• Published 28th Apr 2018
  • 5,853 Views, 135 Comments

And if I don't belong... - RejectOwl

Twilight feels defeated. Thanks to dreamwalking, Luna discovers the facade Twilight has built.

  • ...

Tea Time With Cadance

Twilight hummed softly to herself as she prepared her tea, grabbing sugar and cream for Cadance's, she was supposed to be here already but Twilight was forcing herself not to worry.

"Twilight!" Cadance said happily. "I'm so sorry, I got caught up in a relationship problem, you know how ponies are."

"That's okay." Twilight said happily.

"You seem unusually chipper." Cadance smiled.

"I made a friend." Twilight responded with a smile of her own.

"A friend or a friend?" Cadance teased.

"You would know if I was in love with her. Unless your love senses are broken." Twilight teased back. "But, really, she interrupted me reading Forest of Secrets, accidentally spoiled something I saw coming, and she felt so bad, it was kind of adorable."

"Aww. Twilight got her book spoiled, the world shall end!" Cadance declared dramatically.

"Haha, very funny. Anyway no, it wasn't really a spoiler, just informing me a natural progression I expected would indeed happen." Twilight said.

"Twilight, what's that?" Cadance asked staring at Twilight's hind leg, where more cuts joined the first.

"Oh, nothing. I just fell." Twilight lied.

"Twilight, I've known you since you were a filly, I know when you lie."

Twilight's ears lowered.

"I don't want to talk about it." She said firmly.

"If you don't talk to me I'll just go tell Luna." Cadance replied.

"Fine, I sliced myself with a knife, because it felt bucking good! Okay?" Twilight yelled.

"Twilight, that is a terrible way to handle things." Cadance answered.

"Yeah well, it's better than killing myself, right?"

"Anything is better than killing yourself Twilight, moot point." Cadance said softly.

"Sure sure, whatever." Twilight waved her hoof.

"Where is it?" Cadance asked. "The knife, where did you put it?"

"Not talking. Bye." Twilight trotted away and Cadance sighed.

To Luna I guess. She thought to herself.

The evening had already begun when Cadance trotted to Luna's courtroom.

"Aunt Luna, there is a problem that you need to address involving your daughter." Cadance said firmly carefully choosing her words to not expose Twilight in front of the night court.

"Is this an emergency?" Luna asked standing quickly.

"No. I do not believe so, but it does need to be addressed as soon as possible. She would not talk to me but she may talk to you."

Luna sighed heavily.

"I have duties here, so if she is not in danger, it must wait." Luna said. "Watch her for me."

"I will." Cadance nodded and left the room.

"Twilight, Cadance said you needed me?" Luna questioned entering the young unicorn's room.

"What? No." Twilight answered confused. Had she told Cadance she wanted to spend time with Luna? She didn't think so.

"She said there was a problem with you I needed to address." Luna pressed.

"Yeah, I'm bucking broken. Shocked it took Cadance this long to figure that out." Twilight rolled her eyes.

"Again, you are not broken Lamb, you are hurting yes, but you are not broken." Luna said firmly.

"Check her back leg." A voice said firmly.

Twilight narrowed her eyes at Cadance standing in the doorway.

"Twilight! Why would you do this?" Luna shouted, then quieter, "no, no, I will not yell."

"Because the pain feels kinda good and I deserve punishment after being so stupid as to keep my trash family's secrets." Twilight said simply. "Now, can I go back to my book?"

"Where is it?" Luna asked.

"Where's what?" Twilight asked.

"You know what Twilight Sparkle." Luna said firmly.

"I didn't tell Cadance, what makes you think I'll tell you?" Twilight shrugged.

Luna's eyes narrowed in anger and Twilight's room was engulfed in a blue aura, several objects floated by, settling themselves at Luna's hooves, on top of the pile of jewelry, was the knife Twilight had stored under her dresser, Luna held it up.

Twilight looked away, refusing to meet Luna's eyes.

"Twilight, this is dangerous." Luna said firmly.

"Not if I disinfect it." Twilight remarked and Luna sighed heavily.

"You could seriously damage yourself."

"Not if I know where to cut to not severe a tendon." Twilight replied.

"We are trying to help you Twilight!" Luna yelled. "But we cannot help you if you refuse to be helped!"

"Gee, give her a medal, she can state the obvious." Twilight glared at Luna. "What if I don't want to be helped?!"

"You would not still be standing before me if you did not want help Twilight Sparkle."

"Or maybe, nopony will leave me alone so I can just bucking kill myself in peace!" Twilight shouted.

"Nopony would stand by and let you commit suicide Twilight." Cadance said gently.

"Gee, really? It seems Rainbow Dash, my previous friend and the supposed element of loyalty would just walk away! And maybe ponies not letting me kill myself are part of the fucking problem!" Twilight shouted.

Twilight's sides heaved as she glared down the two alicorns.

"Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight spun around to face the solar princess.

"I will not tolerate you speaking to my sister that way, your depression is no excuse for attacking those only trying to help you." Celestia said firmly.

"They attacked me first!" Twilight yelled.

"They tried to save you Twilight." Celestia sighed. "I have been absent in this ordeal for far to long Twilight, because I feared I could not face you."

The solar princess was crying, and Twilight stepped back in shock.

"If I had lost you, my faithful student, and never noticed anything wrong? I think the guilt very well may have killed me. I had already made the same mistake with my sister, the thought of making it with another was devastating, and I could not think to face you Twilight and I am sorry. I think you may have done better had you had more than Cadance and Luna looking out for you."

"Oh yeah, the solar princess who can't even control her own damn country is going to control me. Oh look at Princess Celestia so perfect and pure! Fuck off. And besides, Fluttershy was babysitting me anyway." Twilight rolled her eyes.

"Fluttershy is your friend and despite what you think, was looking out for you because she cares for you." Cadance said gently. "Not just because she was ordered to."

Twilight merely sat and glared at the floor.

"Just, leave me alone. Please." Twilight said.

"No, you are too unstable to be left alone right now," Cadance said. "We're not leaving."

Twilight screamed and flung herself into her bed, dragging the covers over herself.

"Leave me alone." She hissed.

And to think, the day had started so well.

Author's Note:

Oh dear, it would seem Twilight has finally exploded.

I feel I might confuse people and should address it, in my pony world bucking/fucking are used kind of the same as "fricking" and "fucking" both "bad" but one is considered worse than the other.