• Published 28th Jul 2012
  • 1,607 Views, 15 Comments

Fallout Equestria: Echoes of a Nightmare - Ronglar

How can you survive in the wasteland if the nightmare is part of you?

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Chapter 1: Welcome to the Wasteland

Chapter 1: Welcome to the Wasteland


If I had to use just one word to describe my town, my life, me, I would go with boring. Nothing ever happens around here. To be specific, nothing ever happens in Aqua Falls. That’s the name of the town I live in and have lived in my whole life, the town where absolutely nothing interesting ever happens forever and ever and ever and- well, you get the point.

From what I’ve been told Aqua Falls used to be quite the popular tourist destination before the war. I am quite positive that the name comes from, or came from the huge waterfall that goes right down the cliffs on the eastern edge of the town. I say came from because the river now is a dirty brown color that would put the name ‘aqua’ to shame. But I guess that’s what happens to nature after two centuries of radiation and pollution. Go figure.

Nowadays tourist destinations and nice scenery won’t make you a cap. Ponies are too busy surviving and fighting each other to admire once beautiful landscapes. Lucky though (I think) Aqua Falls has a small water purifier plant that doubles as an electricity generator working on the riverbanks. It’s not much but it keeps the town alive and makes a little surplus for trade.

Any traders who do come through usually do so through the north or south along Highway 36. The roadway follows the Galvanic Valley throughout the northwestern plains of Equestria. Before the war Highway 36 was one of the major networks that connected the heartland of Equestria with, well, whatever is past the Blaze Mountains to the North.

What? How am I supposed to know about whatever is past a mountain range? I’ve never even been outside of this Valley for Celestia’s sake!

So uh, yeah. Traders and the occasional caravan pretty much sum up the overall outside contact for Aqua Falls. I think the most interesting thing that has happened here recently would be that radroach nest Juniper uncovered on a hike. We found a nice wrench inside. I know! So exciting!

In case you were wondering (you totally were) Juniper is my best friend. We grew up together in Aqua Falls, spending the years exploring the valley. I know this place like the back of my hoof, Juniper… not so much. I wouldn’t be surprised if she got lost in town. Hold up, I think that did actually happen. Twice. I shit you not. If not for me she probably would’ve gotten lost in the forest years ago. She’d be fine though, the biggest things in the valley are mole rats. Well, you know, aside from ponies.

Oh, yeah, did I mention? The Galvanic Valley has a huge forest that spans the whole thing. It’s pretty tame though. Nothing like what I’ve heard of the Everfree forest where even the flowers with try to kill you. Our forest on the other hoof is nice enough to have a type of tree that produces an actually edible fruit! We call it dirtfruit, because well, it tastes like garbage. But hey! Any calories are good calories amiright?

So uh, I think I’m getting off topic here. Um. What was the topic? Wait was there even a topic? I think so. Maybe. Probably. Possibly. I don’t think so. I don’t know.

Whatever. As I think I was maybe saying. Actually I don’t think I said this yet. Alright. Hi. My name is Moonlight. Pleasure to meet you. I am a female unicorn with a gray coat and deep blue mane. My cutie mark is a half-moon with some little blue sparkly things around it. Yeah I don’t know what it means either.

Juniper and I both work as guards for Aqua Falls, which is actually kind of a joke. The only way in or out of the valley is through the north or south passage along Highway 36. As I’ve already said the only real outside contact we get is from the occasional caravan that mulls on through towards the Blaze Mountains. There isn’t really that much to see or do out here. I’ve heard from traders that there are settlements to the west of here and even some large city, but nothing really in specifics.

Um, I guess that would pretty much sum everything up. A boring unicorn, living in a boring town where nothing ever happens. Ever. Oh! No wait! There is one thing I forgot to mention. I have an awesome thing called a Pip hey Moonlight!

The hell?

As I was saying I have a hey Moonlight!

Okay. Dafuq.

What the get up already you lazy bum!

I awoke with a start, rolling and falling out of my rather comfortable hammock onto a rather uncomfortable ground. “Ow.” I muttered, rubbing my jaw with my hoof. Seriously? Why can’t I ever take a nap in peace? Nothing ever happens here! I should be able to take a mid-day nap without anypony waking me!

