• Published 2nd Mar 2021
  • 1,555 Views, 13 Comments

Mass Effect: Resurrection - Helljumper206

What if Twilights wings wasn't the only thing that she receaved from that spell.

  • ...

A new princess...

Author's Note:

Started up this project years ago in 2016 and its been sitting in storage forgotten. Decided to finish the chapter and see how it fairs.

This was going to be a story but instead it will be a one-shot offered to anyone willing to take the challenge.

Good luck to all in these dark times.

See you over the web- Helljumper 206

"That's it I know how to fix the spell!"

Said the young purple unicorn mare wearing a golden crown in the middle of the group ponies before running off to the big tree library. Walking inside she marches forward to table in the middle of the tree, containing an unfinished spell. Picking up a nearby quill she jolts down what while her five friends gather around while she recites what she says.

From all of us together

together were friends

with marks of our destine made one

there is magic without end.

With that last mark at the end of the spell, something extraordinary happened. The purple star shape gem on the gold crown that the purple unicorn wore was glowing. Soon the gems on the necklace's of the other ponies in the room glowed bright. Then one by one, each gem shot of a bright beam of light on the unicorn in the center. The other ponies in the room shouted out in fear at what the was happening. Worried that they were hurting their precious friend.

The unicorn felt fear at first, but as quickly as it came it went. She felt relaxed, at peace for some strange.

A flash filled the inside of the tree, blinding all the ponies inside. The five friends looked for the one in the middle only gasp in fear when spotting a black scorch mark where Twilight Sparkle once stood.

Twilight eye's flew open and stared at the nothingness that surrounded her. Patting herself down Twilight found herself uninjured and well. Her element of harmony, Magic was still placed on her head. Looking down below, she still had her clothes on that she wore today and was standing on what looked like blue energy. On a closer look the energy acted like she was standing on water, to prove this, Twilight took a step forward, that step made ripples that went away from her hoof. Twilight was fascinated with the floor but remembered that she had other things to worry about.

"Hello?" Twilight called out. "Is anypony out there?"

Twilight wait for a response. With hearing nothing returning her call she kept walking.

As Twilight walked, her surroundings slowly changed. The blue energy she been walking on turned into grass. Dead trees came into view, upon seeing them Twilight increased her pace till they surrounded her. Then came the images, events played out around her. Of memories of all the lessons she did under Princess Celesta, the time spent with her family, of when she met the other elements who became her closest friends after defeating Nightmare Moon. From defeating Discord to all the adventures and friendship lessons she learned along the way. Each one bringing more joy as they went by before her eye caught on something deeper behind the trees.

Moving in its direction Twilight came upon something she didn't expect, a mirror.

It was a simple wall mirror that dwarf her height by a nearly three hooves above her horn.

Peeking her interest, she walked closer for a more closer examination. Walking to the front of the mirror, I something other then my reflection.

Instead of seeing myself looking back I saw nothing but different world. Unlike her surroundings of lush forests, this showed a dark one. Like how the Everfree is at night. Twilight wondered what this mirror was doing here and placed a hand on its smooth surface. On contact her perspective changed, looking around she was in the dark forest and the mirror showed the lush forest.

Twilight was about to go back before but herd something in the distance that made her stop.

"Is that crying?"

Looking to the direction it was coming from, it sounded young filly was in tears judging by the sniffling. Going around the next tree, Twilight spots the small filly crouch down with its arms raped its legs. From Twilights point of view the filly looked to be about six or seven, she had dark bluish and violet hair and had on a long shirt and skirt that covered her hooves.

Getting close to the filly, Twilight felt strange all of the sudden, like she should know this filly. This feeling only grew the closer she got to the crouching filly and before Twilight knew what was going on her head was reached the violet haired filly then her mind exploded with images.

Sights, smells, memories not of Twilights own filled her in more ways then one. Her mind felt like it was broken, as she was never completed and felt a piece of her slid into empty spots within her.

