• Published 27th May 2018
  • 2,815 Views, 23 Comments

Starrk Reality - Mordred

I went to Crunchyroll Expo cosplaying as my favorite character from the anime 'Bleach', and now I'm stuck in the middle of a battle between Twilight and Tirek. Oh, and did I mention I'm in Equestria now?

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Bitchin' Cosplay

I was walking through the different display areas of Crunchyroll Expo, dressed as my favorite character from the anime Bleach, namely, Coyote Starrk, First Espada, when I saw a stand with quite a few interesting knick-knacks. I started walking over to the stand, but was interrupted by a feminine voice shouting, “Hey, guy dressed as Coyote Starrk, wanna come over here and let’s take a photo together!” I turned and saw a girl in her mid-twenties dressed up as Tier Hallibel, the third Espada, and what I’d have to guess was her father, dressed as Barragan Loiusenbairn.

“I’m down, you got anyone else dressed as Espadas?” I shouted back, interested in maybe getting a picture with most of the Espadas. I started walking over to the two, interested to see the quality of their costumes.

“Nah, man. You’re the first we’ve seen dressed as an Espada, though we did see a couple of Toshirou’s around, made for some interesting pics. I think we may have seen one or two Soi Feng’s, but they weren’t really noticeable.” She replied, significantly quieter now that I was closer. “I’m Theresa by the way, and this is my dad, Barry.”

The older man grunted in acknowledgment, and asked, “Nice cosplay, one of the most realistic I’ve seen so far, any reason you didn’t go for non-Resurreccion though?”

I nodded. “Couldn’t find someone to go as Lilynette, and it’s not really a full cosplay in sealed state without her, so mainly that.” I noticed a guy walking around aimlessly, “Hey, dude, you mind taking our picture?” The guy nodded wordlessly, and Theresa threw her phone to him. He snapped a few quick photos, in which we took various poses, and handed Theresa’s phone back to her, waving a quick good-bye before hurrying off.

Theresa turned to me and her father, saying, “That guy didn’t say much, he seemed kinda in a hurry.”

I scoffed while nodding. “I think your somewhat revealing attire put him off, and he was embarrassed by you.” Theresa scoffed in return at that, and I continued, “In all honesty though, he was probably going to one of the time limited showings, so I hope we didn’t make him miss it.” Theresa and her father both nodded, and I gave Theresa my number so that she could text me the pictures.

“See ya later, it was good meeting you two,” I said, as I was waving good-bye.”

Theresa waved as well. “Nice meeting you too, we gotta go check out some stalls over in that area,” she said, pointing in the area off to my left.

They took their leave, and I walked back over to the stall selling assorted knick-knacks. I found an eyepatch that looked a lot better than the one I was wearing, which was really a piece of plastic carved into the right shape with a tinted lens stuck into it.

This new eyepatch though, it looked like it was carved from actual bone, and the lens was very well tinted, so much so that you couldn’t see through it at all from one side, but the other side had perfect clarity. I took off my eye patch, and held the one from the stand up to my face, noting that it fit perfectly.

I finally noticed that the stand owner was looking at me amusedly as I was doing this with her eyepatch, and I let out a small chuckle. “How much for the eye patch?” I asked, breaking the silence.

Her voice, surprisingly raspy, said, “Sixty bucks and it’s yours, but take a look around, since I give discounts for multiple purchases.” I nodded, and continued looking through the assortment of items she had on her counter, and something caught my eye.

It was one of Starrk’s pistols, faithfully reproduced, right down to the silver etchings on black metal. I only had one, as by the time I had finished making my cosplay, I had run out of time to make another. “How much for the eyepatch and this pistol hear?” I asked, hoping it was under my budget of one hundred and fifty dollars. I had a lot more than that in my bank account, but I was positive that she wouldn’t take a debit card, so my budget was what I had in cash, on hand.

The lady thought for a second, eventually coming up with a number. “Does one-fifty sound good to you? Normally I’d sell that pistol for one-ten, and as I said, the eyepatch for sixty.”

I nodded, and pulled out my cash, which was in twenties and fives, and handed it to her, taking the pistol and eyepatch. I placed the pistol in a holster on my leg, and replaced my eyepatch with the new one. “It was a pleasure doing business with you,” I said, nodding at her.

She nodded back, and as I turned and started walking away, I heard, “Enjoy your new life as Coyote Starrk.” I turned back towards her with a question forming on my lips, and a hole in reality opened up underneath me, and I fell through it. I fell for what felt like hours, but in all seriousness, was probably only a few minutes. I eventually tried to move, and was surprised to find myself standing on something.

