• Published 14th Apr 2018
  • 3,065 Views, 235 Comments

A Time to Think - The Sonic Mage

Mercy isn't just about sparing others. It's about helping them to their feet, and keeping them steady as they travel forward.

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Chapter 17: In the Mind of a Master Improviser

Thorax was-


Anything but okay.

Despite the fact that he was in a sound muffling panic bubble,(which he had unconsciously cast) he still could be heard throughout most of the room.

Chrysalis fared no better. In fact, she seemed to be faring worse. As she stood there, shaking at the knees, her mind filled with all the horrible things that would happen if they found her here. The burning glares, the spiteful words. That strange,far off, distant voice seemed to come closer in her head. All the noise, noise, noise.

The two of them would have kept this up for at least another 5 minutes that they didn’t have, were it not for Exodus walking into Thorax’s panic bubble and swiftly clamping his kings mouth shut and smacking him in the face.

“SIR! Pull yourself together!” Exodus’ shout also managed to snap Chrysalis out of her trance. ‘Good’ Exodus thought, ‘Saves some time.’

“I understand the two of you are nervous, but right now we need a plan so that this whole thing that you have spent weeks trying to do doesn’t fall to pieces.” Exodus stood between the the two panicked Changelings.

Thorax then started searching his brain for any ideas to help make the situation easier to deal with. They had to get Chrysalis to a safe place, and to do that they needed to slow the group down. So the question remained: How?

“Uh...uh-” an idea came to the Changeling king, “Exodus, do we have something akin to a waiting area? Like how the have in doctor offices?”

“Uh, yes, I’m sure we do-”

“Okay. Exodus, I need you to run interference. Lead them to that space and tell them that I’ll be there in a few minutes or something.”

“Yes, sir!”

“Also, pay attention to what they’re talking about. Might be able to get some distraction ideas from that.”

“Of course, sir!”

“Go, now!”

Exodus quickly left the room, running off to stall the incoming guests.

“Okay, what else, what else?” Thorax rubbed his temples, as if ideas would come to him faster if he did so. “Uh, Chrysalis any ideas?”

Shock plastered Chrysalis’ face when asked. Sweat started to drip down her face. She really didn’t want to do this. To take part in deception to protect herself. Considering what Thorax was trying to do(make her a better pony), it seemed hypocritical and wrong. She was going to say “Sorry, I’ve got nothing”, but then she realized that by doing so, she would be leaving him hanging. He had sacrificed so much and she had given back so little. The most she had given back was coldness and isolation. That made her feel even worse. Biting her lip she gave in and let her idea out.

“We could have Tibia show Pinkie Pie around the kitchen,” Chrysalis stammered out.

Thorax looked to Chrysalis as she continued, “And maybe they could make something together?”

Thorax beamed at the idea. Pinkie Pie was naturally hyperactive. So giving her something to do that interested her was great.

“Perfect,” he said, “I’ll contact Tibia and tell her. With Exodus running interference, that should by her enough time to prepare.” Thorax reached into the Hive Mind, and got in contact with the Changeling Chef herself.

“Hello, Tibia?” He said, thinking out loud, “Yes, it’s me, Thorax- listen…”
He went on to quickly explain what was happening. There was a lot of hurried speech, and clearly a lot of annoyed yelling on the other end, but he managed to work it out.

“Yes, and I promise that you get to serve me whatever you want as punishment for my slipping up…Okay, thank you!” He left the Hive Mind visibly stressed from the discussion he just had.

“Well,” Chrysalis said, “One down, many more to go.”

“Right,” Thorax resumed rubbing his temples. “It had be all of them. Couldn’t have been the Princesses, nooo, that would be too simple. Now Rarity’s going to be going on endlessly about my-” Another idea came to him. He reached into the Hive Mind and contacted another Changeling.

“Thimble, you there?”

“Oh, Thorax! Yes, I’m here, what do you need?”

“Listen, Thimble, you love fashion, right?”

“Oh, yes! It’s my favorite thing in the world! It’s why I run a fashion club.”

“Well, what if I told you that there was a chance you could meet one of Equestria’s greatest fashion designers?”

“Oh, I’d be over the moon! Especially if it was Rarity. Her work is absolutely incredible!”

“Well, you’re in luck, because she’s coming…today…like right now.”


“Thimble, you-?”

The sound of overjoyed squeals filled Thorax’s head. He noticeably flinched as result of the high pitched mental noise.

“Really? You mean it?”

“Yes, I do. Can you make this meeting happen?

“Oh, well, I don’t know. I’d need a few minutes to prepare.”

