• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 1,158 Views, 8 Comments

Diary of a Pony - starshine_dash

Dear Diary, today I crash landed in Fluttershy's cottage with no idea who I am. Go me.

  • ...


Consciousness didn't come easily for me. Every time I struggled to open my eyes, it felt like someone took wet burlap and smashed it into my face. It was hard to breath, and it felt like something had forced its way down into my throat and taken up permanent residence. Muted sounds filtered through the cotton in my ears and I began to pick out voices. Someone was out there. I began to gag on the object in my throat as I pushed my way further into the world of the living. I heard a voice call out for a doctor once I started to move. I panicked as I realized I was strapped down and unable to move to dislodge the thing in my mouth.

I struggled against my bonds, but managed nothing more than a weak writhing as I opened my eyes and looked around in terror. Standing in front of me was a pony, slightly taller than the bed I was laying on, with a cross cutie mark and a nurse's hat. She was yelling out the door for the doctor to hurry. To my right stood another pony, her wings clenched tight to her side as she hid behind her long pink mane. I tried to yell but it only came out as a raspy choking noise.

Finally the doctor appeared, his horn glowing and pulling the offensive device out of my mouth with a tingle of magic. I gasped for air and took several huge breaths as I was quickly offered a glass of clear liquid and a straw. I realized just how thirsty I was and took a long drink of, what I found to be, ice cold water. Once I began to slurp air, the cup was removed from my reach and I took another draw of air before coughing.

"Hello, sir, I'm Doctor Stitch. Now that we have that breathing tube out, you should feel better."

I nodded and managed to force out a few words. They came in a ragged whisper, as if I'd swallowed a glass of gravel instead of a glass of water, "Where... Where am I?"

"You're in Ponyville General. Do you remember what happened?"

I cast my mind back, trying to remember anything about what had landed me in this place. I remembered waking up, but before that, all was a blank void. I stuttered for several minutes before simply shaking my head. The next question out of his mouth made me feel even worse.

"What's your name?"

I tried to remember something, anything, but all I got was a sensation of terror. Everything about me was missing. All I had were the words that told me I was missing something important and the emotions that came with that realization, "I... I don't know."

"You don't know your name?" the yellow pegasus to my right said with a gasp, "That's horrible..."

I looked over at her, my left eye twitching slightly, "Yeah, you think?" I asked, as softly as I could without revealing the true depth of my anger. I should not have been angry with her. She was only voicing the feeling I was keeping inside. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, letting the feeling pass, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I'm terrified."

The Doctor gave me one of those soft, condescending smiles his type are famous for, "That's perfectly understandable, given your situation. Can you remember anything at all?"

I thought for what felt like hours, but was probably only a few moments before shaking my head, "I can't remember anything..."

"Well, you still have your speech facilities intact. That's a good sign. You did take quite the knock to the noggin," he said.

"So," I coughed, my voice starting to give out on me, "What happened?"

I was given another glass of water to drink as the pegasus next to me spoke up, "Oh it was terrible... I was out tending to my animals when I heard a scream and saw you fly over the trees toward me. I ran inside, scared out of my mind, when you came crashing through the roof, my table, and landed in the basement. After I got myself under control, I brought you here."

"When she told us what happened, I was amazed you were still alive. You had a few broken ribs and your forelegs were broken on impact, but they've healed fine. We were mainly concerned with if you would wake up."

"H-how long?"

"You were in a coma for six months."

I had been in a coma for six months. I looked down at my limbs and realized I hadn't been strapped down, I was simply unable to move them because they had atrophied. When I thought of that word, I was briefly shocked that I knew it, but passed it off as something about amnesia I would never really understand. I looked to the pegasus and smiled as nicely as I could, "Thank you, Miss. I'm sorry about your house, I really am."

She smiled back at me, and I felt my heart soar for a brief moment, "It's fine, you couldn't help it. My name is Fluttershy by the way, if, um, that's alright with you."

My smile widened, "An angelic name for an angelic savior, I am in your debt, Miss Shy."

"Oh, no, Fluttershy is one word, but you can call me Miss Shy if you want..." she said bashfully, stepping back a little.

"Well, I'd love to continue this, but my throat is killing me."

"Ah, yes, that would be from the tube. Well, we have much to discuss, but I think it can wait until you've rested your throat a bit. I'll have Nurse Redheart here bring you some more water and maybe some soup."

"Soup would be wonderful!" I said, suddenly feeling an empty pit where I thought my stomach would be.

The nurse nodded and left, followed by the doctor. Fluttershy stood there for a moment before leaving herself. I managed to whisper a farewell before I lay back against the pillows and stared at the ceiling. Before I fell asleep from a combination of boredom and exhaustion, I continued to constantly attempt to move my limbs. I knew, deep down, that this was going to take a very long time to recover from.