• Published 5th Jun 2018
  • 2,757 Views, 227 Comments

If Only I Had Time - FamousLastWords

When a force unlike any before threatens to destroy all of Equestria, Spike is called on to save the day. To do so, he'll have go on a long journey... A journey to over one-thousand years in the past.

  • ...

Tomorrow We Die Alive

Author's Note:

Oh man! I meant to get this out two weeks ago, but work had me handcuffed and then I was at Bronycon this past week and stuff and....


Here it is! The final chapter of the introductory arc. I hope you all like it! And next chapter, we're going back over a thousand years. Get ready!

Spike paced back and forth in the castle bedroom he was stuck with. Celestia allotted him to use one of the smaller guest bedrooms until he was ready to leave. It was true; there wasn’t much time to waste regarding this mission, or at least that’s what they told him. However, he was grateful they gave him until the following morning to prepare himself for the journey. He could use a full night's sleep before something like this.

Of course, that wasn’t the only reason he was grateful. He did request a particular visitor before taking off. And, if the time specifications the guards quoted him were correct, she should be arriving in three, two, one…

“Spike!” The door to the room flew open, revealing a rather frazzled looking Starlight. Her mane was full of untended split ends, and her fur was in bad need of a brushing as well. “Is everything alright?”

The dragon turned around toward the door with a shrug. “Eh, kinda. Maybe. I have no idea if things are alright or not, to be honest.”

Starlight shut the door behind her and cocked an eyebrow. “Well, the way the guard made it sound when he practically dragged me out of bed and out the door was that it was pretty serious.”

Spike took a moment to look out the window. “Oh yeah, it’s pretty late isn’t it?” His eyes then drifted over to the clock hanging on the wall that read eleven-thirty pm. “Really late. Yeah, sorry about that.”

Starlight rolled her eyes. “He said you needed to see me immediately and I only had a minute to make myself look presentable.” Starlight tapped her chin. “Oh! And they said I couldn’t tell Twilight, either. That was when I knew it must be something serious involving you.”

“Oh geez,” Spike replied. “When I asked if you could get here as quick as possible, I didn’t know they would be that dedicated to their duties. Celestia runs a tight ship around here, I guess.”

“You think? It’s not like she’s a princess with over a thousand years of experience or anything like that.” Starlight chuckled to herself before moving a bit closer to the dragon who was standing near the bed. “So, all the chit-chat aside, what’s the deal? I imagine you didn’t ask me to come here just to have some coffee and donuts, right?”

Spike casually glanced at the tray on the nightstand containing a cup of coffee and one raspberry filled donut. “Well, no. They only brought enough for me, anyway.” Spike slowly sat down on the bed and patted the spot next to him, bidding Starlight to do the same. “I kinda just wanted to talk for a bit, if that’s cool.”

She cocked an eyebrow. “You had me wake up in the middle of the night and get escorted across Equestria wearing my birthday mane… to talk?”

Spike shrugged. “Yeah.”

Her eye twitched. “You sir, are one twisted individual. I want you to be aware of this. We can talk tomorrow back home. In the meantime, I’m going to sleep on this comfy bed, and you can sleep on the floor.”

“But Starlight!”

Starlight grumbled to herself, completely ignoring the dragon, and hopped onto the bed, practically throwing Spike off it in the process. “Crazy dragon… waking me up to talk and other stupid stu—"

“Starlight!” Spike turned his body around to face the now half-snuggled mare directly. “There won’t be a tomorrow at home. At least not with me there.”

“Huh?” She popped open one of her closed eyelids. “What do you mean?”

The dragon let out a sigh. “I meant what I said. I’m not going home tomorrow. I won’t be going home for…” He took his eyes off her and dropped them to the blankets. “For a long time, let’s put it that way.”

Starlight sat up in the bed and stared at him. “Spike, you’re not making a whole lot of sense. Maybe it’s just the fact that I’ve completely checked out mentally for the night, but I really don’t get what you’re saying.”

He brought his gaze directly in line with hers. “I’m going on a mission, Starlight, and I won’t be coming back for a long time.”

