• Published 25th Apr 2018
  • 15,019 Views, 916 Comments

An Overlord Apart - OblivionShadow

An emissary is needed to visit the Northern borders of Equestria. Beyond them is the Netherworld Empire. An Overlord awaits.

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11: The Empire Opens...

Twilight trotted through the Front Gates of the Empire, leading the caravan in. Her friends and Soft Touch stayed at her sides and helped her to ensure that wagons and ponies had made the journey safely. The Alicorn looked to Soft Touch and motioned her closer. “When everything is in the Gates can you start moving everything into place?” The handmaid nodded and stepped back to approach the first wagons and start the process. Spike jumped from Soft Touch’s back to Applejacks. A sigh of relief overcame her as the last wagon made it inside. Her wings spread and she flew up to ensure that there were no ponies left behind.

“There’s a pony down there asking about Hunter,” Rainbow said to her as she reached her and hovered close by.

“Right.” She looked down and Soft Touch was motioning for her to join them on the ground. “Here we go.”

She nodded to Rainbow, who stayed with her as she landed. A mare approached her, her steps hurried and her face flustered. Her dress was similar in design to Soft Touch, though it appeared to have seen better days. While it still fits her the fabric was beginning to thin. Twilight inhaled and held her head high as the mare reached her.

“I was not aware of a visit from Equestria. I am sorry that we had not prepared a proper welcome. I am Clear Cut.” She rushed out, her voice a bit shrill. “I can see that you have control of some of the Overlords minions. Does this mean that Equestria has overthrown him?”

Twilight eyes went wide as the mare smiled at her. She blinked several times and then gave a slight shake of her head. “Oh no. This caravan is not from Equestria.” She clarified.

“It’s not? But you’re from Equestria.” The mare interrupted her and questioned further.

“I am from Equestria. But this caravan was put together by Overlord Hunter Flame. He asked if my friends and I would like to join him on this trip.” She began but the mare opened her mouth once more to interrupt and Twilight held up a hoof to silence her. “He is behind us seeing to a threat and ordered that we should go on ahead to reach the Gates of the Empire and wait for him inside. He also has the bulk of the troops he brought with the caravan.” The Gates were beginning to close and Twilights magic covered them after a moment. “Oh no, don’t close those. He is behind us and I do not think he would appreciate having the doors closed in his face.”

The mare was quiet as Twilight finished and she watched as the Gates were opened once more and left in place. Clear Cut nodded in understanding and began to instruct the wagons on where they could be located. Twilight watched as she yelled and screamed at the ponies they had brought with them. The placement of the wagons made her wonder if they were placed in the most efficient place. The longer it went on the more certain she became that things were not being handled well. Soft Touch was trying to inform the mare how things needed to be done but she was not listening. Twilight caught Soft Touch’s eye and the handmaiden snorted and her voice became more forceful.

“The wagons have a set place that they need to be in. Our Lord…” Soft Touch began.

“Is not here.” The mare snapped at her. “He is not here so he has no say in how I choose things to be. Now get away from me you grubby little filly.” Soft Touch stepped up to her again and the mare slapped the handmaiden across a cheek and pushed her away with a forceful shove of her hip.

Twilight gasped and walked forward, anger in her eyes. “What are you doing!? She shouted.

The mare looked over her shoulder and then looked away from the Alicorn Princess. “I am taking care of this. You are not needed.”

Soft Touch rubbed her cheek and looked at the offending mare as she spoke. Twilight reached for the handmaid and made sure that she was unhurt before she spun to face the mare, who looked surprised at the Alicorn’s angry expression.

“I will tell you right now that I do not allow any kind of violence to be used against my ponies. Soft Touch is the one that will organize the wagons and see to them as I have asked her to do. You do not know anything about them and you have no place in commanding them. Now. You need to step aside and allow her to do the job she needs to do.” Twilight said to her, hoping her voice had enough force to get the rude mare to listen.

“I assure you, Princess. I am doing what must be done and I will continue to…”

“No.” Twilight cut her off and waved her back with a hoof. “You are not going to keep yelling at them and making things worse. Soft Touch will take over from here.” Twilight nodded her head to the waiting handmaid, who immediately took control of the wagons and began to set them into their proper places and assign them their tasks. “Now. Please stay out of her way.”

Clear Cut’s eyes were wide as the Alicorn put her in her place. She was forced back as Twilight’s personal guards began to drive her away from the Princess and back to the growing ring of spectators. Twilight was quiet as she rejoined her friends and tried to look assured of her own actions.

“That was pretty good Twi.” Applejack praised her.

“I just hope she isn’t a problem. Well, more of a problem. Hunter will be even less willing to put up with that talk.” Twilight replied.

