• Published 25th May 2018
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Mission to Appleloosa - GJT_Productions

The Ponyville Royal Guard contingent is sent to secretly assist the Element Bearers in their trip to Appleloosa, and to resolve the conflict there...

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Hoofsteps to War

"Well, that ended in disaster..."

"Even a master of the art can fail to please the crowd from time to time..."


"Sorry, sir, she kind of just... pulled us up on the stage, you know how Pinkie Pie operates..."

"That's not a good enough excuse, Guards!"


"Sir, please, this mission has gone badly enough already, and yelling isn't going to help make it better." Aide Cherry Fizzy tries to plead with an irate Lieutenant Meadow Song.

The earth pony Lieutenant lets out a growl of frustration, bucking up briefly and smashing forehooves down on the ground. Not only had he feared his mission had been exposed due to the carelessness of some of his subordinates joining Pinkie Pie in her song-and-dance attempt at making peace, said attempt at peace-making had failed miserably, basically ensuring some kind of conflict at "high noon" the following day.

"This is not good. This is not... WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" Guard Upper Class Noteworthy comments, shouting his last statement as the special companion of his group, "Quesadilla Polka", turns and begins to leave the town.

"If she can't help here, then neither can I. Sorry, you'll have to accept a raincheck for helping you stallions out. I'll be back after tomorrow, assuming there's a town left that is..." the orange-coated pony replies with a shake of his head, his walk quickly becoming a gallop after he finishes speaking.

Noteworthy, realizing it was not any use to try to go after the other stallion, instead trots over toward where the rest of his command - Meadow Song, Aide Cherry Fizzy, Guard Upper Class Caramel and Guard Upper Class Lucky Clover - were huddled. Behind them, both the Element Bearers - at least some of them, considering Rainbow Dash and Spike seemed to have gone with the buffalo party - and citizens were gathered in tight knots engaged in agitated chatter about how they were to defend Appaloosa from the coming buffalo attack.

"We gonna get any help from 'Polka'?" Meadow Song looks up at Noteworthy as the latter stops near him. Noteworthy just replies with a shake of the head.

"We won't have time to call in reinforcements from Canterlot, either. The local resources are all we have for the defense, and we can't count on the Element Bearers fighting beside us. At least, not all of them, sir." Aide Cherry Fizzy adds from the other side of Meadow Song.

"Then our next steps are clear: Help Sheriff Silverstar and the locals fortify the town as best as can be done." Lieutenant Meadow Song firmly states, looking in turn to each of his subordinates to make it clear he was not going to take any objections from them. "Even if the buffalo have good reason to use the land, our oaths as members of the E.U.P. leave us with only one course of action now. The Element Bearers may be split and unable to stop this disaster, but we cannot be! You all understand?"

The members of the Guard contingent all exchange worried looks - they had to stand and fight despite whatever misgivings they might've had about the righteousness of their cause, not to mention the very real concern of lives being lost in the coming battle - both civilian and their own. But all knew, they had to conduct themselves honorably and follow their oaths, so that later, in the moment of judgement under Princess Celestia's critical glare, they would be able to avoid shame. The lesson of the Wonderbolts, compromised and then seriously damaged by giving into the lies of an internal enemy, was still fresh in their minds, and they did not want to repeat that mistake.

"Cherry Fizzy, I'm going to leave you in command of executing setting up the defense, but I will take command myself of the actual defensive organization, in cooperation with Silverstar." Meadow Song explains, after a few moments of silence previously made it clear he would be allowed to continue on without objection. "The rest of you are to assist the townsponies as best you can. It is worth remembering that the Element Bearers, notable as they are, are still technically civilians and outside the chain of command - you are not to listen to them unless their word is backed by an officer superior to myself. Understood?"

"Yes, sir." each of Meadow Song's subordinates answer in turn, expressions mixing worry and determination in equal measure as the weight of the situation begins to weigh down on the group.

"Good. Cherry, come with me, we need to meet with the sheriff. The rest of you spread out and offer your services to whoever needs them. Remember, we have until high noon tomorrow to get everything ready, and our options for working after dark are limited." Meadow Song orders.

"Yes, sir!" the rest of the Royal Guard group replies, giving Meadow Song a salute. Noteworthy, Caramel and Lucky Clover all pick a direction and start going that way, while Cherry Fizzy trots to keep up with Meadow Song's determined start heading toward Sheriff Silverstar's office...


Lieutenant Meadow Song blows out a sigh as he and Cherry Fizzy arrive at the town stage, looking up to see ponies already hard at work - tables being set up and a large mixer carefully being hoisted up onto the stage itself with a rope and pully system. A large stack of pie tins was placed in one corner, next to sacks of flour and blocks of butter, and Meadow Song could see the omniousness of that particular sign reflected in Cherry Fizzy's expression.

"The pie receipe is going to be Apple Fritter's. She was teaching it to the Appaloosans to help then produce a sellable product in the Equestrian markets. Now look what it's going toward." Meadow Song comments with more than a tinge of sadness in his tone.

"She's still here, right? Sir?" Cherry Fizzy asks, looking back at the Appaloosans hard at work planning how to defend hearth and home from the coming stampede.

"Yes... it's hard to imagine how she feels about all this, though..." Meadow Song trails off.

"You should go to her, sir. I know she was last seen at the Salt Block, might still be there because of the baking effort." Cherry Fizzy suggests modestly.

"Cherry, I don't see how that's..." Meadow Song begins, but a raised forehoof by Cherry Fizzy stops his train of thought in its tracks.

"Whatever she's going through, sir, she shouldn't be doing it alone." Cherry Fizzy begins to gently point out. "You made a promise at that orchard wedding, not just to her but to the entire Apple clan. I'm sure she needs you right now, just like this town and the rest of the Apples need you."

"You're right, Cherry. I can't be selfish right now. I'll go visit her." Meadow Song sighs out, although his tweak of a smile indicate he's not angry at being corrected by Cherry Fizzy.

"I've got everything under control here. Go visit her." Cherry Fizzy gently encourages his superior officer.

Meadow Song takes one more look at the town, then gives a silent nod toward the Aide and turns away, starting toward the Salt Block...


When the Guard Lieutenant arrives at the saloon and pushes the swinging doors open, he stares in stunned silence for a moment. Tables and stools had been pushed into corners to make room for ovens and other equipment, and even the bar had been stripped of its usual barrels of hard cider to store the ingredients needed to make the pies. Meadow Song looks at the ponies scurrying around, but does not recognize his Apple-foaled mate among them.

And then, in the din, he hears a quiet sobbing noise coming from one corner. Looking closer, he sees a pony behind a table, and when he pushes the table aside...

"What are you doing back here, Fritter?" Meadow Song asks, the surprise as much from her hiding location as it was from the tears staining her face.

"I can't, Meadow... I can't!" Apple Fritter cries out, obviously greatly distraught by what she was seeing. "I didn't come here to do... THIS!"

"Fritter, I know you came here to bake pies, not make weapons. But the buffalo will destroy everything here if we don't stand and fight. It has to be done, we can't count on the Element Bearers or the alicorns to save us." Meadow Song pleads, but to no real effect.

After a moment, Meadow Song quietly sighs, briefly looking back to see if anypony else was watching, before squeezing beside Apple Fritter behind the table. She looks over, eyes wet with tears, at her mate gently smiling beside her.

"We'll get through this, I promise. We just need to stick together." the earth pony stallion assures his distraught mate.

Apple Fritter immediately turns to squeeze her mate in an embrace, and the stallion looks up in deep concern at what was playing out around him. Their fate could only be altered by their courage - everything else about the situation was in the hooves of others...