• Published 25th May 2018
  • 1,529 Views, 115 Comments

KONO DIO DA: 『Over Friendship』 - DIO Brando

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Lyra's World Part 2

There was an eerie silence across the the sand-laden field. Every civilian had exited the area in fear as the battle-ready equines, humans, and vampire alike were at a standstill. All ready to fight, but none knew who would make the first move.

After what seemed like an eternity, DIO and Jotaro approached Lyra, who began to walk forward. Meanwhile, Josuke and Kira approached each other on the other side of the battlefield to make a final standoff. The Mane six stayed back, waiting to reinforce when called upon, as they didn't want their human and vampire friends to be caught in the crossfire of the Element's power.

Giving each other plenty of space, Kira and Lyra fought their separate battles apart from each other.

"Kira, did you really think you could bring your terror to another world and get away with it?" Josuke asked with anger in his voice, "did you think you wouldn't be caught?"

Kira's eyes showed a determination that wasn't seen before. His face shadowed by the light of the sun behind him, and his stand hovering at his side more menacing than ever. He remained silent, only wishing to end this battle once and for all so that Josuke would no longer appear to interfere with his quiet life.

"The silent treatment, huh?" Josuke observed, "fine, let's see how your Killer Queen fights without your sweetheart's help!"

Kira kept calm, though the statement invoked a bitter rage within him. He controlled his rage, focusing it on the battle at hand. And then it was, the first strike, Killer Queen lunged forward throwing a fist towards Crazy Diamond. Josuke smirked, preparing to block before he saw Kira kicking a few loose rocks from the ground towards them.

All had been touched by Killer Queen.

Josuke quickly retracted his Crazy Diamond towards him to dodge the explosions, but his timing was only slightly at error. The explosions that came after as Kira pressed Killer Queen's switch blew Josuke back onto the ground. He immediately got up, however, feeling Twilight's magic healing him immediately.

"It's going to take more than that to kill me, Kira!" he shouted, lunging forward with full force as his stand made an impact on Killer Queen.

Kira was prepared, however, taking the blow and moving with it to prepare a swift counterattack, punching Josuke's stand in the gut. Josuke, after spitting up some blood, didn't stop, throwing another punch towards Killer Queen. It was a clean hit, knocking Kira back a few feet, but not enough to put him off balance. Josuke noticed that Kira's stance was different, and just like before, he had power coming from something else. It was then he realized that Kira, after being in this world, had learned compassion. As twisted as it was, Kira was able to manifest an exponentially stronger fighting spirit through it.

"So you finally learned what it's like to be human," Josuke mused, wiping some blood from his mouth.

"No," Kira said quietly, "I learned what it's like to want more than just a quiet life."

"Yet you'll use something as beautiful as love as a means to justify murder?" Josuke shouted back, throwing a barrage of punches with his stand. Kira didn't do so much as crack a smile, staying focused on the fight and blocking every one of Crazy Diamond's punches with Killer Queen. Kira knew Josuke was trying to shake him with some dialogue, trying to provoke an angered response, and while Josuke made Kira furious by his very appearance, Kira wasn't going to be fooled. He had more than his own life to lose, and he wasn't going to give up what he just discovered in the name of pride.

Josuke understood good and well that he was going to have to kick his psychological warfare up a notch. Even with the speed and power of Crazy Diamond that he dare say exceeded that of Star Platinum, Kira was able to keep up without so much as breaking a sweat. Somehow, in this world of love and friendship, Kira had found a way to weaponize those very emotions to give himself an edge in battle.

As he was thinking, Josuke didn't notice Killer Queen slipping a counterattack in, taking a blow to the face that knocked him back. Once again, Twilight healed him immediately with her magic. Kira shot a glare at the purple equine, using Killer Queen to pick up another rock from the sandy ground and throwing it at such an angle that Josuke could not have caught it. The rock landed directly in front of Twilight.

"NO!" Josuke screamed, before jumping towards Twilight, but it was too late. The bomb detonated as Kira, for the first time in this encounter, let a smile break loose on his face. Twilight was blasted back, as her friends were knocked down. Her friends quickly scrambled to help her as Josuke looked back at Kira with anger.

"Let's see how you do without your sweetheart's help," Kira said, beginning to laugh.

"You bastard!" Josuke shouted, he turned to the mane six. "Keep her breathing, I can heal her!"

"Just make it quick!" Applejack shouted, she looked towards Rarity, "Rarity, do you know anything about healin' magic?"

"No. . .no no no I don't. . ." Rarity said, slipping on her words as she wasn't sure how to deal with such a situation, "I can try to close her wounds but I'm not sure how long we can keep her alive. . ."

"Long enough," Rainbow Dash sternly remarked, grabbing some fabric from the disguise clothes and fashioning a poor but somewhat effective bandage over Twilight.

"It's okay, I can make it. . ." Twilight said, "and I'm sure they'll make it too. . ."

She closed her eyes with shallow breath as Pinkie's eyes widened.

"Oh no don't you close your eyes on me Twilight!" Pinkie said, attempting to keep her tears from flowing.

"It's okay Pinkie, she. . .she needs rest," Fluttershy said, "she wouldn't give up on us, she never has."

Meanwhile, Josuke was still exchanging a barrage of blows from Kira. He wasn't sure how long he could keep it up, but he'd be damned if he didn't defeat Kira again. He didn't have Sheer Heart Attack, and he didn't have Bites The Dust. All Josuke had to do was corner him, and he couldn't fight back. However, Kira was making that incredibly difficult as his stand was intensely more powerful.

"You can't win, Josuke," Kira said, "all I have to do is knock you down a few more times and you'll be out of our way."

"Like hell I can't!" Josuke replied, throwing a single punch towards Killer Queens arms. Once more, he blasted Kira back a few feet but Kira held firm, coming back immediately with a blow just as powerful to knock Josuke back down. He clenched his teeth, looking up to see Killer Queen's foot stomping on his face.

"You're the same child you were then," Kira said, "but I'm not the same man I was then. It seems all you know is punching, and that alone will not win your battle." Kira began to laugh as his victory was assured.

Then something clicked in Josuke's mind. Kira was right, punching alone wouldn't win this battle.

"Aaaargh!" Josuke threw Killer Queen off of him, jumping back to his feet and suddenly throwing a punch towards Kira. Kira simply moved out of the way as Crazy Diamond's fist hit the ground causing it to shake. Like clockwork, Kira sent a kick to Josuke's side, knocking him back.

"Punch punch punch, is that all you can do?" Kira said, mocking his enemy as his pride began to get the better of him.

Josuke smiled.

"Good point," he said, as Crazy Diamond's ability suddenly caused the bits of ground to fly upwards in a barricade, knocking Kira several feet into the air. As he came back down, Crazy Diamond sent a final punch towards his gut, sending his body flying into the Saloon. While he knew Kira wasn't down for the count, he at least bought some time to get back to Twilight.

He quickly ran over to the mane six, stooping down to see how Twilight was doing.

"I. . .I think she stopped breathin'. . ." Applejack said with a bit of panic. Several of the mane six were in tears, but Josuke wasn't going to take any time thinking about it. He quickly held Crazy Diamond's hands over Twilight, healing her wounds. She seemed unresponsive. Josuke heard a rustling from the saloon; a very angry Kira began to walk out, covered in splinters as his Killer Queen hovered beside him. Josuke looked back at the mane six, then towards Kira again.

"I'll deal with him," Josuke said, "you keep by Twilight, she's not dead yet, I'm sure of it."

Josuke could only hope that Jotaro and DIO's fight was going better than his.

Author's Note:

Look at those chapter titles, you know exactly what I'm doing.