• Published 14th May 2018
  • 2,584 Views, 2 Comments

Supersized School Days - Shamrock95

A story showing a day in the life of an obese Rainbow Blitz and Butterscotch during their school days.

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Supersized School Days

"Mr. Blitz?"

Rainbow Blitz started to attention, eyes wide. Crap… he’d been miles away, daydreaming about the upcoming Wonderbolts show the following week. At the top of the classroom, his history teacher, Sour Grape, a middle-aged, grey-furred mare with small reading glasses on her nose and evil in her heart, was regarding him with crossed arms and an annoyed expression.

"Mr. Blitz," she said again, injecting a heavy dose of sarcasm into her voice, "would you be so kind as to tell the class what I just said?"

"Um…" Blitz swallowed, already hearing snickering from his fellow students. "Uh, that Cloudsdale was founded shortly after the foundation of Equestria?" he guessed with an awkward smile.

Sour let out a long-suffering sigh. "Actually, Mr. Blitz, we were discussing the entry of Cloudsdale into the short-lived Pegasi Confederation five hundred years ago. Please do at least try and pay attention."

"Yes, ma’am," Blitz muttered, his cheeks flushing slightly as more giggles were heard. "Sorry, ma’am."

"Now then," Sour said, turning back to the board. "As I was saying…"

As Sour launched back into her usual monotonous drone, Blitz focused on trying to make himself comfortable in his desk. Normally, this wouldn’t be an issue for your average high school student, but Rainbow Blitz was not exactly your average high school student.

There weren’t many high school students who weighed over three hundred pounds, for one thing.

Blitz had always been rather slim and athletic as a younger colt, owing to his love of racing as evidenced by the cutie mark on his rear. It had not been an uncommon sight to see him racing around the skies above Cloudsdale at incredible speeds, pulling off all sorts of loops and dives for his admiring audience down below.

As Blitz had grown older, however, he had begun to grow not just up, but out, too. His loving and doting parents, always concerned about him getting enough to eat, made sure that their son was kept well-fed… very well-fed. As Blitz had grown heavier, flying began to tire him out more, which meant that he felt less inclined to do it. Days that would once have been spent by him soaring through the skies were spent indoors instead, idly grazing on a bowl of chips or candy to fill his ever more prominent stomach. Before Blitz knew it, he was entering high school as one of the heaviest kids in his grade… one of the heaviest kids in school, as it happened.

Now, Rainbow Blitz was a true butterball of a colt, with a massive belly that hung stubbornly out of all but the baggiest hoodies and sweatpants he could find. Becoming stuck in his desk had become a serious concern for the colt. While the desks were fortunately built sturdily enough that he had no real worries about it breaking under his weight, the gap between his belly and the edge of the desk had shrunk to zero. As a result, half of his gut was wedged under the desk, with the other half bulging over the top, to say nothing of the blue-furred side fat hanging out on either side as it protruded from the gap between his sweats and his hoodie.

Grunting, Blitz took a look to his right, where he caught sight of Butterscotch. This shy yellow-furred, pink-maned colt was probably the closest friend Blitz had in the world. Even better, he was just as hefty as Blitz was. Unlike Blitz, Butterscotch had never been a particularly athletic colt, owing mainly to his crippling shyness around other ponies. He had filled out during puberty just as much as Blitz had—in fact, Blitz reckoned that he might even have five or ten pounds on him. Their sizes had been just one of the many things that brought them together as friends, and both felt a real "us against the world"-type connection when they were around each other.

Butterscotch looked to be wedged into his desk just as tightly as Blitz was. Thanks to him wearing a T-shirt as opposed to a hoodie, there was quite a bit more fat on display with him, with his deep belly button visible just above the edge of the desk, along with a more prominent pair of moobs. By now, bending over his gut to squeeze a pair of shoes onto his plump feet had become rather too difficult for Butterscotch. After struggling with it for a while, he had given up and now simply came to school barefoot, reasoning that cloud floors didn’t have a whole lot of dangers on them to be avoided.

"Yo, Scotch," Blitz whispered. "What page are we on again?"

Scotch turned his head to face his friend, his chins squishing against each other. "Page forty-six," he whispered back.

Blitz gave him a thumbs-up before turning to the appropriate page, trying a best he could to follow whatever Sour was droning about. He could feel a growing emptiness in his belly, reminding him that it had been quite a while—four hours, at least—since he had had breakfast. He normally kept a couple of chocolate bars in his backpack to surreptitiously eat in class while hiding his face behind a textbook (the ability to unwrap and eat a chocolate bar in almost complete silence was one of his prouder abilities), but he had eaten one of them already when he was heading out the door at home earlier that morning, and then eaten the other when entering the school.

Blitz blushed as he heard a low gurgle emanate from his belly as it impatiently clamoured for food. Behind him, he could already hear the snickers and giggles starting up again—fatty’s getting hungry again. He looked over to Scotch, who gave him a sympathetic smile.