“I agree. If he was here, I don’t think she would have hit Soft Touch.” Fluttershy spoke up from the other side of the farm mare.

“I know she wouldn’t have. Hunter wouldn’t have let it get to that point though. He would have acted faster.” Twilight said.

“Maybe. But he left it to ya. Ah, think ya did just fine.” The orange mare replied.

Twilight gave a thin smile and kept an eye on the other ponies that had gathered around. She was determined to watch over them and make sure that they were okay. The last thing she wanted was for Hunter to reach them and things to be in chaos. The Alicorn was quiet as time went by and no more ponies stepped up looking to interfere. As things began to finally calm down a shrill shriek from behind her caught her attention and she looked back. A familiar mare was approaching at a fast trot.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle!” She shouted as she finally reached Twilight and bowed her head low.

Twilight felt Spike jump to her back and he pulled her right ear back slightly so he could whisper to her. “I think that’s the mare that we saw when we went to Court the first time.” He whispered quickly to her and she gave a quick nod.

“It’s been a while since we last saw each other. I did not get the chance to introduce myself before, please forgive my manners. My name is Clarity.” Her eyes were bright as the Alicorn nodded to her.

“It’s all right. You were meeting with the Overlord, not with me. Weren't you with Everlight last I saw you?” She replied.

“Thank you for your understanding. I assume the Master is here as well? I was but I chose to move here and a change of scenery has been wonderful.” She asked.

“Oh yes. He was dispatching a Sky Serpent and then he would be joining us here. He asked that we go ahead of him and make sure to reach the Gates of the Empire for safety.” She informed her.

“Ahh. Those monsters are not common, but I am sure he will join us soon enough. Until then, would you care for a tour of what the Empire has to offer?”

“I will have to decline. I was asked to stay with the wagons and ensure their comfort and safety. It is pretty late so a tour in the morning might be nice.” She replied.

“That’s true. As soon as the Master arrives we will make sure to have your quarters prepared and after such a trek I’m sure you would all love to have a relaxing bath.” Clarity said to her.

“We shall see if there is enough time. Right now we should wait for Hunter to arrive.” Twilight replied to her.

The mare nodded and stood with her as they waited. Twilight was about to speak to her about personal space when a howl drew her attention. It was loud call and Twilight looked to the Gates as a familiar dire wolf trotted into the courtyard. She wolfs black and roan fur was dusty but it was still easy to see her coloring. Ponies gasped at the loose dire wolf and backed away as the she-wolf stopped and howled once more. Minions poured into the courtyard and they turned back to face the Gates. Twilights ears flicked forward and she could hear the sound of armored hooves move from the dirt road to the stone road as Hunter came into view.

Hunter looked to the wolf as she trotted back to him, coming back to her place at his side. The minions stood at attention as he came to stand in the center of the yard and his eyes landed on the smiling Alicorn and her friends. On his shoulder Wrath stayed in place, awaiting any orders from the stallion. Soft Touch and the others all bowed their heads at his approach. He walked toward Twilight and the others. His armor was dirt-encrusted, the runes of his bow still glowed brightly despite the road dirt. His lacquered black quiver sat empty at his hip, its shine intact, despite the dirt. He stopped in front of the mares and waited for them to speak to him.

“All accounted for and safe, Hunter,” Twilight said to him.

“Thank you for tending to them. I trust they gave you no trouble on the journey?” He asked her.

She paused and the pony that had tried to argue with her visibly stiffened. “Nothing that I could not handle with some help.” She replied to the Overlord brightly.

“Good. And when you arrived here?”

She looked nervously away from him and he lowered his head as if to speak to her. “We had an incident with one pony. But I tended to it.” She whispered to him.

“What happened?” He asked her. He could see her hesitate as he lowered his head close to hers. “Keep nothing from me.”

Twilight looked nervous, but after a moment she spoke back to him. “A pony tried to take control of the wagons and was moving them in the wrong places and making things very unpleasant. She…” The mare paused and looked back to Soft Touch across the yard. Hunter tilted his head and cast a look back to the handmaid. “She hit Soft Touch.” She whispered.

Hunter’s eyes went wide as he looked to the handmaid. His eyes went back to Twilight who now looked a bit uncertain. “Soft Touch.” He called her name and the mare looked to him as he turned to face her. “Come here a moment.”

The handmaid trotted to him and he looked at her. “I have heard that somepony hit you. Are you all right?”

“I’m okay, my Lord. Just startled.” She replied, a hoof going to her cheek. “It was a slap. Nothing harder than that.”

