• Published 7th May 2018
  • 3,754 Views, 89 Comments

A Queen's Perspective - Equestria Girls - gerandakis

Twilight Sparkle has been a changeling queen for just over a year now. While she is represeting her hive on a royal symposium in the Crystal Empire a mysterious unicorn stals her crown ...

  • ...

Of Principles and Princesses

Principal Celestia loved her job. Well, most of it at least. She loved taking care of her students, the young minds she and her colleagues had been entrusted to shape. But while every job had things to like, things to love even, every job also had less pleasant parts to it, the mountain of paperwork a highschool principal had to deal with, despite her sister's frequent help, was one of these unpleasant parts.

So it happened that when, there was a knock on her door, she didn't even look up from the especially long form she was currently in the process of dealing with. "Come in." She made sure to let none of her annoyance at her paperwork seep into her calm voice. As she heard the door open, she added, "How may I help you?" Still focused on her paperwork she didn't notice that the door closed on its own behind her visitor.

"Uhm, hello." Hearing a voice she didn't recognize the principal finally looked up to see a teenage girl with lavender skin and purple hair with a streak of orange, wearing a pale lavender blouse and one of the short skirts that were 'In fashion this season', she'd never understand trends. On the skirt was the symbol of a six-pointed star on the backdrop of an orange starburst surrounded by five white stars. "I'm Twilight Sparkle," the girl continued with a respectful nod which Celestia instinctively reciprocated.

"I'm new here," Twilight went on to explain. A year earlier she'd have been nervous at giving such an explanation, but being a changeling queen for a year and mother to thousands had a tendency to strengthen one’s character. "I understand that Fluttershy found a crown this morning and gave it to you."

Celestia remembered well how the shy girl had come to her early this morning holding the crown in her hands, she had no idea how it ended up on the front lawn, but since Luna had said that the safe was empty when she put it back, she hadn't thought much of it. Luna had also scolded her that it wasn't a good idea to leave the keys for a safe underneath said safe, a point which, with the benefit of hindsight, Celestia had to concede. "Yes. I've had Vice Principal Luna put it somewhere for safekeeping. No idea how it ended up on the front lawn. Were you interested in running for Princess of the Fall Formal this year?" Despite the fact that she had never seen the girl before she almost hoped that she would be interested, Sunset Shimmer had gone unopposed for three years in a row.

"Uh, no. Not exactly. The truth is... Well, the truth is I... You see, the crown is actually... Princess of the Fall Formal?" Celestia watched with a hint of amusement as an expression of confusion settled on the girl's face.

"It's Canterlot High's big Fall dance."

"Like the Grand Galloping Gala." Twilight muttered, more to herself than the woman sitting before her.

"Uh, Grand Galloping Gala?" Now it was the principal's turn to be confused.

"Oh, uh, it was a big deal at my old school."

"And was there a princess?"

"Yes, but she wasn't exactly a student." Twilight chose not to mention that said princess was the principal’s magical pony counterpart.

"Here at Canterlot High, the students select one of their peers to represent them. She receives a crown at the Fall Formal."

Twilight thought the matter over, giving a contemplative hum. She didn't know where the crown was being kept and this Celestia seemed to be almost as good as her Equestrian counterpart when it came to hiding her emotions, even from an empath, so she was unlikely to get a clue from her. At this point it seemed that the easiest way to get her crown back was to simply win it. "You asked me if I was interested in running for Princess. Can anyone run?"

"Yes. You just need to let the head of the Fall Formal planning committee know you'd like to be on the ballot. Was there anything else?"

After a short moment’s thought Twilight shook her head, "Um, nope! That was it!"

"Well, if you do need anything else, my door is always open," Celestia called after her as she left, the door closing behind her.

I'll never get used to these automatic door-closer-things, she thought to herself as she turned back to her paperwork. After a moment she stopped, sure her memory was playing a trick on her. She could have sworn that her door was scheduled to receive one of those devices next week.

With a hint of trepidation she looked back up to the door. Her memory had not been tricking her. No such device was found anywhere on the door frame.

Suddenly her paperwork seemed very enticing.

In the throne room of the Crystal Spire Princess Celestia sat with Princess Cadence, Shining Armor and the remaining element bearers – Princess Luna had retired for the day – as well as Steel Gaze the second of the two queens-guard Twilight had brought along from Stripped Gear. Gilded Shield had retired after her night shift was over. Steel was keeping everyone else informed about anything his queen told the link about this other world.

"It seems this other world, at least in the area around the Portal is inhabited by bipedal creatures my queen calls 'humans'. Many of them seem to be equivalents of ponies living in Equestria. She is currently in a place called 'Canterlot High School' which seems to be ruled by counterparts to yourself and your sister, your Highness." Celestia gave a contemplative nod, a hoof beneath her chin. "She has already come across a counterpart to you, Dame Fluttershy."

