• Published 9th Jun 2018
  • 1,895 Views, 47 Comments

Heaven’s Not Too Far Away - Godslittleprincess

Sometimes, bad things happen to good people. A good friend can't make those bad things go away, but it can make dealing with them easier. Written for FlashLight Week 2018.

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Chapter 7: I Gave You Life Now You Gotta Watch It Leave My Eyes

Author's Note:

FlashLight Week Day 7. The prompt of the day is "Devotion." :raritycry::raritycry: I DID NOT want to title a chapter after this line of the song. I really didn't. :raritycry: I had to because it was the best line that encompassed both the chapter and the prompt of the day. I'm kind of upset with myself for putting Flash through this. :raritycry: You know, the chapter title is super fitting. It's the saddest line in the song that inspired this story, and this is the saddest chapter of the fic. :raritycry:


“We’ve discussed this,” Aunt Flare firmly intoned. “Your mom doesn’t want you missing school just because she’s in the hospital. You and your brother are going to school. End of discussion.”

It was Sunday night, and Flare Burst and her two nephews had just gotten home from taking her sister to the hospital.
Earlier that evening, Lantern Heart had passed out while Flash was walking her from the living room to her room. The whole family had rushed her to the hospital. The doctors were able to get her stable, but they told the family that Lantern might not last the week. Birdie had chosen to stay at the hospital with her while Flare took the boys home.

“But Mom can go any minute, and we’ve only got one chance to say goodbye to her. We can make up school any time.
Besides, it’s the last week. All we’re doing is reviewing,” Base argued.

“One, your brother has exams this week. Two, I’m not legally allowed to let you miss an entire week of school. Three, if you don’t go to bed right now, I’m going to start making you do push-ups. Now, go to bed,” Aunt Flare ordered. The look that she was giving her youngest nephew told him not to cross her unless he had a death wish.

“AUGH!” he screamed as he ran up to his room and slammed the door.

Flare seethed as she pinched the bridge of her nose before turning to Flash. Flash had just been standing there watching the whole argument, and although he wasn’t as vocal about it, he didn’t want to school this week either. However, he also didn’t want to get into a shouting match with his aunt or do push-ups until his arms fell off.

“Well, good night, Aunt Flare,” he simply said as he headed towards the stairs.

“Flash,” his aunt called, causing the teen to stop and turn. “I’m going to talk with your principals tomorrow and see if we can get some kind of system set up. I’m not making any promises, but I will do everything that I can to make sure that you two get to say goodbye to your mother. Okay?”

“Okay,” Flash said before turning to continue his trip up the stairs. “Good night.”

“Good night.” As soon as Flash entered his room and shut his door, Flare went into the living room and collapsed on the couch.

The next day, to First Base’s ire, the boys went to school as usual. As Flare promised, she had talked to Principal Celestia and Principal Ironsides about their current family situation and worked out a system for getting the boys out of school as quickly as possible should the need arise. Fortunately, that system didn’t need to be used on that day.

Since Flash had two exams that morning, he tried not to worry about his mother, knowing that she wouldn’t want him failing his exams over her. Miraculously, he survived his first exam, but as soon as the exam was over, he rushed out of the classroom and vomited his breakfast inside the nearest trash can. This did not go unnoticed.

“Flash!” Derpy cried, “Are you okay?”

“Physically or emotionally?” Flash managed to say as his legs continued to shake.

“Umm, both, I guess,” the wall-eyed girl answered, visibly concerned for her friend.

“Physically, I think so. Emotionally, I honestly don’t know, but I definitely don’t feel good.”

“Do you need to see the nurse or Vice Principal Luna?”

“No, no,” Flash insisted. “I can make it. At least, I sure hope I can.”

“Whoa! Flash, are you okay?” Pinkie Pie cried, running up to him. “When I saw you leave class earlier, you looked like you were going to throw up. So, I followed you, and you did. Juice box?”

Flash just stared at the juice box that Pinkie Pie held out to him, attempting to comprehend what she had just said before shaking his head. Pinkie shrugged and placed the juice box back in her hair.

“Oh dear, what happened here?” Fluttershy exclaimed as she and Twilight got out of a nearby classroom.

“I threw up,” Flash said plainly.

“Oh my! Are you alright?”

“I feel like I should know the answer to that, but I don’t.”

Twilight placed the back of one hand on Flash’s forehead, causing him to blush, and the back of her other hand on her forehead.

“You’re a little red, but you don’t seem to be running a fever,” she said before lowering her hands and placing two fingers on Flash’s wrist. Her eyes widened as she felt Flash’s pulse. “Why is your heart beating so fast?”

“He told me earlier that he didn’t feel good emotionally,” explained Derpy.

“Gee, I didn’t think the test was that hard,” said Pinkie.