“O-Oh.” Starlight’s jaw was held open for a few seconds as she tried to formulate words. “I, uh, I see. A mission? From Celestia, I’m guessing?”

“Yep.” Spike nodded. “I found out about it today, and I have to leave tomorrow morning. They asked if I could leave tonight, but I wanted a chance to sleep and talk to somepony before I left.”

“And you picked me over Twilight?” Starlight cocked her head to the side. “Not that I don’t find it sweet, but any particular reason why?”

Spike released a small chortle. “Heh, you think telling Twilight I’m going on a long, dangerous mission by myself would be a good idea? That’s a laugh. I love her to death, but the less she knows about this, the better.”

Starlight paused to rub her chin and savor the thought for a moment. “You know what? That’s a fair point.” She let out a small yawn and tried to shake off some of her tiredness. “So, I’m kinda intrigued by this whole mission thing. Usually, Celestia calls up Twilight or her friends for this kind of thing. So, you know, spill the beans. I want details!”

“Ugh, I figured you would ask.” Spike shook his head and leaned back in the bed, resting his head against the wooden backboard. “Sorry, Starlight. I can’t tell you.”

“Oh no,” Starlight said, shaking her head. “We’re not playing this game. Tell me!”

Spike zipped his lips shut with a claw. “Nope.”

“Look here!” The unicorn leaped onto the dragon, her face mere centimeters from his. “You drag me out of bed in the middle of the night, tell me you’re going on a dangerous mission, by yourself no less, and then you tell me you can’t say anything about it?” She pressed her face against his, eyes narrowed and noses touching. “I want details dragon, and I want them now.

Spike was admittedly frightened at this point. Starlight was not one to be trifled with under any circumstances, much less when tired and cranky. Her previously criminal antics were proof of that. He had to come clean. Her deadly stare left him no choice in the matter.

“Alright, fine.” Spike rolled over, knocking the mare off him in the process. “I’ll tell you, but you can’t tell anyone, alright?”

She nodded vigorously. “Of course.”

Spike propped himself up into a sitting position. “Okay, so here’s the gist. I’m giving you the short version. There’s some crazy magic stuff going on, and I have to go back in time like a thousand years or something to fix it.” The dragon smiled. “There, now you know so you can stop bugging me about it.”

She blinked. “Umm… well then.”

“Eeyup. Crazy right?”

After another brief second of processing the information, Starlight shrugged. “Eh, just another day around here, to be honest. I mean, there’s only so many crazy villains and whatnot you can see and still be surprised. Once Starswirl came out of a black void we pretty much saw it all.”

“Huh.” Spike scratched his head. “You see, this is why I wanted you to come over. You take this stuff way better than anyone else.”

“What can I say? I take things as they are. But on that note.” Starlight rose a hoof and smacked Spike across the face.

“Ouch!” The dragon cried out, clutching the now bright red scales decorating his cheek. “What the heck was that for?”

“For signing up on a mission that could get you killed without telling me before you did it.” She quickly wrapped her hooves around him and pulled him into a tight hug.

“Uh… okay?” He cautiously placed his arms around her and reciprocated the hug. “I’m afraid to know what this is for.”

Starlight’s voice came out in mumbles due to her face being shoved into his chest scales. “This is also for signing up for a dangerous mission that could get you killed.”

He cracked a small smile and tightened his hold on her before letting her go. “Well, thank you for that, I suppose.”

Starlight pulled away and immediately resumed her stubborn straight face. “You’re welcome. But you better not get yourself killed or anything. If you do, I probably won’t forgive you ever. I’m not sure if you dragons have any afterlife beliefs or whatever, but if you do, I’ll make a point of visiting you just to tell whatever elder god is ruling that you sucked your claw in your sleep until you were sixteen.”

“You, ma’am, are a cruel mistress, sometimes. You know that?”

“I know, and I don’t plan on changing.”

“Good, done.” He smiled at her before leaning back in the bed once more. “But don’t worry. I don’t plan on dying. And if I did, I’m pretty sure some time paradox would happen, and you might not even know I existed.”

