• Published 11th Jun 2018
  • 1,444 Views, 20 Comments

Cindershy : Cinderella AU - Crystal Aura

Cindershy was a young maiden whose parents had died & was staying with her step-mother & step-sisters & supported by her friend. A Ball is announced in her Kingdom, but she can't go. What will happen? Based on the fairytale bliss, Cinderella.

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Happily Ever After

Cindershy starts studying in the Royal School. Although there are a lot of things she has to master, she is doing well. Her teacher is Madame Sassy Saddles who is known to be well-versed in Royal Etiquette.

"Alright, Your Highness, today we'll review the waltzes. Your posture should be perfect! After all, the fiance of the Prince should be an epitome of grace!"

"Yes, I understand well, Madame Saddles. But which waltz should we be doing first?" Cindershy asks, ready to do the waltzes.

"First, the Valse a Trois Temps as it is the oldest. Then the Vienesse waltz & then The Guschwindwaltz." Madame Sassy replied.

"I am afraid, that I find the Valse a Trois Temps as a bit hard to master..." Cindershy confesses.

"Which is why we practice until you get it by heart." Madame Sassy replied, observing Cindershy do the waltzes.

While Cindershy had to learn the Royal Etiquette, the Prince had to approve a lot of documents. He had to do so while handling some matters regarding foreign relations.

"I am sorry to disturb you, Sire, but there's an urgent matter at hand." A nobleman interrupts the Prince.

Discord sighs & says " Let me guess : is it about the Countess of Liege & the Duke of Ardennes?"

"I am afraid so, Your Highness..." The nobleman bows before his Prince.

"Alright... I'll deal with it as soon as I am finished approving these documents." Discord says, shifting his focus towards his paperwork again.

Once in a while, when they finish their schedule for the day, they spend time with each other. They even sometimes kept surprises for their love.

"Walk slowly, Shy. There are a few steps here..." Discord says as he leads blindfolded Cindershy to her surprise.

"Okay, thank you Discord. But what is this surprise that requires me getting blindfolded?" Cindershy asks, smiling.

"It won't be a surprise if I told you, Princess. And I want this to be a little special." Discord says, grinning.

"Discord, anything you do for me is special. I had hoped that you would have turned down the fancy gestures..." Cindershy said, giggling.

"No guarantees, My Lady. You know I can't help it!" Discord says, blushing.

He leads her to the Royal Garden, where the candlelight dinner is waiting for them. He opens the blindfold from her eyes & Cindershy couldn't believe what she saw as this was one of the beautiful settings she had ever seen. Discord guides her to her seat & then sits on his own seat. After their dinner, they go towards a bench & spend their time, looking at the beautiful night sky.

"See that over there? If you imagine a square & three legs on two corners, you get a Pegasus!" Discord says, pointing towards a group of stars.

"Haha, I don't know about that. It still looks like a weird shaped bug to me!" Cindershy giggled.

"Pegasus would cry if it heard you say that, Lady!" Discord says, nudging Cindershy.

"Awwww, at least it is not as bad as Aries. It is just a line, Discord!" Cindershy says, still giggling.

"Haha, I know Princess. But each arrangement tells a story...." Discord blushes.

"Which is your favourite then?" Cindershy asks.

"I think I'll go with the Pegasus for now..." Discord replies, kissing Cindershy on the cheek.

Some days, when they are free, they bake cookies together. And Discord would always annoy Cindershy. They were carrying the baking supplies to the kitchen when Cindershy thought of sharing the part of her life which Discord didn't know of.

"I actually gave up going to the Ball. But then Twilight, my fairy godmother, appeared & asked me to bring few things so I could go to the Ball." Cindershy narrated.

"Wait, did you just say ' fairy godmother ' ?" Discord asks, surprised.

"Oh hehe, I guess I can't hide that fact anymore now. I know it's hard to believe..." Cindershy says, laughing nervously.

"No! I was going to say that I had one too! Fairy Godfather though." Discord clarifies.

"Oh wow! What did you wish for? Oh Wait, then Draconequus is..." Cindershy gasps, as she puts the pieces together.

"Exactly! Flash, that's his name, was the reason why I had my own disguise & could escape the Palace every night." Discord says.

"This is so unbelievable! What were the chances that we both had fairy godparents!" Cindershy said, going closer to Discord.

They start baking. Discord gets to mix the batter while Cindershy is busy in doing something else.

"Does my Princess require the services of her handsome Prince?" Discord asks cheekily.

"Oh No, you don't! This little Draconequus has to finish the cookie batter first!" Cindershy says, patting on Discord's nose playfully.

"But you could get hurt. Unless you want me to kiss you better. Oh, my Princess is so sly..." Discord winks.

"Haha, I can't believe half the things that go through your silly mind. But don't worry, Your princess is quite strong!" Cindershy says pushing Discord towards the oven.

"I'm well aware of your strengths, Ladyshy. The knight is just doing his duty..." Discord says.

"And right now, he needs to finish mixing the batter, prepare the trays & preheat the ovens!" Cindershy says as she playfully pushes Discord away from her.

Discord & Cindershy are well aware about their best friends' relationship with each other. Cheese & Pinkie also know about what the King said about their friends' love for each other. Recently, Cheese had proposed to Pinkie to which Pinkie said yes. Pinkie & Cheese had decided, they will marry the day Discord & Cindershy are to marry. This led to Discord & Cindershy offering their services in any way they could.

"DISCORD! WHAT! THIS IS! Don't tell me you paid almost HALF of the wedding expenses?!" Cheese said, reading a parchment that Discord gave him.

"I hope you don't mind, Cheese. It's the least I could do. You've always been there for me." Discord says, trying to calm his friend.

"I -- I -- BUT! OH MY GOSH! Okay, I know I was complaining but you didn't have to do any of this!" Cheese said, still in shock.

"Really, it's no big deal. You're my best friend!" Discord said, patting Cheese on the back.

"I could cry right now. Would it be weird if I hugged you right now?" Cheese said as he hugged Discord. Discord returned the hug & he felt happy, doing something for his friend to repay him for all the time he had been there for him.

Meanwhile, Cindershy was busy with Pinkie, deciding on wedding dress for her.

"Okay then, how about this? I think the colour is nice & the fabric is not thick so it wouldn't be heavy!" Cindershy says, showing a piece of fabric to her friend.

"It is a very nice piece of cloth, Shy. But I'm just not sure that my family will be able to afford something like this..." Pinkie said, smiling a bit.

"Whoever said that they're paying? I am not going to let my best friend pay for a dress I'm making for her wedding day!" Cindershy said, clarifying her point.

"Cindershy!!! For the last time, we are not letting you do it for free!" Pinkie replied.

"I'm not, even this can't repay for all the time you've been with me..." Cindershy says, holding Pinkie's hands.

"Oh Shy, what did I do to get the sweetest friend in the world?" Pinkie said as she held Cindershy's hands.

"I would like to ask the same!" Cindershy said as they started hugging each other tightly.

Almost at the end of Cindershy's year of studying the Royal Etiquette, Discord came towards her, knelt on one leg, opened a box which had a diamond ring which belonged to his mother & said "Cindershy, my Princess & my Lady, would you honour this humble Prince to be your husband, to love & serve you with every fibre of his being for the rest of his life?"

Cindershy, looking at Discord lovingly, said "YES!" Discord stood up, took Cindershy's hand & put the ring on her finger. He then carried her lovingly as she said "YES! A thousand times yes! Discord, my Prince & my silly knight, this simple maiden wishes nothing more to than to always bring you the happiness you deserve as your wife for the rest of our days!"

They had a great celebration on their wedding day & somewhere in between the crowd of people were their Fairy Godparents, showering their blessings on them. As they ruled, they were known to be the kindest & justful rulers. Cindershy continued to look out at life, not at what it is, but what it could be. And also sometimes, with a little magic!

The End!

Author's Note:

Hey Everypony!

I finally completed the final chapter of this lovely first story of mine. I'm thinking of doing a bonus chapter, but that depends on you all. According to the majority of people, I'll decide on that(or if I really want to do so!:raritywink:). I would love to know what you think about this story in the comments below & I'll be back with a new story next time! Until then, goodbye to all!

Thank you for reading!

~Crystal Aura