• Member Since 14th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 16th, 2014



A little fic I wrote to see just how well I write on a Galaxy S III phone at 1:00 A.M. Wonder how this turns out.

Shackle was the bodyguard hired by Vinyl and Octavia. He's not much of a party-goer, and usually likes to chill back. Octavia's been acting strange around him... now he tells us the story of his experience with the elegant musician.

Remember to rate, I get all happy when I get good ratings :3
Unless it's bad. Don't rate in that case >.> <.<
Constructive criticism is always appreciated.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 16 )

allright this is funny and I cant wait to hear more

It was originally meant to be all serious-Max Payne style.
I got bored xD

That picture basically summed it all up.
I remember thinking about it when I was writing :rainbowlaugh:

Loved reading through this, was wonderful and funny, bravo. Looking forward to future stories!

Planning a new one.
Gonna write it when I'm not lazy anymore, I'm fresh out of pre-written stories :twilightangry2:

And thanks :D

I love it. One concern though... in the line "Vinyl wasn't impressed. She DEFIANTLY, wasn't impressed.", I'm assuming you meant to put "definatly" instead of "defiantly". Other than that, I was essentially "laughing my flank off" - so to speak - at the using other ponies as blunt weapons.


Oh my gosh :flutterrage:
That defiantly-definatly problem has been there since the beginning of time.
They mark definatly as a wrong word so on instinct I use the word correcter and BAM I get the wrong word xD

Thanks for the compliment :twilightsmile:

977267 I figured out why: we both spelled "definitely" wrong. :twilightangry2:


Fooled us twice :rainbowlaugh:

"Beat me once, shame on me.
Beat me two time's, ALSO shame on me.
Beat me three time's, I'm sent to my death."
Famous last word's by Heavy, may he rest in peace... with his sandwich.

You may not have seen Scout yet... or Spy.

that was funny. keep up the good work

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