“Pinkie, I don’t think—,” Twilight stopped talking and gasped. She looked into Flash’s eyes and asked him, “Did something happen to your mom?”

Flash closed his eyes and nodded.

“Oh no, is your mother okay?” Fluttershy asked putting a hand on Flash’s shoulder.

Flash seethed as he answered, “She’s in the hospital, she could die any minute, and I’m stuck in school because I have two tests this morning. HOW ARE EITHER OF US SUPPOSED TO BE OKAY?!”

“Eep!” Fluttershy squealed as she hid behind Pinkie Pie.

Flash opened his eyes and gasped, realizing that he had been shouting and who he had just shouted at. “Oh my gosh.
Fluttershy, I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry.”

“Oh, umm, don’t worry about it,” Fluttershy squeaked, still shaking. She took a few deep breaths to calm herself down before talking to Flash again. “What you’re going through sounds just awful.”

“It is,” Flash numbly agreed. “It really is.”

Twilight glanced at her backpack, pursing her lips in thought.

“Flash, give me your backpack,” she said to the guitar player, taking her own off and setting it on the floor.

“Why?” Flash asked, also removing and setting down his backpack.

“Just zip it open, alright?”

Though confused, Flash did what he was told as Twilight also unzipped hers. A certain purple puppy’s head popped out of Twilight’s backpack.

“Spike, I’m going to need you to go with Flash for the rest of the day, okay?” Twilight bent down and whispered to her dog.

“What?” Spike cried, burying himself deeper into his human’s backpack. “No. Not okay.”

“It’s just until school’s over. I might even pick you up at lunch if Flash is feeling better by then. Pleeeeeaaaasssssse.”

Spike peeked his head out of the backpack and looked from Twilight to Flash. He sniffed the air. It was thick with the scent of worry, which was surrounded Flash like one of those stink clouds from those old cartoons. He sighed in resignation and jumped from Twilight’s backpack into Flash’s.

Twilight looked up at Flash as she zipped her backpack closed. “Just give him a scratch behind the ears if you start getting stressed out again. I know it’s only a temporary solution, but hopefully, it’ll be enough to get you through school."

Flash picked up his backpack and looked inside it. The first thing that he saw was Spike looking up at him with the same big eyes Banana had given him last Friday. He smiled as he reached in and scratched Spike behind the ears.

“Thanks,” he said to Twilight, giving her the first genuine smile that he had all day.

“You want us to come with you to the hospital?” Derpy asked.

“It’d be nice, but Mom’s only allowed two non-family visitors,” Flash replied, “and if my brother’s handling this day as badly as I am, he’s going to be bringing Button Mash with him.”

“Gee, that means only one of us can go,” Pinkie noted. “Oh, well, I won’t be able to go anyway. I’m baby-sitting the Cake twins.”

“I have to take Angel Bunny to the—,” Fluttershy clamped her hands over her mouth as she glanced at her backpack before continuing, “V-E-T, so I won’t be able to go either.”

Twilight and Derpy both shared a look before turning to look at Flash. Then, Derpy’s mismatched eyes widened as a light bulb went off in her head.

“Twilight, why don’t you go?” she said to the bespectacled girl.

“Me?” Twilight replied.

“Yeah, I needed a little more time to study for tomorrow’s exams anyway. Besides, I’m sure Flash’s mom would be glad to see you.”

“Well, it would be nice to see her before the worst happens,” Twilight conceded. “Alright, I’ll go.”

Everybody was about to head off to their next class when Pinkie exclaimed, “Wait!” She rummaged through her hair before pulling out a teddy bear with dusky pink fur and a white belly. In the middle of the bear’s belly was a picture of a big heart and a little heart hugging. Pinkie handed the bear to Flash and said, “To keep your mom company while she’s at the hospital.”

“Thanks, Pinkie,” Flash said with a smile as he took the bear. “I’ll make sure that she gets it.”

At that moment, the warning bell rang.

“We’re going to be late,” Twilight cried, rushing away from the group. “See you after school, Flash.”

Flash zipped his backpack closed and rushed off too. Although he still worried about his mother, he felt significantly calmer than when the day first started.

That afternoon, Twilight met Flash as planned, and Flash drove them to the hospital to see his mother but not before picking up his younger brother from the middle school. As Flash predicted, Button Mash had volunteered to go to the hospital with First Base.

When the four of them arrived at the hospital, Lantern Heart was, thankfully, still alive and happy to see her kids. As Derpy predicted, she was also quite happy to see Twilight. Not only that, the rest of the family was happy to see her as well. In the time that they had known each other, Flash’s family had taken a shine to the nice girl and vice versa. As promised, Flash also gave his mother the bear that Pinkie Pie had given him that morning, which Lantern appreciated.

