• Published 17th May 2018
  • 5,330 Views, 47 Comments

Tally Marks - Slateblu1

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Food. I should eat. Not sure if I’m actually hungry or not. But I know I need to eat. The girls will ask too many questions. The line for lunch is long, like always. I don’t talk to anyone in line. They’re nicer now. Much better since that damn Battle of the Bands. Still get the whole damn ‘Ohh, no offence,” crap. Like I need reminding of the raging she-demon I turned into. I just wish they’d shut up about it.

Line doesn’t take too long. I get a salad. Like always. It’s the only thing they serve I can stomach. These humans eat way too much meat. Every now and then they get a vegetarian pizza in, but it’s like once a month. But today is special. There’s a whole tomato I can grab. No one else is going to, no one else likes them as much as me. I grab it just before I get to the checkout. I scan my code, just like everyone else. They do that right at least; no one knows I’m poor and get the free lunch. Knowing these kids they’d never let me live it down.

They still give me a wide berth as I work through to our table. Used to be mine, but now my friends sit with me. I briefly consider if I should eat outside again. I decide against it. I ate alone last week. Still not fully ready to tell them. The princess knows, and that’s enough for now. She’s been good to me. She’s not pushing me to tell them either. She just wants me to get better. I don’t deserve her.

I sit with the girls. They beat me here, as usual. My previous class is on the far side of the building. They’re already talking about something. I listen for a few seconds, then smile. It’s fake, but I can pretend to be joining in the conversation.

Dash gives me a look. I remember what she said a few weeks ago. I let my smile falter just a little for her. Her nod is subtle. I wouldn’t have guess she could do anything subtly. But there it is.

I talk with my friends. It doesn’t matter what we’re talking about, I won’t remember after lunch. It’s just mindless chatter. It does make me feel a little better though. For a moment, my smile is genuine. For a moment, I’m happy. It doesn’t last. It never does.