• Published 21st May 2018
  • 2,518 Views, 202 Comments

Anon-A-Miss Aftermath: Tales of Scootaloo - PonyJoel

During a brutal week before the winter break, Scootaloo was having a difficult time in her life. She went through a deep depression, loss her family but found salvation in a new family. These are now the Tales of Scootaloo's new life.

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First Day in Military School Part 2! Lunch Break!

Author's Note:

Quick Disclaimer: Scootaloo never really has a last name in the show so adding Scootaloo dad's last name would be appropriate in this chapter.

The day is continuing for Scootaloo and Silver Spoon. Something exciting and unexpected happens during their day.

There will be an easter egg in this chapter so you'll have a nice laugh.

Comment if you please.

Have a nice day/night reading

Scootaloo and Silver Spoon are in room 41. The students are lined up facing each other in 2 rows for the drill sergeant to walk through. Everyone chatted among themselves until the door was shut behind them. Sergeant Slaughter will be instructing the unit for the hour.

"Attend hut!" Slaughter commanded. "It seems we have two new cadets today in our unit." He walked up to Silver Spoon. "What is your name cadet?."

"Silver Spoon sir!" Silver shouted.

"What's your sole purpose in this academy?"

"To become the best soldier to ever live! Fight to protect my country and to take down the enemy sir!"

"Wise words cadet! You will become a fine addition to the army!" Slaughter saluted to Silver Spoon respecting her answer. "You!" he shouted at Scootaloo and walked up to her. "What is your name cadet!"

"Scootaloo Bullet sir!"

"Another Bullet in this academy! What an honor! Sorry for your loss! Tell me, what's your sole purpose in this army?"

"To do whatever you tell me, Sergeant Slaughter!" Scootaloo shouted.

"Goddammit Scoots! You're a goddamn genius! That is the most outstanding answer I ever heard! You must have a goddamn IQ of a 160. You are goddamn gifted already cadet!"

The other cadets in the room were surprised that Scootaloo made Sergeant Slaughter react differently also knowing that she's the daughter of a legend in the academy.

"Listen up cadets! In the next 45 minutes, you'll be heading outside on the obstacle course. There you will be geared up. The cadet that finished the obstacle course taking less damage will be the winner. Our soldiers outside will be using airsoft weapons. This will help you train yourself mentally. To adapt to the situation. Please know that the BB's pellets will hurt but won't kill you. They won't aim for the eyes or face. If you are surrounded by soldiers with the airsoft guns, that's an automatic 30 seconds added to your timer as they will reroute you in the right direction of the maze. You fall in the plank alley that's an automatic 10 second added to your time then you'll be escorted towards the near end of the maze. If you somehow make a wrong turn at the near end, you will be brought back to the beginning of the maze. For each cadet, the turns will be altered so that way no one can cheat their way through after seeing someone loses due to a bad turn. Now let's move out!"

The cadets marched outside of the school. Silver Spoon and Scootaloo were amazed by the size of the obstacle course. They saw the soldiers with the airsoft guns in sniping position. They gulped at the scenery. Sergeant Slaughter had everyone lined up. There's a timer for the trial with each cadet's name on the board to determine a winner. The obstacle course has 3 different trials. The rock climbing, the swing and finally, the maze. Within the maze are several tires to hop on, dirt crawls with barbed wires on top, planks to walk on. The soldiers will most likely shoot at the rock climbing trial and in the maze.

"Connor your up!" Slaughter yelled.

Connor walked up to the starting line of the obstacle course. In 3 seconds, Connor sprinted towards the rock wall. Soldiers took steady aim and shot at Connor. Connor used his hearing advantage to dodge to BB's from hitting him as he climbed up. Connor then grabs the rope and swung down towards the maze. From there he entered the maze. Connor went in the wrong direction and met with 2 soldiers that aimed at him. He groaned loudly and was escorted to the middle of the maze. Connor ran in the right direction. He turned to the right and found the plank alley. Connor tried to balance himself but he fell over right after he got shot in the back. His time on the obstacle course is 5 minutes 23 seconds.

