• Published 21st May 2018
  • 348 Views, 3 Comments

A pony and a dragon walk into a bar... - Blackdust

Ever wonder what would happen when a pony is greedier than the dragon she's traveling with? Well pull up a chair and listen awhile, because that's exactly what this story is.

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Chapter 2

Sniffling, Misty turned to Fuego and said, "I... I suppose it's only fair that... since you know my past..."

Fuego smiled and relaxed himself, motioning for Misty to snuggle up next to him.

"I'm nothing special, truth be told. Raised in a church to Luna, the Night Mother and protector of the dreamscape. Got pushed out of the nest a little early after being hired by a noble and taught the path of the blade and honor. After that, I wandered from town to town, doing the good deed, fighting the good fight, and keeping ponies safe from nightmares best I could until I came across you trying to rob me in my own tent."

Misty giggled and nudged Fuego, saying, "Yeah, and apparently while you were naked too~."

The idle comment got a blush from him, and a friendly nudge back. "Yeah, well... Not like you don't try to tempt me at every turn. Seriously, with how horny you were last heat, I could've mistaken you for a unicorn! Anyroad, it's not like that little bit matters."

Misty simply humphed and turned away, having all but forgotten how she had opened up to her newest ally after being with him for a simple three months. She smirked and wiggled her flank against his crotch, and acquired a scaled fist to the back of her skull as recompense.

Hours later, Misty awoke with a groan. Fuego was nearby, making dinner of rations and some kind of desert animal.

"Morning, unicorn. You sleep ok after trying to get me to lay with you for the... 105th time in the past three months?" Fuego asked as he looked up from the stew pot.

"Mmm... You can go suck my-"

"And who's to say you would even like something like that, Misty? Most ponies, and most creatures for that matter, don't take it up that one without very thorough thought, and even then..." Fuego said, cutting off her foul phrase.

Misty giggled and turned to look out across the landscape, not that there was much to see out in the desert of the badlands, and sighed happily. "You know, I never thought I'd be happy to see something so... brazenly opposite to where I grew up. There's nothing here for miles."

"I hear you on that. The church wasn't very... polite when I grew because I let my greed on my birthday overwhelm me slightly."

"Oh? That sounds like an interesting story. And we still have a few hours before sunset, you know," Misty said, smiling widely, and suggestively.

Fuego sighed and relented to the insufferable mare and began to tell his tale. "So... On my birthday I got a gift from this really cute mare-"

"Aw, what? You mean I'm not your first?" Misty asked, a shit eating grin on her face as she laughed at her own innuendo.

Fuego sighed and nodded, resuming his story, "Yes, there was another mare before I met you..."

About 10 years ago...

Bo Peep was a unicorn mare and a resolute and devout follower of Luna, the Night Mother, and was always eager to help those that showed even a little bit of faith to Luna. As Fuego was pinning after the mare, he did what he could to catch her eye. Following her, doing the things that she did, helping those that needed it when he could, everything. Every year, he would try harder around either of their birthdays, usually to try and find out if she was getting him anything, or if she wanted anything in particular.

One year, on his birthday, she gave him something. A simple chunk of rose quartz is what most ponies in the church saw. But Fuego knew more than that, since he and Bo had been silently sharing messages through the sharing of various gemstones, crystals, and rock formations. She loved him as much as he loved her. So he began gathering things up that she liked for her. He took everything he knew that she would like from the town and surrounding countryside over a couple months, slowly growing bigger and bigger as he did.

When Bo Peep went to her favorite flower field on her birthday, she found a fully grown, and slightly agitated, Fuego guarding a hoard of things. And around his neck, was the very same chunk of rose quartz she had given him months ago.

"Fuego...?" She asked cautiously, scared of everything she was seeing.

Her favorite toy bear that she had misplaced last week. Several bouquets of the flowers from the field they were in. a couple dresses that she thought had looked beautiful, now muddy and torn. Earrings, necklaces, hooflets, and other forms of jewelry that she enjoyed looking at in the local jewelers store. Needless to say, seeing her frightened like that made him realize what he had done wrong, and begin to shrink back down to normal.

"Bo, I-" He started.

"No. Stay away from me, beast. You... I thought you were my friend..." Peep practically screamed at him.

"I am! Peep, please, I can-"

"You can what? Explain? No. It's too late for that, Fuego. You... You changed. You would never have done this before," she said, levitating the rose quartz off of his neck, as well as her toy bear from the pile. "Keep the rest. I'm sure you'll find someone to buy all of that stuff."

To say Fuego's heart broke would be an understatement. His whole world revolved around her, and she just scorned him for trying to gain her affections. So he did what any 9 year old would do in a similar situation. He cried until his eyes were sore, and then, he left the town alone. Walking for days before coming across another town, although this one less... receptive to his beliefs.

"Sounds to me like you didn't check to see if you would've been welcomed back or not, Fuego," Misty said, pointing out the biggest flaw in his story.

"Heh... I didn't go back. Not for another three years. And when I did, the entire town had heard about what I had done, and... Well, you can guess what happened. Bo Peep was the new leader of the church though, so I wasn't that surprised by the cold shoulder reaction I got," Fuego said, having finished his third bowl of the stew during his tale, while Misty only had one.

Misty yawned and got up, turning to her tent and stretched, asking, "It's getting late... You got first shift...?" Fuego nodded, using the remnants of his third bowl to put out the fire and began to get ready for the first watch of the night.

At least she doesn't know... Fuego thought to himself, glancing warrily at the tent where the thief was snoring lightly, no doubt on her back already.

Author's Note:

After a long ass wait, I got the second chapter out. And for the meaning behind the gemstone, I searched it. Here. Take a look.

Comments ( 3 )

More please. This story has a really good concept and there aren't that many good D&D style stories around.

It's not D&D, but I'll take the compliment!

I said D&D style so that basically covers all tabletop RPG's.

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