Hunter glanced back to the Alicorn who looked back to a mare he knew. Clear Cut looked uncertain as he looked at her. The black stallion called on a blue minion and had the minion look over the mare to ensure that she was unhurt. When the minion reached out to her and simply ran his claws through her fur Hunter was sure that the mare had not been injured more than a stinging cheek. He spun to the offending mare, his red eyes flashed as he regarded her.

“Clear Cut.” His voice rang out and the mare yelped at the tone of his voice. “You slapped one of my best servants?” The mare looked at him, her eyes wide as she said nothing in reply. At her lack of response, Hunter snorted. “Did I stutter or was my question unclear?”

“No, Sire.” She whimpered.

“Then answer me.”

“I did slap her. She was getting in the way and I told her to back off and let me do what I wished.” She spoke quickly in response to him.

“And what did you wish to do?”

“I was organizing the wagons and commanding the ponies to their tasks.” She replied, her voice gaining strength when he did not speak more a few questions.

“You are aware that the only pony that was to be in command of the wagons was, in fact, Princess Twilight?” He said to her, his head nodded to the Alicorn.

“But she does not know anything…”

“Enough. You are in the wrong and I do not allow any abuse of my ponies. You are stripped of the position you hold inside Empire for your crime against not just the handmaid to the Princess, but to the Princess herself. I left her in command and her commands are then to be treated as if they were my own.” He paused and looked to the Alicorn mare. “Did you order Soft Touch to tend to the wagons?”

“Yes. I did. I asked her to take care of the wagons and the ponies.” Twilight affirmed to him, her voice held a slight shake.

“So you disregarded her orders and instead chose to abuse my servants?” Hunter’s voice had grown in volume to ensure that all heard his words. She did not argue with him as he went on. “You have been stripped of your position and all merits that come from it. Do not trifle with my ponies again. Should this become a larger problem I will take further actions to ensure the safety of my ponies. Do not try me, I am your Master for a reason.”

Hunter walked back to Twilight and bade her and the others walk with him. They followed at his heels and Dezhara trotted happily at his side. As they walked Hunter looked around and led them through the final gates and into the Empires main market. He glanced over his shoulder in time to see Rarity’s eyes go wide at the stalls and the variety of goods she could see. Hunter managed to bite back a chuckle at the mare’s clear glee. As they walked Fluttershy gave a slight squeal as they passed into the section of the city that housed the animals, both work and pleasure. Her eyes lit up at the sight of the pens and the many animals. Twilight looked to him and a knowing glance to him had a slight smile crossing his muzzle, he gave her a sly wink and kept up his pace. As they moved out of the stables and into the country Applejacks eyes went wide at the sight of the sprawling fields of various foods and trees. As far as the eyes could see were sprawling fields and other goods.

“That there is the same size as Sweet Apple Acres.” She yelped as they passed by several fields.

Hunter looked over to her and allowed a pause in his walk as the farm mare marveled at the sight before her. He gave a quiet noise and his hooves began to carry him away from the fields and acres. The mares stayed with him as he moved. Pinkie had begun to bounce in her steps as they moved through the stone pathways and past various buildings and she paused in midair and a delighted cry escaped her as she raced toward a serious of storefronts.

“Pinkie! What are you doing?” Twilight asked her.

“It smells so good!” She hollered back to them.

“She found one of the bakeries, I believe,” Hunter spoke up.

“Well. That would certainly gain her attention.” Rarity said as they waited for the mare to return to them.

“Can we go inside?” She asked Hunter, her eyes huge as she tried to gain his approval.

“I’m afraid they are about to start closing for the night. There will be plenty of time in the morning for you to explore. They are one of many bakeries in Empire City.” He replied to her pleas.

She smiled and took her place among her friends once more. “Okee dokee.”

They once more took to the streets and Rainbow hovered above them as Twilight stopped dead in her tracks and was left behind the group. Hunter paused and shook his head. “I assume she spotted the book store and library?”

Applejack nodded to him as Twilight stayed still as stone in the center of the street. “Yup. Ya might have ta carry her to get her away from it.”

“It’s closed Twilight. Even though I can order them to open their doors it’s too late in the evening for that. Same with Pinkie, you will have to wait till they open to the public in the morning.”

“Will ya be bringing us back here?” Applejack asked as Twilight slowly rejoined them.

“No. Soft Touch and a few others will take you where you wish to go. I have other matters to attend to so I will part from you for that.” He replied and led them forward.