The other cadets prepared themselves while Scootaloo and Silver Spoon were a bit nervous. Each of them had setbacks which time was added to their scores. So far Connor had the best time. Everyone but Scootaloo and Silver Spoon went over 6 minutes on the timer.

"Silver Spoon you're up!" Slaughter yelled.

Silver Spoon was shaking a bit but Connor and the others cheered her on. Silver Spoon was quite surprised by the others cheering her on.

"Wait...why are you guys and gals cheering a new cadet?" Scootaloo asked.

"We are a type of unit that helps support one another when things seem hard at first. We are not like those who are isolated or in groups like in regular schools. We're here together to grow and become a unit ready to handle anything that faces in our direction." Connor said.

"Wow...I'm speechless."

"Don't be Scoots. In war, we're a family. Brothers and sisters armed to fight the enemy but support each other."

"So does the unit have a name?"

"Yea we do. We're called The Dragon Army."

"Sounds cool."

Silver Spoon ran towards the rock wall. She had a hard time climbing since it's her first time rock climbing. She got shot by the BB's pretty bad but she kept going. She swung down into the maze. Silver Spoon ran down the maze making a right turn. She winds up finding a long path with no turns so she went forward. At the end of the path, there are two turns she can choose from. She chose right and she went through plank alley. She took her time a little crossing the planks but wind up falling. As she gets escorted out of the maze, her time is 5 minutes 38 seconds.

The unit cheered as Silver Spoon made it back to Scootaloo and Connor.

"Nice run cadet Silver. Scootaloo, you're the last one. Come up!" Slaughter yelled.

With everyone behind her cheering. Scootaloo felt something she hasn't had in a long time. Happiness from friends. Scootaloo remembered her father Speedy Bullet's message to never give up. She has the warrior's spirit inside of her ready to burst into an everlasting flame. She closed her eyes and ran towards the rock wall. She climbed up fast as she was getting shot at. She swung down into the maze and ran straight down. She turned left then right at the far end. Scootaloo turns didn't lead her to any other obstacle courses. Scootaloo exits the maze with a new leading record time of 4 minutes 8 seconds. Connor was surprised that his record was beaten by a minute and 15 seconds.

"Nice timing Scoots. Everyone go to your next class. Unit dismissed!" Slaughter yelled.

The Dragon Army went to their next class together. Everyone among themselves congratulated Silver Spoon and Scootaloo for their first try in the obstacle course. Next class will be weapons practice. Two instructors will be with the Dragon Army. Commander Sombra and Lieutenant Fleetfoot. Scootaloo is quite happy that Sombra is there to teach her how to use a weapon.

"Dragon Army, today you'll be doing some target practices on the range today. You are to take a 5-minute survey and give it to either Somrba or myself. We'll decide what weapon you'll be shooting for today. There is no contest here. It's all about precision. In combat, time is longer but today no one will be shooting at you. Your grade for today will be based on the targets you hit, the time spent and the accuracy you have depending on the type of gun given to you." Fleetfoot said.

"Don't rush through the survey. If you do then you'll be using pistols instead of the actual gun you're supposed to have." Sombra stated.

"Hi, dad," Scootaloo said smiling.

"It's Commander Sombra to you cadet."

"Oh right. Sorry, Commander Sombra sir!"

"It's alright cadet. Just fill out the survey."

Sombra handed The Dragon army their surveys. 5 minutes later they gave Fleetfoot and Sombra the surveys back and waited to receive their guns for the day. Some of the cadets received SMG guns, assault rifles and one cadet named Rollin Thunda received a heavy machine gun. Fleetfoot gave Silver Spoon a sniper rifle. Silver Spoon liked the sniper she was holding on to. Sombra came and gave Scootaloo a sniper rifle as well.

"This sniper rifle belong to your dad Speedy Bullet. He was the best here in the academy. Seems only fitting that I pass this to you Scoots."

