* * * * * * * * *

She landed in a small red chair amidst a mechanical room. "Ow. That really hurt! Where am I anyway?" Then she looked up and saw a screen showing a strange thing.
“Hello Agent P. Doctor Doofenshmirtz has been…”he looked up then. “You’re not Agent P!! How did you get in here?”

Rainbow just ignored it. This was serious. Where the heck was she, and why was she there? Today was busy, the whole, audience with a goddess and her audition for the Wonderbolts!
“What is this place anyway?” she asked the video thing.
“Agent P’s secret lair,” said a high pitched young colts voice.
“Carl, I told you not to tell anyone!!” said the strange human’s voice.
“Whatever,” Rainbow thought. “I’d better get out of here.”

She flew over to the strange green tube and started flying up it. Maybe it’ll lead me out of here, she thought. But no, of course not. She only came to a grassy yard in which two more of the strange things were standing. Alright she was getting annoyed. If this was a joke, it seriously wasn't funny. She landed and walked up to the things. One had a red mane and one had a green mane.

“Um, excuse me, but what are you?” the red one asked.
“I’m a who not a what. Name’s Rainbow dash, greatest flier in all of Equestria,”
Rainbow responded, zipping around the humans and leaving her signature rainbow trail. The green maned one spoke up next.
“What my brother meant was, what kind of animal are you?”
Rainbow answered, “a pegasus, duh. What are YOU?”

The red one opened his mouth to answer, but was interrupted by the gate to the backyard opened and a small one of the things with a black mane walked through. Her eyes got wide when she noticed Rainbow.
“I don’t mean to be rude,” she said directed at Dash, “But whatcha doing’?”

Rainbow rolled her eyes at the silly comment and looked back at the red maned human. “So, what are you… things?” she asked rudely.
“Uh, we’re HUMANS. Like, only the biggest race of animals ever,” replied Red-mane. “Now, what are you doing in our backyard? And how’d you come up through the tree?”

Rainbow couldn’t believe that these things didn’t know about the land of Equestria and the world that surrounded it.
“Bro, you are so not the biggest race of animals ever. Those are ponies. And also, there’s a weird place that somepony called “agent P’s lair”. I fell through a portal and landed there.”

The boys looked up at her.
“Oh Ferb remember that time with Evil Doof and the robots? It must be talking about that,”
said the red one to the green one, Ferb. Then he said to Rainbow,
“what do you mean a portal? And also, humans are the dominant race here, not ponies?” rainbow thought he was being quite rude to ponies.
“I come from Equestria which is a place where ponies rule. And there are other animals, like my friend Gilda the Griffin. Plus, I’m not an “it” I’m a she!”

The boys looked shocked at that. They and the girl just stared at Rainbow as she flew angrily overhead. She wished one of her friends were here. Twilight would know what to do. Times like this she could use a horn, but she loved her wings. But what to do about this pesky being stuck in another dimension problem? These annoying "humans" could be useful since they did know more about this world than she did. So she landed on the ground next to one of the humans.
“So, you three could be useful. First up, tell me your names…”

Twilight: 3 hours later
“Where is that insufferable Pegasus!? SPIKE!!” yelled the purple unicorn.
The small dragon ran in.
“Yeah Twilight,” he asked.
“Do you know where Rainbow Dash is? She was supposed to meet me today at twelve and it’s now 1:30!” she yelled, practically blowing over the poor dragon.
answered stutteringly,
“Um, nopony has seen her in a while. When Rainbow Dash is gone, ponies tend to notice.”
Twilight facehoofed at that.
“Look, do you have a crush on Rarity or Rainbow Dash? I’m going to go look for her.”

And with that she pushed past Spike and headed out the door of the hollowed out tree. She went to Rarity’s beauty salon first and barged in, clearly angry. The white unicorn looked up, startled at the sudden interruption.
“Hello Twilight darling. If you want a salon visit, you’ll have to wait dear. I’m busy with Carrot Top right now.” The orange maned earth pony smiled at Twilight.
“Oh, no thank you Rarity. I don’t need a salon appointment,” said Twilight.
“I was just wondering whether you had seen Rainbow Dash. It’s a matter of extreme importance.”
Rarity thought for a moment, looking puzzled then replied to her violet-maned friend,
“Why, no dear. I haven’t seen her since she came to get some feather care a few hours ago.”
Twilight rushed out the door and then stuck her head back in.
“Thanks for the help Rarity,” she said before rushing out again.
Rarity shook her head.
“Now that, Carrot Top, was the strangest encounter I have ever had with Twilight.”