• Published 5th May 2018
  • 6,781 Views, 109 Comments

Calling Out - KnightMysterio

Moondancer calls Celestia out on manipulating Twilight's life. She didn't expect her to agree.

  • ...

Calling Out

Calling Out

by Jonathan “KnightMysterio” Spires


Royal throne room...



On the dual throne, sitting on the throne of the Sun, sat a beautiful white alicorn. Her elegant wings stretched as she gently twisted her neck from side to side to work out the kinks. Once she was comfortable again, she turned to her servant, the aged Kibitz. “That took longer than expected...” Celestia said, referring to her last meeting. “Is there anything more?”

The old seneschal looked through the notes for today's meetings. “Hm... Only one, your highness. A young mare named Moondancer.”

“Send her in,” Celestia said, smiling. Kibitz nodded to the guards, who opened the wide doors leading into the throne room. On the other side of the door was a terrified-looking young unicorn mare with creme-colored skin and a red mane with purple highlights. She had bushy eyebrows beneath her thick glasses, and Celestia couldn't escape the feeling that she reminded her of someone she knew...

Moondancer stared at Princess Celestia, her hooves refusing to move. She had come here to confront her, to talk to her about an issue that had been bothering her for quite some time. But now that she was standing before her, she felt VERY aware that this was one of the most powerful beings in the land. A mare who could, if she was so inclined, vaporize her on the spot.

Celestia could sense the young mare's fear, and chuckled, lifting her up in her magical aura and bringing her forward a little, Moondancer letting out a squeak. “I won't hurt you, my little pony. No matter what you say, I will not get mad at you,” Celestia said.

Moondancer gulped nervously, and stepped into the throne room. You can do this, she said to herself. You've been getting your argument together for weeks now. Plus, you know that she's not the domineering, easily insulted type. Twilight said so.

...The same Twilight who forgot you existed for years before apologizing. Who apparently cast a Want-It Need-It Spell on her old childhood toy of all things to try and CREATE a friendship problem to solve, said a most unhelpful part of Moondancer's brain. She gulped nervously.

Celestia quirked her head to the side, worried for Moondancer. “Would some tea help? Or sweets?” She motioned to Kibitz, who nodded and went to retrieve both.

“P-P-Princess Celestia, I am h-h-here to question you on wh-why...” Moondancer stammered.

“Guards, leave us,” Celestia said, startling everyone.

“Your Majesty?” one guard asked, worried.

Celestia sighed. “It is quite obvious now that she wishes to question my judgment on a matter that affects her personally. I would have her do so in comfort.”

The guards traded worried looks, but nodded. “Very well... We'll be right outside if you need us, your Majesty,” the second guard said, the two heading out of the throne room and closing the doors behind them.

Once they were gone, Celestia nodded. “There,” she said, taking off her crown. “Now, it's just two mares talking instead of princess and subject. What can I do for you?”

The unicorn fidgeted for a long moment. The solitude wasn't actually helping. “I... I wanted to talk to you about Twilight Sparkle,” Moondancer said.

Celestia smiled. “One of my favorite topics,” she said.

“I can understand that,” Moondancer said. “Considering how much you've manipulated her life.”

Celestia blinked.

Moondancer took a deep breath. “You've... You've been manipulating her life from day one, Celestia. I've been talking with her... and you've chosen her path for her. You've put her on a track that you built, you've picked her friends for her, you've never given her a chance to choose for herself!”

Celestia quirked her head to the side. “...Who are you again?” she asked.

Moondancer's ears drooped. “I... I'm Moondancer,” she said. “One of Twilight's friends from Canterlot.”

Celestia frowned, looking thoughtful for a moment. After a moment, she brightened. “Oh! You're THAT Moondancer!” she said, looking relieved. “Whew. Thought I was going senile for a moment.” She smiled at the nervous, fidgeting unicorn. “Firstly, let me apologize to you.”

Moondancer blinked. “For what?”

“If I had known that Twilight had actual friends during her time as my student, then I definitely would have pushed her to go to your party,” Celestia said, nuzzling Moondancer and making her squeak.

“But... wait...” Moondancer stammered. “What about the Bearers?”