“Ahem.” The rude sleep-ending beast said as it loomed over me. I rolled over onto my side to look up at the offender. The face of a light green earth pony with a long pink mane wearing a disapproving smirk stared back at me. I was still half asleep so I closed my eyes and rolled over away from it.

My thoughtful action (well for me anyway) was kindly rewarded with a not-so-gentle tap on my back. “Eehhh, away with you vile demon. Can’t you see that I’m still shnoozing over here?” Now I got a firm kick to the flank.

“Alright, alright I’m going, I’m going.” I relented. Slowly, one hoof at a time I gently raised myself into a sitting position facing the intruder. Blowing a strand of blue hair out of my eyes, I looked up to see a pair of big orange eyes looking back at me. Only my so called “best friend” would dare interrupt me while I was sleeping.

“So uh, any specific reason you woke me up today Juniper?” I questioned. “It is a Sunday. We’re off duty today in case you forgot.”

The green and pink pony smiled back at me. “That’s exactly why I woke you up today!” Juniper cheerfully stated. Please explain to me how that makes any sense whatsoever. “A day spent asleep is a day wasted! And I’ve got something awesome for us to do!”

“Wasted?” I snorted “That’s a good one there. Hah, day wasted sleeping.”

Juniper glared back at me. Okay, I’ll admit it. There are not very many things that scare me. Ghouls? Nothing. Sentry Bots? Nope. Hellhounds? ‘Kay maybe a little. Nothing however compares to a death glare from a green pony with a pink mane. Yeah that might sound ridiculous to you, but you’ve never experienced it!

“Fine.” I submitted. The death glare instantly vanished. “What is it?”

“Well, I picked up something nifty from a passing trader!” Juniper giggled. Something nifty from a trader. Wonderful. Because on a quiet Sunday afternoon the exact thing I needed was to be woken up about a topic regarding shopping.

Juniper turned her head around and stuck her nose into her pack. I watched her pink mane bob from side to side for a few seconds until it spun back around to reveal a piece of paper. Juniper opened her mouth and the sheet fell down in front of my hooves. I peered down for a closer look.

“19472653?” I blankly read off the paper. “Really. You woke me up for some numbers written on a sheet of paper?” Juniper nodded enthusiastically. “Ugh. Why am I not surprised?”

She started giggling again. “Can I tell you why those numbers are so special?” Sure. Amuse me. “Well, the trader I got it from said that this is the code for the stash of treasure in Stable 41!”

*Sigh* I could now see where she was taking this conversation. For those of you who don’t know, a Stable is a fallout shelter that was built in Equestria before the war. They kept a group of ponies safe during the apocalypse and then released them into the wasteland.

Stable 41 was constructed right into the walls of the Galvanic Valley. Juniper and I have passed the entrance several times on our walks but have never really had any incentive to explore it. Most likely because there is usually a ghoul or two walking around the entrance. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not scared at all. It’s just why would I go in to get my ass bit over the fun of exploration? Treasure thought, that was another story.

“So let me guess.” I began “You want to go into the vault to find this treasure that might or might not be there?” Juniper nodded with a big goofy smile on her face. “What do I get out of it?”

Juniper was quick to respond as usual. “Well honestly, I’m bored right now.” Has there ever been a time when either of us hasn’t been bored? “I wanted to finally explore vault 41 and this code gives a good reason too!” The look I was giving her said that I was still unconvinced. “I just want something to do, so how ‘bout this: come with me and you can have whatever the treasure is!”

Okay. Good enough for me. I stretched out my fore hooves and was rewarded with a satisfying crack. “Ugh, I hate it when you do that.” Juniper commented. Haters gonna hate. I stood up and gave my back legs a stretch just to annoy her. It worked nicely.

My horn let out a soft glow as the piece of paper levitated off the ground in between us. I saw how Juniper watched jealously as I stuck it in her pack. Yeah, I’d be jealous too if she could use magic and I couldn’t. Honestly. I can’t imagine how anypony could live without magic!

“Yeah, that’s sounds fine. Go grab your stuff and let’s meet back here in say half an hour?” I suggested. Jun gave a quick nod before walking off back to town. Me? I sat back down, pulled a round dirtfruit from my bag and chomped down. *Bite* What? Jun lives *Munch* on the other side of *Swallow* town. I live like, right there on the other side of the wall. Hey, if you’re gonna make a hammock to sleep in, makes sense to keep it close to your base of operations right?