“I’m buying you those few minutes now. Can you make it happen?”

“Y-Yes! Yes I can!”

“Great, I’ll get back to you later.”

“Of course! And thank you Thorax! EEEE-!”

Thorax cut the call there before his brain exploded. “Okay. Still a lot to do, but still progress.”

“So what now?” Chrysalis asked.

Thorax looked to her before calling two guards.

The pair of armored Changelings ran into the room before stopping directly in front of their Monarch.

“Yes, Ki-I mean Thorax?”

“Take Chrysalis and hide her. In her room, in the basement, where ever she won’t be found by our surprise visitors.”

“Yes, of course.”

“Wait, what?” Chrysalis looked around in confusion.

“Chrysalis,” Thorax put a hoof on her shoulder, “Right now, all of the most important ponies in Equestria are coming, and I haven’t come up with a good time or way to tell them that you’re here.

“Not to mention that not all of them have the most forgiving and accepting temperament towards you. I think it would be best if you stay out of sight for a while.”

Chrysalis looked down at the ground in consideration.

“Okay…I understand.”

“Great,” Thorax nodded, looking at the two guards that he had called, “You guys got an idea of where to take her?”

“Yes, we do Thorax”

“Great. Get moving!”

The guards nodded and escorted Chrysalis out of the room and into the hallway.

It was at that moment, that Exodus called, “Sir?”

“Yes Exodus?”

“I’ve got some information that might help the situation.”

“What do ya got, Exodus?”

“Ms. Fluttershy could be sent to spend some time in the massive garden, as well as Apple Jack to a lesser degree.

“Apple Jack could also see Tibia, though considering how Ms. Pinkie Pie is also meeting her I’m not sure how that would go.”

“Somepony with experience should be there to keep Pinkie Pie in check. I’ll let Tibia know. What else?”

“Well, Rainbow Dash could go see our athletic group. They were going on about pony sports teams at times during their approach.”

“Sounds about right. What about Twilight?”

“Princess Twilight…hmm…she seemed interested in Changeling society and our science.”

“We could have her see Dr. Cloverfield, and maybe a few other members of our scientific community.”

“Yes, that would keep her occupied, wouldn’t it.”

“And the other Princesses probably want to sit around the meeting table and talk politics. So that’s simple enough.”

“Um, sir. Pardon me but I feel like like you might be forgetting about the Timber Wolf in the room.”

“And that would be…?”

“His majesty, Shining Armor.”

Thorax’s guts twisted a little. Exodus was right. He hadn’t come up with something to occupy Shining Armor.

‘Oh Faust, what am I going to do?’ Thorax thought in a panic.

Then he realized that he did have something to occupy Shining Armor. The problem: he was going to have two Changelings on his back comedically punishing him for his slip up.

At this point, however, he was willing to take it.

“I think I’ve got something for him, Exodus.”


“Look, just get them to the waiting room. I’ll take care of the rest.”

Exodus sighed, “Very well, if you say so.”

The call ended, and Thorax was able to put all his focus into gathering the courage to contact the only one who could keep Shining Armor occupied for a considerable amount of time.

“Just keep calm, Thorax. Keep calm.”


“2-4-2-4-2, Come On! 2-4-2-4-2!”
Pharynx had the troops practicing their marches. If there was anything he refused to let go of from his days in the old Changeling army, it was that you could have all the skill in the world, and be the best fighter ever. But without discipline, you would never be a soldier.

“Private Hooper, you’re off beat!” Pharynx barked, “Straighten up!”

Wordlessly, the trainee fell back into rhythm.

“Come on, keep it up! 2-4-2-4-2!

It was then, Pharynx got a call request through the Hive Mind. Normally he would just ignore them to continue with his training. When he checked who it was, however, he knew he had to answer.

“HALT!” Pharynx shouted loud enough for all the marching trainees to hear. Like clockwork, they stopped.

Pharynx accessed the Hive Mind, allowing Thorax to communicate with him.

“Brother, what is it?”

“Pharynx, what’s on your agenda today?” Thorax asked, with a noticeable twinge of stress in his question.

“Not much, why?” Even if he wasn’t in the same room as his brother, “Thorax, what’s wrong?” He could smell that something was up from a mile away.

Thorax let out a nervous laugh, “Uh, haha, yeah, um…funny story. Ya see…I never went through all of last weeks mail…”


“So, I may have missed a letter saying that the Princesses were coming.”

Pharynx fell silent. His mouth hung open, drawing the attention of some the trainees.

“When?” Pharynx asked in a low and stressed voice.



“Look, Pharynx, I-”

“Would you excuse me for a moment, please?”