“Don’t say that!” She shoved him in the side. “As much grief as I give you, a world without you in it wouldn’t be nearly as good as having you around.”

“Heh, thanks.”

There was a small pause in the conversation. Spike wasn’t sure how to respond appropriately, and Starlight had already said her piece and her confident exterior was being put to the test. This whole lone warrior mission thing was becoming a lot harder than he anticipated.

“I guess it’s a good thing you decided to do this, though,” Starlight said with a small chuckle, finally breaking the building tension. “I mean, saving us all is cool and whatnot, but it was about time you did something important again.”

“Excuse me?”

“Yeah,” she continued, a grin growing on her lips. “I mean, you stayed home for most of the big missions the past few years. I was beginning to wonder how you were able to stand without a backbone.”

“Pfft, hey, it’s not my fault the map never saw any use for me on those missions.” He released his own small chortle. “Besides, friendship problems and villains always seemed to attack on the weekends. You know those are my sleep-in days.”

“Oh, yes, of course. Celestia knows you need your sleep after a full week of reading comics and flirting with the local mares. I have no idea how you keep up with it, to be honest.”

“Same. Being this awesome is a full-time job. Not just anybody can do it. It takes a rare breed to— Ah!” The dragon had attempted to place his claws behind his head and lean back further, only to fall off the mattress in glorious fashion. He landed on the floor with a hard thud before popping back up. “That never happened, alright?”

Starlight stifled a laugh with her hoof. “Just quit while you’re ahead, okay Spike?”

He dusted himself off and let out a sigh. “You know, on a more serious note, you’re right. It is a good thing I’m doing this. I think I need to.”

Starlight cocked her head to the side. “What do you mean? I was joking about the whole ‘you never do anything’ part.”

“No, you’re right.” Spike sat back down on the bed next to her. “I’ve never exactly been the hero like the rest of you guys. Yeah, I helped save the Crystal Empire and some other stuff, but recently, I’ve honestly felt a little useless. You guys are going on these awesome friendship missions while I stay at home, hang out with Rarity or help Trixie with her magic shows that end up sucking anyway.”

Starlight placed a hoof on his shoulder. “Spike, don’t talk like that. You do a lot.”

“Nah, let’s not do the whole ‘feel better about yourself’ cliché here.” He lightly brushed her hoof off. “It’s my own fault anyway. I’ve spend so much time trying to figure out what I’m supposed to do or whatever that I’ve never really taken any chances to find the answer. I don’t have a cutie mark telling me what my gift is, so it’s always been a guessing game. Maybe… Maybe now I can finally do something for a change. Maybe I can learn more about myself through all of this, you know?”

“So, let me get this straight.” Starlight rubbed her chin. “You don’t know who you are, so you’re going a thousand years into the past to find yourself? Wow. I guess nopony ever said soul-searching was supposed to be easy.”

“Ain’t that the truth.” Spike emitted a chuckle. “Especially when you’re a dragon living with a bunch of ponies. I don't know. I need this.”

“Well, I can’t pretend to know exactly what’s going on in your head, and I pray for whoever is unfortunate enough to know, but I’m glad that you’re doing something like this then. I’m not gonna lie, I’m a little nervous about it, being your friend and all, but if you think this is the right move, then you have my full support.”

“Thanks, Starlight.”

The two shared another quick but tight hug before breaking it apart and relaxing next to each other in a moment of silence.

“Well, I guess that’s enough deep talk for one night, huh?” Spike asked with a smile. “If I’m gonna be saving all of your guys’ hides tomorrow, I should probably get some sleep.”

Starlight released a loud yawn and stretched out her hooves. “That’s an idea I can get behind.”

“Would it be too weird for me to sleep on the bed with you or do you want me to call up some extra bedding from one of the maids?”

The mare rolled her eyes and snuggled under the covers. “Spike, not even last year you made me pretend to be your marefriend for an entire week to make Flitter jealous in that poorly construed plan you had to make her like you. You grabbed my flank right in front of her. I’m pretty sure awkwardness is no longer a thing with us at this point.”

