• Published 8th May 2018
  • 1,955 Views, 12 Comments

Unexpecting Rainbow - Sky Slicer

After a freak accident with experimental magic, Rainbow Dash finds herself pregnant with no idea how to handle the situation. With her dreams of joining the Wonderbolts on the line, she begins to panic, like any reasonable pony would do.

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Chapter 2: The Next Morning

Twilight walks into the hospital room. She has bags under her eyes and looks exhausted. She had been studying hard all day yesterday, and the dilemma with Angel made it hard to sleep. As she walks down the corridor she sees Pinkie bouncing up and down behind Rarity and Applejack. This is probably a good sign.

“Hi girls, what’s the update on Angel’s condition?” Twilight says weakly.

Applejack is the first to answer, “Well, sugar cube. It seems like Fluttershy’s pet got in a big ol’ scuffle with a creature of the Everfree forest.”

Rarity adds, “Some dreadful beast took a bite out of the poor dear.”

“Ah, bet mah hindquarters it was a Timber Wolf. Ornery beasts that have an equally nasty temper,” Applejack continues.

Rarity says softly, “They did find an awful lot of splinters in Angel, that would make sense.”

Pinkie ponders out loud, “I guess their bark is just as bad as their bite...” Everyone looks at Pinkie for a moment. “What? I’m just glad he’s alright. We’ll throw him a big get well party when he’s better!”

They enter the room where Angel’s resting on a pony-sized bed. Twilight looks around the room with a quick glance.

Twilight, “So where’s Fluttershy?”

Rarity responds, “She’s right there.” Pointing to the side of the bed, where Fluttershy has fallen fast asleep on the floor. Dried mud on the floor and stuck to her fur.

Applejack looks over her with compassion, “Poor thing tired herself out bein’ up all night, and worryin’.”

Rarity shares the concern, “She didn’t even want to leave Angel’s side to clean herself up.” Rarity looking herself over, “I hope I could be that dedicated to Opal if that ever came up. It would be hard though to stay that dirty.”

Twilight looks around the room again, “And where’s our hero Rainbow Dash?”

Applejack and Rarity look at each other confused.

Applejack looking puzzled, “You haven’t seen her either Twi?”

Rarity reassures, “She’s probably just tired from racing here to the hospital. And then getting Fluttershy’s things from her home. She’s earned her rest.” Rarity gestures to the towels and brushes next to Angel’s bed.

Applejack adds, “Ah suppose she has. She’ll probably be here after she takes one of her naps. You know how she is.”

Back in her cloud home floating above Ponyville Rainbow Dash stirs in her bed.

“Nmm must save...Angel....counting on me...oh...” talking in her sleep.

Rainbow sleeps for another 10 minutes before she blinks awake, and lets out a loud yawn.

“What a long night....urk...I don’t feel so well. I guess it’s from being out in the rain all night,” She mumbles to herself as she struggles to her hooves eyes half closed. She feels so slow and heavy, a feeling she’s not used to.

“What’s wrong with me? I’m never like this. I mean ever.” She thinks to herself as she wiggles her legs, they seem loose and strong as usual. “Ugh, whatever, I’m sure it’ll wear off with the grogginess. I should check on Fluttershy and Angel.”

Rainbow Dash flaps her wings but only lifts up a small distance before she plops back down, and she feels something else. She flaps her wings up and then down and they hit something.

“Huh?!” she exclaims out loud. Looking back and her eyes widen. “WHAT IS THAT?!” she blurts out.

She has huge bulges coming out from her sides and stretching downward. She twists herself back and forth trying to shake herself clean. The bulges on her side twist and bobble with her.

“Is this some joke?!” She says panicked as she rolls on her back.

She presses around with her hooves. It’s real and it’s pretty solid. It’s part of her body, it’s really her belly. Before she even has a chance to comprehend what’s going on, a bulge pushes ever so slightly from the surface of her stomach.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” Rainbow Dash’s screams echo into the distance.

Twilight is back at home sorting her books from the mess last night.

“’Magical Remedies and You’, goes under medicine and M. ‘Caring of Breezies’ goes under C,” Twilight mumbles as she sorts the book, picking up the next one in the process.

There is frantic pounding on the door, which makes Twilight drop her book.

Twilight grumbled, “Can’t I even have a moment to clean up this mess!”

Rainbow Dash sounds frantic behind the door, “Twilight! I need your help! Now! This is bad, like really bad!”

Twilight walks to the door, “Be right there Rainbow.”

She is knocked backward as Rainbow Dash blasts through the door.

Rainbow is extremely frantic, “What’s happening to my body Twilight?”

Twilight’s eyes spin around in her head, “Ugh, you girls do know I’m not a doctor right?” Twilight gets her bearings and her eyes focus on Rainbow Dash. “Oh my, what has happened to you indeed!”

Twilight looks over Rainbow Dash with wide eyes. She walks around her in a circle before stopping at her side and pressing into her bulge with one hoof causing her belly to swell out a bit more on the other side.

“Would you mind not doing that?” Rainbow says with annoyance in her voice.

“Oh. Sorry,” Twilight responds sheepishly, as she pulls her hoof back. Rainbow Dash giving her an irritated look. “You wouldn’t have happened to have eaten a whole watermelon without chewing would you?” Twilight says with a giggle.

Rainbow Dash puffs, “No, Twilight, I didn’t. Can you be serious, please.”

Twilight looks Rainbow up and down and finally says, “Okay, well. No offense but you look like a pregnant mare.”

Rainbow has shock and fear in her voice, “Uhh...come again?”

“I’m just saying you look like a pregnant mare, like a really pregnant mare,” Twilight says flatly.

“I’m not a bookworm like you Twilight, but that makes no sense. I’m sure we both know how these things work and it’s impossible. Completely utterly totally impossibly impossible.” Rainbow says frustratedly.

Twilight responds, “I didn’t say you were, I’m just saying it ‘s the only thing it looks like. Why don’t you go to a doctor? Because you know I’m-”

“-you’re not a doctor. I know, okay. Can you come with me though, I need you queen eggheadedness to help figure this one out.” Rainbow pleads.

Twilight scoffs, “I don’t like when you call me that.”

Rainbow snickers, “Okay okay, I need my brainy friend to solve this mystery. Better?”

Twilight smiles, “Of course I’ll come Rainbow, I can finish cleaning this up later.”

The two friends depart Golden Oak library. Rainbow’s belly swaying from side to side heavily as she walks. Twilight tries not to stare, but she is curious. Hopefully, they’ll find out answers soon.

Author's Note:

Written in 2012 as well, edited and rewritten in 2018.