"Thank you, commander."

"Now go out there and hit those targets."

"Yes, sir!"

Scootaloo and Silver Spoon decided to snipe side by side. There wasn't a ruling about going at it alone so they decided to team up. Sombra and Fleetfoot watched how the two get along. They observed the others. They were having fun getting to shoot their weapons. Rollin Thunda having a blast with his heavy machine gun hitting everything but some of the targets.

"Same as last week Sombra. Some of the cadets in this unit don't have discipline. They are triggered happy morons who won't last long despite being one of the better units in the academy. I'm glad that you have a couple months off from the War against Discord's Regime."

"Please don't bring Discord into this conversation. Things are already bad enough that he took over Saudi Arabia."

"My apologies Commander. I've forgotten about the loss your platoon suffered. Still, it's nice to see Speedy Bullet's daughter following her dad's footsteps. How is it being the father?"

"It's going well. She has already started calling me dad and Hope mom. She adjusted to that. When I first saw her, I saw depression written in her very soul. I'm glad that I was able to adopt her since my comrade's last message to me was to look after her."

"Well, judging from the view we have up here while The Dragon Army is down there on the range, Scootaloo and Silver Spoon are working nicely together. Notice the resemblance the two have right now?"

Sombra looked down at the two and does see the resemblance. Silver Spoon and Scootaloo are working together like he and Speedy used to in the academy.

"Aim to the right Silver!" Scootaloo shouted.

"On it!" Silver Spoon shot the target and two more that opened up. "On your left Scoots!"

Scootaloo shot three targets that popped open.

"Well, seems that Scootaloo and Silver Spoon are in sync already. They could be the best duo since you and Speedy Commander."

"No, they have the potential to be better than us. In 5 minutes sound the alarm to stop the shooting."

"Will do Commander. Also, I have a nice nickname for Silver Spoon down there since Scootaloo already have hers."

"Sounds good Fleetfoot. I'll see you down." Sombra left the spectators and headed towards the range. He went to observed each cadet's target scores to determine the proper grading.

5 minutes have past and the alarms for the cadets to cease firing. The cadets groaned that they had to give their weapons back. They had a lot of fun shooting in the range. Rollin Thunda didn't listen as he kept shooting until he ran out of ammo. A few moments later, Rollin Thunda ran out of ammo. Sombra and Fleetfoot collected the weapons from the cadets.

"Alright, you'll receive your scores in a few minutes. Take the time to clear your mind for a sec." Fleetfoot said.

"Hey nice sniping Scoots," Silver Spoon said.

"Thanks, but you did a great job as well," Scootaloo stated.

"You both did fantastic working together," Sombra said. "Here are your grades." Sombra gave both Scootaloo and Silver Spoon their grades.

"Yes! A+" Scootaloo shouted.

"Me too!" Silver shouted.

Some of the cadets got B's and C's except for Rollin Thunda who got a D-.

"Yo? Why did I get a D? I obliterated everything on my end."

"You lack discipline with a gun your size! Anyone can shoot crazy like you but they end up dying first. You gotta hit your target before they hit you! Sometimes in war, it'll be you against them and judging from your scores, you took out 11 out of 65 targets. You have the lowest grade you happy triggered moron!" Sombra yelled.

Rollin Thunda lowered his head in defeat.

"I understand that in the range, this is your first time holding and shooting the gun but those who are happy trigger winds up dying first. You will become unbalance with yourself and your comrades. You cannot take the range for granted. It's here to help you develop into a better shooter when the time comes. If you don't fix yourself then you are not meant to join the Equestrian Armed Forces thus wasting your time and our time." Sombra stated.

"As for our newest cadets to join The Dragon Army, I have nicknames for the two of them. Scootaloo will keep her nickname Scoots but as for Silver Spoon, she'll be known as the Silver Bullet."

Silver Spoon loved her nickname. The Silver Bullet has a unique title.

"Thanks for the nickname Feeltfoot." Silver said.