“Lovely mares, one and all. What about them?” Celestia asked.

“Didn't... Didn't you arrange it so that Twilight HAD to make friends with them?” Moondancer asked. “Guided Twilight to her proper place?”

Celestia sighed. “I know it seems like that, and yes, there were five special fillies there for Twilight to befriend... But it didn't have to be those specific five.”

“I... I don't understand,” Moondancer asked.

“I have the gift of prophecy,” Celestia said. “But it's not the most accurate thing. I was told that in a thousand years, the stars would aid in my sister's escape from the moon. And that a guiding light, a shining star who would make great and glorious changes to Equestria, with the help of her five friends, would be the ones to save her.”

Moondancer frowned. “But... You never got specific names...”

Celestia shook her head. “No. For all I know, it could have been you and the others from Canterlot. You, Minuette, Lemon Hearts, Twinkleshine, Lyra... You could have been the Elements of Harmony,” she said, smiling.

Moondancer's eyes went starry for a moment. Her, as an Element Bearer... She shook her head, shaking off the fantasy. “But... All evidence indicates that you've been directly manipulating Twilight's life...”

Celestia sighed. “You're half right,” she said. “I was pushing Twilight down a certain path... at first...” She looked into the distance, a thoughtful look crossing her face. “I wanted so desperately for her to make friends. Not just because it would be good for her, would help her grow as a pony... but because she needed to have at least five other ponies willing to stand with her.” She sighed. “But I was scared...”

Moondancer blinked. “Scared? Why would you be scared?”

Celestia grinned sadly. “Because I had already lost another student because of my foolishness, my poor choices driving her away,” she said. “And I'm afraid I have only myself to blame for that.”

Moondancer blinked, remembering something. “Wait, I remember a Sunset Shimmer. She was always so arrogant, so condescending towards the underclassponies...”

Celestia nodded. “And because I was so proud of her, of her accomplishments, I let her get away with more than I should have.” She looked ashamed. “And then her cutie mark appeared... and it wasn't the right mark...”

Moondancer gave Celestia a baffled look. “I... The right mark... what do you mean?”

Celestia stood up. “Let me show you something,” she said, her horn flaring as she teleported herself and Moondancer out of the castle. Kibitz entered just as they vanished, pulling a cart with tea and snacks on it. He shrugged, patiently waiting for his mistress's return.

Celestia and Moondancer reappeared in front of the Tree of Harmony. Moondancer blinked, clearing her vision and adjusting to the darkness. Celestia gestured to the Tree with a wing. “This... is the Tree of Harmony. The Pillars of Equestria planted a seed of hope, one that grew into this crystalline beauty. The birthplace of the Elements of Harmony.”

Moondancer gasped, staring reverently at the Tree as she slowly approached it. It was glowing white in the darkness, radiating pure Harmony. She felt... at peace around it. As if nothing could ever be wrong. And then she noticed the marks...

Celestia's cutie mark. Luna's. And Twilight Sparkle's.

“Oh my gosh,” Moondancer said softly, caressing the cluster of stars with her hoof. “'The stars will aid in her escape...'”

“Sunset Shimmer's mark was different,” Celestia said. “I was so sure that she would have been the one to save my sister... And when it became clear she wasn't, I was unable to hide my disappointment. And that drove her away.” The alicorn sighed. “We've reconciled since then, thank Faust, but ever since Sunset ran off, I've been unable to forgive myself for how I treated her...”

Moondancer turned to Celestia, the implications hitting her. “So with Twilight...”

“Yes, Moondancer. I guided her,” Celestia said, nodding. “As best I could. And I admit, I deliberately pushed her along several different paths. One that I nearly screwed up because I got scared...”

Moondancer frowned. “What do you mean?”

“My greatest, most paralyzing fear... is of being alone,” Celestia said. “I knew, from the vague prophecy, that Twilight needed to be in the Ponyville area on the day of Nightmare Moon's return. I knew that she needed to have five friends. But I was so scared of being alone, I was unwilling to let her go. So I kept her in Canterlot, unsure of how to deal with all her bad habits and obsessiveness.” She chuckled bitterly. “Some mother-figure I make... I wish...” Celestia shook her head. “I wish I had realized that you five were Twilight's friends. If so, I would have encouraged that friendship, and set you all to Ponyville at the same time. There would have been accusations of unicorn favoritism, to be sure, but I've dealt with worse...”

