• Published 8th Jan 2020
  • 269 Views, 2 Comments

A Journal of Sun and Moon - CreeperZone

This is the full journal kept by the two greatest leaders Equestria has ever seen, every lesson, bonding moment and conflict they ever faced in their thousand year co-reign held in this tome.

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Wishing Things Were Different

beer deer luna
today was very very super ver y fun!! !!!
verna came over to our house and she and me got to sleep together but we dident actually do a lot sleeping insted we playd all night and did games and chattid all the time and it was amzig amay zing!!!! im so xcited to tell you about it !

so the furst thing that happend today was...

The two twins, Celestia and Luna, wrapped up in one another like dots on dice, snuggled softly between candle scented blankets on the linen sofa of the common room.

The older twin, Celestia, was wagging her tail as would a canine, softly rubbing her hind legs side to side thinking of carefree times. She was quite eager as today her second greatest friend, second to only her sister, Vernacularous Tarcialambare Gloryraise was going to attend a sleepover with her tonight.

Luna on the other hoof was lost in a deep dream of luscious childhood delights, she dreamt of flying through clouds propelled by the moonlight illuminating her feathers. She was excited to make Lieutenant Fritz Blastwave, her flight instructor, proud. And when Hopeful came back from his mission she was going to astound him with her ability.

Celestia nudged the dark furred friend laying on her belly, “Luna, wake up! Wakey wakey!”

“H-Huh..? What is it, Celestia?” Luna grogged and squinted in awakening.

“I wanna get up! Verna is gonna get here any second!” Tia aggravatingly bucked her tiny legs in the air.

“Okay, Celestia.” Luna hugged Celestia's thinly-furred belly one last time and leaned back to unearth her sister from under her. “But won't she come in a few hours?”

“Um, maybe I don't know... Dream said when the clock is going down with both legs.” Celestia pointed to the grandfather clock resting elegantly in the room, big leg up, small leg to the right.

“Celestia that means... Um... One... Two... Three hours... Three hours until six-o-clock when your friend comes.”

“Yeah! I gotta clean our room before she comes!” Celestia hopped off the sofa with an intense motivation trapped in her eyes.

Luna's jaw turned upwards to a smile. “You will clean our room?! Gienie-mack! You never clean our room!”

Celestia giggled, “I know! But Verna doesn't like dirty rooms like me, so I gotta clean it! Seeya, sis!”

“Okay! See you!” Luna watched her sister run up the room and over to the large staircase lined with marble and scutter up it to the halls, down which she ran to her room and kicked the door open with great haste.

The twin's room was quite the elaborate conjugation of Celestia's rugged mess of blankets and action figures splashed around the large decorated room mixed around Luna's systematic stacks of picture-books and folded sheets. No matter how many times their babysitter Dreamscape told her to clean up, Celestia feigned much interest in doing what she was told, but now that Verna's happiness was on the line, she was ready to clean like never before.

Tia sprung into action, twirling her little stub of a horn around like a mighty wand. The filly unleashed a wave of telekinesis to straighten up toys and put them in place while doing her bed covers, dusting the shelves, sweeping up old candy wrappers and cushioning the pillows all in the same moment.

Celestia smiled as in mere seconds she had a perfect and tidy room, cleaned up to even Luna's silly standards.

When she was done, Celestia ran out into the hall and looked to the clock in excitement. Once she saw the face and took a moment to read the legs she realised it has only been two minutes.

Celestia stomped down the stairs. “Uhhh! Luna!!! Time is too slow!” She exclaimed to her sister.

“Hehe, you just have to wait, unless you can make the sun go down by yourself.” She giggled.

Celestia looked up at the sky through one of the ceiling high windows. “Hmm... I dunno... Sir Swirlbutt said if a unicorn tried to move the sun by herself they would die...”

“Celestia, what are you talking about in here?” The joyous voice of their minder Dreamscape came from the kitchen as she walked into the living room.

“Nothing, Missus Dream! I'm just sooooo bored...” Celestia slumped over to Dream and pressed her head into the light blue unicorn's chest.

