• Published 21st May 2018
  • 470 Views, 20 Comments

Seven Days in Sunny June: Broken Down in Sunny Town - Deverer

A story in the 7DSJ universe, on the wrong side of the tracks. Rundown loves a girl he once knew. Problem is, he goes to Sunny Town High.

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I'm Ruined

“I’m ruined.” A girl cried in a corner, her mascara running down her face.

“Oh, I don’t know,” a second girl snarked at her. “You might just have a career as a porn star! After all, you’ve already got the pictures to send to Playboy.”

“Oh, my name is Debonair Lace! Won’t someone come fuck me?” a second girl added.

“Hey, leave her alone!” someone shouted.

“Why? You want a chance for her to lick your carpet for you?” the second girl shouted.

The newcomer helped the first girl to her feet. “C’mon, let’s get you out of here,” she told her. The two departed the room and the jeers. “Hey, don’t let it get you down, okay?” She felt arms snake around her in a hug. “C’mon, Deb. Don’t let them get to you. I got your back, you know it.”

“Don’t! They’ll think bad things about you, Free!” Debonair Lace tried to push away her best friend. “They’ll say we’re sleeping together.”

Said friend, Freestyle, laughed. “Hey, it just means I have good taste. Besides, with all the girls in the Swim Team that got caught up in this Vibe shit, everyone thinks we’re all dykes anyways.”

“Please don’t say that.”

“Hey, Deb, if I’m going to be gay for someone, I’ll be gay for you,” Freestyle said with a wink. “Besides, might just get me a boyfriend that way.”

“Debonair?” Both girls turned to see Rarity approaching. She was the president of the school design club. “Are you okay?”

Debonair was about to speak, when Freestyle stepped in. “Hey, Rarity. Control those fucking cunts you have in that group or else I’m taking them to on a trip to Fist-in-the-Face-Town, got that?”

Rarity looked confused. “What happened?” When Freestyle explained, the look on the purple-haired fashionista was one of anger. “I will have words with Stitchline and Threadspool, I can promise you that, Debonair. And I’m sorry they did that to you. You weren’t the only girl affected.”

Debonair looked at Rarity. “They got to you, too?”

Rarity nodded. “I was lucky and I got away with merely just a bruise to my dignity. I haven’t had to suffer the injustices that many girls such as you have had to. And my dearest friend Sunset is working overtime to make it clear she will not tolerate what is going on. I will let her know of your plight, if you wish.”

“Wait,” Freestyle said, confused. “The school’s alpha bitch is suddenly out for blood to protect all the girls that were impacted? When the fuck did she grow a heart?”

“Freestyle, dear, that is not fair. Sunset has had a change of heart as of late and is now working to regain everyone’s trust. It’s just that this situation angers her, as it well should for anyone.”

“Yeah, well excuse me for finding out the bitch has a heart. Well, I know I wouldn't want to fuck with her, so yeah, tell her if you would.” Freestyle looked at Debonair. “We’re blowing this popsicle stand, okay? Let’s go somewhere where we can let you unwind.”

“Don’t you have swimming practice, though, Free?” Debonair asked her.

“I would … if there was a team left. Most of the girls have quit because of what happened. Backstroke hasn’t even come to school for the past few days.” Freestyle scratched the back of her blue-and-green hair uncomfortably. “So there’s no point practicing for the 100-meter relay if I’m the only one in the pool.”


Twenty minutes later, the two found themselves at Brews & Bakes. While most of the CHS students tended to go to Sugarcube Corner, most of the college students that attended Shasta University went to Brews & Bakes. Thus, it had a quieter, more studious feel, and a better place for two old friends to talk in relative privacy.

“And I thought that he liked me, and I didn’t see the harm with going out with Double Dribble,” Debonair told her friend. “And to think that….” She broke down crying once more.

“Don’t worry, I’ll kick his ass. Both him and the girl you were with in the picture. Who was the girl?”

“I don’t know. The detective handling my case was reluctant to give us the details. I just know that she doesn’t go to Canterlot and she’s a victim, just like me. It’s not her fault.”

Freestyle smiled. “See? That’s why you’re my best friend, Deb. Even when you’re hurting, you think about others first. Even whales.”

“Stop that,” Debonair said. “You were not fat when we were kids.”

“Fuck yes I was! I was a Goddamn whale, okay? Donut in one hand, ice cream in the other, because my parents spoiled the shit out of me during their divorce. Good thing that when Mom and I moved into our apartment complex they had a pool and I found my true calling, or else I’d be a rolly-polly girl still!”

“Free….” Debonair had heard this story more than enough times, complete with her best friend’s constantly increasing exaggerations.

“But now look at me! Sleek, svelte and you can’t pinch an inch!” Freestyle grinned. She was just about to say something else, when the conversation in the booth behind her caught her attention. She immediately turned around and shouted at the two guys there. “You want to repeat that shit?!”

The two guys looked like total losers whose only experience with sex came from magazines whose pages were often stuck together. One of them still had a face full of zits. They looked at her with the gazes of deer caught in the proverbial headlights.

