• Published 2nd Jun 2018
  • 2,663 Views, 53 Comments

Masks' of the Hunters - Kamer

After an anomaly, all is not well with Equestria. Many do not see it, but a rare few see the true horrors of the invader.

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Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Nightfall in the Snowy City

When Celestia arrived at the Crystal Empire, the streets where filled with joyous celebration. The buildings were shining with a strong glassy luster, sparkling in the sunlight. The streets were adorned with similarly crystalline structures, from trees to lampposts, sidewalks and cobblestones. The entire city was gleaming with a sparkling shine that dwarfed Celestia’s own shine. It was even more of a magnificent sight than the crystal caves below Canterlot. Everywhere anypony looked, they would find these crystalline structures. It was hard to avoid the crystals of the Crystal Empire, as almost everything was made from them!

The city was decorated with banners, streamers, lights, flowers, almost everything that could be considered decorative was in place here. Signs advertising attractions for the citizens, a hay ride, carnival games, a kissing booth, the variety was almost too much. There were just as many, if not more food stands around, selling all different kinds of food in the streets. Every fair of Equestrian food was here, and then some. Celestia swore she even saw some Yakistani foods in a few different stands.

The crystal ponies were celebrating the annual celebration, they Crystal Farie, with seemingly no care in the world. They were going around from stall to stall, buying food, souvenirs and trinkets. They were chatting, talking about their lives and personal experiences. Some foals were playing games in the streets, throwing balls, spinning hoops, playing tag, rolling dice, any game you could think of, these ponies would be playing them. The city was buzzing with positive, happy energy.

It was a completely different matter in the castle. A somber tone fell as heavy curtain immediately past the threshold of the door. It was as if the celebration outside was not enough to penetrate the walls of the castle, making it devoid of the joy that was outside. Here there were no citizens, only guards, and even if there were citizens, the seemingly joyless mood of the guards would surely douse any fires of happiness that were offered.

Celestia was greeted by Cadences handmaid, a crystal pony by the name of Emerald. It was a name that Celestia liked. Simple, but not plain, immediately recognizable, but not odd. Emerald herself was pleasant, not very intimidated by Celestia’s stature or power, a quality that she found refreshing. The handmaid lead Celestia to the chambers of Cadence and Shining Armor, through all of the halls and stairs. It was a long way there, and Celestia used the opportunity to enjoy the castle.

It had its similarities to Twilight’s new crystalline tree, but it was far more spacious. The hallways were larger, allowing for more breathing space, but they were also all very similar. There was white everywhere, accented with purple and blue, everything seemed to sparkle more and more as she walked down the hallways. After what was only a few seconds, Celestia was already getting tired of the walk. All the halls looked the same, some were larger than others, but the all held the same style and design. She enjoyed this castle’s architecture, but she preferred the organic look to Twilight’s more.

The design of the doors to Cadence’s chambers were expectedly pink, but also unexpectedly smaller than Celestia thought. They were ornate, having sprawling, intricate purple vine patter inlayed into the metal. There was a boarder of the same purple metal in a thin line around the entire door, but no other designs or patterns showed. The handles non-existent, allowing the door to be only operated by whomever Cadence allows.

Emerald bowed, then left Celestia at the doors to the chambers. Moving towards them, Celestia paused before knocking. She had received a letter from Cadence about a day ago, one of their normal correspondences. They talked about what was going on in their lives, the ups and downs, good and bad. They would also talk about any particularly difficult or noteworthy noble or petitioner. Cadence recently had to deal with an attack on her way of life, the noble calling Cadence just as bad as Sombra. Needless to say, she was a bit shaken up.

This alone would have been a reason to visit the Crystal Empire for Celestia. To go out and comfort a friend in need was the only motivation needed. It was the only reason that Celestia wanted to visit. But as she always finds, there is always an ulterior motive to even the simplest of actions.

Celestia sighed remembering the second reason that she came out to the crystal empire. In her letter, she mentions that ponies coming in on a train coming into the city saw a trail of smoke in the wooded area near the outskirts of the city. When investigated for fires in the forest, and anypony that might think that it is funny to light a fire in a protected forest, no trace of fire, magical or otherwise, was found. Nor was any trace of smoke or magical illusions found.

On any other day, Celestia would dismiss this as merely an elaborate prank by some foals, an oversite by the search team, or just an illusion cast by one of the train goers. But Celestia was worried, about something her sister discovered, and the mistakes that she had made. Mistakes that had cost the life of at least one pony, and who knows how many else.