Blitz felt a bit of paper land on his desk, which he took and unfolded. On it was a message written in what he recognised as Dumb Belle's handwriting, a girl who took great pleasure in tormenting him and Scotch: Do you eat whole ponies or something, Blubber Blitz?

Blitz looked over to see the brown-furred filly herself smirking at him. Thinking fast, he scribbled down, Wouldn't you like to know... and handed it back. When Belle received it, she shot a glare Blitz's way, only to see him giving her an evil smile as he gave his belly a pat. Now looking a bit uncertain, Belle turned her attention back to the teacher.

"Urgh, come on, already…" Blitz muttered, staring at the clock. Twenty minutes until class ended… ugh, it might as well be twenty hours! His belly rumbled again, as if to express sympathy for his plight. Blitz sighed and simply returned his attention to the book, acting like he was paying attention while secretly his mind was focused on the fact that they were serving pizza that day for lunch.

Finally, mercifully, the bell rang. And if Blitz's classmates hadn't seen it for themselves, they would swear that there was no way a colt as big as Blitz could move as quickly as he did then.

"Oh, thank you, Solaris," Blitz moaned as he waddled into the cafeteria alongside Butterscotch. "I dunno about you, Scotch, but I am starving."

"You're always starving, Blitz," Butterscotch pointed out as he padded after him, the cloud floor bouncing beneath his soft bare soles. "Then again... so am I," he added with a blush.

"Hey, anypony would be hungry on pizza day," Blitz replied. He could feel his mouth watering already as he caught the smell of cheese and pizza sauce in the air. It might have just been cheap school-grade pizza, but the combination of cheese, grease and chewy crust was more than enough to put Blitz on cloud nine.

"Hey, Blitz!" a voice called. "Be sure to save some for the rest of us this time!"

"Ah, save it," Blitz retorted, waving a hand dismissively as he and Scotch joined the queue. "I'm fat and I'm proud."

As if to emphasise the point, he loosened the drawstrings on his sweats slightly, allowing a bit more belly to hang out. "Ahh, that's better," he sighed as he gave his gut a pat. "I can't wait to get this guy some filling."

"Just don't load yourself down too much," Butterscotch reminded him. "Don't forget we have PE after this."

"Ugh, you're kidding..." Blitz muttered. "Eh, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it."

Once Blitz had reached the head of the queue, he wasted no time in loading up his tray with almost a full pizza's worth of slices. As he took a look at them, his hungry belly let out its most hunger-pained growl yet, loud enough to turn a couple of heads in the queue.

Butterscotch gave a small smile as he loaded his own tray up. "Heh... it sounds like you have a dragon hidden under there."

"I know, it feels like I haven't eaten in forever," Blitz moaned as the two set off to find a seat. Finding an unoccupied table, the two took their seats across from each other. As they carefully lowered their bulks onto the benches, the crossbars beneath groaned and creaked as the benches sagged beneath their weight. If the two had tried sitting on the same bench, it would have been in serious danger of simply collapsing beneath them.

"Ahh," Butterscotch murmured, as he pushed his thick thighs beneath the table. "It feels good to get some weight off my ankles."

"Shame here," Blitz agreed, having already stuffed a slice of pizza into his mouth before even sitting down. He quickly chewed it and swallowed. "Ahhh, that's the stuff right there."

"Mhm," Butterscotch nodded as he took a bite of his own food. He didn't have nearly as much pizza as his friend, but combined with a large salad and fries, it still made for quite the hearty meal.

"Any idea what'sh happening in PE today?" Blitz asked through a full mouth.

"Swimming, I think," Butterscotch replied.

"That's not so bad," Blitz said. "At least fat floats."

"Yeah, but... we still have to take our shirts off," Butterscotch mumbled, blushing. "And it's bad enough having to do that in the changing room..."

"Relax," Blitz said, giving his friend's pudgy hand a reassuring pat. "I've got your back, Scotch. Once they see me, they won't try anything with you."

"Heh... if you say so," Butterscotch replied with a smile.

"Of course I say so!" Blitz replied, pushing his empty tray away with a burp. "Now, I'm gonna go see if there's any pizza left. You want anything while I'm up?"

"No thank you," Butterscotch replied, watching as Blitz grunted and got to his feet. He felt a pang of jealousy as he watched his friend waddle off. He wished he could carry himself with as much confidence as Blitz did...

"Hey there, Blubberscotch."

Oh no... Butterscotch closed his eyes as he heard that dreaded familiar voice. Dumb Belle approached him with a cruel sneer on her face, accompanied by Nets, one of her lackeys.

"Hey, I'm talking to you, tubs!" Belle said as she poked him in his fleshy side. "Ugh, gross. I bet they have to grease your desk so you don't get stuck in it."