“Um, sure. Why do you-”

Pharynx put his brother on hold, “*Inhale*...”



Windbreaker didn’t waste a moment, immediately rushing to his current commanding officer to see what he required from her. “Sir, Yes Sir.”

“Windbreaker! I need something to hit really hard, right now.

“Sir, Yes Sir.” With impeccable reaction time, Windbreaker placed a training dummy in front of the Changeling General.

Pharynx wasted no time, grabbing it and driving his hoof directly into its chest. The fresh, untouched dummy went spiraling into the ground. The fabric skin ripped and torn, foam guts scattered around, and the wooden skeleton that gave the now mangled thing shape was shattered beyond repair. All things considered…wasn’t that bad.

“Thank you, Private Windbreaker,” Pharynx breathed at the relief of his frustration.

“You’re welcome, Sir.”

Pharynx turned his attention back to Thorax’s call.

“Okay. So, Which Princesses are coming?”

“Um…All of them.”

“…I’m sorry, could you repeat that?”

“All four Princesses are coming.”



“What else?”

“What do you-”

“What else. Should I know. About the current situation?”

“Well, Twilight brought the other Elements along with her…”


“Cadence…may also have her Significant Other with her…”

Pharynx’s eye twitched, “Cadence.”


“And Shining Armor.”


“Coming here.”


“Right now.”


“...Thorax, I need another moment.”

“I-” Was all that Thorax was able to get out before Pharynx put him on hold again.


Once again the pegasus was before him, “Sir, Yes Sir.”

“Windbreaker, I need something a little more potent.”

“Sir, Yes Sir.”

Windbreaker swiftly returned with a reinforced training dummy.

At that moment, a lot of pent up anger was let loose.

Pharynx grabbed the lifeless thing, breaking its wooden spine over his back with an audible snap. He then slammed it into the ground.

Standing up right, Pharynx slammed his his right back hoof into the dummy’s chest cracking the braces within.

Still grinding his back hoof into the chest, Pharynx swung with his front left hoof, and crushed the dummy’s neck joint and skull.

After a few moments of him breathing heavily, Pharynx regained his composure, and got back on the line with Thorax.

“*Sigh* Ok, sorry about that…Yes…Yes, I can do that brother…Look, I have no problem keeping him occupied for a while…No, I’ll be fine…If I need your help, I will call you…Right, okay, thanks, I’ll talk to you later...bye.” Pharynx hung up, not wanting any more surprises.

“Um, Sir,” a nervous trainee by the name of Private Ridge spoke up, “Is something happening, Sir?”

Pharynx looked to the pony who was asking the question. He was going to need to get this group together.

“Assembly formation!” Pharynx loudly ordered in his commanding voice. “Stand to attention!”

Quickly all the pony trainees did their best to line up in a rectangle in front of the mound that the Changeling General did morning announcements on.

Pharynx got up on the mound and addressed the troops that stood before him.

“Listen!” He hollered, “Today, we have a couple of surprise guests coming. Some of you might be pleasantly surprised by who is coming today. Would anyone like to guess?”

A series of confused murmurs traveled through the crowd below.

“Well I guess there’s no point in holding it back, it’s the Princesses!”

The hushed murmurs were replaced by noticeable gasps and slightly more distinctive discussion.

“Yes, this is for real. But the real Icing on the cake is that Shining Armor is also coming.”

The sounds of shock and surprise increased in volume.

“Yes. This is happening,” Pharynx confirmed, “So, in light of this, I want you mugs to set your bunks and clean your quarters. Make all the facilities you use crystal clean. I want those rooms so sanitary and squared away, that The Royal Sisters themselves would be proud to be there. Do you understand?”

“Sir, Yes Sir!” Shouted the crowd of ponies in response.

“Well then what are you all still standing here for!?! Move it!! NOW!”

The pony troops hurried of to carry out their new janitorial duties, as to not further answer their current commanding officer.

Once they had all left, Pharynx made a call.

“Hello…Sparks, it’s me…Look I need you to do something…I want you to get a group of well trained soldiers, and have them posted in the primary places that our unexpected guests will be visiting…It’s not paranoia if it’s more likely to happen then not, Sparks…Well, you know what they say Sparks: ‘Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.’ Now get it done.”

Pharynx cut the call. Looking over the field, he began to create a mental list of conversation topic and activities that would act as a good distraction for the ruler of The Crystal Empire.

If nothing else, it was going to be a long, tense day.

Author's Note:

Bets on who is going to cause the most trouble are still open.

Also, if you need a dialogue guide, I'll edit it in here.

Have a good time now!