• Published 1st Jun 2018
  • 4,972 Views, 109 Comments

Anthology - Timeless Lord Slayer

A young man one day comes to possess a strange pencil. Little does he know it bears certain...properties.

  • ...

Line 2 - A Book A Day (Edited)

Hello, how are you?

A man slowly cracks his eyes open and yawns, sitting up in bed.

A mare groans as she gets out of bed.

Opening a window, a man's head popped out.

Opening a window, a mare's head popped out.

Both sigh, before saying, "Morning!"

Bright, sunny daylight lies outside.

A man stands in a kitchen, yawns as he makes his breakfast.

A mare sits patiently at a table, yawning.

They sing, "La la la la da la~," in their hearts.

A yellow woman cheers as she eats her breakfast, a man smiling and doing the same across the table from her.

A mare looks over a scroll as she eats some toast.

A mare sleeps soundly in her dark room, happily dreaming.

"Hello, how are you?"

The youth of 19 trudged through the brush and shrubbery, pushing aside any wayward branches that stood in his path or obstructed his view. Some he had to duck under, and some trees bore roots so large and old that he had to climb over them. Regardless, he did so, and all the while he smiled thinly, as if enjoying the fact that he was in the wilds and far from home instead of being forlorn and utterly lost. He gained a few scratches here and there from some thistles, and his coat got caught a few times, but he calmly removed it each time, making sure to minimize the damage.

He endeavored to keep his gaze forward, where the light of day was growing brighter. It was an effort marred by the times he had to watch his footing or the like, but it was no trouble, simply a short delay in his work. In time, he came upon a path, a path with picket fences entwined with vines, and after the boy took a closer look, it was obvious whoever took care of the path also took care of the vines to such a degree that they made certain they grew around and on the fencing with style. The young man hummed briefly to himself, before carefully hopping over the fence and onto the well-trodden dirt path.

He turned his gaze to the entrance of the forest, where he could see a sizable garden, more beautiful than any he'd seen in his life. He let out a low whistle in approval, and, after squinting his eyes and seeing a sizable castle beyond the garden, headed towards the garden.

I guess that's Canterlot Gardens and the Castle that way. Has to be with all that marble and grandeur, he thought to himself as he trodded along the path, soon reaching the garden and following the path still, tall hedges on either side of him that melded into the picket fence which melded into an arbor that the hedges covered.

In due time, full of the boy pondering what he would say to the first pony he met, he arrived at a much more open part of the garden, and to his wide-eyed surprise, just a scarce four hundred feet away was an Alicorn with fur and feathered wings as white as the marble of her castle, along with a flowing pastel mane and tail as well as golden regalia. She was sat at a regal table as white as her with gold embellishings, a teacup halfway lifted to her lips before she spotted him with her violet eyes.

They stared at one another for a short while, unblinking. Then, slowly, the mare sipped of her tea, lowered the cup down onto the table, and called to him.

"Hello there! I've not seen you around here before, did you come from the forest?" she asked. The young man paused, sparing a glance back whence he came, before turning back and slowly nodding. "Can you speak?" He nodded once more. She gave him a motherly smile and gestured him over with a wing. "Well, come here then! Sit, talk with me." Another glance was spared towards the way the boy came, before he turned back and slowly approached. He soon reached her and sat down at the table across from her on his knees. She lifted her teacup in a glow of golden magic. "Tea?"

"...Sure," he finally said. She smiled, and in a poof of golden, twinkling magic, something the boy could only smile in wonder at, a second teacup appeared and the mare poured her guest a cup. The man nodded to her. "Thanks." She nodded, and he lifted the cup to his lips and tested the tea. It was bitter, but he was used to that with teas, having sampled them from time to time at home.

"So, since you have me so curious, what is your name, and what are you?" she asked. She placed a golden shod hoof to her chest. "I am Princess Celestia, Ruler of Equestria."

The man paused, staring at the tea in his cup for a scant few seconds, then taking a sip before answering with, "Call me Qudirk. I'm... Well, human."

