• Published 23rd May 2018
  • 498 Views, 7 Comments

When the dead rises - Probably_not_a_brony

When Rainbow Dash comes into serious harm during one of her stunts she wakes up from her coma to find her world has been changed......forever

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Ep3 The town

Rainbow Dash woke up suddenly and looked around her. She was in Apple Jack's barn with a comfy blanket on top of her. Rainbow had suddenly realized that the past few days weren't a dream. The outbreak was real and she was still in the harsh reality that was her new life. Later that day Rainbow Dash met up with Apple Jack to discuss Rainbow leaving to look for Twilight.

“Absolutely not, look I’m worried about Twilight too but going out there is almost a death sentence.” Scolded Apple Jack

“That's why you should come with me, you're strong and can help out a lot, or I could just get Bigmcintosh to help.” Responded Rainbow Dash.

“I'm not going to risk my brother's life sugercube, and I have to stay here to help maintain the farm and keep my family safe, I'm sorry but going out isn't an option.” Reasoned Apple Jack.

“We won't be out for long and my legs are healed enough so that I can make a fast getaway if we run into any trouble and you could really help me with your strength, plus who knows we might find a few things that could help us out here, if there is any major danger we can leave and you can give me an ‘I told you so' speech" explained Rainbow Dash.

Apple Jack reluctantly agreed to help Rainbow look for Twilight, besides Apple Jack knew that Rainbow would probably have gone anyway. The zombies were surprisingly scarce around the farm, which was strange considering what they had seen days ago. They stopped and seen a magic barrier containing a village full of non-zombie ponies.

“Is it just me or does that barrier have Twilight written all over it?” asked Apple Jack.

“Only one way to find out.” Answered Rainbow Dash.

The two ponies approached the barrier and stepped inside. They looked around, it was as if the monsters outside didn't exist. Some kids were going to school, people stood around and talked, some people bought food from different markets. It was life as normal.

“I wondered how you two were doing.” A calm male voice said behind them.

The two ponies turned around to face the pony that approached them.

“Filthy Rich?” asked Apple Jack.

“It's actually Mayor Rich now, what do you think of my town? That friend of yours works wonders.” Responded Filthy Rich.

“You run this place?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Well my family helped build ponyville. It only makes sense.” Answered Filthy Rich.

Suddenly their friend who they came here to find came up to the three ponies. Twilight wrapped Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack in a big hug.

“I'm so glad you guys are safe!” exclaimed Twilight.

“Me too.” Responded Spike from beside Twilight.

“Well looks like we have a nice reunion here, by the way Apple Jack, is that farm of yours still around?” asked Filthy Rich.

“Yes actually that’s were the others are. We came out here to find you Twilight.” Responded Apple Jack.

“They others are safe too? Thank Celestia!” yelled Twilight.

“You know what, how about Twilight and you two go back to the farm and tell the other survivors to come here, I'm sure it must be crowded at your farm.” Offered Filthy Rich.

Twilight, Spike, Apple Jack, and Rainbow Dash agreed to Rich's offer and headed back to the farm.

“By the way, Welcome to Diamondville.” Welcomed Mayor Rich.

The four friends waved goodbye to Filthy Rich, turned, and set off toward Apple Jack's apple farm. As they left Filthy Rich headed to met up with his best fighters just in case his plan turned south and Apple Jack didn't agree to his terms. When the group reached Sweet Apple Acres they told the rest of the survivors about Diamondville. The survivors were happy to have a bigger place to live and that there were so many other survivors. As the survivors left for Diamondville Rainbow Dash noticed that the Apple family wasn't coming with them.

“Are you coming Apple Jack?” asked Rainbow Dash

“I'm afraid not I have to stay here and help out on the farm and I need to make sure that Granny Smith is ok besides Bigmcintosh and Apple Bloom are staying too so I need to make sure they're ok too.” Answered Apple Jack.

“Well…It's safer in Diamondville the monsters can't get in through the barrier, besides Apple Bloom's friends are coming with us and they have a school so it will be better there for Apple Bloom.” Responded Twilight

Apple Jack thought about it and had to admit that Twilight had a point. She agreed to let Apple Bloom stay at Diamondville but she would accompany the group to make sure that Apple Bloom got there safely. Once the group arrived at Diamondville they were greeted by Mayor Rich.

