• Published 23rd May 2018
  • 2,776 Views, 4 Comments

Mother's Day with Ocean Flow - CAPTAIN YOSHI HD

Terramar spends time with Ocean Flow on Mother's Day.

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Mother's Day with Ocean Flow

Today is a very special day. But, it's not just any special day, it's a day where all children of all kinds of creatures celebrate for how their mothers raised them. It's also to show them how they appreciate them.

For some reason, the day isn't special for Terramar. He was pacing around the grassy area surrounded by water in the harmonizing heights. He knows that it's today, but he doesn't know what to do for his mom, Ocean Flow. Every Mother's Day, his mom always makes plans for Mother's Day. Sometimes, she lets Silverstream make the plans, but he never got a chance to make one.

He let out a stressful sigh. "What should I do?", he asked himself, scratching his brow with one finger. "Today's Mother's Day and I can't come up with an idea." He was trying his hardest to think of a plan, but his stress keeps getting to him.

"Having a your stress overcome you again, huh?", a voice asked from behind. He turned around and saw his dad, Sky Beak standing behind the water. The tall blue hippogriff walked up to him. "Is there something troubling you, Terramar?"

The young hippogriff sighed. "Yes, dad.", he answered. He wiped his brow and let out his explanation. "Today is Mother's Day and I'm trying to think of what to do with mom, but I can't think of a plan. What should I do, dad?"

Sky Beak raised an eyebrow. "Why make a plan for Mother's Day?", he asked, scratching the top of his head. "You know your mom makes plans for Mother's Day ever year. Don't you remember, son?"

Terramar's guts shook as he gulped. "Yeah, but... Silverstream makes plans sometimes.", he said. "So, why can't I?"

Sky Beak's beak gaped in surprise. He darted his eyes left and right a few times and rubbed his left elbow. "Oh. I have no idea.", he answered. "Do you really need to make a plan that bad?"

"Yes.", Terramar said. "You know, do you have any suggestions?"

Sky Beak tapped his chin with a finger. "You could just spend some time with her on the beach.", he said. "Would that be ok?"

Terramar would take the plan, but it's not much of a big plan. It's just going to the beach and relax there. "Going to the beach is nothing too special, a plan like that is not too big, but I could take that idea.", he said. "Also, how do I ask mom about it? And what should I give her, a flower?"

Sky Beak chuckled. "Are you really that shy to ask her?", he asked, trying not to laugh a bit harder.

Terramar nodded in embarrassment.

"Tell you what, son. You look for a special flower for your mother and I'll tell her that you want to spend some time with her on the beach.", Sky Beak said. "Does that sound ok?"

Terramar nodded. "Thanks, dad.", he said. "I'm glad I have a parent who helps his son so much."

Sky Beak made a loving smile. "I'm glad you appreciate my help, son.", he said. "Must not hesitate now. Go find your mom a flower." He leaped into the air and flew away.

Terramar might know some areas that might have flowers, but it would take him a while for him to spot one.


Sky Beak landed on his feet on the beach where he sees the clear ocean. Normally, there's sea ponies swimming around and doing wave dances while other sea ponies sitting on rocks and making music with their bongos. The only way to summon a sea pony is the loudest hippogriff call.


He waited for his wife to splash to the surface. He looked left and right for something, but nothing. He then saw ripples coming in front of him.

His wife, Ocean Flow splashed through the water, sending it to get into his chest. "Hi, honey.", he called, waving his claw to the seapony.

Ocean Flow swam to the shore, waving back. "How are you, Sky?", she asked. "I was just about to make a plan for Mother's Day."

"Well, you actually don't have to anymore.", Sky Beak said. "Terramar's been feeling stressed lately. He wants to spend time with here."

Ocean Flow gasped in delight. "Oh my.", she said. "My dearest boy, spending Mother's Day with his mama on the beach. How delightful." She darted her eyes left and right awkwardly. "Speaking of my little boy, where is he?"

"Oh. He's... uh... He's, uh..." Nothing came to Sky Beak's mind of what Terramar would be doing. Although, he is getting his mom a flower. But, why isn't he saying that? Maybe, he wanted Terramar to surprise his mom. If he's hoping for it to be a surprise, he's going to say the first thing that came to mind. "He's taking a shower at the falls. He'll be here before you know it."

At that moment, Terramar landed safely on the sand between his parent with a rose in his claw. "Happy Mother's Day, Mom.", he said, putting the rose on her right ear.

Ocean Flow gave a loving smile. "Aww, Terramar, this is beautiful.", she said. She took hold of Terramar's head and pulled him close to smooch him on the cheek. She sniffed him two times, smelling the scent of his body. "You have usual smell, I thought you took a shower."

"A shower?", Terramar asked, confused.

"Your father told me.", Ocean Flow said.

"I didn't take a shower.", Terramar said. He turned to his dad. "Why did you tell her I was taking a shower?"

"I just wanted the flower thing to be a surprise.", Sky Beak admitted. "I always do that to make sure you and your sister give surprising gifts to your mom." He turned away to the pathway through town and stretched his wings. "Well, you two have fun. And, Terramar, your sister will be here any moment." He jumped in the air and flew through all the statues in his way.

Terramar rolled his eyes. "Dad and his lies.", he murmured. "Am I right?"

"Yeah.", Ocean Flow said. "You know your father is always helping you and your sister surprise for what you give me."

"Yeah, that's true.", Terramar said, scratching the back of his neck.