She saw a family of humans, a tan skin mother with darkening red hair wearing a yellow sun dress, lightly tanned bald man in some uniform, and the red hair little girl.

Twilight's mind was racing with the new information that flowed into her. Like everything she ever new was being pumped into her brain. New words and meanings flew around that had no meaning before but no made perfect since. Things like technology and powers beyond Twilights understanding.

Then came the memories of the life of that little filly, no little girl.

The care free lifestyle of a colony kid as she run around looking for new things to do. Playing with the other kids, going to school, learning new things all around. Laughter and joy filled her mind as the memories played through.

Then came darkness, four eyed monsters. Batarians, from what the new information was telling her. Beings from another world.

Twilight always dismissed the concept of aliens, accepting it as a joke or concept that she have to see it to believe it.

The Batarians came with fire and death. Killing everyone or putting them in chains. The little girl from before was hiding in her closet, her parents hid her there while they tried to fight them off. We watch as the girls parents getting killed in front us by the monsters without a second thought. Later a dark skin human came by and found her. He wore some kind of blue painted armor that looked like it would protect you better then what the royal guards would. He came and held the little girl close to his chase whispering small confers into her ears before picking her up and taking her away.

Twilight was flung back a bit from the experience. Her mind raced with questions at what she experienced and couldn't come up with an explanation. All five of Twilights senses were thrown out of whack as this everything the little girl had faced imbedded in her mind and body. She felt joy, sadness, pain, and love wash over run over her body. Tears flowed out from the corners in her eyes at the sensation.

Twilights vision blurred at the information that was amending when she refocused her eye's saw something glowing in the dissidence. Her legs acted on their own as they brought her forward to the strange green glow. Looking up it was some kind of pillar that towered over her. A seam ran up its side displaying the of green glow as it flashed white a few times. A brighter flash flew out and felt as gravity flew out from under her.

Twilight was at the strange pillars mercy as it lifted her off the ground and hovered her in the air. Once more Twilight felt her mind invaded, but unlike the first time were she felt flow into her, this time it was brutally forced in when the images appeared. First one that appeared took her breath away.

Twilight was standing in front of a window looking out side over a blue planet. It was truly a sight to behold. Long has she studied the stars above from both her libraries in Canterlot and in Ponyville but never though she dream to see the world from their perspective. Twilight then caught the windows reflection.

It was a human female wearing onyx black armor with a red pin stripe going down its right arm but it was the her head that grabbed Twilights attention.

It was the little girl from before all grown up. Her red hair was tucked back behind her little ears, Twilight now saw that the girl's eye's were the same color as her own. The little girl that Twilight saw before was gone, now replaced and became a strong women. Her eyes held a look that she remembered seeing some of the veteran royal guards have. One that seen the horrors of war.

The scenery changed again, Twilight outside under a red sky on the edge of a burning big city. The girl who was now a women carried a weapon that reminded her of a crossbow. She was alone while firing the crossbow like weapon at something. Looking in the direction of where the women was shooting, Twilight's face paled in fear at the multitudes of Batarians that were coming at them. Twilight wanted to run, to go home and find her family. To hide and believe that all this was a dream. Her counterpart did something different, out gun and alone, she charged at them. Upon a high ridge she rained down blue bolts at the coming monsters. They seemed endless to Twilight and a few nearly killed the lone defender but all fell by her hand. This went on for seamed like forever to Twilight as she watched the firefight unfold. One after the other the Batarans fell and piles of dead filled the area.

It all came to end when more humans arrived and stood by the lone women poring in their fire on the invaders. Soon those that still lived ran when they came leaving the defenders the victors.

Twilight blinked and now stood in a new area. Looking around she standing in on some sort of platform there were three other humans with her as well, one being the women she kept seeing, one a male human in armor similar to her and another female human in pink and white armor. They were all standing in front of a the same Prothean beacon she was at earlier. Ashley Williams.