“Let’s get this straight,” she seethed. “My friend does not ‘put out’. I don’t ‘put out’. No girl ever just ‘puts out’, and no girl in their right mind is ever going to ‘put out’ for you two Cheeto-breath sperm containers, got that?”

They looked at her and then nodded dully.

She then saw the folder between the two. She reached down and snatched it away before one of them could try to put them back. “So what’s this?” She opened the folder and her jaw dropped. “Oh, my God.” She then looked at the two nerds with a glare that could melt steel. “You sick assholes. You have two seconds to get the fuck out of here before I call the cops, do you understand me?”

The two looked at each other and literally ran out of the cafe as fast as they could waddle.

“Sick sons of bitches,” Freestyle muttered. She turned back to Debonair and said, “C’mon. We’re headed to my place. Call your parents and let them know you’re staying there, okay?”

“Why?” Debonair asked, worried.

“Because you’re my bestie and I don’t let my friends down. Plus, we’re going to go talk to my next door neighbors. They’re going to want to know about this.”


The woman ran her hands through her hair in frustration. “I cannot believe this.” She closed the folder and looked at the two girls sitting across from her at the coffee table. “Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Freestyle.”

“So is there anything you can do about this, Cadance?”

Cadance looked at them and said, “I can’t promise anything. For one, it’s still in the investigative stage; nothing has been passed to our offices yet. And I don’t know if I will be the prosecuting attorney involved. My fiance’s family was impacted as well, which might disqualify me.”

“They were?” Debonair asked.

Shining Armor nodded as he brought out the pizza slices for everyone. When their neighbor’s daughter had approached them stating that they had some important information about the Vibe case, he knew it was going to be a long night. As he passed the plates out, he said, “My youngest sister and my cousin were affected. Thankfully, my younger sister somehow found out about all of it and we were able to save both Twily and Tavi.”

Cadance nodded. “It was a miracle that someone told Sunny or else it could have really gone south.”

Ever the gentleman, Shining took the folder from Cadance and without even so much as opening it, slid it into a briefcase. “I’ll take this to Det. Detailed Look first thing tomorrow. She’s the lead on the case, as I recall, and it would be better for her to have her hands on it, in any case.”

“Thanks, Shining,” Freestyle told him.

“It’s why I’m a cop, Freestyle. To protect those in need.”


“He’s going to look at them, isn’t he?” Debonair asked Freestyle later that night while the two were trying to sleep.

“No, he’s not. Shining Armor is … well, let’s just say he lives up to his name. He’s the kind of guy that you should feel jealous about Cadance ending up with, because he’s so nice. I mean that in a nice way, though. The point is, if he didn’t look beforehand, he’s not going to look at all, okay?”

“But he’s a guy, and every guy is a creep nowadays.”

Freestyle sighed. “Deb, do you remember my cousin Elemental?”

“Yeah. Wasn’t she the one that stayed over last summer? The one who was boy-crazy?”

“That’s putting it nicely. Ellie was DTF in the most blatant way. She all but threw her cooch in Shining’s face, and all he did was just gently - and repeatedly - turn her down and let her know he was engaged.” She smiled. “If Shining didn’t look at them, he won’t. I believe him.”

Several seconds went by before the second question came up. “There were pictures of me in there, weren’t there?”

Freestyle sighed. “I’m not going to lie, Deb. Yes, there were. And I… I know you. I know you wouldn’t ever do what you were doing in those pictures, not if you were in your right mind. And you were drugged, so you weren’t.”

“Maybe you should just break off our friendship before you get hurt,” Debonair said.

“Nope, too late for that. Besides, you’ve already seen me naked before, so it’s not like I’m supposed to be a prude!”

Despite the situation, Debonair giggled. “I saw you naked because we went skinny dipping in your uncle’s pool two years ago. And I remember you screaming when you found out your cousin and his friends were watching us.”

“Yup, and I read him the riot act, if you’ll recall. And they saw me in all my glory, not you. And I’m okay with that, because it means I can keep protecting you. And I’ll keep doing that, even if you try to push me away, because that’s what being a friend is all about.”

“I really don’t deserve your friendship, Free.”

“No one ever deserves anything, Deb. It’s what people need, not what people want. And like it or not, you got me.”


Several more minutes passed by before the final question came. “Whatever happened to your cousin, anyway?”

Freestyle laughed. “Mom read Quibble and his friends the riot act. I then asked Quibble in front of my parents the next morning if he liked what he saw, and he got so red I thought he was going to pass out.” She grinned. “It probably taught him a lesson or two.”

“Which is?”

“One, don’t spy on your cousin when she’s doing something stupid.”

Debonair laughed. “And the other?”

“Don’t nod your head in agreement when your cousin asks if you liked her naked body and you’re just about to pass out from blood loss,” Freestyle said with a laugh. “Now get some sleep, okay? Tomorrow’s just another day.”

“Okay. Night, Free.”

“Night, Deb.”