“Well... I was just about to bake some cookies so that they’re ready when Verna arrives. Would you like to help me?” Dream patted Celestia's bright pink mane.

“Yes, yes, yes!!!” Celestia hopped up and down. “I love cookies!”

“Hehe, I am very aware, Madam Celestia... And what about you, Luna? Would you like to come help?” Dreamscape smiled up to the sofa.

“I'm all right, thank you!” The dark coated filly had gotten herself stuck into a book.

“If you say so... Celestia? Would you like to follow me to the kitchen?” She hugged Celestia with her warm foreleg.

“I'm ready! Let's go!” Celestia bucked the air like an Earth Pony farm-filly at an apple festival. “Woo!”

Dreamscape rolled her eyes subtly and walked the exuberant little filly into the large marble-tiled kitchen.

The two lovely ladies spent the following hours baking and decorating cookies as well as a cake for Uncle Hopeful's return this weekend.

The time flew right over Celestia's cutesy and messy pink mane and in no time there was a ringing doorbell calling for her hyper-active attention.

“She's here, she's here!!!” Little Tia sprawled towards the door and bit the handle open like an Earth Pony would. The door swung to reveal the well dressed, young and happy Vernacularous. She had a long white dress with soft, puffy, volumed shoulderpads and dress-tail.

Next to her stood proudly an earth pony, large and dark furred, wearing a fine gentlecolt’s suit. A deadly, enchanted rifle also sat strapped to his back, a cross between a standard Earth Pony rifle and a unicorn staff. He addressed Celestia for Verna.

“My solemn greetings, Lady Celestia, Lady Vernacularous is ready for her sleepover.” He affirmed while Celestia rabidly hugged her friend.

“H-Hey, Tia!” Verna barely managed to squeal out as she was squeezed by her friend.

“Hi, hi, hi, hi, hi!!!” Celestia laughed and smiled. “I'm so excited you're here!”

“S-So am I!” Verna was released and took a big breath to refill her lungs. “Thank you, Gambit, that will be all for now.” She said to her bodyguard.

“I will see you in the morning, My Lady.” Gambit took a bow and left Verna to enter Celestia's home.

“Come on, Verna! Let's go to my room!!!” Celestia telekinetically pulled Verna up the stairs, the fillies giggling together the whole way up.

“Hehe! Your house is almost as big as mine!” Verna exclaimed in giggles.

“Hehe, thanks!” Celestia scuttered down the red carpet of the golden-accented hall down to her room, pressing open the large oak door.

When the two fillies hopped into the tidy twin-bedroom, Verna swiftly became impressed by its well preserved cleanliness. “Wowie, your room is much cleaner than I would have thought, no offense. Hehe.”

“No offense at all! I only cleaned it for you tonight.” Celestia hopped on top of her bed and giggled.

“Oh, right, hehe. So...” Verna gracefully climbed up and sat beside her friend. “What does one do at a sleep over?”

“Um...” A realisation hit Celestia. “I... Never thought about that... Huh... Oh!” She hopped off the bed, “Wanna go have some cookies me and Dream made?”

Verna smiled, “Yes, please! Also... Um, it's 'Dream and I'.”

“Uh, what?”

“Nevermind.” Verna giggled which made Celestia giggle too, then the two fillies trotted out of the room and went down to where the freshly baked cookies were.

They were warm off the platter, steaming chocolate chip cookies stacked several high into a glorious pile of delectability.

Celestia and Verna took cookies one by one in their magic and ate them, Celestia with a little less grace than her friend.

“Mmm! These are brilliant!” Verna delightfully exclaimed.

“Mwm... Twanks!” Celestia lifted the plate in her telekinesis. “Let's bring these up to my room!”

“Uh, uh, uh!” Dream's voice wandered into the room with swift control, “No cookies upstairs, you'll ruin the carpets with crumbs. Eat here.”

“Y-Yes, Madam, and it's lovely to meet you.” Verna pulled the cookies out of Celestia's grip, to the white filly's discontent, and went over to bow in front of Dream.

Dream smiled at her superb manners. “Wonderful to meet you too, Lady Vernacularous. I hope you and Lady Celestia have a good time tonight.”