Moondancer smiled sadly. “She never mentioned us at all, did she?” she asked.

“The only thing Twilight ever talked about during that time was her lessons,” Celestia said. “No talk of friends, only of what she learned. She was so excited, and so eager to learn... And yet still, I was on the verge of giving up on her when I sent her to Ponyville...”

“You tried to force the issue,” Moondancer said, understanding.

“It was a gambit,” Celestia admitted. “A 'hail mary,' if I'm using the hoofball term right. If Twilight made friends, she'd awaken the Elements and free my sister from Nightmare Moon. If not...”

“Then Eternal Night...” Moondancer said softly.

“At best,” Celestia said, chuckling nervously, “there would be a reversed day/night cycle. If Nightmare Moon chose to go for a TRUE Eternal Night, then this half of the world would have frozen to death.”

Moondancer squeaked.

Celestia nodded. “No sun, means no warmth. One side of the planet fries, the other turns into a frozen field of death...” she said.

“I withdraw my complaint,” Moondancer squeaked. “Yaaay for Puppetlight Marionette.”

Celestia chuckled, pulling the terrified unicorn over with a wing, hugging her until she stopped shaking, letting her motherly warmth comfort her. “It's okay, Moondancer,” she said. “I am not mad. You were right to call me out. It's just that in this instance, I agree with you. I should have given Twilight more freedom as a child, not let my own fears and regrets over losing Sunset influence how I taught her.”

Moondancer looked up at her. “You're really not mad?” she asked softly.

Celestia nuzzled her. “I wish more ponies would have your courage,” she said. “I make mistakes. I need somepony to call me out on them.” She giggled. “You're actually a little braver than Twilight.”

Moondancer blushed, shaking her head. “Me? No, no...” she said. “I could never face some of the things she faces...”

“One never knows until one tries,” Celestia said. “And you are braver. My attempt to act in the recent play for my 'Oneiversary' didn't go well. And Twilight refused to say anything for fear of offending me...”

“I remember that... You were going to act in it?” Moondancer asked, fascinated.

Celestia sighed. “It's always been a dream of mine to star in a play,” she said wistfully. “When Twilight said that she was making a play to honor my one-thousand, one-hundred and eleventh year and wanted me to be in it, I was ecstatic...” Her expression turned briefly bitter. “But as it turns out, for all my ability to scheme and manipulate... I can't act worth beans.”

Moondancer giggled before she could stop herself. “It can't be that bad,” she said.

“Ooooh, yes it can...” Celestia muttered. She sighed, smiling, and nuzzled Moondancer again. “But it all worked out in the end, as you saw.”

Moondancer nodded, looking down at the floor. “I guess... Everything turned out for the best then, even with what you did...”

“I could have done better,” Celestia said. “You were right to call me out on my flaws, on my mistakes. And I honor you for that. It is my hope that if we meet again, it can be under friendlier circumstances.”

Moondancer blushed. “You'd... You'd meet with me as a friend?”

“Indeed,” Celestia said, grinning warmly. “Now come. I'm sure Kibitz is starting to worry about us. We can enjoy tea and snacks and end the night just chatting with one another.”

Celestia's horn flared, the two mares vanishing from the chamber of the Tree, which pulsed quietly in response. All was well.


Author's Note:

All characters are copyrighted to their original owners. If you like what you see, please support me on Patreon or with a one time Paypal donation! Every little bit helps.

A commissioned piece for Alex Warlorn.

Comments ( 109 )

Celestia frowned, looking thoughtful for a moment. After a moment, she brightened. “Oh! You're THAT Moondancer!” she said, looking relieved. “Whew. Thought I was going senile for a moment.”

"Could've sworn you were Sunset Shimmer's age."
"Never mind. What was that about Twilight?"

Moondancer blinked, remembering something. “Wait, I remember a Sunset Shimmer. She was always so arrogant, so condescending towards the underclassponies...”

Oh. Well then. :derpytongue2: I'm still leaving up the previous comment; it amuses me too much to delete.