First, she failed to check more thoroughly the cave that the dimensional anomaly occurred. She had assumed that no creature could escape the spells enchanted in the cave. She had overestimated her own strength or underestimated the creatures that the anomaly would bring.

Second, she did not trust her sister. This mistake was one that she never did wish to make again. She had disregarded her sister’s thoughts and concerns in favor of her own, misinformed thoughts. While the situation was nowhere near as drastic as another incident where she did not trust or believe her sister, it still cut deep.

Celestia sighed a second time while in front of Cadence’s door.

‘Maybe a third reason I’m here is to make myself feel better,’ Celestia thought, a little glumly.

Celestia rapped on the metal doors, which seemed to glow briefly before opening, allowing Celestia to enter.

The room was simple and elegant, but large. The walls were the same as the rest of the castle, but because of the warm orange lights in the room, created a pink light that gave the room character and warmth.

There was a large four-poster bed on the far side of the room, large enough for Celestia and Luna to both sleep comfortably on it. The wood was a deep red and filled out the frame and posters of the bed. Small gold trim was inlayed on the surface, lending a sophisticated, but not gaudy look to the bed. The curtains were a dark purple accented by the pink light of the room well. The sheets and pillows were a similar purple.

A light blue carpet covered most of the room. The design was in darker blues and purple, with red accents. It was circular, giving good contrast to the square room. It depicted the crystal empire in a faux map, with the exaggerated palace in the center, with Cadence, Shining Armor and Flurry Heart. Spreading out was the rest of the city, with various buildings accented to give it more life.

Around the room was an array of miss-matched furniture. A pair of deep blue wardrobes, a gift from Luna. Two desks one large and a standard brown wood with very little on it, Shining’s, and a smaller desk, pink wood with red accents, Cadence’s. A couple tables and chairs were on each side, with a small kitchen area in the corner. All in all, a fairly standard room for a couple.

‘A little lacking for a Princess and Prince though,’ Celestia thought.

Celestia made a B-line for the only piece of furniture in the room that mattered to Celestia. The crib that held precious little Flurry.

“She’s not there,” a voice called from the bed.

Celestia frowned, She came for Cadence, true, but she did hope to see the baby.

“Out with Shinning?”

“Yea…” Cadence said, “I really didn’t want them seeing me like this.”

“I understand,” Celestia said, “It was one of the reasons I fled to the mountain top, to get away from the ponies I thought I disappointed.”

“I don’t think anyone is building an entire city in by bedroom though.”

“But you already have one in shag here,” Celestia pointed down.

Cadence looked puzzled, then followed Celestia’s motion, seeing the carpet.

“I guess your right,” chuckled Cadence.

“How are you feeling?”

Cadence laid on her bed in silence for a moment, contemplating how to respond.

“Hurt,” she finally said, “I feel like a failed. I feel like I’m hated.”

Cadence paused to think for a moment, and, sighing, continues.

“I know I’ve done everything I can to change this empire for the better. I know many ponies love me…”

“But the one still hurts.” Celestia responded.


“I know it will be hard,” Celestia began, “But make sure you remember the most important thing about this situation.”

“And that is?”

“That he does not see you as a tyrant.”

“And how do you know that?”

“That you, my wonderful Cadence made the Empire confident and independent enough that that pony felt he could say those things.”

Cadence smiled, a genuine smile.

“I guess your right.”

“I do have some years of experience on the matter.”

Cadence laughed, followed shortly by Celestia.

“Now,” Celestia said, “I do believe that I have missed some foal pictures.”

“There right over here,” Cadence replied, floating over a picture album.

The two ponies sat there for some time, looking at pictures and talking. They both felt the weight of their respective burdens loosen a little while.

As the hours ticked away. The conversation changed from the kingdoms to battles, from friends to loves, from ideas to games. The two talked until Luna’s moon was high in the sky.

“I expected Shining and Flurry to be back by now…” Celestia pouted.

“And the true motive for your visit comes out.”

“hmmph. Your fun Cadence but a foal is a foal.”

Both laughed some more.

“My husband and foal will not be back until tomorrow.”

“Why would you deprive me of my desires for so long?”

“It’s the only hold I have on you, I can’t just give that away.”

“I suppose your right,” Celestia sarcastically sighed.

“I do have court in the morning, so I think bed is in order,” Cadence said.

“Then I will retire to my chambers,” replied Celestia, who got up to walk to the door.