Spike blushed. “Oh yeah. I still owe you for that one, by the way. I still can’t believe it didn’t work out.”

Starlight shook her head. “You’re an idiot, Spike. But I love you anyway. Now shut off the light and get some sleep, okay?”

He turned toward the nightstand and blew out the bright burning candle before snuggling under the covers himself.

“Good night, Starlight. Thanks again.”

“Of course, Spike. Good night.”

It was time.

Spike took a deep breath as he stood in the middle of Celestia’s throne room. His heart rate was picking up by the minute, pounding faster than a double-pedaled kick drum. His entire body felt like it was on fire and it seemed no matter how many times he tried to relax himself he couldn’t keep his claws from shaking.

“Are you okay, Spike?”

Spike snapped his eyes open at the feel of a hoof on his shoulder and turned to see Starlight standing right beside him.

“You look like you’re about to explode or something,” she said with a small chuckle.

“Oh, yeah, that’s a definite possibility,” Spike replied, a crack in his voice. “But, I’m alright. Just those last-minute jitters. I wonder if this is how it’ll be when I get married someday?”

“Oh, come now, Spike. Let’s be realistic here; there’s nothing to be worried about.” She pulled her hoof from his shoulder and shook her head. “I can’t imagine a world where any female will bother marrying you.”

The dragon scowled. “You couldn’t give me just one day without some snark, could you?”

“Of course, not,” she replied with a smirk. “If all that gloom and doom talk you were going on about ends up being true, I want our last exchange to be as filled with as much biting sarcasm as ever.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Spike rolled his eyes but followed the gesture up with a smile. “I suppose I wouldn’t want it be any different. Besides, it’s not like there are enough raging communists around for you to find a husband either, is there?”

She not-so-gently jabbed him in the ribcage. “That’s the spirit, Spike.”

“Are you two done flirting with each other, or shall we put the fate of the world off by a few more hours?” Discord slithered between them, darting his eyes back and forth. “Frankly, I love myself a good romance story, and I love tragedy just as much. So, please,” he poofed a bucket of popcorn into existence and threw a few kernels into his mouth. “Continue!”

Spike whacked the bucket out of Discord’s paw. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get the point.”

Discord looked longingly at the spilled popcorn before snapping his claws and sending it back to the magical depths from whence it came. “Just ruin my fun, why don’t you?”

The three of them heard a pair of doors swing open and turned to see Celestia and Luna trotting in, putting their most confident smiles on, clearly more for Spike’s sake than anything else.

“Alright, I do believe we are prepared for the spell,” Celestia said. “I wasn’t sure of the overall effects the spell might have, so I made sure the guards are keeping all civilians out of the castle for the time being.”

The two sisters strolled up to the other three in the room. Spike was trying to steel his nerves the best he could so the princesses wouldn’t see how nervous he was. Of course, that wouldn’t fly as well as he hoped.

“Spike,” Luna spoke up. “How are you feeling?”

The dragon released a hefty sigh and looked her right in the eyes. “I’m doing alright. I’m just glad I was able to get a little sleep last night. No thanks to Starlight’s snoring, I should say.” A hoof slap to the arm was all it took to make him regret his words. “Uh, yeah, I’m doing alright. Let’s leave it at that, heh.”

“I’m glad to hear that,” Celestia replied with a warm smile. “If I were in your place I doubt I’d be holding up so well.”

The dragon nodded. “Well, to be fair. I think it helps that I haven’t had much time to process it. If we waited much longer I probably would’ve figured out a way to get out of it, already.”

“I highly doubt that,” Celestia stated. “You’ve always been ready to help those in need, ever since you were young. They don’t have a statue of you in the Crystal Empire simply for your good looks.” She followed up the sentiment with a wink.

“You see,” Spike said, turning to Starlight. “Charm like that is how you get into a position of power. You should probably take notes.”

“Don’t push it.”

Spike laughed for a moment before turning back to the princesses and Discord, who was now standing with them. “Well, I guess I’m ready to leave whenever. The sooner, the better, right?”

