• Published 28th May 2018
  • 2,791 Views, 25 Comments

Brain Stew - FamousLastWords

Trixie can't sleep and it's all Starlight's fault. Oh yeah, Spike is to blame, too.

  • ...


Author's Note:

Hey guys! I hope you like this little diversion I wrote at work today. It was slow, I was bored.

Special thanks to shortskirtsandexplosions for giving me this idea in a discord chat. We all need a little more Trixie in our lives.

It was dark in the castle on this fateful night. A storm most heinous swirled outside, bringing with it all the fury nature had to offer. Branches and debris banged against the windows as if they were attempting to keep in time with the sharp bolts of lightning and bombastic thunder rumbles.

Altogether it was quite the frightening sight.

And that was probably Trixie’s favorite thing about being in a relationship with Starlight. No longer did she need to weather the storm on her own, attempting to stay dry. No; now she had the benefits of a nice castle-tier bed to sleep in and a warm mare to cuddle with.

It was truly a wonderful thing.

Of course, that wasn’t the only reason Trixie liked being with Starlight. There also happened to be certain benefits of the, shall we say, intimate variety that she greatly enjoyed. And this was a benefit she was desperately hoping to capitalize on during this horrific storm.

Of course, the universe could be a cruel master in regards to Trixie having things her way. Tonight was no different.

Listen to her story.

This may be her last chance…

“Wow, this is one doozy of a storm, isn’t it, Trixie?” Starlight had her eyes locked on the shaking bedroom window. “I hope it ends soon so you can do your show tomorrow. It would be a shame to have to cancel it.”

Trixie rolled over in bed to look at her marefriend. “Have no fear, pony of little faith. Trixie will perform no matter rain, shine or hellspawn attack. The show must go on, after all.”

Starlight chuckled and snuggled a bit closer to Trixie. “Oh, of course. I’m sorry I ever doubted you, Trix. How could I have been so foolish?”

Trixie nodded. “’Tis alright. Feeling foolish in comparison to Trixie is commonplace for those around her.”

“Okay, okay, you’re pushing it.” Starlight rolled her eyes. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to try and get some sleep now.”

Trixie felt her heart heat up as she watched her marefriend, the love of her life, cuddle into her pillows and blankets. It was simply too adorable for Trixie to ignore.

Without warning, Starlight moved closer to Trixie, snuggling in her neck and holding onto her hoof. Trixie’s eyes popped open in response.

All of a sudden her heart wasn’t the only thing heating up.

The blue mare squeezed her eyes shut and dug her face into her own pillow. Starlight needed her sleep, not a face-full of Trixie’s hot nonsense. But then again…

She cracked an eye open to get a good view of Starlight. Well, as good of a view as she could manage given their positions. She was beautiful from every angle, though, so it didn’t really matter to her. But all it took was one deep yet tactful inhale of her scent to send Trixie’s body over the edge.

This was a happening thing.

“Psst, Starlight!” Trixie gently nudged her with a hoof. “Starlight, Trixie needs your assistance…”

The unicorn in question popped her eyes open and looked up at Trixie’s pleading face. “What is it, Trixie? Do you need me to get you some water again?”

She shook her head. “No, Trixie is dealing with a more personal issue that requires your assistance.”

Trixie knew simply asking her to do the deed wouldn’t suffice. Starlight wasn’t one to simply delay sleep for no reason. No, Trixie would need to sell this performance out then Starlight could properly exit stage left right into a good time.

Starlight sat up a bit. “Oh no. Trixie, it’s okay, you don’t have to be embarrassed by me. We talked about this.”

Trixie sat up as well, a nervous smile dancing on her lips. “Y-You do? Just like that?”

Starlight nodded. “Oh, of course. And I’m more than happy to assist you with whatever you need moving forward. We are a couple now, you know.”

That nervous smile she was wearing had now gone from dancing on her lips to a full-on hoedown and her sexual frustration was the DJ. “Oh, well, I didn’t think you’d be so forward with it. In that case, let me show you exactly where Trixie needs your help." Trixie slowly began sliding the covers off of her, making sure to bit her lip for added measure.