Twilight mind halted at what she thought it was, a Prothean beacon? How did she know that's what it was called. Why did she know that? What is happening to her? Her questions came to a halt when the beacon activated and Lieutenant Alenko was being dragged towards it against his will. I saw what was happening and raced to his aid, grabbing him by the waist and throwing him to the side. Only for me to get grabbed instead and held up. I felt my mind get invaded and a vision of death filled my head. When it ended I felt darkness around me.

How did I know the humans name?

I now stood in what looked like a chamber, there stood three new aliens that I haven't seen before. The one her left stood the tallest, it reminded Twilight of some kind of bird with the way its face was arranged, a Turian. The one on her right looked amphibians with the way it's eyes looked at her, a Salarian. Then there is he one in the middle who was all blue and looked more human then alien to Twilight, an Asari. No words were said but she felt a mix sense of pride and frustration coming from the three. Images of event from the three, the council telling her about someone.

Her? or. Looking to her right was the women again. The more Twilight looked at her the more she wanted to know why was she seeing her. What was Twilights purpose in witnessing this soldier life. Behind the them was the women's crewmates. Ashley Williams in her pink and white armor and Kaidan Alenko in his armor too. There was two other human males present. One in white that made her feel like she was in the presents of an annoying politician.

The other one Twilight recognized as the soldier from earlier, the one that took the women in when she was a little girl out of the closet. A name flew into Twilights mind. David Anderson.

She felt arrange of emotions that weren't to different from when she's with Princess Celesta.

The room shifted in and out real fast. Now they are in some place different. All around her, Twilight saw aliens of all kinds milling about, all in similar clothing stiles of blue and black. Some kind of uniform if Twilight had to guess. C-sec always liked to role in style.

And there it was again. Info that wasn't yours. Her's. Mine?

Shaking her head of the thought Twilight decided to focused on what was happening now and worry about how she knew this stuff later.

Her eyes landed on a new alien. He was bigger then the others, reptile like, strong, wearing heavy maroon armor. The name Urdnot Wrex came to her as the women came to talk to the women.

Suddenly a gun shot went off and one of the humans head spewed blood everywhere. Twilight blinked at what just happened. She was now in a new place. A hospital or clinic if she had to guess by the medical equipment that was around.

There standing defiant was non other then Garrus Vakarian.

A boom sounded and the area shifted again, looking like some back ally. There on the ground was two dead Salarians and a Turian bleeding out on the ground. The standing over then was purple cloaked Quarian. Tali Zorah.

A soft hum audibly went through the air. Now She stood a white room with a Asari picking her self up. A blue smile on her face. Liara T'Soni.

The sense shifted quickly but slow enough to see everything. Places the unicorn have never been, environments that she could never dream of and doing thing unemaginable. Saving people, killing villiens and saving the galaxy from a darkness like no other.

Then she died.

The coldness of space. The air leaving her lungs. The solitude of the void. All to save a friend, Jeff "Joker" Moreau.

Then wakening up to gunfire. Explosions. Death.

Events went by.

A dark skin man and skin tight wearing woman. Jacob Tylor and Miranda Lawson.

A golden diamond emblem. Cerberus.

More image's flash.

A enemy. One that brings death. An insect paralyze victims to feed to a darkness.

The Collectors.

Hope shinning in others.

The vigilante.
A thief with a heart.
A Doctor.
The convict.
The genetic soldier.
The Mercenary.

Pushing back the Darkness. A sign of defiance.

More rally to fight.

The friendly engineer.
The forgiving assassin.
The Justicar.
The ghost in the machine.

The suicide mission. Destruction in her wake. A single sparkle in the sky.

A spark of hope.

Time went by...the darkness have come...The Reapers.

Death was everywhere. The Galaxy once more paralyzed by fear. Needing a symbol of hope.


The War.

Fighting everywhere. Paying the price. A thousand times!
The last in the ashes of a dead race. The Vengeance.