A 'hail mary,' if I'm using the hoofball term right.

Which begs the question of where they got it...

In any case, autophobic Celestia works very well, and this was a lovely little exchange between Grumpy Nerdhorse and Sunbutt Sr. I can't help but wonder if Celestia might try to groom Moondancer to be her next advisor, and if Moondancer will recognize the grooming and go along with it anyway. Thank you for this.

good to see you well again. I hope everythings getting all calm now for you aye?

Man, after reading this I wished something like this would happen on the show, I love Moondancer the moment I saw her! :twilightsmile:

What a lovely story. I always enjoy seeing the more personable side of Celestia. As for Twilight's Canterlot friends becoming the Bearers, that's an interesting idea for an AU, but it would only work if Celestia didn't have a hoof in ensuring the canon Mane 6 were there in Ponyville. Though, the show itself is rather mum on that topic, so I suppose it could work.

In any case, autophobic Celestia works very well, and this was a lovely little exchange between Grumpy Nerdhorse and Sunbutt Sr.

Couldn't agree more. I'm willing to bet that a good part of her autophobia stems from the thousand years without her sister, which seems to line up with what she told Twilight in "Celestial Advice". Also, I would be totally okay with seeing more Moondancer in the show.

Hunter #6 · May 5th, 2018 · · 36 ·

Yay another story about forgiving someone.
Who has caused a whole lot of harm.
Because an eye for an eye is a bad thing.
Funny how that always comes from the person with jars of the things sitting on their mantle. Funny how people who do a whole lot less tend to suffer a lot more.
I wouldn't have hugged her. I'd have decked her in the head and told her to realize she isn't a god and vague half baked prophecies aren't an excuse for turning pacifism into idiocy and mediocrity.
I'm so tired of this mentality of letting the well intentioned monster off with a 'you can try better'.

That's just going to turn you into the well-intentioned monster.

Hunter #8 · May 5th, 2018 · · 12 ·

As someone with a healed crack in their right eye socket courtesy of a highschooler who decided the weird kid asking for his sketchbook back deserved to have some "common sense" knocked into him? Oh and said kid didn't even miss his next game, because his family has a road named after them?
And the person who feels disgusted everytime he tries to draw or right after having dozens of notebooks and sketchbooks destroyed for someone elses amusement, with only a weak paltry 'Sorry' at best?

Yeah no, you can face the same consequences as everyone else you've hurt or you can drop dead and rot as far as I'm concerned.

Dude, this is literally a fanfic based on a cartoon for children. If you expected gore and hardcore fights, read Berserk.

Punishment exists to prevent the crime from occurring, which means exposing someone to the same form of pain they inflict can be effective. (Especially in those examples, your school is deeply screwed up and I am very sorry.) But pain for pain's sake will just trap both parties in a doom spiral. it won't make anything better, because it isn't meant to. It's just tearing thigns down, and at some point it'll tear down things you used to like.


I can't help but wonder if Celestia might try to groom Moondancer to be her next advisor, and if Moondancer will recognize the grooming and go along with it anyway. Thank you for this.

This sounds like a great sequel.

Hunter #12 · May 5th, 2018 · · 13 ·

I don't expect that.
I expect someone to actually be fed up with it and tell the wannabe god to suck it for once.
And not follow it up with a cutesy joke about pancakes or something else as childish as that.
I atarted watching this show because it was about people growing.
Now it's about idiots amd lazy 'heros' using connections to bypass their consequences.
Gee, i wonder why I don't like crap like this?

And yet no one has any consequences.
Kinda hard to be deterred from something when theres nothing at risk, wouldn't you agree?
Or is this the same hacknyed excuse of making the world blind?
And no, thats not screwed up, it's the norm in most, people just choose to ignore it till someone finally forces it in front of them.

I think you might be looking in the wrong place. It sounds like you're looking catharsis and something that leans more heavly on 'justice' than 'mercy.' That's not what this show and generally this fandom is about. Maybe you'd enjoy God of War? Might be some good Ghost Rider comics too. This one is hijm beating the shit out of hell and taking it over, that's pretty cool.