"You earned it. You have the best sniping score out of everyone here. Scoots are tied with you but your precision and accuracy speak for itself. I see that you found a flow that most cadets would take years to master."

The Dragon Army chanted Silver Bullet. Even Scootaloo chanted along. Fleetfoot and Sombra saluted to Silver Bullet.

"Alright Dragon Army, session dismissed! Now go to the cafeteria. It's 5 minutes before lunchtime." Sombra commanded.

The Dragon Army marched together heading into the cafeteria. Scootaloo and Silver Spoon saw the other armies within the academy sitting together in their designated seating grounds.

"Silver Bullet, Scoots!" Sombra yelled.

The two walked over to Sombra.

"Today, you'll be seated with me. Both of you are really good sniping so I decided to put the two of you with the best snipers in this academy. There are only three snipers in the group so I want you two to tag along. Become the best sniping unit in the school. They'll be joining us in a few minutes."

"Alright Commander. Thank you for the heads up." Scootaloo said.

"You're welcome. If you excuse me, I see Lieutenant Fleetfoot trying to get my attention."

Sombra went towards Fleetfoot to have a minor discussion.

"Three other snipers that are the best in the academy. I wonder who they be?" Silver said.

"Beats me but I hope they are friendly as the Dragon Army," Scootaloo said.

"Hope so too otherwise things will become ugly."

Sombra came back to Silver and Scootaloo and took them to his table in the cafeteria. A few moments later three familiar cadets came towards the table. Both Scootaloo and Silver were quite surprised and horrified a little.

"Commander Sombra, it's nice to see you again after all these months you were in the war, sir." Adagio Dazzle said saluting to him.

"Yes, the last time we've met, I was already on my way to war. Fleetfoot told me everything you, Sonata and Aria have accomplished since you transferred here."

Scootaloo and Silver sweated a bit uncontrollably.

"Commander, permission to speak with the newest cadets in private," Adagio asked.

"Permission granted." Sombra got up and went to the back line to grab 6 trays of food.

"Wait...how...what are you three doing here?" Both Scootaloo and Silver Spoon asked.

"Sonata, Aria and I have changed our ways ever since we were defeated back at the Battle of the Bands. Since our amulets broke, the negativity that stood by us were released. We were no longer bound to evil. It took us quite a while to decide what to do next." Adagio said.

"Yea so by redeeming ourselves, we decided to enlist ourselves here in this academy. Hoping to be drafted and bring justice and harmony to this world since we still can no longer go back to our world." Aria stated.

"That and also, this academy has a dorm to house us all. We don't live in a house and pay taxes so by coming here, it's easy for us to have food in our stomachs, a warm bed, and clothes on our backs." Sonata added.

"So when we came here, it took us quite a while to become the best snipers in this school. Now we can be a sniping unit if you girls are willing to give us a chance after all the bad we've done to your school." Adagio said.

"If Silver Spoon and I can put our differences aside for the new year than we can put yours as well," Scootaloo said, she offers her hand in friendship. Silver does the same.

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata shook their hands. Sombra came back with a huge tray of food for everyone. Tacos, salad, chili and water bottles for everyone. The girls took their food. Sombra smiled knowing that the sniping unit just became friends.

"I want to let you know girls that on Tuesdays and Thursdays, you'll be working together. Tactical Teamwork. You'll be put together against other teams within the academy. Each unit is a different specialist group. Tactical Teamwork will start next week since you and Silver are new here."

"Thank you, Commander Sombra sir!" Adagio, Aria, and Sonata shouted.

"No problem. Now let's eat."

Sombra and the girls ate their meals. The alarm sounded off letting everyone know they have 5 more minutes to eat. Adagio, Sonata, and Aria won't be joining Silver Spoon and Scootaloo's next class. They have two more classes left before they can meet up for their final class. Things so far are looking good for Silver Spoon and Scootaloo as the day is coming by. The second alarm rang and everyone is headed off to their next class.