• Published 9th Jun 2018
  • 1,640 Views, 8 Comments

Chicken Wings - Bronyxy

Friends don’t have to be the same, they just have to be there for one another. Scootaloo makes a friend with somepony she had never considered before.

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Chicken Wings

“Are you sure about this, Rainbow Dash?” asked the orange filly apprehensively “We’re a very long way up …”
“Come on Squirt” replied the ever-popular Wonderbolts pin-up jokily “You’re a pegasus, right?”

Scootaloo peered uncertainly over the edge of the small cloud they were resting on down at Ponyville below. She was so high up that she couldn’t see individual ponies, and could barely even make out specific houses, the town appearing as little more than a brown splodge surrounded by a broad sea of green. She looked uncertainly back at Rainbow and fluttered her small wings tentatively in reply, feeling totally overwhelmed by the enormity of the panorama unfolded beneath her.

“Aw, come on” continued Rainbow “You’ve got the coolest friends right, but you’ve got two things they haven’t got and that’s flying and me to teach you. Sure, it’ll take a bit of practice, but you’ll get it in time. I mean, I taught Twilight when she got her wings and look at her now! You’re gonna make yourself proud, make me proud and make them all proud too!”
Although Rainbow’s enthusiasm was infectious, Scootaloo felt her little chicken wings and seriously wondered whether they would ever be strong enough to keep her in the air.

“It’s really great having you to help me” said the orange filly “You sure are the best honorary sister any filly could have, but I just don’t know if I’m ready to do it today.”

Rainbow could see that her protégé was nervous and tried a different tack.

“Hey, Squirt, one thing Twilight taught me is that no matter how cool you are, you are always stronger with your friends. So, you know I’m your friend, right?”
Scootaloo nodded, her big eyes looking less scared and more trusting.
“Look, when I was a filly I made a really special pegasus friend who helped me when I felt I couldn’t succeed either and made me the awesome flyer I am today.”
“Wow!” exclaimed Scootaloo “Who was it – Spitfire, Soarin, Blaze, Fire Streak …?”
“Nope” interrupted Rainbow before Scootaloo could roll off the names of every Wonderbolt past and present “Somepony much more special than any of them.”

The filly’s eyes went wide with anticipation for the name of some heroic speedster whom she hadn’t heard of before.
“My best friend, Fluttershy.”
“What?” Scootaloo gaped “The same Fluttershy who lives in Fluttershy’s Cottage and looks after injured animals?”
“The same, and don’t you go dissin’ her neither” added Rainbow sternly.

“But she’s so … well, slow …” the filly tailed off, suddenly feeling rather embarrassed.
“Back in Cloudsdale, even before we could fly, we were best friends” she explained “There were some bullies, and we kinda looked out for each other. If I hadn’t had the support of knowing she was always there for me, I probably wouldn’t have ever been able to turn into this awesome flyer you see now.”
Scootaloo stared on wide-eyed as Rainbow continued “In fact, she’s got more about her than any other pegasus I know. So she doesn’t like to fly fast, but she still flies when she has to help her animal friends if they’re in trouble and that makes her pretty awesome in my book.”

“I’m sorry” said Scootaloo apologetically “I guess I took her at face value and just didn’t appreciate her hidden talents.”
“Yeah, well all you've got to do is look and you'll see they’re not really hidden at all. It doesn’t say anywhere you have to be fast to be the Bearer of the Element of Kindness.”
“No, I guess not” said the filly drawing awkward circles with one of her forehooves.

“Now, me on the other hand” said Rainbow in a much louder and brasher voice “You can’t mistake my talents, and I’m gonna make you fly!”
“Let’s do this thing!” called Scootaloo, tipping herself off the cloud with a loud cheer and flapping her wings as if her life depended on it.

Rainbow Dash flew serenely down by her side, passing on tips for technique while the filly’s wings disappeared in a frantic orange blur. The near-vertical plummet continued with little to no evidence of anything that could be even optimistically termed as ‘flight’ as Scootaloo’s expression changed from extreme concentration through to self-doubt before finally reaching panic. Even Rainbow’s confidence in her protégé’s ability was starting to sound strained until eventually she closed in and plucked her from the air just before she reached the ground.

The two pegasi sat on the grass and the orange filly thought she caught a flash of disappointment in her teacher’s eyes, but it was quickly hidden. Even if she had imagined it, she felt she had earned such disapproval for not being able to fly even with Rainbow’s expert tuition. She felt a complete failure and her bottom lip trembled as her eyes started to sting with the first unspilled tears.

Rainbow moved closer and draped a cyan wing around her, offering a stream of platitudes and apologies for misjudging her readiness and telling her not to worry. Scootaloo just buried her muzzle into the comforting cyan body fur and prayed she would never have to face the world ever again.

“Oh my …” said a concerned voice drawing closer “Rainbow Dash, are you alright?”
A demure primrose pegasus was carrying saddlebags laden with supplies from the market for her woodland critters and happened to have taken this route home.
“Yeah, ‘Shy” replied Rainbow, before changing her response to a more truthful “Well, no actually.”
“Oh dear, what’s wrong?”
“Scoots here has been practising her flying really hard and I thought she was ready to fly …”
“But she wasn’t?”
“Yeah” admitted Rainbow “I fouled up.”

“Hello, Scootaloo. It’s me, Fluttershy. I’m happy to talk to you if you want, and if you don’t that’s fine too.”
“Miss Fluttershy?” she asked tearfully between sobs.
“Yes. I do hope I’m not interrupting anything. I can go away if you would like.”

A tearstained orange face peeped out from under a protective cyan wing and looked up into Fluttershy’s caring blue eyes.
“I’m a failure” said the filly looking very sad “I can’t fly.”

“You know what I think?” asked Fluttershy “I think Rainbow Dash is so impressed with how hard you had been working that she thought you were ready, when possibly you’re still a teeny weeny bit not ready.”
Scootaloo sniffled but started to look a little happier as Rainbow leaned down and gave her a tender kiss.

“How would you like to come back with me and feed my animal friends?” asked Fluttershy.
“Yes please, Miss Fluttershy, I’d like that.”
“I’m sure Rainbow Dash will be there for you when you are ready to make your first flight and she will be able to train you to be the best flyer Equestria has ever seen …”
“Hey, second best, if you don’t mind!” interjected Rainbow cheekily.
“I don’t think she’s quite ready for that yet, Rainbow” said Fluttershy to her old friend and then turned to Scootaloo “But you’re welcome to come and see me anytime you like. We can feed the animals, look after them, and if you feel up to it we could talk about flying too, but only when you’re ready.”

“Rainbow Dash said you’re a very good friend” said Scootaloo “I think she’s right.”
“She’s the Bearer of the Element of Loyalty, and I can’t imagine anypony better to hold that honour” said Fluttershy “But I would be happy to be your friend too.”
Scootaloo stepped out from under Rainbow’s wing and gave Fluttershy a hug, then turned back to her honorary sister and favourite Wonderbolt to give her a wave.
"See ya, Squirt” said Rainbow waving goodbye.
“See you, Rainbow” said Scootaloo “Thanks for having faith in me, even when I don’t.”
“You’re a good kid, sorry I pushed you too hard. I love you.”

“I love you too, Rainbow Dash, but I think I just need to slow down for a bit” she said, then turned to Fluttershy, “Friends?”

“Friends” said the primrose pegasus as they walked off happily together.

Comments ( 8 )

So I take it this is a world where Scootaloo never interacted with Fluttershy before?

While Scootaloo has always been close to the Mane 6, she gravitates almost exclusively towards Rainbow Dash whom she idolises. Of course she has interacted with all of the Mane 6, especially the CMCs older sisters, but other than for foalsitting in S1 E17 'Stare Master' she hasn't really been sufficiently close to Fluttershy for them to find out about each other.
What I was hoping to draw out in this short story is that sometimes the values that make good friends can remain hidden by not taking time getting to know each other, and in this case they each made a friend. Happy ending 😊

Very few slices of life bring Fluttershy and Scootaloo together, and do a good job of it.

I'm adding this fic to my special list.
Very good one-shot.

Thank you for your kind words and for adding it to your favorites!
I really enjoyed writing this short story and am so pleased you like it too.


What episode is the cover art from?

It's not an episode but a collage of separate images.

All these fics where Scootaloo can't fly and she ends up seeking help from Rainbow and/or Twilight...I'm glad to see a fic where she went to RIGHT person for once. If anyone can understand flight problems, it's Flutters. She was a terrible flyer and understands what it's like to get made fun of for flying.

Thanks - I'm glad you like the twist.
Rainbow's a great flier, but she can be just a little bit too pushy. Like you say, Fluttershy's a much more empathetic teacher because she's had to overcome adversity herself.

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