The next day at school, Flash was much less agitated than he was yesterday. Being able to spend time with his mother calmed him down significantly. Of course, he still wanted to make the most of whatever little time that he that he had left with her, so once again, he went straight to the hospital after school to see her, and once again, Twilight and his younger brother accompanied him. This time, Flash brought with him a basket that Applejack had given him, heavy with what the freckled farm girl had called condolence apples.

Flash, First Base, and Twilight were able to visit Lantern Heart at the hospital for one more day before the inevitable happened.

It happened just as fourth period was beginning to wind down. Flash had maybe five questions left on his exam when Principal Celestia’s voice came over the intercom.

“Flash Sentry, please head to the Canterlot General Hospital immediately. Your aunt just called.”

Flash jumped up and ran out the classroom so fast that he knocked his desk over, sending his test flying. He hadn’t even noticed that he had left the room without his backpack. Fortunately, he normally carried everything that he needed to drive in his pockets.

“Mr. Sentry, slow down!” Ms. Harshwhinny called after him, but he was already out of earshot. With a groan, the literature teacher picked up Flash’s test and righted his desk.

Twilight and Sunset looked up from their own exams and turned to look at each other. The two friends could see each other’s concern for Flash.

“Keep your eyes on your own papers,” Ms. Harshwhinny snapped at the two girls. Sunset and Twilight obeyed. Although the two of them were outwardly focused on finishing their test, internally, they were praying that Flash would make it to the hospital in time.

Outside the hospital entrance, Flare Burst paced as she waited for her nephews to arrive. It had been five minutes since she had called for them, and she was so strung out that she was ready to scream.

“Aunt Flare!” she heard. The call was followed by the sound of two sets of running footsteps. Flare turned around and released a breath that she didn’t even know she was holding, seeing her nephews run towards her.

“How’s Mom?” Flash breathlessly asked, both boys still running.

“Holding on, but we better hurry,” she replied, leading them to Lantern Heart’s room.

Meanwhile, inside Lantern’s room, Birdie sat next to her daughter holding her hand. Lantern Heart was barely keeping her eyes open, and her breathing was shaky and shallow despite all the effort she had put into it.

“Hang in there, Lighty,” Birdie whispered to her daughter. “They’ll be here any minute. Just hang in there.”

“Mom! Mom!” the boys cried as they ran into the room. Birdie let go of Lantern Heart’s hand as Flash grabbed on to it, falling to his knees as he skidded to a stop. First Base ran to the other side of the hospital bed, climbed on, and curled up next to her. The younger boy took his mother’s other hand and pressed it against his face as his tears began to run down.
Her hand was still warm.

“Mom, we’re here,” Flash said to his mother, choking on his tears. “We’re both here. Don’t try to say anything. Just stay with us for a little longer, okay?”

Despite how frail his mother had gotten, Flash could still feel her boney fingers squeezing his hand. First Base tried to say something to her as well, but all that could come out was sobbing.

“Oh, Mom,” Flash said, shutting his eyes as the tears flowed down his face. “We love you. We love you so much. We don’t want you to go.”

Those were the last words Lantern Heart would ever hear from either of her children.

On Saturday morning, a royal blue compact car parked itself in front of Flash’s house. Night Light stepped out from the driver’s side while the rest of his family got out of the car. Everyone was dressed in black, and Twilight was carrying a bouquet of white lilies.

Twilight led her family to Flash’s front door and rang the bell. The door opened to reveal Grandma Birdie also dressed in black.

“Umm, hi, Ms. Bird,” Twilight began. “My family’s here to pay our respects.” She held out the bouquet towards the older woman. “These are for you.”

Birdie gave Twilight a small smile and accepted the bouquet. “Oh, thank you, dear. Come on in.”

Twilight and her family entered the house and saw many other people inside, all in black. Button Mash’s and Micro Chips’s parents were present. Twilight didn’t recognize most of the other adults, but she assumed that they were also Ms. Heart’s friends. She recognized her classmates from CHS and saw some younger boys present, most likely First Base’s friends.

Of course, her own friends, the Rainbooms, were there. They were gathered around one corner of the dining table, half of them sitting and the other half standing.

“Hi, girls,” Twilight greeted, approaching them.

“Hi, Twilight,” Sunset greeted back as the group turned towards their arriving friend.

Twilight once again looked around the room and noticed that four people were missing, two of who definitely should have been present. “Where’s Flash and First Base?” she asked.

“Upstairs,” Applejack replied. “Micro Chips and some younger kid just went up to get them.”

“Oh, the poor dears,” the girl with purple waves for hair sniffled into a handkerchief. “All alone in a cold, cruel world without a mother’s love.” She loudly blew her nose into the handkerchief.