Twilight looked over her shoulder and a quiet huff escaped her. Hunter chuckled at her quiet disappointment but kept walking. He looked up as Rainbow was scanning the shops from her place, a smile on her muzzle while she scanned the storefronts. As they kept moving Hunter allowed himself to look around. Normally he went to his tasks immediately, allowing no time for anything other than is business. As the mares began to talk over what they were seeing he allowed himself the simple pleasure of enjoying the city. While he was not in any hurry to reach his normal quarters he did intend to walk past the building that they had been building. As he guided the group through the streets he found himself wondering about the population. It seemed to have lessened since he had been there last. He paused and the mares drew ahead of him. Dezhara stayed at his side as he began to scan the streets and his surroundings.

“Hunter?” Twilight called back to him, having stopped as well.

He glanced to them and nodded that he heard her and began to look around once more. Several seconds went by as his hooves carried him forward and he caught up with them in a few strides. The group moved ahead and soon reached their quarters for the night. The Overlord had his own complex within the Empire lands and it held several guest rooms should he bring more with him. Soft Touch was waiting as they walked up to the stairs and into the complex. The stone building stretched out ahead of them and he stopped and angled down another passageway. The structure he was looking for was close by and he had chosen to drop them off before he went to get a look at it. Wrath came around a corner and jumped to his back and held onto the armor on his shoulder.

“You comin’?” Applejack called out to him.

“Your quarters are down there, mine are back here. Have a good night. Thank you for your help with the wagons today, Twilight.” He hollered back as they nodded and began to go where they were told by the handmaiden.

“Your welcome!” Twilight replied cheerfully. “We can work on teleporting tomorrow?”

“I will look into a few things in the morning and if there is time then yes.” He replied to her.

“Sounds like a plan.” She replied and trotted merrily into her room.

Hunter walked down the hall and went out a nearby hallway and back out into the growing moonlight. His hooves thudded dully on the stone pathway as he reached the structure. The front was barred with signs about construction and to be aware of the workers. His eyes scanned the building and the more he looked at it the more it began to look like a council chamber from the front. He shook his head and chose to reserve judgment until he was inside. The Overlord was quiet as he approached the locked door and his magic covered false door and he moved it to the side. The dire wolf stayed close to him as he set the door aside and walked in.

Hunter’s ears flicked to listen as he paused just inside the buildings arched doorway. When nothing jumped out at him as out of the ordinary he walked further in. As he moved around the growing room he was uncertain what type of building he was standing in. It looked like a council meeting room but he could see no outstanding podiums or other seats in the room. He scuffed his hooves over the ground, searching for any sign of trapdoors or other mechanisms.

“What in the Netherworld is this place?” He whispered aloud.

He looked to the right as Dezhara began to scratch and whine at a section of the floor. The Overlord walked up to her and scuffed his hooves over the area of the floor that she was interested in. He didn’t see anything out of the ordinary and was about to grumble at the wolf when a sound behind him caught his attention. He looked back as a pony stood in the doorway and pushed a button to the side of the doorway.

He yelped as the floor gave way and he hit the ground below at an angle and he rolled down a slide. He managed to face forward, his eyes scanned around the slid, trying to find a spot to grab hold and stop his slide. The stallion was quiet as he tried to slow his momentum by pushing against the sides of the slide, to no avail. He looked up and a gasp escaped him as the slide ended, leaving him sitting in the air and then plummeting down into a dark hole. The stallion pitched himself as forward as possible to try to hit the ground rolling. As he landed his armor screamed at the impact, its joints bucking and parts of it buckled, digging into his skin. His body rolled to a stop and he groaned as he tried to stand up, but his head swam and darkness crept to the edges of his vision. His mind blacked out as he hit the ground.

Sorkeno’s head reared up at the sudden loss of Hunter's consciousness. The Lord dragon got to his feet and looked around him. He reached out to the young Overlord and found that he was alive but something had happened to him. The golden dragon was quiet as he looked to the silver matriarch and found her to be sleeping deeply, close to the eggs. As he tried to ascertain what had happened he could feel Hunter was either unconscious or deeply asleep. He settled back down, waiting for Hunter to awaken.

“If he is not awake by morning I will go to him, hatching or no hatching.” He laid back down around the eggs, his body protecting and ensuring their warmth. The dragon laid his head down but sleep did not return to him as he waited for the morning sun to rise.

Author's Note:

Realized I had messed up a bit on this and another chapter. They are traveling to the Empire, not Everlight...Ugh. This is why I keep outlines close by. I forget shit. Oh well. SO here we go and another chapter on the board! I will probably let this one got for a little bit while I work on Equestrian Witcher due to the arc I am doing in that story. So I am sorry if this one and my other one fall to the side a bit. I'm not going to drop them so no worries! Anyway. Enjoy and I am sorry for the little cliffhanger. Thanks as always for the support!

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