“Okay,” Starlight replied. “Just show me where you wet the bed and I’ll help you clean that part of the mattress.”

“What— No!’ Trixie pulled the covers back up and looked directly into Starlight’s confuzzled eyes. “Trixie did no such perverse action! She was talking about something much more personal. Something only you could help her with? Do you pick up what Trixie is throwing down?”

Starlight rubbed her chin for a moment. “Hmm… Oh! Sex?”

Trixie nodded vigorously. “You would be correct. Of course, Trixie was attempting for a more subtle approach to the situation.”

Starlight giggled. “About as subtle as a train wreck there, Trix.”

“Hmph.” Trixie crossed her hooves. “Well, will you engage Trixie in a few minutes of passion and loose conduct, or is she simply doomed to a night of despair?”

“Well,” Starlight said with a shrug. “I don’t see why not.”

Trixie licked her lips and began inching her head closer to Starlight. “Yeah?”

“Sure. It’s still pretty early and—“

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Legends tell that if you listen closely on a stormy night, you can still hear the resonant echo of Trixie’s heart shattering into a million, fun-sized pieces.

“Hmm, hold that thought,” Starlight said, climbing out of the bed. “I wonder who that could be.”

Trixie waved her hooves sporadically. “Don’t do it, Starlight. Whatever is behind that door will only cause Trixie grief tonight.”

“Psh, I’m so sure,” Starlight said, responding with a dismissive hoof.

A few hoofsteps later and Starlight was at the door. She inched it open and poked her head through. “Who is— Oh, Spike? C’mon in!”

“Ugh.” Trixie collapsed into the bed.

“Thanks, Starlight,” Spike said. “I really, really need a favor from you. Oh, and asuh, Trixie?”

She sat back up and glared daggers at him. “Nothing, thanks to you, dragon.”

“Trixie, play nice,” Starlight chastised her. “Spike, what’s the favor?”

The dragon gulped down a breath of air. “Well, it’s been storming all night and honestly I’m not that crazy about thunder.” He began visibly shaking. “So, I was kinda hoping I could…”

“Bunk with me?” Starlight asked.

“Yeah! Just for tonight, kinda like those comic book sleepovers we’d have sometimes.”

Trixie huffed and shook her head. “Yeah, okay dragon. Like that’s going to—“

“Of course!” Starlight enthusiastically nodded. Trixie meanwhile left a dent in the bed with how hard her jaw dropped.

“Thanks so much!” Spike said, hugging Starlight tightly. “It’ll only be for tonight, I swear.”

“No worries, Spike,” Starlight replied. “We’ve got each other’s backs, remember that.”

“Ahem,” Trixie coughed aloud, gathering their attention. “Did you not think about the small caveat in these plans?” The blue mare made an exaggeration of pointing a hoof to the apparent lack of space on the bed.

“Oh, you know what?” Starlight said. “You might have a point. Trixie, you’ll have to scooch over a bit so Spike can sleep between us. He’ll fit best that way.”

“Err, fine, have it your way.” Trixie huffed and rolled over on her side, pulling the covers. “Trixie is completely dry now, anyway. She’s pretty sure a tumbleweed just rolled from her nether regions.”

Spike blinked a few times. “Ooookay, moving on now.”

Starlight and Spike both hopped into the bed.

“Goodnight, you two,” Spike said, stretching out a bit. “Thanks again.”

“Of course, Spike,” Starlight said. “You have a good night.”

Trixie merely grumbled. “Mmph, you suck.”

2 A.M.

“Mmm…” Trixie wiggled herself into a more comfortable position. “Ahh, that’s right.”

All of her concerns were meandering away from her as she inched closer and closer to the warm and loving embrace of dreamland. The stresses of the day rolled off of her shoulders like a pleasant stream of water trickling down a soft embankment. Just a few more seconds…

“Hey, Starlight.”

Trixie’s right eye popped open at the sound of Spike’s voice cutting into the air.

“Yeah, Spike?” Starlight whispered back.

“I’m kinda thirsty,” he whispered aloud. “I brought my water bottle with me but it’s on Trixie’s side of the bed.”