"Oh my, is she much like me?"

"From what my queen says, there are obvious physical differences, given she is of another species, but her personality is strikingly similar. It seems the crown Sunset Shimmer brought here was used for a ceremony called the 'Fall Formal'. Where the students would vote on a representative who would then be crowned Princess of the Fall Formal."

"A voted princess?" Rarity chimed in, "now there's a strange concept." Both Princesses in the room silently decided not to mention certain events in Equestrian history.

"Certainly. It seems that due to their striking resemblance the Element of Magic was mistaken for the Fall Formal Crown and is currently being kept by Vice Principal Luna. My Queen has decided that the easiest way to get it back would be to simply win it." With that Steel finished his explanation.

"I knew Twilight would keep a cool head," Cadence remarked. Steel remembered Twilights initial panic as she learned of her transformation but chose not to mention it, though he was sure at least Celestia had noticed the amused smirk that momentarily played across his lips. If she did, however, Celestia didn't mention it either.

"It seems like a reasonable plan,” she admitted, “is there much competition?"

After a short inquiry, Steel shrugged. "We don't know yet."

"So has Twilight come across any of us besides Fluttershy?" Rainbow piped in with a friendly glance at Steel. She had taken a liking to the drone during her stay in the hive. He was one of the few who could almost keep up with her.


"Not so far," Steel answered, returning the smile.

"Now Dash, let's not forget that Twi's been there for barely an hour. If there are counterparts of all of us, ah'm sure she'll let us know." Applejack chided

"Huh, guess you're right"

"Indeed, but I have one question. What is a 'Human'?" Rarity asked looking around at everyone.

Steel was about to give a closer explanation when Pinkie interrupted. "They're the things Lyra keeps talking about."

A round of 'Ohh's ran through the assorted Ponyvilleans leaving two Princesses and a former guard captain to share confused glances.

Looking for Fluttershy, Twilight spotted her entering a large room that seemed to be some sort of dining hall. A sign on the door read 'Cafeteria'. Following her inside, Twilight found her at the end of a line of students along a counter at the other side of which there was an elder woman wearing a yellow top and a red and white apron as well as gloves. Twilight caught up to Fluttershy and they soon got into conversation.

"I know we've just met, but I was wondering if you might be able to help me with something."

"Of course!"

"I've decided to run for Princess of the Fall Formal, and–" Twilight recoiled at the wave of utter shock that erupted from Fluttershy, which was fortunate as it allowed her to avoid Fluttershy's salad landing on her blouse as it's owner dropped it.

The stunned look on Fluttershy's face quickly became apologetic before switching to confusion as she didn't hear the plastic bowl hit the ground. As she looked down it was sitting there, perfectly upright and all its contents safely inside.
"Oh! Oh, gosh! Sorry. It's just, oh, running for Fall Formal Princess is a really bad idea."


"Sunset Shimmer wants to be Fall Formal Princess, and when she wants something, she gets it! She'll make life awful for anyone who stands in her way. Just ask the girl who ran against her for Princess of the Spring Fling."

Though she was taken aback by this revelation, Twilight's determination didn't waver. "I have to try!"

"Oh, I don't think you understand. You'd have to convince everyone here to vote for you instead of her: the athletes, the fashionistas, the dramas, the eco-kids, the techies, the rockers..."

"Why is everypony–" Twilight interrupted herself as a purple furred paw shot out from her backpack and hit the side of her head. "Uh, everybody separated this way?"

As they walked together to one of the tables after getting their food, Twilight sensed a wave of resignation from Fluttershy. "Maybe it was different at your old school, but at CHS, everybody sticks to their own kind. One thing that they do have in common is that they know Sunset Shimmer is gonna rule the school until we graduate."

"Not if I can help it!" Twilight exclaimed around the apple hovering in front of her before taking a bite, "So, uh-" At Fluttershy's confused look she quickly released her psychic grip and caught the apple in a hand, putting on a placating smile. "-where would I find the head of the party planning committee?"

Steel Gaze's eyes shot open as he received an update from Twilight. "Ah, it seems the only other candidate running for Princess of the Fall Formal is Sunset Shimmer herself."

"Hmm, how popular is Sunset Shimmer?" Celestia asked, looking up from watching Shining Armor lose a game of chess to Rarity.

"It seems she is more feared than popular." Shield answered contemplatively.

"Good, then the other Students will likely support another option if it is sufficiently well represented." Cadence replied.