It's not an 'all-or-nothing' situation. I some cases, yes, you are right. But every-time. Justice needs to be tempered with understanding.

I'm looking for a system were one person isn't held to an extremely high standard while the prick in charge is held to a standard lower then a common criminal.
Thats not justice. Thats called corruption and bias.
But it's the norm in most of the world so it's okay.
And no, I despise games like God of War.

I never played God of War. I just know there's something about some guy getting screwed over and going on a 90's revenge quest, but with Greek myths.

I'm looking for a system were one person isn't held to an extremely high standard while the prick in charge is held to a standard lower then a common criminal.

I definitely agree with you there.

God of war is the chosen one turning on his masters when they hurt him.
By killing indiscriminately and murdering a bunch of random people who didn't understand the situation.
Kratos' isn't even an antihero, he's a cautionary tale about restraint, like some other Greco-Roman myths and legends.


By killing indiscriminately and murdering a bunch of random people who didn't understand the situation.

Ah, a 90's 'superhero' then. Boy, the 90's were bad for comics...

Anyway, that sounds like it could be a good movie if it was framed like a cautionary tale, but it'd probably get turned into a generic action movie, like what happen to Death Wish when it was turned into a movie back in the 70s.

JFalk #20 · May 5th, 2018 · · 1 ·

This is a really heartwarming story - and the simple fact that Celestia is allowed to explain why she took the decisions that she did turns it far mor eenjoyable than most "fix/accusation" fic around.

FTR2017 #21 · May 5th, 2018 · · 1 ·

This short was excellently done, with characterization that lent itself well to the story being narrated.

Having Celestia being honest with herself and her motives without making her a villain is perhaps one of the best things to read that involve her as a character.

I'm taking this as headcanon now, and for that I give you a thumbs-up and I'm adding this to my favorites folder.


So… Celestia never even looked to see if Twilight had friends? Not even once? Never had anyone watch her or checking on her to make sure things were OK?

This was really nice. It felt very in-character, and also gave some nice depth to Celestia too. Plus, I liked Moondancer's portrayal a lot here - she's scared, but still wanting to stand up for her friend if need be...

Plus, as someone else already said, that the characters here actually talk things out, like rational and sane people do. ^_^

“Oh my gosh,” Moondancer said softly, caressing the cluster of stars with her hoof. “'The stars will aid in her escape...'”

Sweet Celestia! I get it! It's taken me over 4 years, but I finally understand. "The Mare in the Moon... the stars will aid in her escape." Luna is the Mare in Nightmare Moon. The stars, the bearers, as shown by Twi's cutie mark, aided in her escape. The prophecy was about Luna all along. It was a double meaning. Wow. If only Tia had realized, the Sun is a star.

Nor tried any solution not relying on chance.
By her own admission the prophetic visions are vague, so actually having a competent plan B and C should be a standard procedure at this point.

I really enjoyed this story, don't have anything critical to say about it I'm afraid but thanks for writing it.


God of War inna Shellnut.

Kratos: "Hey Ares, can I be badass?"

Ares: "Righteous, my dude. Here's some kickass swords on chains you can have if you kill shit for me."

Kratos: "YAAAYYY!" *flails swords, accidentally killing wife and daughter* "Oh. Um. Shit."

Ares: "You're better off without them."

Old shaman lady: "You suck, Kratos. Now you have to wear your family's ashes and be ghosty-lookin'."

Kratos: *turns into the whitest white boy* "...ARES! I KNOW THIS IS MY FAULT BUT I'M BLAMING YOU ANYWAY!!" *murders the fuck out of Ares*

Ares: "But... I was just making you badass..."

Kratos: "Congrats, bro. You did it." *FATALITY*

Athena: "Congrats. You are God of War now."

Kratos: "Bitchin'. But I've been having these really bad nightmares. Um... can I be rid of them?"

Athena: "Can't help you with that. But you're totally forgiven for killing your family, though!"

Kratos: "Oh. Swell..."

God of War 2 inna shellnut

Kratos: "Y'all SUCK. Sparta, take out my frustration on ALL OF GREECE!"

Sparta: "YES SIR!"

Zeus: "Here, take this magical sword and put all your godly power in it."

Kratos: "I can see nothing bad happening from this." *puts all his godly power in the sword* "OH SHIT THE GIANT STATUE I'VE BEEN FIGHTING IN THE INTRO CAN KILL ME NOW."

Zeus: "Lol, fuck you. Greece be mine, bitch." *murders the fuck out of Kratos*

Kratos: *climbs out of hell* "Revenge time! Outta the way, bitches!"

Gaia: "Hey, want some help? Save us from Zeus. You'll have to time travel, though."

Kratos: "I can see no issues with this."

The Fates: "We do see issues with it!"

Kratos: "Fuck you, I'm Kratos."

Theseus: "Hi I'm Theseus!" *is killed*

Perseus: "Hi I'm Perseus!" *is killed*

Lakhesis: "Generic villain rant about how I control destiny."

Kratos: "You got a boob hanging out."

Lakhesis: "...Sister, murder this fool."

Atropos: "Can do! Hey look! It's when you fought Ares! A shame if history changed, huh?"

Kratos: "Shame if I beat the shit out of you before you can, huh?"

Atropos: *gets beaten up* "I think we're in trouble!"

Lakhesis: "We got this!"

Kratos: "No you don't." *kills them both* "Lesse... last one... HOLY CRAP! I THOUGHT YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE THE PRETTY ONE!!"

Clotho: "Fuck beauty stereotypes."

Kratos: "EEGH. I'mma kill you and then time travel." *does so* "Hey Titans! Wanna mess up Zeus's day in the present?"

Gaia: "Sounds good, broski!"

Kratos: "Then let's rock! Someone cue Stone Cold's music, 'cause it's ass-whuppin time!"

Zeus: *Vince McMahon theme plays* "Nope."

Kratos: "Even better!" *kicks Zeus's ass, then pretends to give up, only to accidentally kill Athena* "Damn it!"

Athena: "You always... were... a douchebag..." *ded*

God of War 3 inna Shellnut

Poseidon: "Kratos no!"

Kratos: "Kratos yes!" *murders Poseidon, flooding Greece*

Hades: "Kratos no!"

Kratos: "Kratos yes!" *murders Hades, releasing ghosts from the underworld*

Hephaestus: "Please don't."

Kratos: "Sorry, bro..."

Helios: "Kratos no!"

Kratos: "Kratos yes!" *yanks Helios's head off, the sky darkening with clouds* "Oooh, flashlight head."

Pandora: "Hi! I'm Pandora. I'm the daughter of Hephaestus. I need to open a box to stop Zeus."

Kratos: "I can see no problem with this. I need a morality pet anyway."

Hercules: "LOL I'm Kevin Sorbo. Also, Kratos no!"

Hera: "Kratos no!"

Kratos: "Marvel has a better Hercules. Also, Kratos YES!" *kills Hercules and eventually Hera*

Aphrodite; "Kratos yes..."

Kratos: "Very much yes."

Hephaestus :"Really bro. REALLY."

Kratos: "Hey, she offered."

Hephaestus: "Fine, whatever... Listen, about Pandora..."

Kratos: "I've done my sex game for this game. We good."

Hephaestus: "See, to open the box, she has to die. I... don't want that..."

Kratos: "...Dude. Don't. I actually like you."

Hephaestus: "I'm sorry." *attacks*

Kratos: "Damn it." *kills him*

Hermes: "Kratos no!"

Kratos: "KRATOS YES!" *yanks legs off, steals shoes*

Gaia: "Kratos no!"

Kratos: "OUT OF MY WAY!!!!" *murders Gaia*

Zeus: "Kratos no!"

Kratos: "KRATOS YES!"

Zeus: "Save the girl?" *holds Pandora over the box*

Kratos: "Damn it..."

Pandora: *kicksa way and opens the box... revealing nothing. Dies.*

Kratos: "WHAT!?"

Zeus: "HAHA!"

Kratos: *beats Zeus to death and keeps punching him for five days straight*

Athena: "Hi. I'm a ghost now and no longer pretending not to be a bitch. You have hope inside you. Give it to me so I can become Queen of Humanity."

