• Published 28th May 2018
  • 911 Views, 42 Comments

No Rod For Maud 2018 - forbloodysummer

Now that Maud Pie has a boyfriend, stallions across Equestria are chopping off their members to prove their love. Mudbriar thinks he loves Maud too, so shouldn't he do the same?

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When You Die, You Wake Up In Equestria

‘When humans die, they wake up in Equestria.’

That was what the know-it-all purple alicorn had said, anyway. She with all the answers, and none of the solutions. So humans die, wake up in Equestria, and then they’re the problem of some bureau or other until they’re turned into ponies. The idea of her home being another species’ equivalent to Tartarus might have sparked an existential crisis in Limestone if she cared all that much, but she didn’t. They were just yet another pony’s mess she now had to deal with herself.

Standing atop Holder’s Boulder, she scanned the skies with her hooves planted, keeping an eye out for the rest of her family too, who were working the fields while she watched over them to provide cover. This was the second time in as many months that Maud’s love life had sent a Pie sister fleeing back to the comfort of the farm. This time Maud herself, pursued by the ghosts of her actions as received by another world. Hopefully at least when word reached the human world of Mudbriar’s demise and Maud’s return to singledom, everything would settle down again. Just as it was before, without the daily reminder of a biological clock counting down to dying alone.

Maud and her wretched love life – whatever she did to earn that kind of attention, Limestone wasn’t sure, but it seemed unique to Maud. As was everything about that particular sister of hers.

Humans were easy enough to round up and keep contained, the alicorn had said, because they’d arrive lost and be glad for any kind of guidance. The problem was when it wasn’t the whole human who died, but only part of them. Not like some pretentious, overblown love story of the kind Marble enjoyed, where their heartbreak is literal. But like amputations.

“Incoming!” she cried, cringing at that particular phrasing for the hundredth time, as a fleshy pink penis flashed into existence in the air above her. Hanging there, it turned side to side as if inspecting its surroundings, before spotting her and dive bombing towards her. Privately Limestone was relieved at that – she’d have to be the one to deal with it either way, but something just didn’t feel right about calling out to them to lure them to her. Especially not in full view of her whole family.

A second penis appeared nearby as the first closed the distance, followed by a third soon after. Limestone set her jaw, jamming her mouth firmly shut, and was relieved when no screams came from the fields around her. They’d all learned that lesson the hard difficult way on the first day.

Limestone hefted her crowbar ready to swing, eyes flashing as they ran up where she’d scratched ‘knobswatter’ into the side with a flint. Sometimes annoyances came with the perfect methods built-in for relieving the stresses they caused. Everypenis soon learned the mistake of trifling with her farm, her family, and Holder’s Boulder. The legendary Pie strength had never been so useful, or so satisfying to put to use.

Do your worst, humanity. I’m Maud’s big sister, and I’ve got some cockblocking to do.

Author's Note:

Inspired by what may be the best prank of all time.

The problem with avoiding story genres you don't like is how uninformed you are when it comes to ridiculing them :trollestia::facehoof:

So I think humans dying (usually by suicide) and waking up in Equestria is a HIE staple, from what I've seen here and there? The only story I've actually read along those lines is Gilded Sister, though, so I could be wrong :twilightsheepish:

Anyway, I got bogged down in writing the next long, intricate chapter of TSTMYLI, so I needed a break to write something short and stupid. As of this story, I've now written dialogue for all my favourite characters :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 37 )

This is going to be ridiculous, isn't it? :rainbowlaugh:

*cracks open a bottle of Arrogant Bastard*

8952065 I feel it would be lacking if it weren't :pinkiehappy:

Chapters 2 and 3 more so than chapter 1 though, I'd say; writing Maud in-character required some more stable bits.

You madman. You actually did it.

8952097 Totally did! And there were so many better things I could have spent the time doing :facehoof:

So I think humans dying (usually by suicide) and waking up in Equestria is a HIE staple, from what I've seen here and there? The only story I've actually read along those lines is Gilded Sister, though, so I could be wrong

I don't know how I didn't see this story coming after you asked me about that, but I definitely didn't :facehoof:

I... think it's a pleasant surprise, though? Not quite sure--I'll have to get back to you on that later :rainbowhuh:

8952118 Aren't mass dive-bombing penises everyone's idea of a pleasant surprise though?

I was wondering if there was a way to tie it in the the Beanis continuum, but I think I've just got it - inspired by the zombie survivalist erotic adventure horror that the Pie farm has become, Fluttershy and Tree Hugger set up a vegan equivalent using beanises?

Also, I noticed another of those HIE stories in the updated column yesterday, so I think I was right!