"Yay, Twilight's gonna be a princess and a queen!" came the inevitable outburst from the ever enthusiastic Pinkie.

"Well darling, I don't know how much power it would afford to be a princess at a school in another world. Though it would still carry a certain glamour." Rarity conceded.

"Incoming!" After she had opened the door to a large hall and walked in a few steps Twilight ducked at the words only to find strips of paper raining down on her. Looking up she saw a pink skinned girl bearing an uncontrolled mane of even more vibrant pink hair. The girl seemed extremely familiar.

"Hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle and ..." She stopped dead in her tracks as the girl before her looked up from her balloon. The moment her purple eyes meet these sky blue ones, realisation struck her. "Pinkie Pie?!"

At Twilight's words the party planner lost her grip on the balloon she was inflating resulting in all the air once more being set free. Rather suddenly. In the general direction of Pinkie's face. Once she had quelled the stream of air, the girl let out a gasp as she turned to Twilight. "Are you psychic?!"

"Uhm, well, yes, actually. I don't get what that has to do with this but, sure." came Twilight's confused reply.

"Thought so." Pinkie stated with a broad grin. "Anyway what brings you here?"

As Pinkie started to inflate another balloon Twilight sent Steel gaze a status update stating that she had found another duplicate, before explaining. "Fluttershy said this is where I'd find the head of the Fall Formal planning committee."

At her words, Pinkie turned away from her and started tying the ballon closed "Fluttershy, huh? Don't let the whole 'shy' thing fool you. She can be a real meanie."

Twilight's face was a mask of confusion as she clearly picked up a wave of resentment towards the shy girl coming from the party planner. She walked over to inquire further. "You two aren't friends?"

Ignoring her question Pinkie twirled around holding a hand out to her in an inviting gesture. "Waited a bit to get your name on the ballot, huh? Dance is the day after tomorrow."

Letting the topic go for the moment the transformed queen explained. "I'm brand new here."

At these words realisation flashed across Pinkie's face in a comedically over the top manner that reminded Twilight of her Equestrian counterpart. "Oooh! I thought you didn't look familiar." After a moment however Pinkie started staring intently at the new 'student'. "Though, now that I'm really lookin' at you ... Do you have a twin sister who lives in the city, has a pet dog named Spike that looks just like that one?" She pointed at Spike who had left Twilight's backpack and was enjoying himself with one of the balloons strewn across the floor.

So we have counterparts here too. Guess I should have expected that. "Uh, maybe?"

At her words, Pinkie's face was immediately freed from any hint of suspicion that was there before. And she spoke up, cheerful as ever. "Thought so. Anyhoo, just need to fill this out and you are officially up for the coveted Princess of the Fall Formal crown." At these words she held out a pen and a clipboard she had pulled from her hair.

A brief bout of enthusiasm shot through Twilight's mind as she laid eyes upon the official looking list of participants. The list was little more than a bold printed title above a frame with lines on which to put names. There was only one name in a pointy looking font that seemed to Twilight like a loose imitation of Princess Celestia's hornwriting: 'Sunset Shimmer'.

Within a brief moment of mental focus the pen slid form Pinkie’s fingers and added a second name to the list. Written in a smooth curly font the new entry read: 'Twilight Sparkle'. All the while Pinkie's smile never faded, as if floating pens were nothing new for her.

For all Twilight knew, they might not be. Once could never quite know with Pinkie Pie.

As soon as she finished, Pinkie turned the clipboard back around and snatched the pen out of midair before giving an approving nod. There was a moment of silence before the clicking of a door latch and a pair of squeaking hinges indicated that someone was opening the door. Before Twilight could turn around she heard that someone speak up with a very familiar voice.

"Somebody order a dozen cases of fizzy apple cider?"

At these words Pinkie looked up, once more breaking into one of her trademark smiles. "Oh! Oh! Me, me-me-me, me," As she bounced over to the new arrival she earned herself a sceptical look from the girl. She gave an awkward laugh before settling down a little "yeah, ha-ha, me!"

Twilight turned around to the new arrival and instantly recognized several features. First of all, there was a very familiar looking light brown stetson hat, currently held in the girl's hands as she was wiping the sweat off her brow. Her hair was long and straw blond, held together at the bottom by a simple red ribbon. She was wearing a white shirt with a green section from her chest up to the neckline, a blue jeans skirt with two prominent pockets and, to round of the cowgirl look, two tall boots of brown leather. Smiling, the girl turned to the door where a tall, muscular boy with blonde hair and rosy skin, wearing a red T-shirt and long jeans, had entered after her. Most of his form, however, was obscured by three cases of the aforementioned cider he was carrying. As he put them down, the girl, whom Twilight was rather sure was Applejack's counterpart, spoke up.