“Very true,” Luna said with a nod. “Best not to delay things any longer.”

“Yes, you are correct,” Celestia said. “However, very quickly, there are a few things we need to go over. A couple of rules, if you will.”

“Oh great. Now I have expectations and guidelines,” Spike said. “It was so much simpler up until this point.”

“I know, right?” Discord cut in. “Aren’t rules just the worst?”

“Don’t make me send you with him, Discord,” Celestia said, glaring the sharpest daggers imaginable at him. After watching the draconequus curl into a frightened ball, she put on a proud smile and turned back toward the dragon. “But yes, Spike, there are few rules we need you to abide by. We obviously won’t be there to enforce them, but we trust you to follow them to the best of your ability.”

“Yes,” Luna chimed in. “Please, you would do well to keep in mind that every action you make will have far-reaching and possibly dire consequences for thousands of others, including those you love most!”

The dragon gulped. “The pressure is on, I guess, hehe. Alright, lay ‘em on me.”

Celestia nodded. “So, as we briefly discussed before, you must limit contact with others as much as possible. Only converse with those who you must and do not mention anything about time travel or otherwise. And please, it may be alright to ask for assistance in your efforts casually but refrain from mentioning any specifics about your mission. It would have the potential of causing more trouble than we could imagine.”

Spike nodded. “Understood.”

“Yeah Spike,” Starlight cut in with a chuckle. “That means no flirting with any pretty mares you come across. Not that it would work anyway.”

He rolled his eyes once more. “Yeah, I get it. Now, what other rules are there, Princess?”

Luna took the lead this time. “Well, we’re not sure exactly how you will find this villain, but we strongly recommend you follow the list of ingredients for the spell we gave you last night. We hope you were able to commit them to memory.”

Spike scratched his head. “Let’s see here: Petals from the Cypress Orchid, dragon scales, an enchanted orange peel and one diamond. I’m still having some issues understanding how that stuff can help me find him or her.”

‘Well,” Celestia stated. “It’s no guarantee, but these are all rare items from that time that would require some effort to obtain. If you search out these items, it’s possible you may find clues about this villain or even intercept them in the process.”

“Oh joy,” Spike replied. “We’re cranking the difficulty up to survivor level, huh?”

“That’s an understatement,” Discord replied with a snicker. “You could be transporting right into a political fallout for all we know.”

“Discord!” Celestia slammed a hoof into the ground before turning back to Spike. “Don’t listen to him, Spike. We made sure to transport you to the correct time frame and the area in which you should arrive will be secluded if our coordinates are correct.”

“If?” Spike’s eyes grew exponentially more extensive with each sentence coming out Celestia’s mouth.

“Have no fear, Spike,” Luna cut in once more. “Discord is very capable with his magic. You will arrive in the past safely.”

Spike eyed Discord with a raised eyebrow. “You know, I’d have way more confidence in this whole thing if it weren’t resting on the claw and paw of a chaos god.” The dragon took in a deep breath and released a large sigh. “But I suppose I don’t have a choice, huh? Were there any other rules and regulations I needed to know about?”

“Nothing major,” Celestia said. “Avoid all political affairs and don’t speak your opinions about any major events going on. You don’t want to influence any possible change. Also, we can’t be certain what the lay of the land will be, but try to find a secluded area for making camp. Once again, you don’t want to associate with other creatures any more than necessary.”

“Aye aye, Cap'n,” Spike said with a mock salute. “Any more?”

Celestia scratched her chin for a moment. “None that come to mind imme—”

“Sister! The necklace!” Luna pointed at a small piece of jewelry hanging from Celestia’s neck.

“Oh! Yes! Of course.” Celestia levitated the necklace from around her neck and held it out in front of Spike. “Take this.”

It was a simple and unassuming necklace. A silver chain with a small, glass, diamond-shaped ornament at the center. There was some swirling smoke trapped inside, or at least that’s what it looked like.

“Umm, what is this?” Spike eyed it curiously before taking it in his claw.

“It’s a necklace, you dork,” Starlight said with a chuckle.