Trixie rolled her eye and shut it again, making herself comfortable. Him getting out of bed would be an inconvenience, but Trixie wouldn’t let it bother her. Not tonight. No stress.

“Can you let me climb out of bed on your side so I can get it?”

“Pfft, no, that’s way too much work,” Starlight replied. “Just reach over Trixie and grab it.”


“Won’t that wake her up?”

“Nah, she sleeps like a rock.” Starlight emitted a small chuckle. “You wouldn’t believe some of the stuff I’ve been able to do while she’s asleep. Once I managed to practice an entire yoga routine in bed. Don’t even worry about it.”

“If you say so.”

Trixie was about to begin an inner monologue about Starlight practically throwing her concerns to the wolves but had no time for an inordinate amount of dragon flopped on top of her.”

“Oof! Ah! Mmph!”

“Almost, almost, almost… got it!” Spike happily retreated from his blue support board and took a huge gulp of water. “There. Much better.”

“Good job, Spike. Excellent form on the swoop and scoop if I do say so myself.” Starlight clapped her hooves together. “A solid seven out of ten.”

“Thank you very much,” Spike replied. “I’ve worked hard to get this far. I’d like to thank my loving family, friends, whatever deity dragons believe in and my wonderful assistant, The Asleep and Sturdy—.”

Trixie flipped around and eyed both of them.

You two sicken Trixie.”

3 A.M.

Peace and quiet. The two things Trixie loved more than anything in the world right now. Luckily, she had gotten at least twenty minutes of those two things at this point and with any luck, it’d continue all the way until morning.

Trixie loved Starlight. By extension, she cared for Spike a good deal, too. But, three in the morning wasn’t a time where anypony anywhere felt much love for others. Trixie was no different.

She let out a deep sigh and relaxed her body. There was still time to get a decent night’s sleep before her show tomorrow. It wasn’t ideal, but better late than never.

Of course, that was until she heard Spike’s voice once more.

It’s not my break time, but I still need a beer. I’m so sick of watching all the minutes pass; it’s been at least a year.”

Sweet merciful Luna, what the heck is going on?!

“I just need to get my life in gear…”

Is… Is he singing? At THREE IN THE MORNING?

“Spike.” Starlight spoke up. “Stop.”

Trixie released a sigh of relief. Thank Celestia for Starlight’s wisdom.

“I love that song! Let me finish the line.”

Why is this happening…?

Because I don’t wanna waste another minute here! Dun-dun doo-dunuh!”

“Nice!” Spike shouted, giving her a quick fist-to-hoof bump. “Do you know any other of their songs?”

“Uh, yes!”

“Huh?” Spike said, scratching his head. “We’ve lived together for a long time now and I never knew.”

“You learn a lot about others on sleepless nights.”


Yes. Like how some ponies and dragons don’t know how to keep their mouths shut!

Starlight released a short chortle. “Do you know track one from that band’s album?”

“Of course.”

“Let’s sing it!”

Trixie shoved her head as deep into her pillow as possible. This was going to be a long night.

4 A.M.

“Wow!” Spike clapped his claws together. “I can’t believe we were able to sing the whole album front to back!”

“I know!” Starlight echoed his excitement. “We are just too cool.”

“I guess we should probably get some sleep now, huh?”


Trixie could feel her bloodshot eyes losing the battle to stay awake, but sleep wouldn’t come. Her brain and body were screaming for mercy, but it mattered not. But maybe, just maybe they’d shut up now.

“Alright, good night, Spike.”

“Good night, Starlight.”

And goodnight world…

5 A.M.

“…And then I told her, ‘That’s not a test tube, that’s your sister!’ Flitter had no idea what to say!”

Spike and Starlight both erupted into a fit of laughter, shaking the bed in the process.

“Oh my gosh, Spike! I’m so glad you decided to tell me that story before going to bed.” Starlight attempted to form coherent sentences between bouts of laughter. “That was gold!”

“Of course, of course,” Spike said, pride dripping from his voice. “But that’s nothing. Wait until I tell you about—“


Spike and Starlight were both left cowering in the corner of the bed at the blue unicorn that was standing over them, a look of pure bloodlust in her eyes.

Trixie begs of you! Please, let her sleep… let her sleep.”