“Thank you very much! I'm very excited! It is my first ever sleep over.” The filly giggled and wiggled with youthful energy.

“And I'm sure it won't be the last, now I have to clean the house and I could do without the distraction. So, if you and Celestia could stay upstairs unless you need something, that would be lovely.” She nodded gently to the filly.

“Of course! See you!” Verna returned to Celestia, who was still eyeing the cookies. “Wanna go upstairs?”

“U-Uh... Sure! Why don't you go first!” She smiled and opened a hoof towards the staircase.

“O-Okay? Hehe.” The filly set down the cookies and stepped up the noble stretch of stairs leading upstairs, cookie-munching sounds echoing behind her before Celestia caught up.

"Whlets gwo!" Celestia blurted out with a chocolate-chip mouthful as she sprinted by her friend and to her room.

When the two fluffy fillies breached the entrance to Celestia's dormitory, they stumbled up to Celestia's bed while she finished stuffing her cheeks full of cookie pulp.

They chatted for the immediate moment, before they quickly decided to tour around the room and discuss Celestia's many toys and knick-knacks; most of which were Earth Pony-esque wooden figures and cotton dolls Hopeful had given her over the years, with a few jeweled items gifted to her by Dream.

They laughed and played together for the hours leading up to bedtime, which they only learned it was when they heard a soft knock on the door. "C-Celestia? It's bedtime... Can I come in?" Luna politely asked.

“Yeah! Come in, sis! We're playing Princess!” The filly of suns squeaked on to her sister, who discovered Celestia and Verna on the floor sprawled out alongside dozens of toys, Celestia sitting on a wooden stool wearing her pretend tiara. (Her real tiara was held in a safe far, far away from the clumsy hooves of the filly to prevent damage.) Verna sat at her friend’s hooves wearing the blanket of Tia's bed as a royal robe.

“H-Hello!” Verna greeted the newly arrived sister, who waved back happily.

Celestia beamed, “Hey, Luna! Do you want to join in?! I tried to find your tiara but I don't know where it is.”

“I... I hid it cause I don't want you to break it again... A-And actually... We're supposed to go to bed now... You and your friend too. Dream said she'll come up and make you if you don't go to bed yourself.” The navy filly blushed a gentle red, like the beginnings of a sunrise in the dark dawn sky.

“Ah. Fine! Verna come into bed!” Celestia leapt to her cushions and yoinked the royal robe from Verna's shoulders, wrapping herself in it like a cocoon.

Verna looked upon the snug pony taking up more space upon the royal bed than she thought was frankly possible by a young filly of her size, but she managed to take up all of the blanket and both pillows all by herself, leaving the unpalatable sheet-less bed wasteland for Verna.

“Perhaps it would be better if I slept separately? I don't think we'd be comfortable together... Hehe...” Verna asked kindly.

Celestia giggled and yawned, “Uhh sure, whateva floats your boat.”

Luna's ears perked up, “Um... D-Do you want my bed for tonight..? U-Uh... V-Verna?”

“O-Oh... Um no, I can ask your maid for an additional bed... It is no worry.” Verna attempted to reassure her, but the dusk-filly wouldn't have it.

“I insist! U-Uh... I-I'm not really tired... You can sleep in my bed tonight... I'll leave you two alone. Hehe.” She smiled.

“O-Okay. If you insist.” Verna gracefully climbed up onto the bed mirroring Celestia's and wrapped herself in.

Celestia turned over to face Luna at the door. “Hehe... Thank you, sis! Where you going?”

“U-Uh... I just... I want to go see the garden at night...” She said. Convincingly.

“Hehe okay! See you later, sis!” Celestia waved.

“S-See you.” Luna turned off the light in the room and exited humbly.

“Hehehe... She is really nice. I love her.” Celestia whispered to Verna who has just become comfortable in the navy, princess-sized bed.

“She does seem nice... Hehe. Goodnight, Celestia.” Verna said, smiled and shut her eyes.

“Hahaha! Don't be silly! We're not sleeping for a long time!” Celestia inched towards the edge of her bed, “Let's keep chatting!”

Verna's eye peered open. “O-Okay... What about?”