“Ugh, Rarity,” the prism-haired girl said. “Will you cut it out? You’re starting to make me want to cry.” As Rainbow Dash was speaking, a single tear slipped out of the corner of her left eye.

Meanwhile in the upstairs hallway, Flash and his brother sat next to each other against the wall. First Base had Banana on his lap and was hugging him tearfully. Their respective best friends sat across from them.

“So,” Micro Chips began. The nerdy teen couldn’t help but wish that he was someone else at this moment, someone who was better at understanding and dealing with feelings, someone better able to help Flash sort through his. “How are you guys doing?”

Flash gave him a hollow smile and answered, “We’re dealing.” Flash sighed as he looked away. “Just dealing.”

“Umm, you know, a lot of your mom’s friends are down there. A lot of our friends too,” Micro haltingly continued. “They all came to see if you’re okay.”

“We know.”

“Aren’t you going to come down and see them?”

Flash shut his eyes as he touched his forehead to his knees before turning to and answering Micro Chips, “It’s not that we don’t appreciate that all these people care enough to come and pay their respects because we do. It’s just that—”

“You guys don’t want anyone seeing you cry,” Button Mash finished.

First Base nodded and then spoke, “Being around all those people and listening to them all tell us how much Mom loved us, how great of a mom she was, and how sorry they are that she’s gone.” He choked back a sob as he whimpered, “It’s going to make not crying even harder.”

Micro Chips hung his head as he sighed but then looked up and nodded in understanding. “You want us to go down and tell everyone that you guys just need a little time to yourselves right now?”

Flash nodded. “Remember to thank everyone for coming all the same.”

Micro and Button got up and walked down the stairs, leaving the two brothers alone with their dog. Banana whined as he butted Flash’s hand with his head. Flash sadly smiled at the dog as he lifted his hand and scratched Banana behind the ears.

Shortly after, footsteps could be heard coming up the stairs, followed by the sound of a feminine voice saying, “Hi.”

The boys turned and saw Twilight standing next to them in the hallway.

“Oh, hi,” Flash lifelessly replied.

“I, um, ran into Micro Chips and Button Mash on the way up here. They said that you didn’t want to see anyone.”

“You obviously didn’t listen,” Base spat at her. If Flash wasn’t feeling so heavy inside, he would have poked his brother for being rude.

Twilight sat down next to Flash and took his hand in both of hers, rubbing small circles into the back of his hand. She had wanted to say something comforting, but none of the words in her head seemed to match the pain Flash and Base were feeling. Twilight glanced through the hallway and noticed that one of the bedroom doors had been left partially ajar. From where she was sitting, she could just barely make out a blue-black ceiling with painted stars.

“Flash?” Twilight asked getting the boy’s attention. “Do you remember that time our families ran into each other at Stardust Point?”

“Yeah,” Flash answered. “Why?”

Twilight let go of Flash’s hand as she pulled out her phone. She held her free hand out to the boys and said, “I’m going to need both your phones.”

Flash and First Base looked at each other, having an entire conversation with only their eyes.

“No way,” Base said.

“Go ahead and let her have it. I trust her,” said Flash.

Flash took out his phone and typed in his password before handing it to Twilight. First Base stared at his brother disbelievingly. Then, he looked Twilight in the eye with a distrusting frown. Finding no trace of deception in the girl’s eyes, Base begrudgingly unlocked and gave Twilight his phone.

“You better not look through our photos,” the younger boy muttered.

After a few minutes of working with the three phones in her possession, Twilight smiled and returned Flash and First Base’s phones. When the boys unlocked them, they saw that Twilight had replaced their wallpapers with an image of a night sky filled with the brightest of stars.

“This was the picture that I sent to your mom that night. She really loved it. Now, you can think of her whenever you look at your wallpapers,” Twilight explained.

Base set his phone on the floor and began sobbing uncontrollably. Flash also set his phone down and pulled his brother into a hug, allowing the younger boy to cry into his chest. Banana jumped out of First Base’s lap and scampered next to Twilight, tilting his head in confusion.

“Thinking about her,” First Base sobbed, “thinking about her hurts so much, but I don’t want to stop.”

“I know, Little Bro,” Flash replied, his voice breaking. Tears cascaded down his face and rained into his brother’s hair. “I know.”

As the brothers continued to cry, Twilight found herself feeling thoroughly overwhelmed. “Uh, I should go,” she said as she shakily stood up and went down the stairs. She had barely descended three steps when she collapsed into sitting position on the stairs and softly began to cry.

Banana followed her and crawled under her arm and onto her lap. He whined, causing the bespectacled girl to look down at him. The Boston terrier looked up at her with the big-eyed, droopy-eared expression he wore whenever he knew that someone he cared about was sad. Then, he whined again as he rubbed his head against her leg.

Twilight wrapped her arms around Banana and held him close to her as she continued to cry into his fur.