Suddenly, I saw a somewhat familiar sight of a Gargantua opening up in front of me, and I stepped out into the nothingness, only to be hit by a large, multi-colored blast. Surprisingly, it didn’t hurt whatsoever, and when the beam cleared away, I saw a somewhat familiar sight. It was a purple alicorn fighting an enormous centaur, who had just fired the beam that went past me.

As I was watching, the centaur slapped the alicorn, sending her flying right past me, a spark of surprise in her eye as she flew by. It suddenly clicked on what I was seeing, and that was the fight between Tirek and Twilight in season four of the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. The only reason I knew this was because my sister was an avid fan of the show, and I was constantly babysitting her as she watched it. The most recent thing I had seen from the show was the third EQG movie, which was somewhat interesting, so I was going to see about finding the mirror as soon as the fight with Tirek was over. Speaking of which, he’s currently looking at me.

“Who are you, mortal?” Tirek asked, sounding rather annoyed.

Just before I could answer, Twilight flew out of the rubble on the mountainside and screamed, “I won’t let you harm any more innocent people, Tirek!” She tackled him in the face, pushing him back a few hundred feet.

“Now I understand what your fellow Princesses have done,” Tirek commented at seeing her power. He sent her flying back into the same mountain and turned to me.

I raised my eyebrow and said, “The name’s Coyote Starrk, and if you don’t attack me, I’ll stay out of this.” Tirek responded by slapping me into the same mountain as Twilight, more accurately, right next to Twilight, who was about to take off to attack him again.

Twilight paused, and turned towards me, asking, “Are you alright?” She was looking down at me with concern etched all over her face.

I quickly stood up sputtering, my anger allowing my newly acquired reiatsu to flow freely. “Son of a bitch is gonna die, shouldn’t have fucking given him a chance.” I managed to say, after spitting out the dirt that got into my mouth. I then noticed Twilight was pressed to the floor, and calmed down considerably. I helped her up after she was pressed into the ground, and she took off, heading toward Tirek. I followed at a much slower pace, and then noticed that Twilight was being drained of her magic with all of her friends around her.

Tirek grew at an alarming pace, eventually becoming as tall as the surrounding mountains, and Twilight and her friends fled to where I assume the Tree of Harmony was. I shrugged to myself, thinking, ‘fuck the timeline’ and pulled out my right gun. Tirek noticed me standing at the height of his eyes, and said in a booming voice, “I have all of the magic in Equestria, what do you think you can do to stop me?”

I leveled my gun at him, and simply said, “This,” as I pulled the trigger. When I pulled the trigger, an enormous Cero blasted out, vaporizing him and causing a huge amount of damage to the surrounding area. I winced when the mountain range far away on the horizon was blown up by the explosion caused by the Cero. From the half of Tirek that wasn’t completely disintegrated, numerous balls of what I can only assume were magic flew out returning to their owners.

Right then, the main 6 decided to show up with their rainbow power up, and I winced when they shouted, “Tirek, we’re here to stop-” They all cut off at the same time as they noticed Tirek’s corpse sitting in the middle of the plains, with me scratching my head. Twilight recognized me, but none of the others did.

Rainbow flew up to me, jabbing her hoof in my face. “Who the buck are you, and what happened to Tirek?”

I shrugged. “Isn’t it obvious? He tried to kill me, so I killed him. You got a problem with that? With me defending myself from what was most likely the second most powerful thing on this planet at the moment?” I asked, feigning indignance to get on her nerves.

Twilight flew over and pulled Rainbow away, and the girls chatted for a bit. I noticed that Princess Celestia and Cadance were flying towards us, and blanched at seeing the remains of Tirek. Celestia and Cadance flew over to Twilight’s group, who had lost the rainbow power at this point, and I heard Celestia say, “Twilight, what happened, why is Tirek dead?”

“That stallion over there said that he killed Tirek in self-defense, but I don’t know what to believe. Tirek smacked him into a mountain, and he came out of it with no injuries whatsoever, along with, when he got angry, I got pushed to the ground, and it felt like there was a mountain on top of me.” When Celestia heard that her student got pushed to the ground, she flew up to me, since I was still standing on thin air. The rest of the ponies were conversing on the ground in hushed whispers, having completely come down from the rainbow power.

“What did you do to my student?” Celestia demanded of me, close to my face. She looked very angry, so I figured that it would be best to comply, even though it was very likely she couldn’t do anything to me.

“Would you like a demonstration with the explanation?” I asked, and Celestia nodded. “Just know, you asked for this.” I said, and allowed my reiatsu to flow out. The ground around began to crack, and all of the ponies were forced into it. I let up on the pressure so that could move freely, and continued, “Basically, if, for whatever reason, I decide to not hold myself back, that happens.”

