• Published 26th Oct 2013
  • 10,865 Views, 541 Comments

Twilight Gets Hit by a Car - Edmar Fecler

this is the sory of how accidentally running over Twilight inevitably led to me being committed.

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Chapter 2

The natural alarm clock inside my brain began going off and I rolled over to stare up at the wooden ceiling. I laid there a moment to let my mind try to wake up some more. I slung my legs off the side of the bed and sat up, causing blood to rush to my brain. I sat there a moment to let the dizziness subside before standing up.

I don’t know why, but I felt unusually groggy that morning. My eyes and ears were barely registering anything that was going on. I also had something nagging in the back of my head about last night, but I was still too dreary to concentrate on it. Fortunately, I knew exactly how to clear my head in a situation like this. All I needed was a big, warm cup o’ Jimmie.

…What’s that? What is a “cup o’ Jimmie,” you ask? Well to put it simply, it’s a mug of hot chocolate. The way I see it, if coffee can be called “a cup a’ Joe,” then why not call hot chocolate “a cup a’ Jimmie?” But I digress…

I stood up suddenly, causing me to stumble and almost fall. After I regained my balance, I opened my bedroom door. From where I stood, the kitchen to my right and the hallway before me formed an L-shape around the bathroom, and at the end of the hall was the door to the guest bedroom. I turned left, looking into the living room that shared an inner wall with my bedroom.

I continued into the kitchen as the morning sun shone through the window, lighting the hallway and countertops. Walking up to the window, I gazed across the broad section of my yard that it overlooked. The dew-soaked grass glistened in the morning’s warm rays, and the reed-filled marsh blew lazily in the cool morning breeze. Beyond the marsh, the lake sparkled and shimmered as the rising sun reflected off its light blue surface. I took a deep breath as I overlooked the gorgeous view before me.

“…Wonder why this curtain’s open,” I muttered to myself before closing the thick curtain, casting the inside of my home into relative darkness. As I turned around, I saw that the terrarium was empty; the loose lid was pushed aside, leaving a narrow gap open to the world, and the rock that had been resting on the lid was now lying on the floor.

“…Not again,” I grumbled as I rubbed my forehead and sighed begrudgingly. This had to be the fifth time he had gotten out in the last three months. If I didn’t know better, I’d say he was trying to escape. “Guess I’ll keep an eye out for him,” I muttered to myself.

Seeing as my grogginess wasn’t going to get any better, I figured it was about time for that cup o’ Jimmie. I put a kettle in the sink and began to run the hot water as I flicked on the lights for the kitchen and adjacent hall. Returning to the sink, I waited for the kettle to finish filling with water before turning the sink off and removing it. I placed the kettle on the stove and turned to high. Now all I had to do was wait.

A few minutes passed as I leaned against the sink and stared at the kettle, waiting for it to begin whistling. ‘A watched pot never boils,’ I recalled my mom telling me, so I figured I might as well get ready with the rest of the ingredients while I waited.

I turned around and opened the right-most shelves above the sink and browsed its various contents before grabbing the box of hot chocolate mix and setting it on the counter. I stepped over to the left-most cabinet and grabbed a mug from the second shelf. It had a drawing of an orange and black cat that had his paw in a goldfish bowl painted on its side. “Call it an ethnic weakness,” read the cat’s thought bubble.

I set it beside the box of hot chocolate mix after looking at the cartoon for a moment. Pulling out a drawer to the right of the sink, I grabbed a large spoon and set it inside the mug. With the last of the hot chocolate essentials added, I leaned back against the sink and crossed my arms.

I don’t know what it was, but I couldn’t help but feel like I was forgetting something. Something to do with last night…

My cloudy thoughts were interrupted by the kettle beginning to whistle in that loud, high-pitched way it does. Not finding the whistling pleasant to my ears, I set the kettle on a hot-pad and turned the stove off.

“Oooh, what’re you making?” A feminine voice asked me from the hallway.

“Hot chocolate,” I instinctively responded, though I hadn’t fully registered that anything had been said.

“Oh, that sounds nice. May I have some?”

“Mehh, sure.” I turned back to the cabinet and grabbed another mug, this one without any decoration. I half-filled both mugs with hot water before stirring 2 packs of hot chocolate mix into the plain mug.

“…One or two,” I asked, still barely aware I was even talking.

“Just one, thank you.”

“Mmm,” I murmured in response. I poured a single pack of mix in the cartoon mug and turned around to the sink, where I filled the plain mug the rest of the way with cool water to avoid scalding my tongue. True, the cartoon one was my favorite, but something inside me decided to do the polite thing and let the stranger use the better mug.

“Ah-” the voice cut in as I lowered the cartoon mug to the sink, “I’d like it hot, if you don’t mind.”

I shrugged and filled it the rest of the way with the hot water. I set the cartoon mug on the counter before leaning against the sink. I heard what sounded like clopping as the voice walked up to the counter beside me. “Thanks,” it said politely. My cloudy mind continued to pay the voice no heed as it grasped the mug and took a slurpy sip of hot chocolate.

