• Published 21st May 2018
  • 317 Views, 1 Comments

The Silver Guard: Young Sheilds and Bright Minds - JohnstoneT

Long life adventures of two colts who live in a time of relative peace. While also dealing with finding their cutie marks, But for now they just have to deal with being young and and enjoying a festivial

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The way things begin, always has multiple influences (Edited/Fixed)

Author's Note:

Edit- 11/4/2020

Fixed Major grammatical errors and whatnot that I found when looking through my docs and transcribed to here. ex. armour armor

Also don't expect this to stay up because I might, when I have a flow going, rewrite this chapter.

Anyways yeah~ I've decided to just work on this instead of my other idea.... had trouble loading my saves. So an actual chapter should be up by the end of November.

“People who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” – Rob Siltanen


It is one of the more beautiful cities in all of Equestria. This is where we shall begin this tale of a simple time. Although past 12 years not standing. A time when it was simple being young and when foals looked forward to their cutie marks. Where the days were spent with others. Where nobles didn’t bother them much.

We start this adventure on one of the many main roads and on a small pegasus colt. Who is currently looking behind himself while flying.

“Come on bro, hurry. We don’t want to miss it!”

“Hold on! Unlike you I can’t fly… and aren’t you supposed to be watching me!?”

Hearing this the pegasus colt slows down and lands. He waits for his younger brother to catch up. Once he reaches him the both nod to each other and start off towards their destination. They, like many other foals, are excited for the celebration on this day. This is the first time many of them will be able to see the youngest princess.

Princess Flurry Heart. Why someone may ask what this has to do with her. Well it is quite simple. Recently… well more like currently is her 10th birthday. To celebrate it the Princesses decided to hold a festival in Canterlot. With many activities to be held and presents to be opened by the Princess. So many foals wanted to go.

Towards the center of Canterlot is where the festivities are found. Many foals can be found including the occasional guard and parents. Off in the distance two colts slow to a trot as they spot the festival. While they trot side by side the alabama crimson pegasus with a red and black mane and hazel eyes looked over to his brother. He glances towards the ground ahead spotting a small mis colored stone pebble that is darker than his brother's coat.. Once the two had reached the pebble they walked over it. Quickly he kicked up the rock with his hind leg catching it with his wing and then tossing it at his brother and looking back ahead.

The brother, a ocean boat blue unicorn with a black coral mane with a brown sugar streak and hazel eyes, quickly flared his horn without turning his head and caught the pebble about an inch from his head. He stopped and then moved the pebble in front of his brother causing him to stop and then placed it on top of his snout.

“Really Swift, you have got to try harder than that if you want it to even reach me.” he says while adapting a smug look on his face. While Swift just stares at the pebble and sits down on his haunches. The unicorn trots up to swift and then moves the pebble over to himself and inspects it. Swift just follows the pebble and watches as his brother spins it in front of him inspecting it.

“Well at least you caught it this time, and what makes this pebble different from the others you have come across Tango?”

“Well this one is different than the others.” he starts to twirl it around in a slow manner and in a different direction. “hmmmm... it is more rounded and smoother than most and is a bit rough in some spots… must be this weird curl pattern. Oh… I can see through parts. It is just so different that I am going to keep it.” he says nodding and then taking out a small coin bag and opening it. “But first” He tosses it at Swift's head which it bounces off of it making him yelp and then catches it in the bag, putting it away.

“Ouch, that hurts.” Swift complains while rubbing his head. Sighing “Can we just go I don’t want to miss this.”

“Alright, alright, besides you just want to meet the princess anyways.” Tango says as he starts to trot away to the festival. Swift just stands there for a couple seconds with his mouth agape. and starts to run after him.

“That's not why”

Once he caught up they reached the entrance to the festivities. One problem became apparent. What will they do first?

“So what should we do Swift?” Upon being asked this Swift moves a hoof up to his chin and thinks.

“How about...hm… oh the ball and bottle game.” He replies with a shrug.

“Oh… yeah maybe we can beat it this time.”

“Alright let’s go”

So the two took off to play the games. Weaving their way through others to accomplish their new goals.

Though if they only stayed still a bit longer they would have heard an interesting conversation in the alley they stopped in front of.

“Can you bozos keep it down before somepony passing by hears you and finds us out.”

“Alright boss, Sir-”

“Yeah, yeah”

“-uh… Sir Boss”

“Remind me again how he is with us?”

“Hmm… not sure unless it is for comedic effect.”


“I said he knows how to use a sword and knows how to get rid of the guards.”

“Yeah my pals are ready for that distraction.”

“Alright then. Remember to wait till we give the signal.”

After some conformations they all move further into the alley.

On the other side of the fair a special group entered. This group just so happened to come from the castle. The group massed up to 3 ponies. One of which was not happy.

This being Flurry Heart herself. Which was not pleasant for the two guards flanking her who were whispering to each other.

“Are you sure we shouldn’t try to make her happy?”

“No, that is a terrible idea, Rookie.”

“Yeah, but there should be something we can do Sir. I mean you’ve been rotated to the Crystal Empire plenty of times.”

