• Published 7th Aug 2018
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Gaze into my ... Everything - Homeshine

Diamond Tiara hypnotizes her mother into going out naked, as part of an effort to make her mother nicer. (Note: commission story; different vibe than my other stories)

  • ...

1 Sleep

Author's Note:

Note: this is a commissioned story; much different vibe than my other stories.

This was it! Perfect! Diamond Tiara grinned to herself, more engulfed with the book than any she'd ever read before, although she wasn't exactly reading it, but was half-daydreaming and planning what she was going to do with it.

The book was on changing personality through hypnosis. Diamond had absolutely lusted for a way to "return the favor" to her mother for all her abuse, and this was finally it! Each page had more material describing how to get deeper and deeper into the psyche. It had been written as a way to change one's own behaviour, maybe to lose weight or stop smoking. Or even, as Diamond Tiara had hoped, change her mother's whole personality.

Diamond hadn't exactly checked out the book; she wasn't entirely sure the New Ponyville Library would have lent it to her. This was probably technically stealing, but the library exists to lend books anyway, so what was the harm? She'd found it wedged in some dusty comer of the reference section, and had only caught her eye by way of the cover image. According to the card in the back, it hadn't been checked out in decades. They'd probably forgotten about it.

The book had said a good subliminal cue was embarrassment; for example, every time a guy smoked, he would feel an urge to put on a bright neon-pink hat. The twinge of embarrassment would be remembered and associated with the act of smoking. Whenever he thought of smoking, he would instead think of wearing pink, and would be able to decide not to do it. If that didn't work, a deeper emotion might be used, for example wearing a dress, which would create a greater effect.

Diamond Tiara was going to go straight to the final lesson, which she'd partially just made up herself.

Diamond Tiara decided to test it on herself first, to make one hundred percent sure it was going to work as she thought it would. This is why she was standing in front of the mirror, the book in one hand, looking at her reflection. As far as she could tell, the mirror image looked absolutely normal. She was wearing her classic pinkish-purple top and a white skirt. She glanced sideways at her bed where the same purple top and white skirt lay, along with her training bra and panties, right where she'd taken them off moments before. She knew she must be naked right now. She could remember taking off all of her clothes and going to the mirror absolutely naked, and seeing her naked body in the mirror. But the second she finished, clothes had seemingly appeared on her from out of nowhere. She know that what she was seeing in front of her was all in her head, that she couldn't really be feeling the weave of the fabric between her fingers, or counting all three buttons on the top of her blouse. (Were there three buttons or two? She didn't even remember.) She knew she couldn't really hear the fabric rustle as she walked back to her bed to check. Apparently, there were three buttons. She pulled the same top and looked at it, a splitting image of the same one she was wearing, well..., she wasn't really wearing, because here it was in on her bed where she discarded it, so she can't really have it on. Although, she certainly had no way of knowing that other than her memory. For all she could tell, she was actually wearing clothes, and wasn't actually naked right now, as she knew, intellectually, that she must be.

Finally convinced, Diamond Tiara walked over to the mirror and stared at her own reflection again.

"Wake up", she said, in a commanding voice.

Suddenly, her clothes vanished. She was standing in front of the mirror completely nude again, the clothes on the bed the only copy, once again.

Suddenly, Diamond Tiara heard a thumping up the stairs to her room. Someone was mad.

Before she had time to react, her mother opened the door with such force, it SLAMMED into the far wall, "Didn't you hear me calling you?"

"MOM! I'm naked!" Diamond Tiara covered her crotch with one hand and her boobs with another. "Can't you knock first?"

"I've seen you naked, before. You're not getting out of trouble that easily. I've been calling you for FIVE minutes! You had to have heard at least something."

"No, I didn't" She said truthfully.

"You little liar. I've given you plenty of time to finish whatever you are doing up here, which you took advantage of to embarrass me, instead."

"Embarrass YOU?!"