As it drank its chocolaty morning beverage, I cradled the plain mug, letting my hands absorb its soothing warmth. I brought it up to my nose, taking in a deep breath of its sweet aroma before I lowered it back to my lips and took a long, savory swig of the chocolaty goodness.

“Now that’s a damn good cup o’ Jimmie,” I said, looking down at the now half-full mug with a wide grin. I could already feel my brain getting alert as the sugar rush began to kick in.

“While I wouldn’t use swearing to describe it, I would have to agree with you there. This is some good hot chocolate.” The voice said pleasantly beside me. A second of silence passed before it began to chuckle lightly. “Clever joke,” it said as it looked at the mug’s cartoon.

Of course, now that my brain was beginning to get into gear, I suddenly realized, ‘Oh hey! There’s something standing beside me drinking hot chocolate as it makes polite conversation! Maybe I should address that!’ My happy expression slowly faded as my brain put the pieces together. Unsure of what else to do, I looked down to my right to see the voice’s source.

Now, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t at least a little surprised, but I think I took it pretty well.

My eyes widened as I saw the purple unicorn standing beside me. Its head, which reached my waist, turned and looked up from the mug that it was somehow holding in its right hoof. Noticing I was looking at it, a big smile spread across its face to the point where it had to close its eyes.

“Thanks for the hot chocolate,” it said in the feminine voice I had heard before. “To be honest, I was afraid you weren’t going to take it as well as you are, what with seeing a ‘creature’ that’s alien to your world.”

“…It- It talks…” My eye twitched as I lost feelings in my limbs. Subsequently, I totally forgot that I was holding a mug of hot chocolate, which slid out of my grasp. Shards of glass and hot chocolate splattered across the floor around my feet at it shattered. “W-why does it talk?”

The unicorn’s gaze darted down to the mess of mug and hot chocolate, then back up to my face. “Why did you do that?!” It asked in a mix of surprise and shock.

Ignoring its question entirely, I continued to stare at it, a dumbstruck expression plastered on my face. Eying me back with a concerned expression, the unicorn set her mug on the cabinet and took a step away from me. “Are you okay? …Hello?” It asked.

I blinked a couple of times as its words brought me back to reality, assuming this was, in fact, reality. “…What the-?” As my mind snapped out of its daze, the realization that there was broken glass and hot chocolate causing significant pain to my bare feet hit me like a train. My gaze shifted down from the unicorn to the mess at my feet.


The unicorn jumped from my outburst. “Gah!”

“-AAHHHHHHHH! My feet! What- what’s going on?!“ I began stammering as I looked between the unicorn and my feet, which were beginning to bleed slightly. “Why are my feet covered with broken glass?! Why am I talking to a unicorn?! ….WHY IS IT TALKING BACK?!”

The unicorn in question raised its hooves defensively. “Hey now, take it easy… I can explain.”


“No! Now would you please stop screaming and listen? I know it’s difficult to take in, but I’m a unicorn. My name is Twilight.”

My shocked expression faded as I looked up to her. “…Twilight?”

“That’s my name, yes,” She said slowly.

My gaping mouth curled into a smile as I repeated its name in my head. “Pfft-HAAAHAHAHA!”

Twilight recoiled a bit. “…What? What’s so funny?” An answer to her question didn’t come as I continued to laugh uncontrollably.

“Oh, oh that’s bad!” I managed through the laughter, “What, do you sparkle too?!”

“Actually, that’s my last name.”

I stopped laughing abruptly and looked at the bewildered expression on her face. “…Oh wait, you’re serious. Let me laugh even harder! BWAAAAHAHAHAHAAAAAA-!”

Twilight’s expression deadpanned as she continued looking at me. I paid the look on her face no heed as I continued laughing loudly. “I-it’s just... such HORRIBLE movies! HeheheHEHEHAHAHA-!”

After a minute or two of side-splitting laughter and hyperventilation, my laughter finally began to die down.

“Are you done yet?” Twilight asked dryly.

“Hehe ehhhh… yea, I think so.”

“You mind explaining all that?”

“Later. I actually feel a lot better now that all that adrenaline is out of my system.” I stood up from where I had been hunched over in laughter. “In fact, I’d like some answers from you as well. …Just as soon as I’m done getting the glass out of my feet and cleaning up in here.”

Twilight’s expression lightened a bit. “Oh, of course. An explanation on my part is probably due, after all.”

“Right. So, um, I guess you can go on in the living room and have a seat. Just don’t touch anything, if you would please.”

Twilight nodded, grabbed her mug of hot chocolate, and turned to the living room.

“Wait-“ I said, stopping her. “You don’t, like, shed or anything, do you?”

Twilight turned back at me, a deadpan expression back on her face.

“…No, then. Okay. I’ll, uh, be there in a bit, I guess,” I replied to her cold stare.

She continued into the living room as I looked down and began stepping carefully around the mess of glass, blood, and hot chocolate. As I did, something inside my head told me that it was going to be a long day.

Author's Note:

Yay, next chaper! I know its a bit short, but short and sweet means more frequent chapters. :raritywink: