• Published 23rd Jul 2018
  • 473 Views, 17 Comments

Happy Town Eternal Memorabilia - Vertigo22

When the cutie map summons her to northern Equestria, Twilight—along with Spike—must discover the truth behind the mysterious Happy Town, and its enigmatic mayor; a charasmatic stallion who claims to be prophet.

  • ...

Welcome to the New Age

Bong! Bong!

The sun had just risen over the clear skies of Happy Town. The rays of sunshine pierced through the small openings in the curtains, striking Twilight’s eyes. Alas, she could only wish that that had been what had awoke her.

Bong! Bong!

The cacophonous sound of a bell echoed in her head. Each successive ring only served to amplify the migraine she’d inevitably have by noontime. She grabbed her pillow and closed it around her head, pressing it against her ears with every ounce of strength she had in her still-exhausted body. Try as she may, the sound of the bell penetrated her soft, comfortable defense.

“Twilight.” Spike opened the door and fell face-first onto the floor, incoherently mumbling something to the effect of a plea to make the ringing stop.

“Ugh.” Twilight threw the pillow onto the floor and got out of bed, her legs shaking like she’d been stuck out in a blizzard without so much as a t-shirt on her. She stumbled over to Spike’s side and helped him up. Outside, they could both hear the chatter of numerous ponies as they all exited their houses and converged near the town center.

“Should we go check what’s going on?” Spike asked as he rose to his feet.

Twilight gave a slight nod. Together, the two staggered down the stairs and outside, flinching as the light of the day struck their still half-shut eyes. Another resounding bong rang out through the air, snapping them back into reality, follow by an equally ear-shattering sound.

“Hi, Twilight! Hi, Spike!”

Before either of them could fully register what they’d heard, Summer galloped up and threw her hooves around them. “Did you hear the great news?”

“N-no,” Twilight managed to squeak out as she and Spike flailed around wildly. “We haven’t…”

Summer released the two from the hug and let out a sheepish giggle. “Sorry,” she said. “I’m just super excited! It’s not often that Happy has the bell rung!” She clapped her hooves together. “The bell is only rung when something super duper important is going to happen or has happened and he wants us all to hear about it!”

“Any reason it has to be at the crack of dawn?” Spike asked, rubbing his sides.

“Happy likes us to get our days started on a good note!” Summer beamed. “Now c’mon, we shouldn’t wait any longer! If we do, we might miss what the good news is!” She raced off to the town center, leaving Twilight and Spike behind in the dust. Groaning, they continued onward, arriving a few moments later, where a small wooden stage had been set up. A white curtain hung around it with angels hanging above it all. After a few moments, Happy stepped onto the stage and cleared his throat.

“Good morning my dear children. I am your mayor—and savior—Happy Townscolt.” He bowed as the crowd erupted into thunderous cheers, causing Twilight and Spike to flinch. “As you both know, we had two new residents arrive yesterday from the Forbidden Forest. They escaped the iron grip that the false Goddess, Princess Celestia, holds on the land past our blessed town.” Happy pointed a wing at Twilight and Spike. “So please, give them your blessings after this meeting is done. They will need it to wash away the sin that they bear.”

The crowd turned around and cheered; Happy watched with a large smile. He cleared his throat and continued. “So, I come before you all today bearing only the best of news,” he said. “Today is not only another beautiful day in Happy Town, but also the beginning of something very special.”

Another eruption of cheers and applause roared through the air; Twilight and Spike both inching backwards as the audience jumped with unbridled joy and happiness. After several long and brutally loud seconds, the noise died down. With a smile, Happy descended back down to the stage and continued.

“My brothers and sisters—young and elderly—alone and who are with the one they wish to call their eternal partner, both in this life and in the next, I have never been more proud in my life. When I was visited by the Mother of Celestia, I did not think it was possible,” he said. “I did not think that someone like myself could warrant such an honor. I was alone. I had nothing to my name. Not a single bit or a single possession. However, I was chosen by the Mother of the one who has wrought so much chaos across not just this land, but the entire planet, to free every living being from her daughters tyrannical reign.” He wiped a tear from his eye. “And you are the ones who will be remembered when that day comes—the ones who assisted the Great Redeemer in his quest to bring Equestria and her ponies to eternal salvation.”

Happy spread his wings and ascended. “Welcome to the new age, my children.” A radiant light surrounding his figure. “The Age of Serenity.”

Twilight and Spike watched in awe as the light expanded, enveloping the crowd and them in its warm, motherly embrace. The headaches they’d sported since being awoken quickly vanished as the light danced around them; taking the form of a variety of ponies. Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Starlight. An overwhelming sense of peace washed over them, causing them to fall the floor. The light stopped in front of them, shifting into a large alicorn, her body bathed in the roaring fires of the sun. Her long, flowing mane draped over her back, embers drifting off of it with each passing second. She lowered her head, staring into Twilight’s eyes with a look of malice. Then, all at once, the light surged back towards Happy, disappearing with a powerful burst.

The crowd erupted into another round of wild cheering and applause. Hastily, Twilight scrambled to her hooves and retreated back, Spike by her side. “Did you see—”

“Yes,” Spike interrupted, shaking. “I’ll head home and—”

“Oh. My. Gosh!” Summer bolted over to the two, a wild look in her eyes. Her body shook wildly as eyes darted from Twilight to Spike repeatedly. It was like she was on the most intense sugar rush imaginable. “Aren’t Happy’s miracles, like, the absolute best things ever!?” she asked. “I saw all sorts of crazy things! Th-there was Celestia and she was on this stake and Happy had this really big pile of wood beneath her! Then he burned her!” Summer danced in place, letting out a high-pitched squeal. “It was awesome!”

Twilight bit her lip, her eyes roving to the the side. “Uh… yeah,” she said through her teeth. “Sounds fantastic.” She let out a nervous laugh. “Can you excuse us for a moment?”

Summer nodded, and the two walked away, stopping when they were out of earshot. “Go home and sent a letter to Celestia immediately,” Twilight said. “Ask her if she knows what sort of magic he’s using. I’ll hang out with Summer for the day and see if she knows anything.”

Spike gave a quick nod and ran off. With a sigh, Twilight returned to Summer. “Sorry,” she said. “He wasn’t feeling too well, so he went home.”

“Oh, it’s no big deal!” Summer said. “Our town doctor can see him if you’d like.”

Twilight shook her head. “It’s okay, he just ate a bit too much last night.”

“Ooh. I know how that is,” Summer said. “So, wanna go out for breakfast?”

“Sure!” Twilight beamed, hoping that Summer wouldn’t see through her forced smile. To her delight, she didn’t, and the two walked to a nearby restaurant. From the sides of the street, ponies gave their blessings to Twilight. Others were oblivious to her presence, instead talking to each other about what they’d seen. She could hear a few said they saw the execution of Celestia. Others said they saw their relatives begging to be let into the town. A shiver ran down her spine.

“Chilly?” Summer asked.

“A little,” Twilight replied.

“Ah, don't worry” Summer trotted up to the front door to the restaurant. “It'll be lots warmer in here!”

Twilight smiled and walked into the building. It had a quaint feel to it, in spite of its blase appearance. Once they'd been seated, they ordered pancakes.

“So, tell me,” Summer began, “what do you think of the town?”

“It’s… nice,” Twilight said, her eyes roving around, examining the bland, uninspired architecture that made up the vast majority of the town. “Where did he get the bits to build this place?”

“Happy came from a super rich family in what he calls the most vile place in all of Equestria,” Summer began. “Canterlot.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Canterlot? I was born there.”

Summer gasped. “You mean that you were born in Tartarus on Equus?” She glanced around, eventually leaning in and asking in a hush tone, “Is it true the damned walk the streets?”

“No?” Twilight scrunched her face. “Though there are a lot of ponies with dead looks in their eyes.”

Summer brought her head back and rubbed her chin. “I guess Happy was being metaphorical,” she said. “Anyways, his parents were aristocrats, but he never said what they did for work. Regardless, they were kinda close to Celestia.” She sighed. “Happy thinks that because they were so close to her that that’s what hastened their deaths. He said that the closer they got to her, the more they started to argue. Then, one day, he woke up and they were gone.”

A deafening silence fell between the two. After a bit, a waiter arrived with their pancakes. Once he’d left, Summer continued.

“It wasn’t long after that that he inherited their fortune,” she said. “He wasn't happy—” she giggled, and Twilight rolled her eyes. “He blamed Celestia for their disappearance. It drove him mad. He hired private investigator after private investigator to find them, but they all came up emptyhoofed.”

“Are they still missing?” Twilight asked, taking a bite of her pancakes. “I’ve never heard of his parents, whatever their names are.”

Summer shrugged. “He never told us.”

Twilight’s chewing slowed and her eyes narrowed. “And you just believe his claim that he comes from a rich family?”

Summer nodded her head rapidly. “Oh, yes! Every little thing he does is magic!” she replied. “Besides, I have no reason not to believe him! And, honestly, where else would he get the bits to build such a gorgeous town?”

Geez, her head bobs enough to be a fishing instrument! Twilight thought as she took a bite out of her pancakes. “Well, I, uh, can’t answer that,” she responded. “But tell me, how’d he end up here?”

Summer took a bite of her pancakes. “Well, after a few months, Happy grew really angry at Celestia. He believed that she wasn’t worthy of being the princess, and thought she was a false Goddess, but he knew he could do nothing about it. So he left Canterlot and gave all of his money to a pony he called ‘Stupid Rich’ or something. He told him to invest in something worth a damn.”

“Which he did,” Twilight said. “I think.”

Summer rolled her eyes. “That’s good to know,” she said. “So, anyways, after he left Canterlot, he went to a bunch of places. He saw the Gryphon kingdom and said they were a bunch of Godless heathens and that they’ll all burn in the end. He also saw a town full of demons where they sell ponies into slavery!” A shiver ran up and down Summer’s spine. “But the place where he found his calling was this town in the middle of nowhere, where there was this mare who ruled over a few ponies. They all had these equal signs for cutie marks.”

Twilight choked on her pancakes, her eyes wide with horror. The blood in her veins froze as she caught her breath from coughing. “O-oh,” she said through her gasps.

“Yeah, that’s how I reacted too!” Summer replied. “The ponies there were super friendly to him, and the mayor talked to him about joining the town! Before he said yes though, he got the vision of Celestia’s mom. She warned him of the evils that were at work in the town, and he left before the mayor could do anything to him.” Summer took a bite out of her pancakes and continued. “I was in awe that the mother of a demon could be so benevolent! She saved Happy from such horrors!”

“He saw Celestia's mother?” Twilight tilted her head. “Okay…”

“I know, it's so cool!” Summer said. “He says that she told him to use his divine song to bring ponies together. So now, whenever anyone comes here, Happy plays him his song, and it makes everypony happy, no matter how sad or angry they may be!”

Twilight blinked. A myriad of thoughts ran through her mind about why the legendary Queen Solaris would visit a pony like Happy. Hallucination from dehydration, illness, or the work of an assassin from a co-worker who wanted to inherit whatever business Happy's father owned.

“Twilight, are you okay?” Summer nervously asked as her friend's gaze slowly bored its way into her soul.

Shaking her head, Twilight snapped out of her stupor. “Oh, yeah,” she said. “Sorry, just imagining how, uh, beautiful Happy's song must be!”

“Oh, if you want to experience it for yourself, just go visit Happy's office. I'm sure he’d be more than willing to play it for you!” Summer looked over at Twilight's plate and then back at her own. “For now, let's finish our breakfast! I’m starving.”

“Yeah, same,” Twilight replied as she dug into her breakfast.

Once breakfast was done and she’d parted ways with Summer, Twilight made her way over to Happy's office. To her delight, his schedule was clear.

“I appreciate you taking time to see me,” Twilight said as she and Happy walked to his office. “I know we didn't get to interact much when I first got here, so I've been aching to see you again.”

“Oh, the pleasure is all mine,” Happy replied. “I would have loved to have spoken to you more, but even a town as perfect as this one needs to be kept up-to-date with its utilities and what have you.” He stopped outside a door with a large keep out sign on it. “Such as this place!”

Twilight stopped and turned her head to the door “What's behind it?”

“That, my dear child, leads to the town mine!” Happy said. “It's what I call ‘Happy's Mine of Happiness’!”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “You aren't very good with names, are you?”

“Not exactly.” Happy sighed. “But, that's okay!” he beamed. “Because in this town, everything is happy!” Happy clapped his hooves together. “Even the corpses are happy!”

“What if the pony was evil and they go to Tartarus?” Twilight asked. “I doubt they'd be very happy then.”

“Dear child, nopony here goes, or will go, to Tartarus.” Happy placed a wing around Twilight. “For it is by my grace and blessings that all those here are absolved of their sins.” He looked at her and smiled. “You are in the presence of God.”

Twilight felt a wave of unease course through her. “I see.” She resumed her stride and the two arrived back in Happy's office a few moments later.

“So, Twilight, I heard from one of the angels that you were out and about with Summer yesterday seeing what the town had to offer.” Happy closed the door behind him and looked at Twilight with a large smile. “Tell me: what do you think of the town?”

“Oh, well, it's absolutely beautiful!” Twilight replied with a smile of her own. “It's one of the most delightful places I've ever been to in my life! Truly a marvelous town that I wish every pony could be a part of.”

A smirk etched itself onto Happy's face. He stood up and walked over to Twilight's side, patting her head with one of his wings. “Good to see that you're liking the place,” he said. “Now tell me: what brings you to my office?”

“Well, you see, I was talking to Summer after that speech you gave earlier and I asked about your past.” Twilight opened her mouth to continue, only for the words to get caught her throat as Happy's smile vanished and was replaced with a look of displeasure. “So I, uh, wanted to…”

“My past is none of your concern.” Happy raised a wing over his face, narrowing his eyes and casting a glare at Twilight. “It was pain. Always has been and always will be. It is all my cold, dead heart knows. I was destined to be the alicorn to succeed Celestia, but she stole the title from me.”

Twilight slowly blinked as an awkward silence fell between them. Eventually, Happy lowered his wing. “What? Not funny?”

Twilight gave a weak giggle. “It… it was funny,” she said. “A-anyways, I wanted to know about this ‘song’ of yours.”

“Oh, what a lovely question.” Happy trotted back to his desk and grabbed a piece of paper. “When the archangel visited me on that fateful day, she whispered to me the most beautiful song I have ever heard. It was something no mortal could ever write or compose.” With one of his wings, Happy turned Twilight's head and stared her in the eye. “It was divinely made.”

“Right.” Twilight stepped back and levitated the paper out of Happy's wing. “Lemme re—”

Happy scoffed and grabbed the paper back from Twilight. “It was made by divine beings,” he said. “And it was written by divine beings.” He laughed and walked back to his desk. “I don't expect someone who doesn't been blessed by the angels themselves to be capable of reading their language.”

“Their language!?” Twilight facehoofed. “Happy, that's just a bunch of squiggly lines!”

Happy spun around and shot a glare towards Twilight. “Hey! Just because you haven't had the opportunity I've had to learn the language of beings higher than the devils you've lived among doesn't mean that this is just a ‘bunch of squiggly lines’!”

Twilight snorted. “Fine, what does it say?”

Happy raised an eyebrow. “I beg your pardon?”

Twilight smirked. “What does it say, Happy?”

“Fine.” Happy extended you wings and cleared his throat. “By the power and grace of His eternal love, I bestow upon all His creations his will!”

A surge of light shot towards Twilight, enveloping her. For a brief moment, everything made sense. Then, as quickly as it began, it ended, and the room fell into silence once more

“Well?” Happy smirked. “What'd you think?”

Twilight looked around the room, immense confusion filling her. “That… that was it?”

Happy frowned. “What, you didn't like it?”

“It's just that I’d heard it was the most beautiful and amazing thing ever,” Twilight said. “And that was… well, disappointing.”

“Disappointing!?” Happy stormed up to Twilight and pressed his muzzle against hers, several harsh blasts of air exiting his nostrils. Quickly, though, he backed off, the look of wrath on his face slowly being replaced with a warm, welcoming smile. “I understand. It’s not for everyone.”

“Um…” Twilight shifted around and let out a nervous laugh. “Yeah, I’m sorry I didn’t enjoy it.”

“Oh, it’s perfectly alright,” Happy replied. “There’s another song that I’ve written however, but that one has to wait as Candy’s been busy. She plays the violin for that one, and it’s played along with this one whenever a new resident is fully brought into our town.”

Twilight cocked an eyebrow. “What’s she been busy with?”

“Well, when she heard that a new member would be arriving, she began planning this really big party,” Happy said. “I think it’ll be happening tomorrow if memory serves. So, perhaps after that, we can inaugurate you as Happy Town’s newest resident!”

“A party?” A smile formed on Twilight’s face. “Oh, how nice of you!”

“It’s nothing, Twilight.” Happy over to his office door and opened it. “Though you must excuse me. I need to go make sure everything’s going according to plan.”

Twilight nodded and walked over, only to be stopped as Happy extended a wing in front of her.

“Oh, and Twilight? I wouldn't tempt fate,” he said. “What will happen while you are here has already been written. There is nothing you can do to change that.” Withdrawing his wing, Happy walked in front of Twilight and exited his office.

“You couldn’t go one encounter without being a weirdo, could you?” Twilight muttered as she left the office, beginning the trek back to her new abode.

A short walk later, Twilight arrived back at home. She stumbled through the front door and flopped onto the couch. “Oh, sweet Celestia,” she groaned. “I’ve never wanted to drink more than I have now.”

“Twilight, you know better than anypony else that you hate drinking,” Spike said as he shut the front door. “So, how was your time with Summer?”

“Well, the good news is that the food here is actually pretty good!” Twilight sat up. “The bad news is I feel I know barely any more about Happy than when I woke up!” She sighed. “So, he comes from a rich family, his parents died, he blames Celestia, he went to Starlight’s town, and then bam—” Twilight threw her legs into the air— “he was visited by Celestia’s mother and made this town!”

“Learn anything about Happy’s music?”

“Yeah, he sang one of his songs and… it was really bad,” Twilight said. “He said there was another that Candy plays the violin for, but she’s going to hold a party for us.”

Spike scratched the back of his neck. “Okay… well, I sent my letter to Celestia when I got home.”


Spike frowned. “I haven’t gotten a response.”

Twilight facehoofed. “Did you send a letter asking her why she hadn’t responded?”

“I did that,” Spike replied. “I also sent a third asking why she hadn’t responded to that letter as you taught me to do.”

“Still nothing?”

Spike shook his head.

Twilight fell back onto the couch and covered her face with a pillow. “Is it too late to stage a coup d’état here?”

“Twilight, I thought I told you not to listen to Starlight’s ideas on how to solve political problems.” Spike walked over to couch and sat down in front of it. “Besides, Celestia’s looking into the issue and you’ve made friends with Summer. She seems nice enough.”

“Summer…” Twilight took the pillow off of her face and threw it onto the floor beside Spike. “Something about her rubs me the wrong way. She has the energy of Pinkie Pie, but acts like an even bigger child. It’s like she never aged past ten.”

Spike tilted his head up. “Still, at least you have someone here you can call a friend and talk to.”

Twilight narrowed her eyes. “Spike, I swear if I say one wrong thing, she’s going to knock me out and tie me to a stake.”

“At least you can say she was your friend?” Spike asked with a sheepish grin.

“I’m sure she’d do the same to you,” Twilight deadpanned.

Spike lowered his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Look, I know you want to do something, but I really don’t think you should,” he said. “Maybe that meetup at the park tonight will help ease your nerves.”

Twilight inhaled deeply. “Yeah… yeah, you’re right.”

Spike stood up and puffed his chest out. “Now, why don’t you go take a nap or something?” He took a step back as Twilight sat up and and got off the couch. “I’ll wake you up a little before nightfall so you can get ready.”

“Alright,” Twilight said. “Just be sure to wake me up if Celestia sends a letter, okay?”

Spike saluted Twilight, who giggled at the sight. “Understood,” he said in a vain attempt at sounding like a royal guardspony.

“Alright, my faithful guardian,” Twilight said as she made her way upstairs, a smirk on her face. She entered her bedroom and flopped onto her bed, staring at the wall for a few seconds. With a heavy sigh, she shut her eyes and, before she knew it, the world around went black, and the sweet release of sleep overtook her.

“Twilight, wake up.”

Twilight peacefully snored and rolled over onto her side.

Spike rolled his eyes. “Twilight!”

Twilight’s eyes cracked open as Spike shook her, slowly increasing in intensity. She groaned and swatted a hoof around. “W-what is… what is it?”

“Summer’s downstairs and I’ve been in here trying to wake you up for five minutes,” Spike deadpanned. “We have that party to go to, remember?”

“Ugh…” With a yawn, Twilight sat up and looked around, her eyes adjusting to the dimly lit room she had come to call her bedroom. “W-what time is it, Spike?”

“Eight,” Spike replied. “You’ve been asleep almost all day.”

Twilight’s eyes widened. She sat up, only to be stopped by Spike, who glared daggers at her.

“Before you get up,” he began, “please: play nice with Summer.”

“You’re telling me this why?” Twilight asked.

“Because Summer was nervous you’d be upset that she wanted to bring you to the party,” Spike replied. “She thinks you may find her annoying.”

Twilight felt her heart sink. She raised a hoof, only to quickly lower it, and hung her head. “Oh…” She sighed, burying her face in her hooves. “I’m sorry, Spike. I’ve been so stressed since we got here that I didn’t realize how I’d been treating her.”

Spike walked over and patted Twilight on the back. “I’m not trying to make you feel bad,” he said. “I just want you to be nicer to Summer so she doesn’t feel like you hate her.”

“Yeah.. alright, I’ll make sure.” Twilight got out of bed. Making her way downstairs and stopping at the foot of the stairway, her eyes rested on Summer, whose coat shined with a radiance met only by the sun that hung in the sky. Her mane was curled and a few sunflowers had been placed in it. Before she could open her mouth to speak, Summer ran over to Twilight and wrapped her hooves around her.

“Yay! You’re up!” she said. “Don’t worry, Spike explained everything and I was prepared to wait the entire night if I had to!” She pointed to a large bag at the side of the couch. “I brought food, games, water, and even a tent so I wouldn’t have to use one of your spare bedrooms!” She released Twilight from the constricting hug and bounced in place. “C’mon, we don’t have much time before the meetup begins!”

“Summer, I just got up,” Twilight mumbled. “How long is it until—”

“Like, right now.” Summer blushed and sheepishly giggled. “Sorry, I just don’t wanna be late. It’s really not fun missing out getting to play your friends and I’d hate for you to miss out on this!”

Twilight sighed as Spike walked up to her side. “Alright, Let’s go.”

“Yay!” Summer ran over to the door and opened it. “Let’s not waste any ti—” Summer froze, stepping aside after a few nudges from Twilight and Spike. “Oh, so sorry.” She stepped aside and pointed a hoof to the sky. “I just wanted you to see this!”

Twilight and Spike both walked outside and turned to the sky to see a sight all too familiar to them: the sun slowly descending, and eventually disappearing, over the horizon. A few seconds later, the moon rose where its bright, flaming, celestial sibling once was, and shined its pale light down onto the world below.

“Isn’t it horrible?” Summer asked. “How Celestia uses the souls of those she’s executed to change day to night and night to day?”

“You don’t know the half of it.” Twilight cringed as Summer’s expectant gaze broke her down. She shifted around, pawing at the ground, until a sigh escaped her and she continued. “Celestia… um…” Twilight gulped. “She had us—”

“She holds public ceremonies each time day shifts to night,” Spike interjected, flashing a smile to Twilight, who glared back at him. “We were forced to attend them and it was the scariest thing ever.”

“Oh, how terrible!” Summer gasped. “Well, let’s not waste any time!”

Twilight and Spike watched in disbelief as Summer raced off, turning back once she was at the sidewalk and beckoning for them to follow.

“Here I expected some holier-than-thou speech about how Celestia is a devil,” Twilight mused. “And for the record: I didn’t need your help.”

“Sure you didn’t,” Spike replied sardonically.

“I did not!”


Twilight groaned as she and Spike reached Summer, who raced off down the street and began their journey to the park.

A very quiet journey.

A heavy silence fell over Twilight. Occasionally, she turned her eyes towards Summer to see her stare blankly ahead; seldom blinking and her breathing uncharacteristically steady. She inched closer to Spike, using her magic to pull him closer to her side.

“Is something wrong?” Summer asked, her gaze shifting.

“Oh, uh, no,” Twilight stammered. “Nothing’s wrong, just making sure Spike’s close to me.”

Summer shook her head and giggled as Twilight and Spike both stopped dead in their tracks. “Okie dokie!” she said. “Just wanted to make sure!”

“Yeah…” Twilight levitated Spike onto her back and resumed her stride. “So…” She cleared her throat. “What was your coltfriend like, Summer?”

“You really want to know?” Summer’s face lit up as she saw Twilight nod, a forced smile on her face. “Well…”

The sun as had set over the town of Appleloosa, the sweltering summer heat being replaced with the frigid night air of the desert. The sky above was lit up by the glow of a full moon; surrounded by hundreds of small, shining stars. Down below, seated near the edge of a cliff, two ponies gazed up at the heavens, their eyes glistening with awe.

“Ooh, what a pretty sight!” Summer wrapped her hooves around Green Horn, pulling him as close to her as possible. “You always show me the best things!”

Green Horn wrapped his hooves around Summer, a smile on his face. “How many times must I tell you?” he asked softly. “I only do what I think is best for you.”

Summer let out a soft giggle and broke the embrace, her eyes shimmering in the moonlight. “But why?” she asked. “You know how everypony in town thinks I’m annoying and a big burden.” She sighed, hanging her head in shame. “Nopony likes me and it’s not fair. I just try to be a good pony and I mess so much up.”