“Wanna know what Starswirl said to me after class?!”


The fillies giggled together as Celestia began recalling her story.

Within a few hours they would tire themselves out and collapse asleep, wishing things would never change.

Dear Celestia.

I am writing right now and you are asleep with Verna and I did not want to wake you up so I am sorry if I did.

Today I heard something really bad from a pony at the door.

I am sorry that the words are smudged I am trying not to cry.

When I went downstairs after I gave my bed to Verna I went to the balcony...

“Hehe okay! See you later, sis!” Celestia waved.

“S-See you.” Luna turned off the light in the room and exited humbly.

Luna smiled as she strolled down the hallway, tonight was going to be something special. Luna had always loved the night time, but tonight she was finally ready to experience the places beyond her home's garden.

She flapped her wings to guide her along the halls, reaching one of the dozen balconies around the upper floors and she slipped out into it. She looked up to the midnight moon pulsing with heavenly harmony; it filled her with glee as the moonlight escaped from behind wisps of clouds, shining their tranquil rays against her skin.

The garden sprawled out before her eyes, luscious greens hidden under a blanket of moon blue. Luna had gotten herself lost in between those bushes and marble paths almost every night for the past few months; something she treasured during her nights.

It was also quite surprisingly rejuvenating, despite Dream's insistence that she needed a full eight hour sleep every night; she found that bathing in moonlight shed her weariness far better than sleep ever did. Though she still loved to sleep, after her midnight strolls, she tended to drift into a world of dreams for a few hours before morning, exploring their mystical ways. Sometimes she even suspected that she could see her sister's dreams, but that was more than likely another strange illusion of her dreamland.

Tonight that didn't matter though, tonight she was going to go further than she ever had before. To the forests and plains at the base of Canterlot's mountain where all the nightly beauty she has ever dreamed of lives.

At least that's what she hoped would be there as the petite filly scaled the railing of the balcony and let herself glide down into the gardens majestically.

A humble chirping hum of crickets and night dwelling bugs orchestrated her surroundings, the wind bringing a chilling chorus of excitement down Luna's spine. The filly took each step down the cobbled garden path with a soft caution, looking back over her shoulder at the looming home; the lights leaking from the balcony flowing over her as she sneaked away into the glorious night.

After the many crops of rosebush and oak tree, Luna met with the vine-coated steel fencing of the estates border, and it took her a few moments to conquer. Not to get past it, as doing so only required a quick flight, but for a moment she battled with her own will, sitting there with a pounding chest caused by the concoction of fear and suspense.

She took a breath, and only then did her wings calm enough to fly her straight over the fence and down to the other end, the rolling hills of Canterlot's base stretching out before her. The moon itself greeted her with a sparkle of light that peaked through the clouds; coincidentally beautiful, of course, Luna did not truly believe that the moon was reacting to her actions.

That'd be silly.

Luna's legs grew restless as she awed at her view, so she began trotting down the grassy plain, her speed developing into a sprint with outstretched wings.

She flew and flew down the landscape, taking a far turn from the roads and buildings and down to the forests where she glided over each leaf with giddy joy overwhelming her. The chilly wind blew against her face and hooves, her hair swaying behind her gently.

The light from the moon only joined her in celebration, blue-moon sparks flying in her trail for many minutes before the little filly perched herself on a tree branch of an especially tall tree to rest.

She sighed, easing her shoulders and folding her tail between her legs. Luna gazed around the serene moonlit forest and up to the mansions of lower Canterlot, and even further up to the sky-breaching peaks of the Canterlot mountain, all overseen by the moon's glow.

Suddenly the creeping chill of the wind brushed by her, sending a tiny realisation through her.

“I... S-Should go home...” She mumbled to her lonesome self, raising her wings with moderate hesitation before letting herself fall down and glide her way home with an ounce of haste in her thoughts, the worry of being caught catching up to her.

She had made a return to the plateau which her home sat upon, her ears perking to the sound of two ponies discussing something as they trotted down the road. Luna found them in her sight over at the path leading to her home, so she hid behind the nearest lone tree and watched them go straight to her front gate.