“Hello everyone I'm glad you all made it safe if you all will head to the town hall the ponies there will give you all places to stay and enroll the children in school. And Apple Jack I need you to meet me in my office.” Instructed Filthy Rich.

Apple Jack met Filthy Rich in his office while her friends were outside of the office receiving information on where they were going to live. Apple Jack was a little nervous about the amount of strong-looking ponies that stood in a line behind Filthy Rich, they looked ready to kill her if they were ordered to.

“So what did you want to talk to me about?” asked Apple Jack.

“Getting straight to the point I see? That’s fine. As I'm sure you know before all this happened, when Ponyville was founded, your farm helped a great deal. Diamondville is no different except I would like to take ownership of Sweet Apple Acres you can still work and live there if you'd like but some of my people will work there and all of the produce will go to my town and you, like all the other citizens of diamondville will trade for it. Offered Filthy Rich.

“And what would happen if I refused?” tried Apple Jack

“Well I would have to take it by force and these nice ponies behind me will make you pay, preferably by making your sister end up like my daughter did.” Threatened Mayor Rich.

Just then a growl filled the room from a closet nearby.

“Be quiet dear, Daddy's in the middle of a meeting.” Shushed Mayor Rich.

“You're insane if you think I'll let you near Apple Bloom and you're insane if you think I'm just going to give up my family's life's work. This isn't you Rich you've never threatened to harm anypony before.” Responded Apple Jack.

“The times have changed. The death of my daughter has made me realize that I need to be more strong if I'm going to survive this world and it's not just your sister I'll harm it will also be your friends, your brother, Granny Smith, I will make you see that if you don't do things my way then you might as well join the monsters outside. It's your choice.” Threatened Mayor Rich.

“Filthy-" started Apple Jack

“It's Mayor Rich!!” shouted The Mayor.

“You can't do this especially to a harmless philly like my sister it isn't fair to her.” Reasoned Apple Jack

“Do you think it was fair when my wife and daughter were snatched away from me by those monsters, do you think it was fair for me to hear them screaming calling for help while I just stood there in fear and horror?!” Angerly Shouted Mayor Rich

“I have to go" quickly said Apple Jack.

Apple Jack ran out of the office and yelled for the other her friends to run away as fast as they can. Mayor Rich burst out of the office with the strong ponies behind him. The group rushed out of the town hall to exit the barrier. Twilight used her magic to make the barrier go away causing the creatures from outside to start to enter the town. Mayor Rich knew that his town was screwed without the barrier and quickly caught up to the survivors and grabbed Apple Bloom and ran off with his bodyguards protecting him from any harm. The survivors ran off with a lot of zombies taking notice and shambling close behind them. The survivors eventually made it to the farm and gathered into the house to collect themselves.

“What the hay Twilight? You just killed so many innocent ponies!” yelled Rainbow Dash.

“I know but from the look of those ponies they were about to kill all of us! It was just a distraction I wasn't thinking….I….I just…I" panicked Twilight soon growing tears in her eyes.

“I'm a murderer, I killed so many ponies it's all my fault I'm worse than those monsters outside…I….I….” cried Twilight.

Pinky Pie wrapped Twilight in a big hug and tried to get her to calm down.

“He got her, he took Apple Bloom I was supposed to protect her, she was right by my side. He caught up to us… Filthy Rich isn't going to get away with this I will make sure he pays for anything he does to Apple Bloom He may have been a decent person before but the pony that spoke to me wasn't Filthy Rich, not anymore.” Threatened Apple Jack.

The group was interrupted by shouts coming from outside. The group ran outside to see what was going on. They seen Mayor Rich along with his bodyguards. Mayor Rich had Apple Bloom held in one of his arms, and the head of a zombie in Mayor Rich's other hoof. A look of pure rage on his face.

“You could have just given me your farm and we would have been just fine. But instead you ran out of my office, and then you destroyed my town's barrier, killing many of my citizens.” Yelled Mayor Rich.

That last line sent Twilight into even more crying and blame.

“However despite all of that I will let your little sister and the rest of you live if you surrender your farm to me right now if you refuse I will kill every single one of you and make you, Apple Jack, watch. So what is your decision?” offered Mayor Rich.

To Be Continued