In a darkness. I stood against many. With the power friendship with her fighting for freedom. For the right to...

Hope. Love. live!

Fleets fighting. Battles of war. Unity across multiple species.

Tears shed, loved one lost. Hope wavers but never failing.

The last sight she saw was the Normandy parked in its dock. With her friends surround her.

"Best times of my life spent on that ship. A great ride. One I'll never forget." said a familiar voice.

Twilight stood silently as she watch life of Commander Shepard go into her. Before staring up at the Human that lowered her hand down to her. Acting automatically, Twilight reached up an took it, not even realizing she was on the ground to begin with.

The purple unicorn wanted to say something but find that she couldn't form the words with how her heavy her head felt.

Shepard reached out to steady the teen. "Easy Twilight. You've had a busy day."

"Shepard?" Twilight muttered loud enough for the N7 to hear.

"Nice to finally meet you Twilight." Shepard greeted the girl.

"You know me?" Twilight asked in astonishment.

The human looked at the unicorn in amusement. "Of course I know you. Your my reincarnation."

"What...Why?" She said in a soft voice. Trying to understand what happened.

Shepard reached out and tapped the Element of Magic. "Might have something to do with this. That thing may have saw something that required you needed help. What better help then what you need then needing the experiences of a past life. Me." Shepard pointed a thumb at herself.

"While you were looking at my life I was doing the same with yours Twilight and that magic doedad gave me a glimpse of what's to come..." Shepard said with no nonsense tone before setting her hand on Twilights shoulder. "Listen Sparkle...I can't say what lies ahead. The Elements won't let me so I'll tell you what I can you."

"The challenges ahead are many. None of them are easy. You will be tested constantly by others in your actions to come."

Twilight looked uncertain at the warning the commander gave her. "Then...what should I do, Shepard?"

The woman smiled softly. "Whenever I was in danger I had the Normandy crew to back me up. They were my family Twilight just as the other Elements are yours. Put your trust in your friendship because why?" She hinted.

"Because Friendship is magic..." Twilight finish. "Joker would have a field day if he heard this.

"He would!" Shepard barks out a laugh. Which was quickly joined by Twilight.

As the laughter died down the two fell into a hug.

"...I miss them." Twilight whispered.

"I do too.." Shepard responded.

The two broke the hug and looked at each other. Shepard smiled softly at the unicorn before reaching up and rubbing the girls head.

"Take care, Sparkle. Don't make the same mistakes I did." Shepard advise.

"Even though I'll probably will." Twilight said lamely.

"Then life will never get dull." Shepard held out her hand. "Ready to finish this up and go back?"

Twilight looked at the offered hand and smiled. "See you around Shepard." The Unicorn respond before taking the hand.

Shepard form slowly sparkled and fell apart in a thousands moats of white light fly up and circle around the Unicorn. Twilight closed her eyes as she felt herself being lifted up. A warm sensation filled her bit by bit as they touched her, before entering. One by one, little by little the lights formed around her. The moats started connecting around her before they formed around her. The unicorn gained masses of muscle under the skin while her body grew half a foot. Twilights midnight blue hair gained an extra stripe of crimson red to her mane. many moats formed around her back and tow lavender feathered wings appeared. The the remaining moats swirled around her and with them onyx black armor formed over her with a familiar red stripe over her left side. Before a final flash took place, sending Twilight back to Equestria.

Celestia was starting to get worried she felt Twilight enter the realm of assentation. but could not find her. And standing with her were the other Elements that shared the same feeling.

'Was I too early in giving Twilight Star Swirls unfinished work?' The alicorn of the sun thought.

"Look!" Pinkie shouted up at the sky.

They looked back up at the sky, some had to to squint as they saw something odd with one of the stars. One of them seemed to be getting closer, and was glowing an odd lavender hue. The bigger it got, his eyes widened when he saw something that was on that star: a familiar bright pink star surrounded by smaller white ones, the same as Twilight's cutie mark. Raleaving Celestia's anxiety.