Well. “Knobswatter” certainly was, at least :pinkiehappy:

I’m a little disappointed now that you didn’t actually make this a Beanis story while you were at it :fluttercry:

8952184 Without blowing my own trumpet too much (which Mudbriar could have actually achieved, shortly before the end, if he'd kept hold of it), I don't think I've ever summed up a character more succinctly and accurately than choosing that one word to inscribe on Limestone's weapon of choice. It was going to be a baseball bat, but buckball doesn't use bats, so, a crowbar it became. I think it's more her, anyway (though probably a bit tougher to hit an aerial target with) :twilightsmile:

For a time, the story had 5 upvotes and not a single down, but alas, no more. What kind of monster would downvote a tale of characters from a show for small girls casually mutilating genitalia, whether others' or their own? A story that murders a character for fun, before going on to discuss babies being thrown from rooftops? Who doesn't want to read about an army of flying dicks attacking a homestead? Man, that last one would have given A New Hope a different vibe...

Sadly I only just thought of the beanis connection, so maybe a spin-off would be the answer, or a new chapter added (though I like how it wraps up now). Majin Syeekoh has definitely seen the story, though, as I was messaging him about what level of pixelation wouldmake the cover art appropriate for fimfiction. Starting with none at all. So, technically, I sent one of the mods a dick pic. Which he was pretty cool about, really.

It's raining men (h-hallelujah?)

8952226 As I heard elsewhere on the internet recently, It's Raining Men and Let The Bodies Hit The Floor are just the same event from two different perspectives.

Oh, using a crowbar is absolutely more her :twilightsmile: Bit tougher, true, but I think she relishes the extra challenge, as it encourages her to push her penis-thwacking capabilities closer to their absolute limits.

I was vaguely tempted to downvote on the principle of you releasing this instead of working on other stories :trollestia: Which, um, means I probably shouldn’t also be encouraging you to work a Beanis in there somehow, but, no, I’m going to do that anyway.

The same crowd that was against the cactus thing’s probably to blame for all the downvotes, though?

Man, that last one would have given A New Hope a different vibe...

I feel like it would’ve been to the story’s benefit, though. I shudder to think of what could possibly do a better job of establishing a regime as the ruthlessly oppressive sort than having it bombard a peaceful desert homestead with severed penises.

Majin Syeekoh has definitely seen the story, though, as I was messaging him about what level of pixelation wouldmake the cover art appropriate for fimfiction. Starting with none at all. So,technically, I sent one of the mods a dick pic. Which he was pretty cool about, really.

Huh. I’m not that surprised.

8952250 True! I'm picturing her holding it by the curved end, though, like a walking stick, so that the tip flies faster and straighter, which I think would be more accurate, and stave penises in and send them out to home-run heights. Whereas hitting them with the curved tip might leave them impaled there, and that would quickly get heavy as they build up.

I like that principle! I figured this would be ok as a not distraction if I got it done in one night, but it ended up taking three or four, as writing Maud without using the word 'flat' over and over took some thinking :facehoof:

I think the downvote is fair; the first chapter is very slow for a story marked as being an extreme, wacky comedy. It was after writing that one that I wondered about not publishing it at all, but then chapters 2 and 3 dragged it back up I think.

I feel like it would’ve been to the story’s benefit, though. I shudder to think of what could possibly do a better job of establishing a regime as the ruthlessly oppressive sort than having it bombard a peaceful desert homestead with severed penises.

True, and also, any negative effect it had would be offset a hundred times over by hearing Sir Alec Guinness mention that penises usually fly single file to hide their numbers (which doesn't even make sense, but nor does a parsec as a measurement of time, so...). Plus, if they're native to Tatooine, they might come back in Return of the Jedi, leading to the Sarlacc scene of a squadron of flying penises fighting a giant toothed vagina with tentacles.

I’m thinking she might switch it up at least a little bit, though. The straight end might ward off penises with greater efficiency, but I imagine having one or two impaled on the other end would, when combined with appropriate preservatives (Or not, depending on how frequently more invaders must be repelled) applied during moments of respite, make for a far more effective deterrent.

The first chapter was indeed slow, and oddly... rational, I guess? It feels weird to say that when the premise of the first chapter was Maud’s boyfriend lopping his dick off, but having Maud calmly breaking down why exactly Mud Briar was completely missing the point of everything felt a tad incongruent to me :twilightsheepish: So, in the end, I suspect I’ll be more likely to remember Marble and Limestone’s discussion of babies and Knobswatter much longer than the actual main chapter.

True, and also, any negative effect it had would be offset a hundred times over by hearing Sir Alec Guinness mention that penises usually fly single file to hide their numbers (which doesn't even make sense, but nor does a parsec as a measurement of time, so...).

No, indeed ‘twould not make much sense at all--one would think that the flying penises, particularly when pursuing the humanoid prey that’s so abundant on Tatooine, would be far more inclined to spread outwards so as to increase their overall presence and demoralization factor (Granted, I’m not entirely sure how well that would work on aliens? It depends on how widely the shape of the human phallus is recognized, I suppose, and for that matter whether the Tatooine Flying Penises are racially homogeneous).