Finishing my dirtfruit, which tasted like shit mind you, I packed up be saddlebags and began trotting along the large perimeter of Aqua Falls. The perimeter consisted of a large wall that encircled the town. It wasn’t too overly tall, only about three or four meters. I’m sure I could have climbed a tree and hopped over, but right now I was still kinda sleepy.

Making my way around the bend, I passed under the not-so-large southern gate. There were only three entrances to the town, a gate in the north, west and south with two to three ponies usually stationed to each. There was no east entrance because in the east was the huge cliffs of the valley.

Looking to the little guard room in the gate, I was surprised to see it empty. Odd. There’s always somepony in there. I knocked on the glass thinking maybe they were underneath the table but received no reply. I walked through the gate and turned my attention to the ramparts above. “Hey Rex! Why’s the office empty?” Within a few seconds a brown earth pony’s head popped over the edge looking back at me.

“What, Cascade’s not in there?” Rex asked. I shook my head. “Eh, he probable left to go work on his art.” As an afterthought he added “You want to fill in for him?”

Tempting offer. Sit in a security booth waiting for arrivals or go on a treasure hunt in a stable. Yep, I’m thinking what you’re thinking. “Sure!” I replied.

For some indescribable reason, Rex looked shocked at my answer. What? I’m a nice pony. I help ponies. “Really?” He sceptically poked. I saw the faint glint of hope in his eyes, that his job today wouldn’t be so undeniably boring. Which made what I was about to do all the more fun.

“Come to think of it, I’m good. I already have plans to go exploring with Juniper.” I said with a huge grin. On that note, I quickly left the scene before Rex could make any sort of rebuttal. Hey, I never said I was always a nice pony. Heh.

From the gate I walked a total of about 10 seconds before reaching my house. I told you it was close didn’t I? My house wasn’t the biggest in town, but it was good enough for my mother and I. My mom’s name is Meadow by the way. She works at the water plant along the river. Meadow has a deep green coat and a lighter green mane. He cutie mark is a drop of sparkling water. She built the house by hoof, which I’m actually pretty impressed by.

The front of the house had two dirty windows that you couldn’t really see through any more. There was also a hole in front partially covered by a sheet of metal that come to think of it I don’t want to say what caused it. You guys don’t have to know all the embarrassing details about me.

I outstretched a hoof and gently pushed open the front door. It let out a large creek as I stepped inside. I living room wasn’t much. There was a table in the center with four chairs, a desk with some tools on it, a large couch, a refrigerator that wasn’t running (we finally managed to catch it and tie it down), a door to my mom’s room and the staircase to my room.

Meadow was sitting at the table, packing a few papers into her bag. “Hello dear.” She greeted. “You’re home early. Didn’t you say you’d be sleeping all afternoon?”

“Well I’d like to, but Juniper convinced me to go exploring with her.” I replied. I left out the part about going to Vault 41; mom would just get worried and upset for me. And that’s definitely something you people do not need to see.

“It sounds fun, “She said “don’t do anything dangerous now.”

“Don’t worry mom, I can handle myself in the forest. It’s not like some radroach will get the best of me.” Or a ghoul.

“Alright then.” Mom said while closing her bags. She stood up and walked by me. “I’m going to a meeting with the Mayor. You two have fun while you’re out!” The door clicked shut behind me as I was left alone in the house.

Having no business in here, I trotted past the table and up the flight of stairs leading to the second floor. Once at the top, I pushed open the door to my room and stepped inside (well technically I was already inside but you get my point). Just as the living room and the rest of the house, my room wasn’t much. About half the size of the main room, there was my bed, a small desk and my trunk.

I kicked my off my saddlebag onto the bed as I walked around to the trunk. Now this, this is where I kept my awesome stuff. Mostly combat related items and neat things I’d collected. I tossed open the trunk lid and immediately began taking out various items of use.

Healing potion, I’ll take five of those. We’re going into a ghoul infested stable so some rad-x and rad-away should be useful. A tablet of buck and dose of med-x never hurt… Okay maybe it could hurt, but it was better that than getting my ass whooped.