"What is that?" Rainbow Dash asked as the six pointed star drew closer.

As it got closer, everyone had to shield their eyes as the lavender light was nearly blinding, the sphere disappearing and leaving a pony silhouette within the slowly dimming light.

"Twilight?...Is that really you?" Applejack asked.

The unicorn stood fully up, but as she did, a pair of lavender wings spread out from across her sides, the unicorn now an alicorn. Everyone gasped in surprise as their jaws dropped, both at the fact that Twilight was still alive and she now has a pair of wings that were about as wide in length as Cadence's. Another thing that they noticed was the jet black plated armor with a red stripe on the side and in her mane.

Twilight opened her eyes, feeling the new appendages flex from her muscles as she looked at them, just as shocked as her friends as she looked at them.

"I-I have wings?" she asked.

"Twilight, you're an alicorn!" Rarity exclaimed. "And where in Equestria did you get that armor?"

"Twilight's an alicorn! This calls for a special alicorn party!" Pinkie shouted and hugged Twilight tightly even feeling it through the ceramic armor.

"This armor is so awesome!" Rainbow said as she and the others ran up to the alicorn. "And Twilight's got wings now! I got me an extra flight buddy!"

"You almost look just like a princess," Fluttershy said.

"That's because she is a princess." Everyone looked over at the flash of light that appeared behind them, Princess Celestia stepping forward toward her subjects and new princess.

"Wait! Hold on a second!" Pinkie Pie disappeared and grabbed a glass of water, taking a sip and doing a spit-take. "What'choo talkin' 'bout, princess!?"

"I'm a princess?" Twilight asked skeptically and in a tone the girls and Spike had never heard come from Twilight.

With Shepard's political experience running though her head she stepped up and looked her mentor in the eye, which stunned the Sun alicorn.

"You planned this didn't you...Celestia" Twilight accuse.

The jaws of the pones and dragon dropped to the ground. Who was this mare that looked like their friend, for Twilight would never speak like this to her mentor.

"Twilight..." Celestia said softly. Being carful with what she said. "What happened to you?"

The new alicorn of Equestria answered by tapping her Element. "My Element showed me my past self. A life that I fought the Darkness with the Friendships of many at my back. A beacon of light for those against the howling dark." Twilight clutched the Element of magic as tears ran down her face as memories of those past flew by. "I held many titles then, but one name stands out that I will always recognize."

"...Shepard." Twilight said softly. "The Elements gave me her memories, experience, her losses, her hope, her DREAM's!" Twilight shouted into the face of her mentor making the centuries old alicorn had to take a step pack at the Royal Canterlot voice being used at point blank range.

"The Element said to Shepard that I will need her help in the future. For the challenges to come." Twilight explained.

"Oh Twilight..." Celestia now realizing what happened to Twilight.

"Don't...Princess," Twilight warned. "Many challenges lie ahead of me in the coming day's. None will be easy."

"Then we face them," Pinkie Pie said as she walked up and stood by her side. "One day at a time."

Twilight looked surprised before more of her friends gathered around and ended in a group hug.

Comments ( 13 )


Exactly. Reserection is what happens if you give a zombie viagra...

Aroddo #3 · Mar 2nd, 2021 · · 1 ·

It's an erection after shooting your mass effect,
It's Starsweral's lesser known accomplishment.

I love it can't wait for it to become a story


Well, Helljumper206 did say that one of us can take the story to use. Do you want to take it? 😏

I might very well have to, for it is too good an idea to leave a lone.


True. Your know the story/lore and like Mass Effect?

That's why it's here. I once had the motivation to write it but with life as it is for me now...I'm offering someone else the chance to with this idea I had.

Good luck and hope to read it one day.


Oh! I thought you were doing that infamous Fluttershy ( LOVE ME) quote?! But, it's just you like Mass Effect, which is good and okay.

A Twilight that finally calls out Celestia on her ascension. Love it.

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