• Published 28th Apr 2018
  • 1,991 Views, 22 Comments

Death Speaker - Phoenixtears28

When Magic is revealed, World War III begins. Harry uses his skills to help stop the war, but now the Wizards are scared that he is turning Dark. He is sentenced to death. But this is his beginning.

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Monsters of Both Worlds

AN: Hey guys, sorry for the short chapter. I ran into a bit of problems with my computer. Thankfully I had this story backed up on googledocs so I didn’t lose anything. I got the next chapter mostly written so hoping that’ll be up in a few days. Things will start picking up in the next couple chapters.

For those that are curious, this story is taking place after the movie, but before Twilight’s school opens up. Realistically I feel it took some time for the school to be built and invitations sent out to the other creatures.


Last Time: Celestia and Luna sat there silently taking everything in. “I should call in Twilight and Cadence. They will need to know.” She said to Luna. She turned to Hadrian. “Please turn back into your Pegasus form. I want you to stay here and heal. Don’t hesitate to ask for food or pain medicine. One of the nurses will help you bathe. We will meet back in a couple days when the other two princesses have arrived.” Celestia ordered firmly.

Luna spoke as Celestia left the hospital wing. “I will be observing your dreams.” She said bluntly. She could tell a lot about a pony by what they dreamed about and what made them tick, but since Hadrian was bluntly honest with them, she felt honesty would be best in this case. “When the Doctors release you, we will assign you a room.

“Thankyou for your kindness Princess.” He said awkwardly bowing. He then settled back into the bed to rest and heal.


Chapter 4: Monsters of Both Worlds

After a few more days of recovery, Hadrian was going stir crazy. He hated being in hospitals. He’d tried to get the doctors to release him early by saying he could be in a comfortable bed recovering. It didn’t help he’d heard them muttering that he was just as bad as Princess Luna when it came to anything hospitals.

Finally, when he thought he’d go mad, they finally released him after doing one last check and an order to take it easy. Everything was healed but would still be tender for a while. He left soon as he was given the all clear. One of the guards guided him to a guest room in the castle.

He was given breakfast. A nice fruit salad with milk and oatmeal. He started exploring his room soon as he ate as much as he was comfortable eating. He found some books on Equestrian history and started reading. Despite the information dump he’d gotten from the Princesses mother, he found that reading was helping him get the information organized in his mind. He did notice there was some information that seemed off or just completely skipped. Only reason why that would happen is censorship or information was of a sensitive nature.

A knock at the door startled him. He looked at the time and realized it was almost lunch time. “Come in!” he called placing a feather in the book as a book mark. The guard that guided him to the room opened the door. “I am to guide you to the small dining hall for a lunch and meeting.” He said in a calm deep voice.

“Oh, give me two minutes to freshen up.” He said quickly disappearing into the bathroom to freshen up and use the little colt’s room. He came out and followed the guard to the meeting room.

Upon arriving he saw Princess Celestia and Princess Luna as well as two other Alicorns. “He bowed respectfully to all the Princesses. “I apologize for the abrupt entrance, Princesses.” He said suddenly nervous as they all stared at him.

“Come in and have a seat. I was just telling Princess Cadence and Princess Twilight about how you came to us.” Celestia said smiling at the nervous Stallion.

“It’s so nice to meet you! Did you truly come from another world? Humans? I wonder if they are like the ones I’ve met?” Twilight said in barely contained excitement. She had a quill taking notes in her magic field.

“Twi. Take a breath.” Cadence spoke up after giving a sigh. It was just like her old charge to start bombarding her targets with questions just after meeting them. Twilight froze and took a breath to calm herself down.

Hadrian couldn’t help but think she was a ponyfied version of Hermione. He didn’t mind that one bit even though he still missed her. “It’s ok Princess Cadence. Princess Twilight reminded me of a good friend of mine.” Hadrian replied as he sat down next to Twilight. He started eating other offered meal of Spaghettini with Carrots, Olives, and Red Endive*.

Soon as everyone was finished the meeting really took off. Celestia started off by going into more detail about how Hadrian had arrived. (AN: No I’m not telling the story again unless it’s important to the story.) The other Princesses listened to story in silence.

“What is this threat that your parents are holding back?” Twilight asked in a serious voice. She sat up and had her quill poised to take notes.

“To be honest, me and Celestia were both young when the war broke out. Celestia had just come of age and I was a few years younger than her, so I was kept out of the war councils.” Luna said. It was something that still miffed her because she saw how it tore up her parents and sister.

