• Published 23rd Apr 2018
  • 3,654 Views, 7 Comments

Ashes - corvipony

Sunset pondering things after Anon-a-Miss

  • ...

The Ocean

Note: This chapter deals with Transgender issues and body dysphoria .

It had been a few days since the evening with Celestia at her bar and the former unicorn was currently lounging in bed reading a book.Sunset looked over at the phone beside her that was currently ringing, knowing whose ring tone it was she leaned over and hit the answer button.

"Flash is that you?, you sound different ..yeah I know it's been awhile since we left school but you hardly sound like the boy I dated briefly in High School. " She thought to herself that despite dating him just for the popularity bonus , he had lately become a friend of her outside of the girls of course .

"You want to talk in person? Ok, I can do that ..by the ocean? " Sunset put her book away as she talked with her ex as they made plans to meet at the beach that was about an hours drive from each of them . " Ok, well I'll see you their around 2 ok ?" She looked at her clock and ended the call. After plugging her Galaxy into it's charger , the female shed her sleeping gown and headed to the showers .

Standing under the spray of the high pressure shower head her thoughts turned to how Flash's voice sounded..it was higher in pitch slightly but there was a nervous edge to it as they talked . He had only called rarely just to catch up and see how everyone he know from Canterlot High was doing as he was now in a decently successful band . She had heard one of his songs on the radio but never really got around to getting one of their album, she had meant to but just never got around to it .

Finishing her shower , Sunset dried off and got dressed for the day. Just a simple summer shirt and shorts as it was rather nice out and she had wanted to be as comfortable as possible for her meeting with Flash . Sunset sat down at her vanity and did her hair and makeup as she normally did and once she was happy with her look the girl stood and grabbed the keys to her bike and slipped on her riding gear. Once properly dressed Sunset made her way to her bike that was parked by the alleyway of the building, tugging off the cover and stowing it away. she straddled the beast and revved it to life .

Sunset had always loved her bike rides...it allowed her time to just alone with her thoughts without any distraction , it would be a lie if she didn't sometime wonder if calling it of with Flash was the thing to do, maybe she would have been something he was good at. But she as happy that they were still friends such as they were.

Seeing Flash's car as she pulled into the small gravel lot by the beach , she parked beside it and steadied her bike with it's kickstand and dismounted the motorcycle. Making her way down the small patch that lead to the somewhat private beach that they had found while they dated .

As she made her way to the sandy shores , hearing the salty swell lap the edge of the beach she seen Flash's outline , his back was to her as he was sitting on a rock. The first thing Sunset noticed was the fact that his hair was grown out and he was dressed in a much more feminine manner. She wondered what her friend was doing dressed like this at the beach but she assumed it as part of the reason they needed to talk in person .

Clearing her throat Sunset walked beside Flash,not fully looking at him yet.. and sat down on the slab of rock she smiled over at her friend " So what's up..you know You talk to me about anything " She waited for Flash to reply . This was how most meetings here took place, it was good to fall into comfortable patterns with what seemed to be a heavy talk coming up.

" I wanna show you something " He said , her thoughts said " so it's one of those things you had to introduce by saying I want to show it instead of just showing it" she was right this was going to be a heavy talk indeed. She turned to face her friend as he stood, her eyes catching the ragged ends of the summer dress , the smooth legs , the girlish sandals and the painted toenails . Sunset looked up to meet Flash's nervous smile as he got ready to speak, he looked like he was fighting for the words , so she laid a gentle hand on his bare yet almost too broad shoulder .If I could have chosen where God would hide his heaven
I'd wish for it to be the salt and swell of the ocean.." If I could have chosen where God would hide his heaven
I'd wish for it to be the salt and swell of the ocean" He sighed and looked back into the pale blue eyes of Sunset "And if I could have chosen, I would have been born a woman . My mother once told me she would have named me Flicker, I'd grow up to be strong and beautiful like her and one day, I'd find an honest man to make my husband
We would have two children, build our home on the Gulf of Mareixo "

The former unicorn looked down in thought for a moment , remembering how trangenderism was dealt with in Equestria and how being careful with pronouns and names helped the process. She was used to changes in her life and this was just another change she would have to work hard to honor .

Sunset for her part just listened keeping her hand on Flicker's shoulder and her face held a soft genuine smile " We can't choose how we're made , but I see you as I see every other girl , Flicker " . She waited for her friend to reply and noticing the wetness trailing down her face, she hugged herself tight to her friend .

" I knew I was different for ...years now " Flicker gathered her breath and continued " I thought maybe touring and being successful would keep those thoughts at bay but they kept coming back " Flicker smiled softly " Well one night I was watching an old movie and one of the quote's stick in my head, "don't dream it be it "

" I started to dress up when I could but that time in my life was rough ...being called names I won't repeat...people holding their breathe around me as if they would catch something " Sunset patted her back and continued the hug
But it's getting better ...my band mates all accept me ...one of them thought I was coming out as gay or bi...well close but not quite " Flicker smiled wide " the wife understands and supports me fully and in fact she's the one that picked out this dress for me " Sunset nodded liking the look of the dress .

"What about your daughter ?" Sunset asked wondering if the girl was even old enough to understand " Well she first asked me why I couldn't keep being Daddy and wearing boy's stuff " Sunset gave a sympathic look " I just told her that I will always be her Daddy and I will always love her and never leave her, she's seemed to accept that "

" Kids...I think are the quickest to understand ...they just to know you will be there for them and never leave " Sunset nodded and smiled " So how about visiting Canterlot sometime so I can introduce Flicker to my friends that are still there ? "

Flicker's free hand fidgeted with the hem of her dress .." You'll be there with me ....so I guess I can see about doing it "

Author's Note:

This was somewhat hard to write as I am not transgender but I do have some body image issues . Remember it gets better.

Trans Lifeline is a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to the well being of transgender people. We run a hotline staffed by transgender people for transgender people. Trans Lifeline volunteers are ready to respond to whatever support needs members of our community might have. Trans Lifeline is accredited byContact USA.

Comments ( 3 )

Well one night I was watching an old movie and one of the quote's stick in my head, "don't dream it be it "

Rocky Horror, helping people to be comfortable with themselves since 1973. Though, I gotta say that this seems an awfully awkward place to end the story.

I still remember the old AP lines my crew rolled with. "Don't Drink It, Brad Peed In It."

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