"Heh, yeah," Nets added. Even behind the hair covering her eyes, Butterscotch could feel her eyes boring into him. "He's so fat that... I bet he eats a lot."

Belle shot her a silent look of contempt.

"Leave me alone..." Butterscotch mumbled, feeling his cheeks burn up.

"Aw, c'mon, blubber boy," Belle teased. "Where's your sense of humour? Did you eat it?"


Butterscotch, Dumb Belle and Nets all looked up to see Blitz storming over to them. "What are you two doing?" he demanded of the two bullies.

"Aw, we were just talking to Butterscotch," Belle said, the picture of innocence. "Nothing wrong with that, right?"

"Yeah, I'll bet," Blitz snapped, poking her hard in the stomach. "Get away from us."

Belle winced slightly at the poke, before recovering herself. "Alright, let's go, Nets. They might sit on us if we don't."

With a chuckle, the two turned and stalked off.

"Thanks, Blitz," Butterscotch said, turning and glaring at the two. "I really can't stand them..."

"Let it go, Scotch," Blitz said, placing a hand on his back. "They aren't worth it."

Butterscotch sighed and nodded, just as the bell went to signal the end of lunch.

The swimming pool at Cloudsdale High consisted of a large tank placed carefully amid the clouds, set behind the school building itself with the showers and changing rooms off to one side. At that moment, several students stood next to the pool dressed in swimwear, including Blitz and Butterscotch.

However well their clothes may have normally kept them covered up, there was no hiding any of it now. As they stood there squeezed into their swimming trunks, every roll and fold was visible to the world.

"Nice tits, Blitz," one student quipped amid a few giggles. "I keep thinking there should be a censor bar over them."

"Should probably stop staring at them, then," Blitz shot back. Next to him, Butterscotch had his flabby arms crossed over his own chest in an effort to hide his moobs from the world. At least there hadn't been any wet towels stinging him in the changing rooms today...

"Hey, check it out," he heard from beside him, where Dumb Belle stood looking as slim and fit as anything. "A whale found its way back to the water."

Butterscotch ground his teeth together. Just ignore her...

"Alright, listen up!" they heard as their instructor, Coach Stormcloud, clapped her hands together. A formidable, grey-furred mare in her mid-thirties, she was every bit the stereotypical hard-assed gym coach. "We're gonna be seeing how well you kids can swim a length today. You'll each swim from this side of the pool to the far side and swim back again, and I'll be timing how long it takes you to do it."

She took a look at them. "Let's see... Rainbow Blitz, you're up first."

Blitz's hefty belly jiggled as he waddled to the side of the pool, poising himself to jump into the water. He took a breath, and then took the plunge, hitting the water with a splash mighty enough to spray quite a few of the kids behind him.

Once he was in the water, Blitz began to move with the most powerful strokes he could muster. He was surprisingly agile in the water despite his size, but that didn't do a whole lot for his lack of speed. Panting from the exertion, he made his way over to the far side of the pool, pausing for a moment to catch his breath.

"Come along, Blitz!" he heard Stormcloud call. Bracing himself, he made his way back to the other side, emerging from the water quite seriously short on breath.

"Hah..." he gasped, clutching his chest. "H... how was that, coach?"

"Eighty-seven seconds," Stormcloud replied flatly. "Pretty good for a beginner, but seeing as the class average is about forty-two seconds..."
"Hey, that's still pretty good for me," Blitz said with a smile as he got back into place beside Butterscotch.

"Butterscotch, you're next," Stormcloud said.

"What? C... can't somepony else go next?" Butterscotch said with wide eyes.

"Somepony else can go next after you," Stormcloud said firmly. "In the water, now."

Butterscotch let out a low groan as he slowly made his way to the water's edge. In his miserable state, he didn't even notice the puddle that had been left when Blitz had jumped in...

When Butterscotch's foot hit the puddle, he suddenly found himself slipping and stumbling backwards. Gasping, he found himself reaching out for something, anything, to break his fall. He grabbed hold of something, hearing a feminine scream as he fell flat on his belly.

"Mmmph! Mmmm-mmmmmph!!" he heard, as well as a roar of laughter from the rest of the class. Gasping, he rolled onto his side, his big belly rising and falling with each breath as he looked to his side. Just what had he grabbed hold of...

"Gah!" Dumb Belle choked, looking more grossed out than he had ever seen her. "Oh Solaris, your moobs were in my face!"

Beside him, Blitz was cackling like a hyena, clapping his hands together as he doubled over with laughter. "Oh my gosh, that was the best darn thing I've seen all week!"

Besides himself, Butterscotch allowed himself a small smile of his own. Okay, so it hadn't been how he intended it, but he'd finally gotten his tormentor back. Maybe today wasn't so bad, after all...


Comments ( 1 )

Looks like Word might have put in a few extra spaces in places. I'll blame Dumb Belle, though.

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