Celestia hummed, taking a sip of her own tea before placing the cup down gently. "I see... Might I ask where the human kingdom is? And why you found yourself in the Royal Forest?"

Qudirk's head lowered to his lap and he clenched his free hand briefly. "...My home is..." He paused another few seconds. "...The wilds, you could say. My kingdom is of no concern to me anymore. I've been wandering the world for 4 years now, and I one day found myself climbing this mountain."

Celestia quirked a brow. "Oh? For what reason?"

Qudirk smiled, looking back up at her. "The fun of it, really. I love traveling, and telling stories of places I've been."

"That sounds like quite the life," Celestia mused, raising her cup to her lips and taking a delicate sip.

"It is," He took a sip of his own, longer than hers.

"Forgive me," she put her cup down once again. "But you hardly look the wandering type. Most I know would bear some kind of pack and a means of which to defend themselves." She narrowed her eyes a bit and leaned forward slightly, inclining her head.

Qudirk kept his smile as he pulled out his pencil. "My belongings aren't really needed when I can freely summon food or protection with this-" he pulled out his personal notebook. "-and this."

Celestia adopted a puzzled expression as she leaned back. "And how, pray tell, do those do such things?"

Qudirk's smile grew. "Very, very, very well done enchantments."

Celestia stared at him for a moment longer before speaking once more. "Might I look them over?" He nodded and handed them to her, the mare taking them in her magic and closing her eyes a few seconds. Those seconds drew on for a time, before her eyes shot wide open. "My word... These enchantments are stronger and even more complex than most I've come to know..." Qudirk chuckled.

"I'm a lucky one to bear such gifts, a lucky one indeed," he said, before looking to the clear, cloudless sky above. His smile almost seemed to turn sad for a moment, before the sadness disappeared and he looked back down to Celestia. "Might I have them back, now? They're precious to me." Celestia blinked a few times before returning them.

Silence reigned as Qudirk placed them back in his coat pockets and then downed the rest of his tea in quiet. Celestia held a hoof to her chin, brows furrowed as she seemed to be in thought. After Qudirk finished his cup, he cleared his throat, gaining the ruler's attention.

"I have a request, actually, if you'd indulge me, Princess," he began. Celestia gestured with a wing for him to continue. "I'm of the age where I should be settling down, so, would it trouble you too much to maybe provide a home for me? I could even help in it's making." Celestia hummed.

"Well, I suppose, but I'd have to make you a citizen of the country first in order for you to purchase land," she explained.

"I can deal with that. But the place I'd like to live is a bit peculiar, and only the first part of my request," Qudirk continued. "To be plain, I want to live in a tower in that forest. To pay for any services rendered, maybe I could give you some treasures from my homeland? A book or two, even?"

Celestia's brow raised to new heights as she considered this. "Why do you want to live in the forest? I wouldn't be opposed to it, but why?"

Qudirk shrugged, gaining a goofy grin. "I like the outdoors, Princess."

"Well, then I suppose I can allow it," Celestia conceded. She managed a smile. "But I'll be expecting a bit of payment early, just to see if it is sufficient." Qudirk hummed, then pulled out his pencil and notebook. He scribbled something down in the notebook's pages, and after a brief flash of light, a small, somewhat worn tome appeared on the table. Celestia picked it up and read it's title aloud. "'Romeo and Juliet?'" She said, shooting him a questioning glance. Qudirk smiled.

"Trust me, Princess. You'll love it," he said with a smile and a twinkle in his eye.

And thus began the young Qudirk's days in Equestria. With a book given, and more to come along with other "payments", and a home to soon be built, the youth of 19 had made himself a new home in but hours of being in this new land.

And many years would follow.

Author's Note:

EDIT: Fixed some things, made it flow better. I really need to slow down with the commas, I add too many. :applecry:

Welp, here's the second chapter, hope y'all like it. Tried to give it some air of intrigue, not sure if it got any of you, but hey, 'least I tried.

Anyway, thank you for reading.

-Timeless Celestial