"You can't take off your clothes when you hear me coming, and expect that to shame me into leaving once again. When I say come down for supper now, I mean now. So get down there."

"Let me get my clothes on, first."

"No. Now. Walk out that door."

"But I'm indecent!"

"Let that be a lesson to you for next time. You're lucky your father isn't home to see you. You can get dressed again after supper. Now march."

Diamond Tiara dutifully walked out the door, and looked back at all of her clothes waiting for her on the bed, and continued down the stairs, still covering herself with her hands.


Her mother looked very pleased with herself, gazing down at the denuded Diamond Tiara, who was covering her breast buds with her left arm and eating with her right. A linen napkin between her legs was her only contribution to modesty.

"At least I don't need to remind you to keep your elbows off the table. I should make you eat every meal in the nude. It would do wonders for your manners. Every time you would put your elbows on the table, you will stop and think of these moments."

That was essentially what the hypnosis book said about using embarrassment to affect behaviour

"Now, your father will be away on business all week, so I'll be in charge here. Don't forget that. If you keep seeing this as an opportunity to act up, I won't hesitate to punish you. And, judging by how red you're turning, it seems to be quite effective as a punishment."

Diamond Tiara could actually feel herself turning red from the heat in her face. Again, though, exactly what the hypnosis book said. Hmm. Diamond paused in her eating for an undetected moment while the thoughts turned in her head.

Her mother grinned, "Careful, I can see a bit of nipple slip, there."

"Eep." Diamond Tiara somehow turned even redder, as she struggled to cover the remaining part. She was getting too distracted, but her plan was there. Diamond Tiara was going to use this for defense.

Diamond murmured to herself under her breath, "Go to sleep," and clothes materialized around herself once again, as if nothing had happened. She knew that her clothes were only an illusion, and only she could see them, and her mother was still seeing her naked, but the effect made her feel much better. She, at least, didn't feel naked, and that was the important thing. She just had to remember to put her real clothes on afterwards.

And the best defense was a good offense.

A devilish thought had also come to Diamond Tiara: there was nothing preventing her from using nudity on her mother as often as she wanted, or even continuously, all the time; and so The Scheme was born.

* * *

Her mother was half-asleep in her read-leather chair, her empty glass of wine on the Occasional Table beside her, her eyes at half-mast, fighting to stay awake on that narrow balance beam between consciousness and unconsciousness. Now was her chance!


"Hmm? Don't talk to me right now, Tiara. I'm tired. Your father isn't here, so I've got to do all the …" she yawned, "things."

"Are you feeling tired? Sleepy? Like your eyes weigh a hundred pounds?"

"Mmm, yes," Spoiled Rich smiled at that, giving off a heavy sigh, her eyes closing all the way. "Maybe I'll fall asleep here."

"Yes," Diamond Tiara responded. "Sleep. Go to sleep."

"I think I will."

Diamond's voice dropped, "you feel like you are on an escalator, going down."


Diamond's voice dropped again. She said so very softly, "Deeper and deeper."

"Deeper and deeper."

Diamond was whispering into her mother's ears, "Until you reach the very bottom".

"The very bottom."

Did it work? Or didn't it? Well, there was one way to find out.

One simply had to bite the bullet and try.

"You shouldn't sleep in your clothes. Why don't you take them off?"

And, to Diamond Tiara's great surprise, her mother did just that; pulling off her dress, and panties, and bra with military precision, until they were laying in a heap in front of her.

Diamond Tiara scooped them up, continuing as she did, now speaking in a regular voice. "You won't remember this tomorrow. You won't remember being naked, either. You will think you are still wearing your clothes all day, as you go on about your business, not realizing your nudity at all."

"Not realizing at all," her mother intoned.

"Now go to sleep."

And with that, Diamond Tiara bundled up all her mother's clothes and walked off with them towards the hamper, leaving her mother naked and asleep in her red leather chair.