Plus, if they're native to Tatooine, they might come back in Return of the Jedi, leading to the Sarlacc scene of a squadron of flying penises fighting a giant toothed vagina with tentacles.

If this alone isn’t all the justification one needs, I don’t know what would be :pinkiehappy:

8952338 I certainly think that, yeah, at the end of each day, Holder's Boulder might be topped by a crowbar standing like a flagpole, curved end upthrust and surmounted with impaled cloven wangers, trophies to ward off any that dare to pop up by night. A scarecrowbar, if you will.

It was the Maud perspective, showing her being emotional inside but steadfast outside took some time. As did trying to show how much better she was with Boulder, with him protecting her and her realising that Mudbriar would never understand her in the same way Boulder did. I enjoyed writing her in-character, but I agree that the latter chapters are more memorable, and I think they're a lot more fun.

No, indeed ‘twould not make much sense at all--one would think that the flying penises, particularly when pursuing the humanoid prey that’s so abundant on Tatooine, would be far more inclined to spread outwards so as to increase their overall presence and demoralization factor

This I can understand, but I think travelling single file at high speed to ambush the homesteaders would be learned behaviourable habits evolved over centuries, all stemming from the Tatooine tradition of rodracing. Which is indeed a multi-species activity, so I think in Star Wars canon all shapes, sizes and colours of flying penises would be feared. That's why they were the design template for the Imperial Star Destroyer fleet.

If this alone isn’t all the justification one needs, I don’t know what would be :pinkiehappy:

I'm not even sure what the internet is for if someone doesn't animate that.

Oh Gosh darn it :rainbowlaugh:

8952622 That is exactly the reaction I was hoping for!

(This wasn't the story I was after Limestone advice on, by the way, but having talked that through with you definitely helped this one too :twilightsmile:)

Haha well done though. I daresay I needed this :rainbowlaugh:

I... think I love you? :rainbowderp:

Need more time to decide.

I DEFINITELY love your Limestone, though. You've inspired me to get off my ass with her, finally.

8952742 Thanks! You're the authority on Pies, so if it meets your approval, I'm happy :pinkiehappy:

8952917 Not sure if that feeling of butterflies in your stomach is love, or maybe those butterflies you ate earlier?

8952921 Thanks! I've been reading so much of her recently, and thinking about who she is for another story I'm working on, so once I had the idea for the two bonus chapters it was really easy just to drop her in there. There are a couple of hyper-cynical lines I'm rather proud of which I think suit her down to the ground, so I'm really happy with how she turned out :pinkiehappy:

I would recommend 'The Quartz Quartette Quarrel' and 'Stone and Sky' for more Limestone :twilightsmile: And I'm really interested to see your take on her! Also, I've read all the Limestone stories on the site now, and I'd like more. So, if you wouldn't mind...?

I don't even have to read this to know I need to upvote it now: I loved that bit.
No Rod for Maud, 2018!

8970178 And it was by far his best song to date, too!

The other highlight for me was his dubbing of Limestone telling Pinkie what to do to herself :trollestia:

>Sees Title
>Reads summary
Well, this ought to be good.

8986207 Then I hope it lives up to your expectations! With that in mind, I should perhaps warn you that the second two chapters are funnier than the first :twilightsheepish:

The last chapter tho
I was not prepared for that.

8986392 Neither were the Pies, the first time it happened :twilightoops:

Whelp, that mental image isn't leaving my mind any time soon
Oh look, there's my bleach!

So Limestone wields a crowbar with... that scratched onto the side?

>>headcanon accepted

9137908 Definitely!

Did you have a name for her bass guitar? I'm afraid I don't remember whether that detail was in Heavy Rock or not.

Oh, you remember her bass? :raritystarry:

Truth be told, I don't think it ever got an official name. I figure she'd eventually just start calling it "Jackhammer." Or possibly "my other jackhammer" if she ever needed to disambiguate between the two of them.

9138007 I like her giving it that name, and I can totally see it!

Yeah, Limestone playing bass was one of those wonderful headcanon moments for me where it really clicked. Good headcanon, in my view, shouldn't prompt the response 'Ooh, that's interesting,' but instead 'Oh, of course, that explains so much!' And, more than any other character in the fandom, Limestone Pie is a bassist (so is Applejack, for sure, but Limestone even more so).

Author Interviewer

oh my god

I need to write an epic adventure story and shove Limestone into it just so she can have a weapon called Knobswatter. XD Amazing.

“Everypenis” lmao
You go swat them, Limestone!
Although I’m sad Mudbriar and Maud didn’t work out :(

9477196 Thanks, I liked the everypenis line, but no one else mentioned it!

Hmmm, I'm sad Maud had to go for a breakup, but I think it was ultimately for the best :twilightsheepish:

Personally I think Hamilton horse play was way better.

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