“I know that,” Spike replied before turning back to Celestia. “I take it there’s something special about it?”

“You are correct,” she said. “We were able to trap one use of Discord's time travel spell within it. We’re unsure exactly of how things will work out if you defeat the villain, but just in case, this should get you home.”

Spike cocked his head to the side, his eyes locked on the jewelry. “How?”

Celestia continued. “All you need to do is break the glass, and the spell will release, but it will only last a short time; just long enough for you to go through. I used a special spell I learned that should temporarily protect it from the effects of the time jump. However, I would be lying if I told you there wasn’t any concern on if it will work or not. We figured it was worth an attempt though.”

“So… You’re saying that if anything happens to this necklace, I’ll be stuck in the past forever?” Spike’s lips contorted into a frown. “That seems a little bleak.”

“Not necessarily,” Luna said. “It’s quite possible that if you defeat this evil creature, you will reset the timeline altogether and return safely.”

Spike scratched his head for a moment before a light flickered on in his mind. “Oh! I get it! So, if I defeat the villain and keep him from doing the spell, I wouldn’t have ever had to go to the past in the first place, so everything will go back to normal?”

“In theory, yes,” Celestia responded with a smile. “It will be as if nothing ever happened.”

“Oh great.” Spike let out a small chuckle. “My first major mission on my own and nobody will know about it. I didn’t know being a hero was such a thankless job.”

Tell me about it,” the two sisters chimed in at the same time.

Spike looked at the necklace once more before placing it around his neck. At least it fit comfortably. “Well, I guess that’s it then, huh?”

“Finally,” Discord replied, now seated in an easy chair, a large book in his paw. “Have you considered boring this arch nemesis to death? It may be a plausible plan.” He poofed the items away and rose his claw. “Anyhow, I can tear a hole in the space-time continuum whenever you give the word, my dear Celestia.”

“Are you ready, Spike?” She asked.

The dragon turned to Starlight. “Take care of Twilight for me, alright? Tell her I’m on an ambassador mission or something.”

“Don’t worry; I’ll handle her. But first, I do need to do one thing.” Starlight reared up and pulled Spike into a tight hug. She held him for several seconds before planting the smallest of kisses on his cheek. “Be careful out there, okay?”

Spike nodded. “Of course, I’ll be back.”

She smiled, her eyes beginning to tear up just a bit. “You better. We’ve got a lot of comics to catch up on.”

“Oh, what’s that?” Spike asked pointing at a tear dripping down her cheek. “It’s almost as if you actually care about me or something.”

She wiped it away quickly. “Shut up. If you ever tell anyone about this, a time lord villain is the last thing you’ll need to worry about.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it.” Spike smiled at her once more before turning to the princesses. “Any chance I can sneak a hug in from you two?”

“Of course,” they both replied.

The two sisters wrapped their wings around the dragon. He was tall enough to rest his head on Celestia’s and wrapped his arms around both of them the best he could.

“I won’t let you down. I promise.”

The three separated and Spike was greeted with two genuine smiles.

“I have full confidence in you, Spike,” Celestia said.

“As do I,” Luna stated with a firm nod.

“Yes, yes, yes, this is all very sweet,” Discord said, feigning a yawn. “But any chance we could get this ball rolling. Or have we forgotten Equestria is unraveling as we speak?”

“Very well,” Celestia said. “Open the portal.”

Discord snapped his talons, and a massive, swirling vortex appeared next to him. It was a deep grey color with a pitch-black center and roughly as tall as the dragon himself. It made a loud noise as if a hurricane’s winds were blowing through the room.

Spike gulped as he investigated it. There was no going back at this point. All or nothing. He didn’t even want to look back as he took a few steps toward it. The time had come, and that’s all there was to it.

Spike was right in front of it, only a few inches away. He rose a claw and waved it, holding true to his affirmation and not looking behind him.

“Goodbye, you guys. I’ll see you soon.”

Without waiting to hear their farewells, he clutched the necklace and stepped in. He could feel the suction immediately and then…

…everything went black.