“While I was able to join in the war council, I was mostly sidelined. I had to be the one to rule if something happened to our parents.” Celestia said solemnly. Unknown to her there was a tear running down her cheek as she remembered what was said in the councils. “The creatures were shadow like creatures that fed on peoples fears no matter how small or insignificant.”

“Ponies turned on each other as the shadows fed on them. Nothing seemed to stop them. Our mother and father had no choice but to seal them away.” She said in a monotone as she tried to get her emotions under control.

Hadrian shuddered. They sounded like a mixture of dementors and boggarts. “Did these creatures do anything else?” he asked. “In my world we had a couple creatures that did something similar. Dementors would cause a person to relive their worst memories and if they kissed you they would still your soul and leave your body in a vegetative state. The other creature was a boggart. No one knew what its true form was, but it would take the form of your worst fear.” Hadrian said shuddering. He’d dealt with both creatures and none of those times were pleasant.

The Princesses were silent taking in everything that Hadrian said. The only sound that could be heard was Twilights quill writing down everything that was explained thus far. Finally Celestia spoke up. “How were these creatures dealt with?”
“Dementors couldn’t be killed. You could only hold them off two ways. The patronus which is your happiest and strongest memory given form.” He paused wondering if he could cast the patronus in his current form. He tried and failed. “I’ll have to shift into human form to show you.” He said as he moved away from the table and shifted to his human form. He put out his wand and cast his patronus silently. A bright light shined, and a large spiritual buck appeared. He nudged Hadrian making sure he was ok before staring down the Princesses. “This is Prongs. He takes the form of my fathers animagus form. They are used to chase away dementors as well as giving victims a sense of piece. They can also be used to send messages quickly.” Hadrian said as he gave the order quietly to introduce himself to the other Princesses via gentle face rubs. Hadrian smiled letting the Patronus aura fall over him.

“As for Boggarts, the only way to kill them was through laughter and a spell called Riddikulus which caused the Boggart to turn into something you found funny.” He chuckled remembering his first encounter with them. Snape in a dress would always be a highlight of his memories.

He released the patronus spell and let Prongs disappear before turning back into his pony form. He was getting more comfortable in that form then he was in his human form.

Cadence had listened to Hadrian’s explanations quietly. When the Patronus came out she could literally feel the love and sense of protection coming off it. She immediately relaxed in its presence and welcomed its face rub. It was definitely a form of love magic. She decided then and there to have Hadrian cast it again, so she could do more tests on it.

“Did your parents show you how they were planning to seal the Shadows?” Twilight asked bringing them back to the topic at hand.

Celestia thought a moment. “Yes, but it’s been so long. I don’t even know if the scroll still exists. If it does it’d be in the vaults in our old castle.” She said trying to remember. When the castle was destroyed it was too painful for her to go back to it. “Either way everything would still be behind the protective spells and traps. Me or Luna will have to search for it.” Celestia said.

“Of course.” Cadence replied. It was something she was going to do regardless.

“I can help you search.” Twilight jumped in. New knowledge of any form is what she wanted. She stared off wondering what type of wonders could be found in the vaults.

“I’ll allow you to go, but you can’t touch anything. There are cursed items in the vault that no pony should go near.” Celestia said sternly to Twilight.

Twilight wilted a bit but perked back up quickly. “When would you like to go Princess?” Twilight asked eagerly.

“Two days from now. I need to clear up a few things first before I can leave Canterlot.” Celestia said.

“I’ll be ready. Shall I meet you at the edge of the Forest?” Twilight asked already making a list of things to take with her.
Celestia nodded. “Let’s meet up again in a week so we can go over anything we learned. I’m going to bring in everyone else as well. Cadence can you go through the Crystal Empires research and see if you can’t find anything? Also, Twilight you do the same for the Canterlot Library and Vaults. I’ll assign you assistants to help.” Celestia ordered.

“Is there anything I can do to help?” Hadrian asked.

Celestia looked at him. “I need to show you some other things.” She said a bit vaguely. She hadn’t told Cadence or Twilight about him being a male Alicorn.

Hadrian nodded. “I’m curious as to what it is.” He stated but then said nothing else.

Celestia nodded. “Stay and we can have our meeting. Everyone else can go about their business.” She said dismissing the other Princesses.

Luna went back to her rooms to try and get some sleep before she had to deal with her night duties. Twilight went to her rooms and started writing to her friends so they could arrive to help her research. Cadence went to her room and wrote to her husband Shining Armor. She wanted him to start the search in their libraries. She planned to head back home the next day. The only two left in the room was Celestia and Hadrian.

AN *: Spaghettini with Carrots, Olives, and Red Endive is an actual recipe found on the SAVEUR website.