“Yes… but this is one of the times we should not interfere. Besides you know why she is… unhappy.”

“Yeah, she must have really wanted to spend time with them, right?”

“Yep… I’m amazed you haven’t noticed until now, even though you’re in the crystal guard.”

The conversation ended on that while they continued into the fair. Where the games and activities will hopefully cheer her up. Like many other foals are enjoying.

Earlier that day...

Canterlot Castle, capital to the land of ponykind and international politics. A place that has hel-... ahem, still stood after many attempts to overthrow the the country in event of recent years. Is one of current leveled of tamed chaos. The type that Discord would just love to watch if he was not currently messin wit- er… currently occupied.

While from the outside the place looked just absolutely fine to any passerby. The Inside was a different matter. If one was there they would say that it seemed that it was a sight to behold.

Canterlot Castle, capital to the land of ponykind and international politics. A place that has hel-... ahem, still stood after many attempts to overthrow the country in the event of recent years. Is one of current levels of tamed chaos. The type that Discord would just love to watch if he was not currently messin wit- er… currently occupied.

While from the outside the place looked just absolutely fine to any passerby. The Inside was a different matter. If one was there they would say that it seemed that it was a sight to behold.

The castles maids, servants, and etc. services were all running around while tidying things up. They were dusting, sweeping, not being prench mares, crossdressing in the wrong uniform. Um… wrong portal sorry… just hold on. HEY STOP MESSING WITH MY STORYTELLING AND THAT ACCURSED GLOVE AND JUST BE GLAD WE GOT USED TO TELEPORTATION WITH IT YEARS AGO… NO JUST GO AND BUG KARMA OR SEAN! So where was I… huh… Oh well, thanks Karma.

To anyone who normaled the castle like a prince. It would seem that the size of the servants have increased tenfold. The same for the ever loyal, and vigilant guards. You could not trot 15 paces before wandering into a patrol or station with many variations of armor. Thes went from The night and day guard to some crystal guard. Especially towards the royal dining hall and kitchen.

In the dining hall was all but one princess and their families. They chatted over breakfast that was made of pancakes, waffles, syrup, apple juice, orange juice, and coffee. Also a stealthy hidden miniature banana cake in a huge stack of pancakes covered in chocolate syrup from the royal pantry. Which was currently having a very special cake transferred from it to the dining room.

“So how was breakfast Flurry.”

“It was absolutely, positively, delicious Mom.” she replies back with a mouth full of syrupy goodness before swallowing it all down.

“Well you should thank you aunts for it”

“Thank…. you Aunt….. Celestia and Aunty Luna.” She said between chewing on her pancakes.

“Ah you are welcomed my little Heart.” Celest- I MEAN Princess Celestia, please move the spear guard... Sir, said while finding a small hidden treasure in her edible chest. Then promptly finishing her meal.

“Thou are very welcomed little miss, We are always happy to do this for you.” Princess luna took some sips of her coffee as she was the last one with food left.

“Oh you are just so adorable like that dear.” Velvet said as Nightlight took a picture of their granddaughter's face stuffed with pancakes.

“Come on you’re embarrassing her”

“Come on Shining can’t me and Velvet have some fun.”

Shining looks over towards his dad and is about to reply only to be interrupted by the one of the doors opening.

Everyone turned to look at whatever it could have been. This made Flurry more happy seeing what this new surprise was and swallowed the rest of her pancakes. At the door a servant pushed in a cart with a cake and number candles on it.

The cart was moved over to the table where the cake was put in front of the excited filly. Then It seems like the servant and cart disappear back the way they came. Though before anything involving the cake can begin an urgent looking crystal guard galloped through the still open door up to Shining Armor.

“Sir we have a problem with… concerning the issue we have.”

“What are they doing now?” Amour replies with a sigh.

“Well sir I was sent from the… Emergency room to come and get you and the Princesses”

“Alright we’ll be down in a bit. So just stay here Rookie.”

“Alright, Sir” Rookie says while saluting then went over to stand near the door.

“Ahhh, do you have to go Dad?” Flurry asked with disappointment.

“I’m sorry sweetie but we have too. Though right now we can dig into the cake.”

“Oh, Honey.”

“Yes Cadey?”

“Aren’t you forgetting something”

“Hehe. Yeah…”

So once they have performed the copyrighted music of the birthdays. Flurry blow out the candles that was the number 10. Then they all got a slice and enjoyed their cake. For if anyone was to go hungry. Then we shall give them cake.

After finishing Flurries grandparents had to go home, and the others all had to go to this important matter. Though before they left Celestia sent for a guard to help escort flurry heart with Rookie.

“First Aunt Twilight can’t arrive because of what ever Discord 'accidentally' did. Then now my own parents can’t spend time with me…. I just wish I had more friends or could spend time with them more.” Flurry mumbled to herself.

Comments ( 1 )

I find it great to read your on stories with a small sense of trying forget what you typed like you have amnesia. It helps to find things you may have missed.

Basically found and fixed some spelling mistakes since I had nothing to do besides dieing to... oh god its only 70°f.

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