Kratos: "Pfft. Fuck dat." *stabs himself in the chest, giving hope to humanity. Somehow survives*

Athena: "Well... shit."

Kratos: "I go through offscreen character development and anger management for God of War 4! It's awesome! Go play it!"


Not as such. My computer has stopped working (it makes startup noises, but nothing is showing on the monitor...) and I'm working off of a backup laptop until I can figure out a fix...

I must confess, I did raise a brow when Celestia chewed Twilight out.

I'm upset because, in all the time we've known each other, I thought I taught you about the importance of friendship, trust, and honesty!

Knowing how much Celestia kept from Twilight, this sentence takes on quite a different meaning.

did you try to use a new windows disk? It maybe possible that someone (or something) deleted the System 32 Start Up. It's also possible that when you did a virus scan it marked the System32 as a false positive.

"I thought I taught you to not manipulate people and hide information and make plans using...others...as... wow I'm talking about myself aren't I?"

Comment posted by Leobracer deleted May 6th, 2018

See, I always thought that if Sunset had been taught a little more humility, or Twilight took off her blinders and/or wasn't such a brown-noser for Celestia, things might have been better. Though honestly, Celestia admitting to her mistakes is nice. Props on that.

Nope. Don't like it you can ignore it.
Like I was told after having one of my sketchbooks torn to shreds.

Comment posted by Leobracer deleted May 6th, 2018

And the more someone acts as though others must obey them when they have a different oppinion, and proceeds to insult them, the more I realize they are like the people who made my life hell and deserve nothing short of disgust and disdain.

I stand by my own statement.
Deal. With. It.

He's mad because I came out and said the thing another was hinting at.
I'm stating my opinion.
He's the one showing up and demanding I shut up.
I'm sorry if you all want your pretty little world to have happy ending for everyone but I don't care for people who want to act like anything Celestia's actually done is excusable in a serious setting.
Oh but I guess you're one of the people who act like heros are untouchable?

Comment posted by Leobracer deleted May 6th, 2018

And as stated earlier, I have.
Most of my life.
To the point I have a healed crack in my skull from trying to ignore people destroying my property and berating me.
So why don't you do it first instead of acting like you have anything remotely close to a moral highground, hm?
Because I know I don't. I'm to the point that I don't care about treating jackasses as they treat me, so that response?
You reap what you sow, so what have you planted with your words and actions?

Comment posted by Leobracer deleted May 6th, 2018

Good to know you know what you are.
Now go insult someone else and make them miserable as you and yours do.


Huh? :twilightoops: I’m not sure I understand, I’m totally fine with what you said. I thought it was hilarious. Personally I think the other guy needs a lesson in freedom of speech and whatnot. You haven’t done anything wrong.

I apologize.
With the track record this site has with people deciding the dessenter can't have any point I'm prone to being defensive.
I misread the intent as my response being funny for being wrong as is the most common thing flung at me and reacted accordingly.


Totally understand, mate; I’ve made a similar mistake in the past. :twilightsmile: no harm done.


Wrong target for this. Ends up being edgy, not noble. No one needed to hear about your personal distaste because some kid screwed you over. This story wasn't about you.

Hunter #47 · May 6th, 2018 · · 13 ·

It's about the mentality that allowed that to happen.
Sorry someone having a justified reason to not like something comes off as "Edgy" to you, and frankly noble isn't anything I strive or care for, so whats your point there?
And frankly, it's never the right "target" for you people.
You ignore it in schools.
You ignore it as adults.
And when someone points it out you jeer.
It's a wonder why people like me don't let it go, isn't it.
And if it was the actual show? I'd have no problem agrreing with you. But this isn't. It's fanfiction. And if it's going to act mature I'll point out everything.
Because the people that praise it tend to overlook the flaws cause they got their happy feeling for the day.

I think you need to rewatch the entire series and take notes if you think 'forgiveness' is a flawed mentality.

And actually Moondancer was in the wrong, not Celestia. She mistook 'an attempt to guide' for 'complete control'. Argue that point if you want to argue. Its relevant to the story.

Ri2 #49 · May 6th, 2018 · · 2 ·

Plus, glossing over how she more or less gave up on Sunset for not having the right Cutie Mark.

really good story

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