They were both in full military uniform, a Unicorn and an Earth Pony as far as Luna could tell, though she didn't recognize them as Uncle Hopeful's friends that visit frequently, in fact they seemed like complete strangers to her.

She wondered what in Equestria were they doing going into her house, but she was grateful that she remained hidden from them.

Once they had entered through the main gate, Luna took a long route around to the back of the garden and flew back through the balcony she first had left from. Luna took care with her hoofsteps to avoid creaking the floorboards as she trotted down the hallway and found her bedroom door.

She intended to return inside and attempt to find something to slumber upon, but her curiosity held her hoof as she reached for the doorknob. Those ponies... What are they doing here at night..? Little Luna pondered before the doorbell rang loud and echoed throughout the dead-stillness of the nightly air.

Luna could hear Dream's surprise and scramble towards the door to answer it. Luna knew she should just go to bed, but her curiosity wouldn't let her... A desire she picked up from being with Celestia for so long, but an irresistible urge none-the-less.

Her hooves now guided her down the hall further until she was perched along the top of the stair's railing, hidden by the darkness.

She now had a full view of Dream as she opened the door and met the two strangers.

“H-Hello, officers... W-What is the occasion? I wasn’t aware of a visit... Especially quite this late...” She mumbled out in her perplexed state.

The two looked at eachother solemnly. “We... Have news for you, Miss Dream... You might want to sit down for this.” One of the two, the Unicorn, said to her.

Dream obliged and let them inside, sitting down by the nearest sofa. “W-What happened?” She had fear in her voice now.

“We... Regret to inform you...” The other, the Earth Pony, now took out a small yellow slip sealed with the royal Equestrian military's insignia and hoofed it to her gently. It seemed whatever it was, even they didn't want to accept it as true.

Dream opened the note with her magic and her eyes went wider than two full moons, raining down sorrow.

“Commander Hopeful has been killed in action. A terrorist Zebra group attacked his train leaving Zeberian territory.” The unicorn picked up for their friend.

Luna took a desperate moment to take in what the soldier just said, her eyes swelling immediately.

As Dream began to weep, she heard Luna try to dash away from the evil things she just heard and Dream stood up to call out. "L-Luna! W-Wait!" Dream pushed past the soldiers and dropped the yellow paper to the floor, sprinting up the stairs.

Luna ran into her room, waking the unknowing Celestia and Verna up immediately as she grabbed their journal and ran right back out, seeing Dream down the corridor trying to plea with her, totally distraught. “Luna! W-Wait!”

She didn't want to. Luna wanted to go away and never come back.

So the dark blue filly flew down the corridor to the balcony at the end, Dream failing to catch up with her. Luna leapt out of the door and over the railing with wings spread far, hugging her journal, wishing it was her Uncle.

Dream found herself stranded on the balcony, watching Luna fly far away over the gardens, into the oaken forests down the hill.

“D-Dream? What happened? Where’s Luna..?” A groggy from sleep Celestia asked from behind, prompting Dream to burst into tears and turn to the white coated, innocent little filly.

"M-Missus Dre-" Celestia tried to speak once more, but was pulled into a sobbing hug by her caretaker. She didn't know what was wrong, but she held Dream close anyways, trying to show some comfort.

“Y-You... Should go back to bed... I'll explain in the morning... I-I promise...” Dream sniffled and wiped at her wet face, holding some composure, just enough to lead Celestia back to her room and put the two to bed.

Dream went back downstairs to the soldiers, the three sharing grievances.

Luna had soon flown back to the forest and sat upon her sole tree from prior, now truly feeling alone in the world. She wept for hours, hugging her journal tightly.

Over time the sky cleared up, the moon coming out in full view of her, its glow reaching her tears to wipe them away.

Luna looked up to the night sky and took a shaky breath, feeling the moon's warmth, then she let her eyes fall down to the journal which she opened gently, taking out the magic quill squished between the pages into her wing, trying not to cry onto the precious pages.

The memory of Hopeful sat heavy in her heart, wishing beyond everything that she'd get to see him again, wishing things were different, despite knowing, just like her parents, he was gone for good.

Luna began to write.