Celestia looked surprised, but seemed satisfied with my answer. “You should return with us to Canterlot Castle, as I have never seen a creature like you, and you saved all of Equestria. She took off in the direction of a castle in the distance that was on the side of a mountain, and I followed, getting a feel for using Sonido. Twilight teleported the rest of the girls somewhere, and it was just Celestia and I left in the air.

I continued following her in silence, eventually reaching the castle. She stopped suddenly, and I stopped near her. “This is Canterlot, the capital city of Equestria. I hope you enjoy your stay here, however long it may be.”

“Do you know where the mirror that Starswirl made, that you sent your previous student Sunset Shimmer through, is at?” I asked, causing Celestia to gasp when she heard Sunset’s name.

“How do you know about Sunset?” Celestia spat, anger clear on her face.

“I know about a lot of things, but I’m not going to bother with telling you all I know, I just wish to return to humanity,” Celestia sighed, and I followed her into the castle. She led me through a fair amount of hallways, before we reached a relatively normal looking storeroom, the only thing making it stand out was the guard posted at the end of the hall.

We walked inside, and there was the mirror, sitting there. I touched the glass, and my hand sunk through, causing me to smile. I turned to Celestia, saying, “I’ll get out of your mane now, thanks for cooperating with me on this, by the way. I was really going to miss the internet if it didn’t work.” Celestia looked puzzled, but I stepped into the mirror, feeling a slight pressure around me as I walked through the mirror. I stepped out of the statue in front of the school and face planted, having tripped over the bottom lip of the statue.

“Awww, fuck that hurt,” I groaned, slowly standing up to see two familiar women staring at me. “Sup ladies, see something you like?” I asked, snapping them out of their reverie. They sputtered in indignation before Celestia grabbed me by the arm, dragged me to their car, and threw me into the backseat. Luna followed her sister and got in the passenger seat, and Celestia started the car and drove us to their house.

“Please, follow me, I apologize for being so rough, but it would make trouble for us if Equestria were to become common knowledge. Celestia said, as she got out of the car.

I opened the door and got out, following them into their house. “You could’ve just explained to me while you were throwing me into your car, you know.” I said, indignance clear in my voice. I sat down on the couch in their living room as Luna went to make coffee or something, and I settled in for a long talk.

Comments ( 22 )

Oh wow! It’s a “guy goes to _________-Con as (*insert character from geek culture here*) and then winds up in Equestria as that character” story!

I’ve never EVER seen any kind of story like this one in my 6 years of being a member of this website!

I know it's a common thing, but hey, you do what you want and I'll do what I want.

Don't like it?

Who wouldn't enjoy a thinly veiled piece of wish fulfillment centered around an OC with the charisma of a bathroom puddle?

Meh, I just wanted to do a displaced Coyote Starrk since it's been bouncing around in my head for a while now. No clue where I'll go with this, just wanted to get it out of my head

Oh wow.. people are still doing displaced huh. Alright I'll bite. But Is lilinette gonna be in it?

This is promising to me. I'm writing a Displaced about Soul Eater's Death the Kid

It'd honestly be more interesting if someone wrote a reverse-displaced.

somepony dresses up as daring do, ends up in america, wham bam, they're in a facility like area 51, end story

I find displacement interesting, there are a lot of good stories. This ones ok could use better transition from one state to another.

fair enough, though in a lot of the stories I've written I've been pretty bad at transitions. I could definitely use an editor, and maybe someone to read as I write, to point out some glaringly bad parts

not complaining or anything but WOW that was a speed run i mean come on that went from one end of things to the other you went from arriving to triek to EQG in such a short chapter with very little transition of things or so many things you could have added

its a good choice in character and starting point but again take your time there is so much you can do or add

Simple way to do that is put yourself in that situation. What you might feel, what you would go through.

The transition from Earth to Equestria then suddenly in the middle of a fight there wasn't any shock, or emotion what so ever. Even with inplanted knowledge it would have taken skills and abilities a bit to use let alone master.

Guns are easy to use true but what kind of recoil would one that fires a cero have? Ask yourself questions things like that will help.

One seems rushed with the way it got from one world to another, besides what are the odds that the mirror would have worked with a displaced. Especially when the time frame of the Rainbow Rocks is after Tirek attack, so thirty moon isn't up at the time.

Okay if only watched with baby sister, then would assume he would never have clear details on how the show works unless he was deep into it.

Oh um Tirek would have assume the hollow entity is magic first before anything assuming that anyone with magic can see him, plus Starrks power would literally kill anyone(with a sensitivity to spiritual pressure) weaker than him in an certain amount of time. Basically I agree with Finalmagnus and metordragon.

Grammar wise you are decent for the most part, though I guess transitions would help.

this story doesn't deserver that thumbs down it has. good story BTW.:twilightsmile:

Nice, what a masterpiece! Liked and followed.

Any ideas on when the next update is coming?


Aaaand dead

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