I floated out a neatly folded suit of leather barding. It wasn’t anything special, but I didn’t feel like having a ghoul sink its teeth into my flank. I lifted my hooves one at a time and slipped into the barding. It fit like a glove; I could move as if it wasn’t on but it still gave me some limited protection.

With that settled I began looking over my weapons. “No, a rifle wouldn’t be very helpful inside a stable.” I placed the rifle back in the trunk and brought out my shotgun. “Now we were talking.” A nice hunting shotgun would do wonders against a horde of ghouls. As a safety measure I also brought out my 10mm pistol. I’dw need something quick in case I’m caught reloading.

Strapping my bag down tight, I levitated it onto my back and attached it to the barding. I slung the shotgun around my neck and holstered the pistol at my shoulder. “Alright, I think I’m good.” I gave one last look around to make sure I wasn’t missing anything. Satisfied, I walked out the door only to walk back in a moment later. “I… need ammo.”

Once again I lifted the lid of the trunk I sifted through its contents. I took out a couple dozen shells and multiple clips for the pistol. Better to have extra ammo than to run out right?

Packing up my bags again I noticed a glint from the trunk. I took another look inside and smiled. My horn glowed as a miniature figurine floated out in front of me. A flaring cyan and rainbow pegasus looked back at me as I read out the words below it. “Be awesome.” I have no idea who the pegasus is or what the figurine is supposed to mean. I just picked it up from a trader a while back because it looked (as the description would tell you) awesome. Also I have no idea what the damn thing is made of because no matter what I do to it, it stays in pristine condition. I’ve tried shooting it with my rifle, not even a scratch.

I placed the figurine back in my trunk and closed the lid. Once again I looked around my room to make sure I wasn’t forgetting anything again. A thought struck me as I was leaving though. Rex might possibly be pissed at me. Maybe not the best idea to go back through the gate. Um, isn’t my hammock right there? Yeah it is! Kay that works!

I opened the other door in my bedroom and stepped out onto the balcony. From here I had a clear view of the whole town. I have to admit, the cliffs and the waterfall did make quite a spectacular view. Aqua Falls itself wasn’t that big actually. Maybe a hundred, hundred fifty ponies in all? I’ve heard that’s actually pretty good by wasteland standards. Well enough of the admiring, I’ll leave that for Juniper.

Turning around, I grabbed a little hoof hold that I’d made on the outside of my room. I grabbed a second one above it, and proceeded to pull myself up; grabbing more holds one after another. Eventually I stuck a hoof out over the roof and yanked myself up. Standing up I looked over to the town wall below me and the perfectly placed tree hanging over it.

You can probably guess what was coming next. I took a deep breath before launching myself over the wall. Time seemed to slow down as I reached for the huge branch outstretched from the tree. I got it! I got it! I don’t got it! My body completely fell short but my front hooves wrapped around the branch. I swung forward and brought my stomach against the tree, wrapping my back hooves around it. Okay, not the most graceful but it got the job done.

I slowly began inching my way along the branch. It gave a creak of protest to the sudden weight. Whatever, I’m almost th- *Crack* Uh oh. I stepped up my inching as I really didn’t feel like falling to the ground. *Snap* Fuck.

The entire branch, along with me, broke off and tumbled down to the ground. Because of the unfortunate way I was attached to it, I landed squarely on my back with the branch landing directly on my chest. It was never a nice feeling to be winded. I brought my hooves up and shoved the offending branch off. I coughed and sucked up a large gulp of air. “Ack, ugh, that hurt.” I groaned.

“Told you, you were getting fat.” Somepony mocked beside me. I looked over to my left to see Juniper smirking above me.

“I’m not fat!” I protested. “It’s just been a long time since I’ve used that branch! I’m pretty sure I’ve grown since I was, what? Eight?”

“Sure, sure.” Jun smiled, sticking out a hoof at me. I gladly grabbed on and she helped pull me to my hooves. I shook my head, getting a few wayward leaves to fall out. Well. Not the best way to start a treasure hunt.

“C’mon, let’s go.” I said. The two of us began our walk down one of the smaller paths along the valley. It would only be about the five or ten minute walk from Aqua Falls to the stable; assuming we didn’t get into any trouble.