"Can you bring in the rest?"

The simple nod and the reassuring "Eeyup" he gave all but confirmed Twilight's suspicions that this was indeed this world's counterpart to Big Macintosh, the eldest of the Apple siblings, whom now turned to leave the gym once more.

As she looked up Applejack spotted Twilight and a look of recognition came to her face as she spoke up. "Hey, I know you."

"You do?" Between these further human counterparts and now this unexpected statement Twilight's mind was in a state of utter confusion.

"Sure. You're the new girl who gave Sunset Shimmer the what fer today." Applejack explained with a somewhat proud smile before taking a large gulp of cider from a bottle she had fished from the case she had just brought in.

"Twilight Sparkle here is gonna run against Sunset Shimmer for Princess of the Fall Formal." Pinkie explained cheerfully leading to Applejack spitting out her drink and turning to Twilight with a distraught expression.

"I'd think twice about that." She stated simply before turning around to the table and grabbing two balloons. As she turned back around she revealed them: a yellow one with a crude drawing of Twilight's face as well as a red, heart shaped one with an equally crude drawing of Sunset's face, bearing a wide smile. "Oh, sure, she'll probably approach you all friendly like..." She had the red balloon bounce towards the yellow one to mimic walking, before continuing in an impression of Sunset's voice "I sure am lookin' forward to some friendly competition." She wiggled the red balloon for a moment to show speaking before doing the same with the yellow one and continuing in an impression of Twilight's voice. "That's so good to hear." She finally returned to her normal voice. "But then, here comes the backstabbin'." As she said that she moved the red balloon towards the yellow one poking a fingernail out until the yellow balloon finally popped.

She let the red balloon fall to the floor, from where Pinkie quickly snatched it up, before she continued. "About the only girl in this school you can trust less than Sunset Shimmer is Rainbow Dash."

Twilight gave her a sceptical glance. "Rainbow Dash?"

"She's the captain of, like, every team at Canterlot High." Pinkie chimed in, idly popping the balloon with Sunset's face on it.

"She's also the captain of sayin' she's gonna do somethin' for ya, and then turnin' around and not even botherin' to show up." Applejack warned, a sour look on her face and, once more Twilight felt a wave of resentment directed at someone who was not present

"Thanks for the advice, Applejack, but this is something I really need to do."

The farmgirl gave her a confused look. "Huh, suit yourself, but how'd you know my name is Applejack?"

Twilight, realizing her mistake, scolded herself for letting her guard down before swiftly speaking up to cover her tracks. "Huh, didn't you say your name was Applejack?"

A resounding "Nnnope." came from the door, where Big Mac had just deposited two further cases of cider.

"Huh, strange, well, call it intuition then. Anyways, it sure was nice meeting you both. I'm sure I'll be seeing you around."

Picking her bag up from the floor and letting Spike jump in, she left the gym. Leaving a confused Applejack in her wake.

"Don't worry about it, she's Psychic!" Pinkie explained, which – as far as that was possible – only served to confuse Applejack further. She had little time to worry about that, however, as moments later the main doors to the gym opened to reveal Sunset Shimmer flanked by two younger boys whom Pinkie and Applejack immediately recognized as Snips and Snails.

"This looks terrible!" She spat. "There should be more streamers near the stage and fewer balloons." She used a long fingernail to pop one of the various balloons around the large hall.

"Yeah, streamers!" Snips exclaimed holding up a short piece of one he had found on the floor.

"And fewer balloons!" Snails added picking up a balloon and trying to pop it. However, as he soon found out, hugging it was not conducive towards that goal, and the balloon soon slipped from his arms, sending him tumbling to the floor.

Sunset, meanwhile, walked over to the cases of cider that Applejack and her brother had delivered earlier. "Fizzy apple cider?" She let out a grunt of disgust. "This is my coronation, not a hoedown."

"Well, now, it ain't necessarily gonna be your coronation this time around." Applejack pointed out. Sunset turned around.

"Oh, is that so? You country folk really aren't that bright. Must be why the other students say such awful things about you." She grabbed Applejack's hat and rammed it onto her face. Muffled grumbling noises could be heard from underneath it.

"Obviously it's gonna be my coronation. I'm running unopposed." She explained as she struck a pose for no particular reason.

"Not this time. The new girl just signed up!" Pinkie chimed in with a grin that seemed completely out of place in this tense situation, holding the clipboard out for her to see.

"What?!" Sunset spun towards her snatching the clipboard for herself to read the name of her competitor. "Where is this Twilight Sparkle?" she mumbled to herself before turning to Applejack and Pinkie Pie, and letting out a laugh that fooled no one."I'm looking forward to meeting the competition!"