Before she could get there, a small cough came from behind. Cadence always did this when she had something to ask.

“You could stay here for tonight.” Cadence offered.

Celestia pondered for a moment, for no real reason. She had already made up her mind, but it was a habit that she had always fallen into.

“Of course!” Celestia said, “I would love to.”

Celestia walked back over to the bed with a tiny skip in her step.

‘This is going to be a good night,’ she thought.

”Who do you smell today, Wolf?”

”I smell fear!”

Lamb Chuckles, ”Fear yes, but who do you smell to hunt?”

Wolf, sniffs the air, ”Here!”

Wolf rushes of the rooftop that they were perched on, with Lamb quick to follow.

The city was nearing nightfall, much sooner than it had in Canterlot, Lamb thought. The light was glinting off the rooftops of this crystalline city. Making the entire top seem to reflect the brilliance of the sun. it was a magnificent sight, something that Lamb appreciated. It was so rare for her to see such sights. The old world was destroyed and barren. When it wasn’t though, it was a harsh scape of metal and stone. This was a welcome change of pace as far as Lamb was concerned.

Wolf did not like openness of the city.

While she did like the looks, this city was an oddity in Lamb’s mind. It was a contradiction to what cities she has seen. It has all the modern amenities that the other large city had. Large meeting places, well furnished housing and different districts for commerce, manufacturing and living. But it seemed stuck in the past. The architecture and layout was sporadic there was no planning, as if the ponies just built housing wherever they seemed to stop. There was also no specific architecture, everything was built differently. Lamb was also not a fan of the shiny material the entire city seemed to be made of, it made it difficult to see where one was going and where to land.

Wolf thought the city smelled a bit funny.

”Close!”, Wolf said, ”It is close!”

Lamb focused in on who they were hunting, a shimmering female, walking on the sidewalk.

”She looks interesting”

Kindred lighted on a nearby rooftop, waiting for the female to move somewhere more secluded. It followed her on the rooftops, skillfully jumping from one to another, never loosing sight of their quarry. It was only a short time before they were able to get into position, as she turned down an alleyway.

Between the two buildings, a unicorn stallion hid in silence, waiting for somepony to move through they alleyway. The mare was the unfortunate pony to do so.

Kindred watched silently from the rooftop, they know what will happen, they have seen it many times before. Now, it only has to wait, wait for the inevitable, wait to introduce themselves.

Then energy seemed to flow from her limbs, she felt like lead in water.

The pain in her chest was sharp a moment ago, but has faded to a dull throb. The rest of the world was fading with it. It was getting darker, more and more difficult to see the sides of the buildings, the sky.

She heard screaming. Was that her?

Darker still, the rest of the world seemed so far away, like a memory from childhood.

Was this what dying felt like? She didn’t want to go. Not yet. She wanted to do more…

The world snapped back into focus, but lacking much of the color and vibrancy as it did before. The world now seemed strange and foreign.

”Hello Star Gleam.”

The voice was light, feminine. It reminded her of an old friend from long ago, one that was welcome whenever. One that would always be a friend. But it also held misgivings, as if the friend remembered the wrongs from long ago. It sounded forced, like putting on an act.

”HA! Star-thing! Let’s play chase and bite!”

The second voice was terrifying. It was something straight out of a nightmare, something that she never wanted to hear again. And it sounded so close.

She turned her head, still on her side, to look at the source of the two voices. A white, tall, slender being, and a large, black, smoking mass of teeth and fire. They both wore wooden masks of the other.

“W-who are you?” Star asked.

”We are called many things...” Lamb spoke, ” some call us the inevitable, some the end. To all we are Kindred, we are death.”

Star Gleam looked on with horror at the face of her demise, a fate worse than what she thought would happen. The fear that took root deep in her heart drove her to her weak legs, forcing them to move, to run from this abomination. She took off, down the alleyway faster than she thought she could run. And she kept running for as long as she was able.

”Yes!”, Wolf cried giving chase ”Run! Flee! This is a fun game!”

Kindred looked on at the body and the pony who killed her.

”That was a fun game!” Wolf said gleefully.

”I’m glad you enjoyed it, dear Wolf.”

”We must find another!”

”In time Wolf,” Lamb responded, ”In time, all will come to us.”

”We will chase more!”

”And we shall hunt.”

”And bite and tear!”

”And all shall know Kindred…”

‘Yes,’ Celestia thought, curled up next to Cadence on the bed, ‘This will definitely be a good night.’

Celestia drifted off to sleep, warm and comfortable.