“I see you brought Quicksilver.” I commented.

“Well of course!” Juniper replied. “We’re going into a vault filled with ghouls, I couldn’t think of a better chance to use her!” Quicksilver was Jun’s signature weapon. It was a composite metal blade attached to a bracer that she wore her front right leg. It could cut through a leg or neck like butter. On her left front leg Jun wore a protective metal shield that she could raise to block income fire. It could deflect small caliber bullets and lasers but did a poor job against heavy gunfire and plasma. This worked perfectly for Jun as she had the freakish talent of being able to walk on her back two hooves! I know! Creepy as hell!

“So what did you bring?” Jun asked.

“Do you really need to ask?” I stated, gesturing to the shotgun slung around my neck and the pistol holstered at my shoulder. I’d thought it was pretty obvious what I had with me. Jun pouted at the response. “What?”

“I’m just trying to make conversation here. Jeeze.” She huffed. Sorry. I didn’t mean to offend.

“Jun,” I said firmly “we’ve known each other for how many years now? Why do I still get first time meeting small talk?”

“Cause it annoys you.” She said with a smirk. Damn right it does.

“Well stop it.” I deadpanned.

“Sorry, too much fun.” Does this really need to go further?

“*Sigh* Are we really going to go through this again?”

“Not unless you agree to the terms and conditions.”

“Which would be?”

“That you formally give up your title as Emperor of the Valley.”

“Hah! Fat chance.”

“Do I need to bring Quicksilver into this?”

“In this fight all she’d do is open up my can of whoop ass on you.”

“Oh yeah? Well- *Groan*” What was that? “Oh, looks like we’re here!”

“What now?” I mumbled. Jun stopped walking and stuck a hoof out in front of me. I came to a halt and followed where her hoof was pointing. Oh yeah. We are here.

Just down the end of the makeshift path was the wooden door in the Cliffside that lead to Stable 41. In the small clearing two ghouls walked back and forth, never straying too far from the door. Huh. We got here quick. I suppose time does fly when you’re having semi-fun arguments.

Erm, sorry for not explaining this earlier for those of you who don’t know what a ghoul is. It’s basically a pony that soaked up a shitload of radiation and lost its mind. They look like zombies, missing hair, contorted limbs and grotesque faces. Most are feral and will attack anything on sight. Some ghouls however can still think and interact with ponies normally. These two in front of the stable were of the feral variety.

I began to unsling my shotgun but was interrupted. “Can I have these two Moon?” Juniper pleaded. It’s always fun having the first kill of the trip; this being no exception. It was pretty damn hard to argue with those large orange eyes though. Fine.

“Yeah, yeah. Go right ahead.” I waved my hoof dismissively.

“Thanks! You’re the best!” Jun beamed. Without another pause she rushed down the path, sword blazing. I almost felt sorry for those ghouls. What? I said almost.

The first ghoul realized that something odd had happened just as its severed head bounced on the ground. The body took a few steps before it finally registered that it was dead and fell over. The second ghoul was fast enough to actually look over and see Quicksilver impale it right between the eyes. Jun withdrew her blade from the skull and whipped off the greenish blood on a nearby bush. The twitching corpse of the second ghoul fell to the ground. “How’d I do?” She asked as I walked up into the clearing.

“Eh, I’d give it a nine out of ten.” I replied. “Good points for speed and efficiency but you need to work on your flare. Maybe stick in a move or a one liner to spice it up.”

“Whatever, everyone’s a critic.” Jun sighed.

I stepped over the body of ghoul number to join up with her. Together we trotted up to the open wooden door leading to stable 41. I could hear faint growls and moans coming from inside; no doubt the other ghouls.

I unslung my shotgun and floated it beside me. Yeah, good chance I’ll probably get bit but whatever. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. And this was still better than sitting on guard duty in town.

“Alright Jun!” I hollered while leaping through the doorway. “Onwards to glory!”

Footnote: Level Up!

New Perk: Miss Talks-a-lot - The longer you talk, the more persuasive you become. For every additional dialogue option selected in a conversation, you gain +1 to your speech skill for the duration of the conversation.

*Authors Note: As I am have started up a new story I am currently looking for an editor. If you would be interested feel free to contact me. Thank you!