• Published 13th May 2018
  • 1,065 Views, 15 Comments

Survivor - MelonPeach8

After Rainbow Dash is the only survivor of an accident, Twilight tries to fix her heartbroken friend. Things get a little more complicated when King Sombra returns

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Twilight Sparkle burst open her wings, and started to fly to the Canterlot Hospital. Twilight's friends had gone on a quest that the map had called each of them to, expect Twilight. Twilight had received a letter from Princess Celestia saying, that 2 of her friends were dead, and 3 in the ER. Twilight continued to fly towards the hospital, tears flowing down her cheeks. The doors burst open as Twilight rushed towards the front desk.

"Where are my friends!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.

"I am sorry to report that 4 of your friends are dead, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy."

Twilight looked like she wanted to collapse on the floor and sob. Until a thought entered her mind.
"Where is Rainbow Dash!?"

"Oh, it looks like she is going to make it." The nurse pony informed. "You can stay overnight if you would like to, and visit her in the morning.

"Good, cause I'm not leaving her side."

2 hours earlier, Twilight's castle

"Hey Twilight. Where are we going?" Applejack asked as Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity appeared behind her.

"The Dragon Badlands."

"Okay, thanks Twi see you soon!" Applejack responded before running off with the others.

Why wasn't I called? Twilight questioned in her head.


"Well that only took like 30 minutes, thanks Darling."

"Eh, it was nothing." Rainbow Dash responded.

They kept walking until they finally found where the dragons were. When they got there, there was like a war going on.

"WHAT THE HAY?!" Applejack screamed.

Fluttershy ran up to them, to try and calm them down. Than she was smacked violently and fell down, she died in an instant.

"FLUTTERSHY!" They all shouted. Rainbow Dash flew towards her as Pinkie Pie ran towards the dragons.

"Hey! No dragon hurts my, OF!" Pinkie started to say but was smacked violently too, then was thrown against a wall. Then she died.

"PINKIE!" Rainbow Dash screamed.

Rarity and Applejack in a unity screamed while charging at the dragons. Dash screamed out, but they ignored her. They were both picked up and thrown, they didn't die but their heart beats got slower. Rainbow almost dashed away, if they hadn't grabbed her she probably would have gotten away. Then she fell unconscious.

1 hour later

Canterlot guards showed up. Twilight had sent a letter to Celestia after she called Pinkie Pie and she hadn't answered, she had called 30 times. When they showed up everyone was surprised. They loaded the ponies in the carriage and flew towards Canterlot.

10 minutes later

They arrived at the hospital and brought them each to the Emergency Room. They figured out that Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy had died. They had 3 of them in the ER, with Rainbow Dash in the best of condition.

"Okay, we have to try and get the," a nurse pony started to say before the heart rate monitor stopped beeping.

"NO, NO, NO!" They screamed before Applejack's heart rate monitor just stopped.

"Just hurry! We can still save Rarity!" Another nurse pony shouted.

The heart rate monitor for Rarity's was faster, but not much better. She had a breathing mask on, 3 layers of bandage wrap around her horn, and 2 layers around each one of her hooves.

19 minutes later
The heart rate monitor got a lot slower, at this point they started to preform CPR, but nothing was working. They needed to try harder but then it stopped.

"NO!" They all screamed. Then suddenly, Twilight Sparkle burst through the doors.


The next morning- Time: 8:39
"Hello Miss Sparkle, if you would like to visit Rainbow she is well enough to be seen, all you have to do is wake her up."

Twilight Sparkle raced into the room to see Rainbow Dash laying in the bed.

"Rainbow?" she called quietly.

Rainbow's eyes flickered on and off until she recognized the figure in front of the bed she was in as Twilight Sparkle.

"Huh? Twi? What are you doing.. here? What's going on?" She asked weakly.

"Well, I don't know if you would like to hear it."

"Twilight tell me."

"Well, you and the rest of our friends were called to a location, and well you were the only one to survive."

Rainbow Dash's memories of what happened flew back into her eyes as she sobbed.

"They're really all gone?" She cried, Twilight hugging her while she did so.

"I'm afraid so Dash."

Rainbow broke into an uncontrollable sob. Twilight tried to comfort her but Rainbow, but she kept crying.

"Rainbow relax, we have each other and for now that's all we need."

Rainbow hugged the violet alicorn, as she began to cry again. Twilight tried to hide in her emotions even though she was feeling exactly the same.

"It'll be okay Rainbow, It'll be okay.

1 day later
"Hello Rainbow Dash, you are free to go now, just make sure to take these pills everyday."

Rainbow left the room just to be confronted by Twilight standing right outside the door.

"Good Twilight just the pony I was looking for. Do you mind if I stay at the castle for the next couple of weeks, or months?"

"Not at all Rainbow, in fact after what happened I don't think this is anytime for you to be alone, or me."

"You make a good point Twi, alright I'll go pack up everything I need for now and probably be at the castle in maybe half an
hour to an hour."

"Alright, see you then."

43 minutes later
Twilight was pacing back in forth, Spike looked like he was about to scream. Twilight had not stopped mentioning all the
things that could have happened to Rainbow Dash. Spike had finally had enough.

"UGH! Twilight enough! You have been pacing back and forth and listing everything that could go wrong, but did you ever consider that she might be here in a couple of minutes, or ten minutes? She said half an hour to an hour. She will be fine!"

"Alright Spike, your probably right. Thanks."

"No Problem.

Rainbow Dash knocked on the door and Twilight rushed towards it.

"Hey Twi." she greeted.

"Hi Rainbow!"

"So, where can I stay?"

"Well, ever since Starlight moved out there has always been an extra room. Maybe you could sleep there."

"Okay, thanks."

Rainbow put down all her stuff and walked towards the diner for breakfast. While walking there she made a wrong turn and went inside the throne room.
Rainbow collapsed in a sob. As Twilight dashed into the room she realized the one thing she forgot to do was tear down the extra thrones. Twilight jumped towards her friend as she tried to comfort her again to calm her down.

"It'll be okay Rainbow, it'll be okay."

Dinner Time
Rainbow had been laying in her bed napping and doing puzzles. When Twilight called for dinner.

“Rainbow dinners ready if you want it.”

“Okay Twi.”

Rainbow walked out of the door as she had her eye on the diner and walked in.

“Hey Rainbow, so do you want a daisy and daffodil sandwich?”

“Sure.” Rainbow replied.

“Dash, are you okay? You haven’t been yourself lately I’m concerned.”

“I guess I’ve just been sad ever since the rest of our friends died and a little worried.”

“Look Rainbow I know it feels like the end of the world right now. I feel exactly the same, but right now we have eachother. And I’m greatful to at least have one of my friends still with me.”

“Thanks Twi. I really needed that.” Rainbow hugged Twilight before she continued to eat her food.

That night
Twilight Sparkle went to check on Rainbow before she went to bed. She wanted to make sure she was all good before they went in for the night.

“Dash, you alright? I wanted to make sure you were alright before we went in for the night. I mean all day you were doing puzzles, looking at pictures, and crying. Just wanted to make sure you were alright.”

“Yeah I’m good Twi. Thanks for checking in on me though.”

“Do you wanna talk about it in the morning?”

“I don’t know, it’s just ever since it’s happened I’ve been so sad, I just miss them Twilight. I’m not sure if I’m ready to talk about it yet, but I will eventually.”

“Alright goodnight Rainbow.”

“Goodnight Twi.”

Rainbow reached for the lights and put her covers over her and tried to go to sleep but all she could think about was how much she missed her other friends. But eventually she did.

Comments ( 1 )

You may need an editor, but the story seems interesting.

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