Green lifted Summer’s head up, smiling. “But you are a good pony,” he said. “The others in town don’t know what they’re talking about, and don’t know who they’re pushing aside because they judge without getting to know you.”

“T-they all say that stuff to me though,” Summer turned her head away, shutting her eyes and sniffling. “All of them!! All of the fillies at school did and they all do now!”

“But they aren’t—”

Summer spun around, tears streaming down her face. “How do I know you aren’t just saying that?”

“Because I’ve told you countless times that I love you,” Green said. “You know this. You can’t possibly think I’m lying.”

Summer pressed her muzzle up against Green’s and narrowed her bloodshot eyes. “Why should you be any different than everypony else I’ve known?”

“Because I’ve been with you for three years,” Green replied. “I’ve done everything I can to make you the happiest mare alive and I’ve stood by your side through every trial and tribulation you’ve faced. You can’t possibly think that I’ve faked everything I’ve done for you and every ounce of love I have for you.”

“Y-yes, I do!” Summer turned around and galloped off, racing down the cliff and running through the empty streets of Appleloosa until she arrived home. She barged through the door and ran upstairs, burying her face into her pillow. She let out several weak, barely audible cries, until she felt a hoof touch her back.


Summer lifted her head up, revealing a large tear stain on her pillow. “Why are you here, Green?”

Green rolled his eyes and fell to his haunches. “Summer, you do this every month or so, and it’s frustrating. You always doubt that I love you and you always doubt that anyone will ever be your friend.” He grabbed a hold of one of Summer’s hooves and looked at her pleadingly. “What will it take for you to stop thinking that I don’t love you, or that I’m going to run off with some other mare?”

“I…” Summer rolled onto her back and stared up at her ceiling, her breathing shaky and inconsistent. “I want to run away from this place and find a nicer home.”


Summer sat up and looked at Green, dumbfounded. “W-what?”

“I’ll do it,” Green said. “If it makes you happy, I’ll run away with you.”

“G-Green!” Summer stammered. “You can’t be serious!”

Green hopped up onto the bed and sat next to Summer. “Why? I don’t have anything of note here, and I doubt my parents will really care. Besides, they’re always telling me I need to get out of the house and make it on my own.”

“Y-yeah, but—”

Green put his hoof in Summer’s mouth, much to her annoyance. “Summer, it’s now or never.” He smirked and withdrew his hoof “So, which will it be?”

Summer remained still for several seconds before falling onto her back. She grabbed her pillow and placed it over her face, only to have it quickly yanked away by Green, who stared down at her, his smirk quickly being replaced by a look of concern. He lay next to her and ran a hoof up and down her face.

“S-stop,” Summer said, holding back tears. “I’m fine.”

“No, you aren’t,” Green deadpanned. “I only want—”

“I know.” Summer swiped Green’s hoof away and rubbed her eyes. “Look… if you’re serious about that offer—”

“I am.”

“Then… will you leave in the morning?” Summer’s face lit up like a fireworks show as she saw Green give a nod of approval. She sat up, a squeal of delight escaping her mouth. “Oh my gosh… I can’t believe it!”

“Neither can I,” Green pulled Summer back down onto the bed, chuckling. “Your mood sure changed fast.”

“Shut up,” Summer mumbled. “You do the same thing…”

“At least I don’t tell you to shut up.”

Summer bonked Green on his head. “You do so.”

“Hmph.” Green rustled Summer’s mane. “So, mind if I stay?”

Summer nodded repeatedly.

“Thank you.”

“Anything for you, dear,” Summer replied. “Now c’mon, let’s get some sleep. We have a big trip ahead of us!” With a giggle, she shut her eyes, snuggling against Green as the serene feeling of sleep slowly overtook her.

“It was at that moment that I knew I wanted to be with him forever,” Summer said. “So the next morning, we ran off and not long after, we found ourselves here.”

“How long ago was this?” Twilight asked.

“Nine years ago.” Summer let out a heavy sigh and stared at the ground. “He started to work with Happy eight years ago…” She perked her head up as she heard a few ponies say her name; the look of sadness being replaced with a look of pure, unbridled delight. “We’re here!”

Without hesitation, Summer darted off towards the park, leaving Twilight and Spike behind. The two looked at each other, exchanging looks of perplexion before heading towards the sound of joy, laughter, and chanting.