Starlight and Spike both looked at each other for a moment and then nodded simultaneously. “Alright.”

Trixie’s knees were shaking under the pure sleepless duress she was under. Upon hearing them though, she was able to relax her body ever so slightly and lay back down.

“Trixie thanks you. Now, she bids you a good night.”

Finally! She could… *YAWN* …get her beauty rest. And nothing would get in her way this time. Nothing.

30 Minutes Later


She felt her body shake under the pressure of a pair of hooves. “Ermph…”


More shaking. “Mmmm… No! Trixie is sleeping.”

And then her covers disappeared. The biting morning air whipped her hide causing her to curl into a ball to protect her from the chill. She attempted to open her eyes, but she may as well have been trying to lift a metric ton of marble.

“What?” Trixie whimpered out to her torturer. “Why can’t Trixie sleep? Why isn’t that allowed tonight?”

And then she heard Starlight’s voice.

“You did sleep! It’s six in the morning, though. Time to wake up and get ready for your show!”

Both of Trixie’s eyes snapped open. She shot up in bed and glared at Starlight.

“Woah,” Starlight replied. “If looks could kill.”

Trixie didn’t waste time responding. Instead, Starlight suddenly had her body draped beneath a cape and wizard’s hat.

“What am I supposed to do with this?”

Trixie levitated all the blankets back on top of her and snuggled into them. “Congratulations. You’re The Great and Powerful Starlight. Have fun at the show.”

Starlight looked at the items and then back to her marefriend. “If you’re not feeling well, I guess I could do the show for you.”

Trixie didn’t respond but instead managed a small nod.

“Okay then. I love you, Trix.” Starlight barely had time to dodge a pillow that was thrown at her.

“Trixie will love you in eight hours.”

Comments ( 25 )

Poor Trixie! First she gets cockblocked, then she suffers insomnia because of a pair of bigmouths. I dread to think what she's plotting revenge-wise for later. :trixieshiftleft:

A most chucklesome little one-shot. Thank you for writing this. :eeyup:

Great chapter. Oh man I was thinking it would be too funny if as Trixie was pretending to sleep she heard the two of them talk about how they were really REALLY 'close' before she started to date Trixie. I mean just think how Trixie would react finding out her Marefriend was friends with Benefits with Spike and they were SUPER kinky together lol.

Oh god...:rainbowlaugh: Spike's a dead drake. We shall remember him.

and later that day spike went missing never heard from again

it's good to see that your experiment stories are still coming out. they are interesting reads.

I think we can all sympathize with you there Trixie. "Trixie will love you in eight hours" indeed.

Lol, aw, poor Trix. That last line is exactly me when I don't get enough sleep.

Feels like this is a reference to "Family Guy", when Peters curiosity peeks at 1am!
Love these three being together. Trixie is annoying in the day and Star and Spike are annoying at night!

Add that up equals, annoying Twilight 24/7!:moustache::trixieshiftright::heart::facehoof:

Starlight needed a face tag, or two, or three!:pinkiehappy:

Funny story!

Hope for a bonus chapter.

Liked for the Green Day reference, favorited for the laugh.

I'm glad someone got the Green Day reference. Thanks for reading!

Got that Before reading the story

Fun fact: I know how to play it:twilightsmile:


I just figured what better title for a story about not being able to sleep?

Two things sad about that :applecry:
1. Its on bass and part guitar:applejackconfused:
2. It is suprisingly easy to learn:derpytongue2:
Edit: pm me if you want the tab to the song

...And that's why I never sleep in the same room as anyone else...under any circumstances. Wow, I can really relate to Trixie here.

I would say the same, but unfortunately no one in my life wants to sleep with me, anyway.

Did you write this while having trouble sleeping?

I actually wrote it at work between projects I was working on. But the idea came from skirts (two comments down) when we were talking one night instead of sleeping. So yeah, I guess you're technically right.

Starlight and Spike need to be more considerate. Trixie already stated she wanted sleep but she kept getting disturbed. But otherwise hilarious!

Thus a hilarious story concluded well:-)

Good stuff!

Trixie shoulda just slept in Spike's room.

I can sympathize. lol

Most excellent.

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