Ocean Flow turned over to pull herself on the shore. But, Terramar walked into the water and put his arm around his mom's back. "Let me help you out." He put his other arm under her upper half of her tail and began carrying her to the shore. He then gently placed her on the sand.

"Thanks.", Ocean Flow said. "How did you learn to carry like that?"

"Um, dad maybe?", Terramar said, trying to suppress a blush. He turned towards the ocean and sat down on his bottom. He used his left arm to shield his eyes from the sun. "It's really bright today." He felt the heat around his body. "And really hot."

"It sure is.", Ocean said. She put her fins behind her head, before she could sigh and close her eyes to let the heat overcome her body. "That's what makes a day at the beach so relaxing."

Terramar chuckled. "You're always flirting with the heat.", she said.

"Well, in the water, it's just cold. No heating process whatsoever.", Ocean said. "So, it's always a good time to be above the surface."

"Mom, Dad told me that I can spend the rest of my life going back and forth in both worlds.", Terramar said.

"That's right, your father did tell you that.", Ocean Flow said. "So, Sweetie?"

"Hm?", Terramar responded.

"Was there a reason why you wanted to spend some time with me here?", Ocean Flow asked.

Terramar sighed. "Mom, I know you love to make plans for Mother's Day, you do that every year. Sometimes, you let Silverstream make plans. But, all those years, I never got a chance to do that, you never gave me a chance to." He hung his head. "I felt like I wasn't appreciated."

Ocean Flow felt sorry for her poor son. She put a fin on her son's shoulder. "Oh, honey.", she crooned. "I'm sorry I never gave you a chance on making a plan. I didn't think you would feel that way if I left you out on Mother's Day planning. But, I do appreciate you, I've appreciated you for years. You're the sweetest and most bubbly boy I've had when you were a baby. I love getting hugs from you, taking swims with you, dancing with you, and getting tickles from you."

Terramar made a playful grin. "Oh, you mean tickles like these?", he teased, putting a claw on Ocean Flow's belly and began to tickle her.

Ocean Flow didn't do anything about it. In fact, she didn't even care. She let out adorable giggles and flapped her tail fins. She kept her fins behind her head to show that she doesn't care about her being tickled by her own son. "Tickles on Mommy's belly.", she laughed.

Terramar smiled at his mom's adorable giggling. He joined in her laughter as he continued to tickle her. The laughter died down when he stopped the tickling. "You know how much I love tickling you.", he said.

Ocean Flow pushed half of her back up with her elbows. "That's part of the bubbly side of you.", she said. Her joyful smile turned into a sad frown. "Sadly, you don't have that bubbly side anymore."

Terramar's eyes widened in shock. "Mom, don't say that.", he said. "I do still have it, and it'll always be here."

Ocean Flow felt cheered up. She gave her son a few pats on the back with her fin. "I'm glad I have a son like you that always make me feel better.", she said. She went back to the same position she was a little bit ago.

"So, do you want to go swimming through the ocean for a bit?", Terramar asked.

"Mmm... Maybe later, hon.", Ocean Flow said. "Being on the sand is just too relaxing."

"Ok, Mom.", Terramar said, watching his mom relax all the while. He made an ideal grin. He turned towards her and leaned over. "But, you know what's more relaxing?"

"What?", Ocean Flow asked.

"Having the sand on you.", Terramar said, scooping up some sand, pouring it on his mom's belly, and spread it all over.

"Oh, that feels wonderful.", Ocean Flow said, as she felt more sand being spread all around her plump yellow stomach. She always has to be clean whenever some fancy event happens, but if Terramar wanted to put sand all over her body, she would have to say 'yes' to it, otherwise the boy would feel upset. At this rate, she'll never want to get uncovered from the sand, because she enjoyed every minute of it.

"I'm surprised you didn't try to escape this, Mom.", Terramar said, as he poured another scoop of sand on the lower spot of his mom's belly.

"Oh, I just wanted to spare your feelings.", Ocean Flow said, making a soft sigh as her son poured his fourth scoop of sand on the center of her belly. The scoop was a bit larger then other scoops.

Terramar flattened it out and patted it down with both claws to make the sand stick to the scales of his mom's stomach. His mom's tail fins began flapping up and down as the sand relaxed her belly. The flapping died down as Terramar finished.

"How do you like it, Mom?", Terramar asked.

Ocean Flow made a loving smile. "You're so sweet, honey.", she said. "I never knew having sand on my belly can be so relaxing." She yawned.

"Looks like it's time for a nap.", Terramar said.

Ocean Flow yawned again. "But, I'm not tired.", she said.

"It's ok, Mom.", Terramar said. "If you want to fall asleep, it's fine. I'll stick by you. After all, it is Mother's Day."

"Okay.", Ocean Flow yawned one more time. She slowly closed her eyes and began to snore.

Terramar smiled. He couldn't resist giving her sand-covered belly a gentle pat, causing his snoozing mom to make a soft 'Mmmmm'.

The hum was for Terramar to know that Ocean Flow loved him so much. He put a claw on her cheek and whispered. "Happy Mother's Day, Mom. I love you."

As he looked off into the village, he wondered when Silverstream was going to show up.

Comments ( 4 )

It's good, but the website recently made tags for Terramar and Ocean Flow. Please remember to use them.

Aww, now that was cute! Good job

thanks. what's your favorite part?

All of it! I love this family!

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